HP of all enemies near demon are halved. 136 Favourites. (1 enemy). Eliminates all enemies when the user is unconscious. Lasts 3 turns. Maybe just google this stuff in the future. Before you even start this fight, you’re gonna want a few things. Based on her motif being Alice in Wonderland, she is effectively protecting herself with illusions. Upon victory, Belial and Nebiros will appear and trap Alice's soul in a Staff of Death. Inflicts small Strike damage to an enemy. Fashion Designer She continues to amass a devoted young fanbase and invites the protagonists to an event she is hosting in Shibuya known as "Wonderland". Curse-type. Alice's Shadow stomping on the protagonist, Alice attacking her manager in the real world, Alice's Shadow in Shibuya Jail, before attacking the party, Shadow Alice boss form (Mad Rabbit Alice). Deal instant Dark kill to all enemies, 1 per turn, starting with lowest level. Alice appears as the strongest demon of the Ghost race, only available if the game is being played on a Game Boy Advance. She was added as part of the second wave of Abyss Tower bosses, where players were able to loot an upgrade plug-in allowing them to fuse a variant with greater fire resistance and her unique Die for Me! Despite her short body height, it is heavily implied that she is slightly older than Haru or Makoto. During battle Alice will wander the field casting Petra and Mudo while being supported by two Jubokko and two powered up Obariyon demons. Mad Rabbit Alice pounces her body on the floor. Alice will stop using the top five moves if her HP goes 50% or below and the cutscene event is triggered, using the bottom five moves instead. Ann and the protagonist confront her shortly after, having witnessed what happened, before Alice tries to use the EMMA app to "befriend" the two. Unlike the normal Alice, Dark Alice cannot be negotiated with. Before the interviewer could talk about the rumors of her having a crush, he was suddenly mesmerized as Alice subconsciously changed his heart to silence him. Any time a Magical Chest is opened during the full moon, there is a 1/128 chance that Alice will appear and ask for the gem contained within. The Soulless Army Bosses, Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. Alice warmly welcomes Ayato with a tea party. (Curse-type). She requires a special fusion of Nebiros and Belial. The culprit of this change of heart case is at first directed to the Phantom Thieves of Hearts, in which Zenkichi Hasegawa takes the advantage of this and uses it to blackmail them. The drastic personality change was a distortion that occurred when she used EMMA to artificially inflate her self-ego, causing her personality to become not very different from the people that bullied her before. (Nerve-type), Inflicts Bind ailment to 1-3 foes. Alice will be blocking the way, telling Masaki Kuzuha that the entrance to Loch Village is not there. She appears as an NPC in Suginami where she sets off the Foreign Country in the Woods series of quests, which end with a prolonged boss fight against a very powerful version of her. Normal Within the public, Alice has the image of a cute and charismatic idol that can mesmerize all of Shibuya thanks to her brilliant fashion design, and acts so in public. Light damage to one foe. During the fight, Alice comes accompanied with both Belial and Nebiros, along with several powered-up teams from the fights with the previous 2 bosses. Alice as she appears in the Sega CD version of, Animation of Alice's "mount" animation in. Alice appears as a Case File boss for the Chaos-Alignment exclusive "One Girl's Happiness" case. Persona 5 Strikers is a Japanese action role-playing game. The Obariyons will move to destroy Raidou or his demons if they are afflicted with the Stone status. Occupation Regardless of the answer, a battle will initiate. Persona 5 Strikers is a completely different take on the Persona formula.Instead of focusing on turn-based combat and life simulation, the game pulls from the Dynasty Warriors, as players will take on thousands of enemies at once with flashy combos and abilities. The protagonist needs several Personas with Agi and Garu attacks. The Phantom Thieves are back in action in Persona 5 Strikers and early on in the game, you will be tasked with finding information about Alice Hiiragi by taking to the streets of Shibuya and uncovering rumors about the young idol. Next magical attack inflicts 2.5x damage for user. High chance of instantly killing all foes. Persona 5 Strikers is an action-RPG set in the Shin Megami Tensei Persona universe and featuring one-against-many battle mechanics created by Omega Force. Genres : … When the protagonist confronts Alice, she asks whether the protagonist would "die for her" and join the citizens of Roppongi. is not passable to other Personas. The weird occurrences include: fervent fans of Alice forgetting to eat or drink and collapsing in fatigue, people who are not fans of Alice being fired, people going nearly bankrupt for buying Alice merchandise or requesting loaned money to buy them, as well as street fights against anti-Alice fans. Increases success rate of Darkness magic by 50%. Guide for Alice, a Death Arcana persona in Persona 5 / Persona 5 Royal. Hīragi ArisuMaddorabitto Arisu She appears as the strongest member of the Fiend race. skill, a death affinity skill with a high chance of instant death. and her very high Magic stat, Thanatos, the strongest Persona of the Death Arcana, usually does not cause Alice to become obsolete upon access. Combining Winged Flight with Evil Flow allows any team to easily reach her on their first turn, thus making it entirely possible to defeat Alice before any enemy team has a chance to even move. Her crown is a purple crown with a yellow, glowing heart on top of it; if this crown is taken off, all desires from her Jail will be freed. By Raaj Last updated Feb 23, 2021 Persona 5 Striker brings the gang back on the stage, with their weird friend they are all set to travel in the minds of people and battle through their alter-ego. The tone sent chills through Ryuji's blood, and the unfamiliar persona appeared just behind Akira in the usual swirl of chains and flame. Alice eventually recognizes the protagonist from the 705 and, upon him and Ann leaving, ponders why it is he isn't acting similarly to the other mesmerized people. From time to time, Alice will also use her Unearthly Form to allow Belial or Nebiros to move again right after her. Persona 5 Fusion Calculator Click here for the Royal version. Alice was a girl that died, but was resurrected as a ghost by the Red Count (Belial) and the Black Baron (Nebiros), both of whom Alice identifies as her "uncles." She appeared first in the All in the Hopeless Afternoon series of event quests where players met NPCs possessed by Belial and Nebiros who helped summon her. Alice herself sports a few dangerous attacks. Due to the overwhelming support of both theories, it is easy to assume both are valid and that she is a hybrid of both figures. Bye-bye! She tries to make friends with both of Jacks, but, in according with series tradition, asks them to die for her. Increase success rate of instant death by Curse skills. List of Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner Items, https://megamitensei.fandom.com/wiki/Alice_Hiiragi?oldid=406669. Ren Amamiya (Persona 5 Anime) The talk show was interrupted due to the abnormalities, and she exposes her true nature by smirking at the end of the scene. Boss Battle (Shibuya … Mad Rabbit Alice Alice is also the only Persona that can naturally learn the most powerful Darkness skill throughout the game, aptly named "Die for Me!" The girl will ask a person if they will be her friend, and if somebody agrees then she will kill them. Upon execution, soldiers of the Queen Of Hearts will appear from the sky with spears drawn and pointed to the ground, skewering every single target. High chance of instantly killing a wide range. Also, her signature move "Die for Me!" She might also do this subconsciously, as soon as anyone reminds her of her former crush. Shadow Self Alice appears both as a demon and as a Persona of the Lovers Arcana. Dark Alice (P2: EP) An even rarer and stronger form of Alice, known as "Dark Alice" can also be encountered in the last area of the Bomb Shelter. With the arrival of Persona 5 Strikers, a spin-off of Persona 5, fans were instantly fell in love with the Phantom thieves new adventures and quests. (30% chance) [Non-elemental]. Ann and the protagonist lurk by the hallway trying to investigate her. Deals almighty damage to a single target. Alice can be fused through a special fusion of Black Frost, Nadja, Hairy Jack and High Pixie. If anyone questions the strange occurrences, she snaps and attacks them with the same method as the bullies in her Trauma Room. SMT NINE Raidou must then speak to two girls by the Tamonten Shrine in Tsukudo-Cho. 56 or above. Alice is a demonoid (man-made demon) created by Dr. Hirasawa that escaped from Hirasawa's Lab along with a large number of Trump Soldiers. Like something out of a Black Mirror episode, the app provides creepy advice that is entirely too accurate. Temporarily increases a single ally's resistance to fire by 50%. You will need to find all Alice Hiiragi rumors in Persona 5 Strikers to fill up the rumor bar from 0% to 100%, to find all Alice Hiirage rumors you will need to search areas around Station Square, Central Street, and all … Let's go play Massacre! Temporarily decreases all nearby enemies close range and long range by 10. Initially looked down on by him, she evaded his attacks and damaged him to the point that he changes form by striking him with a Megidolaon. The first boss of Persona 5 Strikers is Mad Rabbit Alice, and she can prove to be a challenge early on, so here's a guide to defeating her. This attack most likely references. Reflects one magic attack that is targeted toward a character. Persona 5 Strikers When defeated, her Shadow acknowledges that nothing she did improved her view of herself, and she was wrong to follow the example of her bullies. Mad Rabbit Alice hits the closest target with her staff. Deals ice damage to a single target and inflicts freeze ailment (70%). The Soulless Army Demons, Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. King Abaddon Bosses, Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. King Abaddon Demons. For Persona 5 Royal on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs Q&A question titled "How to fuse Alice, The Ultimate Persona of Death Arcana? Instantly kill all enemies. She also has a unique voice set. Last but not least, have enough SP items, you can buy them from Sophie. has an even greater chance at succeeding than it already does. That both are valid seems to be the case though, since the, In 2017, Alice was voted as the second most popular demon in the. In reality, Alice is a depressed young woman that has incredibly low self-esteem with no friends at her former school Shujin Academy, with girls bullying her because a popular boy at school confessed to her. After her defeat, Kazumi decides to bring her body back to Dr. Hirasawa and leaves Ayato. Use Morgana and Ann in your party for the Alice boss fight. Alice is the first Persona to learn Mudo Boost. It was heavily implied that the bullies stomped on top of her and took videos of the abuse, and her crush was taken away from her as well. Deal high Almighty damage to all enemies. When her manager followed her and ask what is wrong, she stomped him on his chest and was verbally coercing him into submission so she can film it. The chosen character will die, giving the protagonist a quick way of gaining new Guardians. He also notes both he and Alice were nothing but memories doomed to forever wander, repeating the cycle of pain and death endlessly, until the protagonist defeated Alice and allowed both the Hare and Alice to move on. Then, I'll go with you! She has two psychedelic eye decors on her back as her buns and wears a pair of high heels. Furthermore, Alice's fusion prerequisite requires the protagonist to perform a cross-spread fusion in the Velvet Room using Pixie, Lilim, Narcissus and Nata Taishi. One example is Jack Frost and Raja Naga, or Raidou can fuse Nekomata with a Leanan Sidhe that has learned Mind Boost to pass it on to Alice in order to improve her Petra skill. This can be easily accomplished by fusing Decarabia and Oberon together to get a Nata-Taishi with the Megido skill, then use that Persona in the cross-spread fusion. After researching data, Ann and the protagonist go to the TV studio to attend a talk show. Deals magic affinity damage to a single target. Her paranoia is exemplified in how she views Ann Takamaki, who she immediately views as a popular bully similar to the ones who tormented her because Ann is a fashion model (when in reality Ann was a social outcast and completely lacked any aggressive impulses in school). First Appearance Deals ice damage to all enemies around user and inflicts freeze ailment (70%). (Enemy only), Inflicts Sleep ailment to 1-3 foes. View code on GitHub. Upon defeat, she will fade. Weak gun damage and 70% sleep to one foe. As she lies in defeat, she complains of feeling sleepy as she fades, and upon being summoned through fusion, reacts as if she were being jolted awake from a dream, sleepily asking for her Uncles Red and Black. The Lone Marebito Demons, Shin Megami Tensei: Liberation Dx2 Demons, Shin Megami Tensei: if... Hazama's Chapter, Shin Megami Tensei: 20XX Devil's Colosseum, Shin Megami Tensei: Synchronicity Prologue, Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. When Zenkichi gave Alice's phone for Futaba to crack, she found out that her version of EMMA was normal, but someone was monitoring it. Her Shadow is a dominatrix queen that simply exaggerates her negative traits to extreme levels, and shows a lustful side that enjoys making brave and famous men her servants. She also can be fought during 5th stage boss-rush section, but this time she has no dialogue. He must then check the public phone in Tsukudo-Cho near the shrine with Belial in the party. However, one day, she found a gorgeous dress, inspiring her to become a fashion model so she would become the light of other people and thus she decided to become a fashion designer. She is first seen when the protagonist, Morgana and Ryuji Sakamoto go to Shibuya and buy camping tools, where she was seen giving people cards to "wonderland" during an advertising campaign for her merchandise in the 705 department store. Alice is a famous model from Shibuya who hosts an event to invite people to her “wonderland.” In reality, Alice is the King of the Shibuya Jail, a dimension created using the powers of the Metaverse to enslave people of in the city. Light Psy damage to a wide range. Her Die for Me! Shin Megami Tensei By Xelandis Watch. A young girl possessing formidable magic powers, she is taken care of by her "uncles," the Red Count and the Black Baron, both of whom care for her deeply. Alice can be obtained as a special fusion involving the demons Poltergeist, Hairy Jack, High Pixie and Nadja. (Small radius). The Alice fight will be players’ first introduction to boss fights in Persona 5 Strikers. The Shin Megami Tensei Alice shares many physical similarities with the character, most notably the blue dress and the blonde hair. These can be people, party members, or storefronts; anyone with information on Alice and her fanbase. Before she went into fashion, she used to be highly introverted and was nothing like the Alice seen in-game. If anyone happens to get their desires taken by Alice, they will break up any relationships they had before and madly fall in love with her instead. The original Alice entered wonderland by dropping into a rabbit hole. Inflicts huge Nuclear damage to all enemies. Alice will eventually go down, with you being victorious, ready to tackle the following chapter that lies ahead. Megami Tensei Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Darkness: instant kill, all foes (very high). Alice Hiiragi User takes half damage for the rest of the turn. Persona 5 Strikers officially releases on February 23, 2021 for the PC, PS4 and the Nintendo Switch. Players eventually had to face off against her multiple times before finally coming to the conclusion of that storyline. (40% chance). It asks people to befriend her by inputting the keyword "Wonderland" in the EMMA app. In line with the two prior entries, "Die for Me!" Starting from changing the hearts of the lovers and friends of the bully who slandered her to become addicted to her instead, she starts changing the hearts of men in Shibuya so they become her lovers. Deals magic affinity damage to all enemies around user. Hit Alice with the Crackers then move in for extra combos during the "One More". The demon version of Alice is a rare encounter in the last area of the Bomb Shelter. 柊 アリス ひいらぎ アリスマッドラビット・アリス I'm Alice! One of Elizabeth's requests entails the protagonist to show her an Alice with the skill Megido. She can only be summoned by fusion, and the protagonist must defeat Sanctity before Alice can be fused. Monarch The Carma Ring can be obtained either by importing save data from Innocent Sin or returning a MAX Rank Junnosuke Kuroda. Survive one instant death attack with 1 HP remaining. Alice's keyword is public, ensuring she can change the hearts of as many people as possible. She wears a light blue and white striped ribbon, a lavender ace of spades card on her bangs, a capped bottle of turquoise liquid, a yellow striped ball and another one but turquoise and small on her left bun and a white teapot with lavender details, a turquoise striped ball and another one but in yellow and small on her right bun. Alice returns as a high level Persona of the Death Arcana. Alice is the first boss players will face in Persona 5 Strikers.This guide will show players how to defeat her. Darkness: very high chance of instant kill, all foes. Alice is supposedly a talented fashion model and idol who was know for her cute looks and a colorful, unique worldview in her merchandise. She is the only demon with the "Die for Me!" Her signature in-battle skill, "Die for Me!," will also inflict Almighty damage equal to 100% of each target's HP and MP, effectively killing them unless they have Anti-Almighty or Endure, or are protected by Hero's Mark or Hero's Proof. (All enemies), High chance of instant kill. User enters a counter stance, responding to the next. Because of her past trauma, Alice also does not talk about her school anywhere, and all mentions of her school vanished from the internet. spell, and using her D-Source is the only way to pass this skill down. Alice's Trait is Just Die, which reduces the cost of instant death skills to zero. Neutral Demons in Shin Megami Tensei IMAGINE, Neutral Demons in Giten Megami Tensei: Tokyo Mokushiroku, Giten Megami Tensei: Tokyo Mokushiroku Bosses, Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. Null: Poison/Panic/Sleep/Bind/Sick/Charm/Mute. Shadow Alice has an attack called "Feast your eyes" were she spins on a pole in the middle of the battlefield. Once the party reaches the Jail to confront Alice, Shadow Alice tells them about how she was bullied and her heart severed in the past before transforming into Mad Rabbit Alice to attack the party. King Repeated attacks to nearby enemy for light phys damage. Are you willing to die for me? If anyone tries to stop her afterwards, she will even physically attack them by stomping on them, humiliating them and taking pictures of the bullying. Originally, she posts the mission herself to ensure the capture of the "rabbit," upon which, in a reference to Carroll's Alice, the protagonist pursues the rabbit across several holes until cornered. SMT II In the original game, she's the only Fiend in the game to naturally possess the Unearthly Form Racial Skill. She was a former alumnae of Shujin Academy and knew Ann Takamaki prior to the events of the game, albeit only in magazines. High chance of inflicting Brainwash to a narrow range. Upgrade." The party only needs to defeat Alice to end the battle, but if Belial and Nebiros are both defeated before Alice, they will be revived after a few turns. On the next day, the party finds everybody in Shibuya mesmerized by her. A mind skill that inflicts sleep (85%) on a single target. It wasn't Pixie or Arsene; however, neither of these names is what Akira called.