Cons: Auto-loss to deck like Centiskorch VMAX, Blacephalon, Green’s Reshizard, and Charizard-Leon. The Best Pokémon TCG Decks for Players Cup The Pokémon TCG is headed online for this year's Players Cup. We're talking… I won’t call it inconsistent, but it can give you a hard time. Hoopa and Crobat V. This is the only deck in the game that absolutely needs four copies of Crobat V. This deck has been top-tier in the meta for over a year now. Source: Matxix9019, 1st Place - Hegster Season 3 #34. Once we’ve tested a sufficient number we’ll start to compile lists of the Top Rated Pokemon Tcg Theme Decks. To increase its predecessor’s sweeping abilities, this poison/grass type Pokemon has a high special attack with a nice speed stat to boot. But recently, a new version of the deck has started to take over & that is Poison … The Poison Deck (Japanese: どくどくデッキ) is a Theme Deck from Pokémon Trading Card Game for the Game Boy Color. You might not be able to pick up OHKOs with this strategy if you’re up against Tag Teams, but it is an easy 2HKO with a single prize attacker. “What is the best deck in the game?” is the most timeless question in any card game. Potential Techs: If you like this deck but don’t think it’s aggressive enough, then you can cut out the other support Pokemon and just run more ADP and a Zamazenta V for bulk and consistency. Cons: There isn’t really a backup plan if your Volcanion is knocked out before you can get your VMAX powered up. We will be continually updating this page as we launch new reviews. Attacking Pokemon: The Raichu from Cosmic Eclipse will be your main powerhouse in this deck. You can view your wishlist by creating or login account. You can pair any Type with this Pokemon, but “Welder Mewtwo” (Fire), “Blastoise Mewtwo” (Water), and Psychic Mewtwo are the most consistent variations. You can deck out your Switch Pokémon-style with these Hori accessories They’re available for preorder now on Amazon By Jay Peters @jaypeters Updated Oct 8, 2020, 11:43am EDT The whole idea of using Toxicroak to add extra damage is so that Eternatus VMAX can reach OHKOs a lot easier on certain Pokémon. On a serious note, the main advantage of this deck is how well ADP’s Steel Energy requirement goes with Zacian V. ADP is weak against Fairy Types, a type that was discontinued earlier this year. Some other builds of the Poison Eternatus deck use Crushing Hammers to help in Eternatus Mirror matchups and slow your opponent down more since you are also slow. Very, very tanky with Buff Padding and Stone Energy. Masters Division Champion—Mewtwo & … Spirited Away – Top 8 Spiritomb/Beasts, Reflections on Limitless Online Series and The Players Cup, and PTCGO Improvement Ideas. Then, shuffle your deck. Don't forget to check out the Senior and Junior Division decks, as well as the Masters, Senior, and Junior Division teams from the Pokémon Video Game Championship event. Pros: Very consistent, super-tanky, and hits hard. This can allow the Eternatus deck where you're usually attaching an energy to an Eternatus V/VMAX because you have to manually attach to Eternatus to attack the following turn, you are still applying a bit of pressure and damage onto the board! Main Pokemon: Mewtwo & Mew-GX and a bunch of sidekicks. On top of Eternatus VMAX’s 270 damage (assuming you have 8 Benched Pokemon, each giving him a +30 damage buff), the poison is the final nail in the coffin. In that case, this deck is pretty strong and can take out nearly everything in the active spot! Set: Deck Exclusives Type: Psychic Rarity: Rare Retreat cost: 1 [P] Nasty Plot Search your deck for up to 2 cards and put them into your hand. By continuing to use our site, you agree to our Privacy Policy. Sample Deck List. Pros: Crazy damage ceiling. This deck's biggest hurdle will always be decks that can deny you energy; many decks right now are running Crushing Hammer, which can really hurt & slow down your Eternatus VMAX since you don't have a good energy acceleration system. Dark City is a stadium card where it allows you to retreat your basic dark Pokémon for free! Here are the top 10 Standard decks in Pokemon TCG Online: Main Pokemon: Arceus Dialga & Palkia-GX and Zacian V. Pros: Yes. Main Pokemon: Centiskorch VMAX and Volcanion. We use Galarian Slowbro V to inflict Poison on our opponent & then we use Dark City or Switch to move the Slowbro V from the active spot! Due to the nature of Pokemon TCG Online, it is often hard to compare two decks that don’t have an obvious Type advantage against each other. #CallOfDuty #COD #videogames #gaming…, Baz is BACK with more #CallofDuty face-plants and noob tactics. Cons: Whimsicott discards Tool to deal damage, which makes it a bad option against stall decks that keep healing and never let you get the KO. Main Pokemon: Coalossal VMAX and Oranguru. Is Paimon actually the villain of Genshin Impact? Please create account through ##customer_email## email. We spend 77 hours on researching and comparing 29 of popular models to determine the Best Pokemon Tcg Online Theme Deck 2020 you can buy. You will also receive 2 metallic Coins, 2 deck boxes, and 2 single-player playmats. This Pokemon can be used as a sweeper, status inflicter, defensive support, and even a weather changer for strong power. It predominantly focuses on type Pokémon. A New Version Of Eternatus VMAX - Poison Eternatus! If set up correctly, your Raichu could be dealing 220 damage on turn two or three. Pros: 1-Prizer attacker that has Type-advantage against some of the most commonly encountered Pokemon in the game (Zacian V and LucMetal). With the main premise of the deck out of the way, let's take a look at some of the other moving parts. As if that wasn’t enough, you also take +1 Prize card every time you get a knockout. The latest Pokemon TCG expansion Darkness Ablaze introduces a new deck known as Mad Party. Any Pokémon from a previous series that has a -20 Resistance will continue to be treated that way—follow what’s written on the card. Little Dark FuryOct 30, 2020. We’re talking 100+ player tournaments, and not just the in-game Events. Mysterious Treasure can grab every Pokemon from the deck you may need excluding Toxicroak or Ditto Prism Star. While you do lose if your deck has no cards in it when you take your mandatory draw at the start of your turn, that usually is not a concern. © Copyright 2021, All Rights Reserved | NorthernArena, Top 10 Standard decks for Pokemon TCG Online in 2021, 9 new survival games to feel alive in 2021, 15 crazy buildings Valheim players have built for some reason, 8 great new games to play with kids in 2021, The Time Worn Spire best perks and review | Destiny 2, PikaRom deck guide (regular and Mewtwo variation), Zacian V / Lucario & Melmetal GX deck guide, The best way to use Parametric Transformer in Genshin Impact, Best SWGOH teams for each phase of Challenge Tier Rancor raid. Like other Theme Decks, Toxic Tricks includes damage counters, a gold custom coin ( Reshiram and Zekrom ), one two-player mat, a Scolipede deckbox, and a TCGO deck access code. SEASON TWOOOO LIVE!! For access to occasional offers and discounts, sign up here! Slide a few Poison Barbs on your Pokemon to make it so if they attack they still can't escape and your opponent will be begging for mercy.