Biden's pledges bring hope. Project HOPE is rated 3 out of 4 stars by Charity Navigator. Additionally, it’s nearly impossible to get an accurate picture of just how far the virus has spread — by the end of May, only a few thousand people had been tested out of a population of 28 million. The Humanitarian Alliance for Yemen launches a new medical mission today to provide emergency health care and education to vulnerable people in Hadhramout and Ma’rib Yemen… – Brandi Gomez. Together, the alliance will engage local Yemeni organizations to focus on the hardest-hit communities where malnutrition and disease are rampant. Easter 2021 – what will be different. Get the facts about this crisis and learn more about how you can help below. Project Hope is here to support you, your family, and friends. Together with the local community the process of planning, identifying the beneficiaries and food distribution took place. Your support helps send volunteers and provides health care professionals with medicines, supplies and training wherever the need is greatest. We serve patients in: Sonoma, Marin, Mendocino, and Lake County. }); While Yemen is home to the largest expanse of desert in the world, its varied geography ranges from coastal plains to towering mountain peaks. There is a desperate need for ongoing humanitarian support for Yemen. Photo: Flickr While both sides have said that they favor discussions that bring the war to an end, violence continues to flare, and so far there is no peaceful end to the conflict in sight. $('input[name="level_standardexpanded"]:checked').parent().siblings('label').removeClass('tsm_label-mouseover'); From the U.S. to Yemen, and now in Honduras and Nicaragua following Hurricane Eta and Iota, Project HOPE teams are at work around the world, responding to disasters, helping people overcome diseases, and empowering health workers with the training and tools they need to save more lives today. function GetURLParameter(sParam) { In the longer term, the alliance will aim to empower Yemeni communities to support themselves with sustainable programs focusing on rebuilding the health infrastructure and the capacity of Yemeni health workers. Millwood, Virginia (August 14, 2019) – Project HOPE has … What began as a local conflict in Yemen has spiraled into a five-year civil war that shows little sign of resolution. Please add an address before continuing. Ranked 160 out of 188 countries on the UNDP Human Development index, Yemen is one of the poorest countries in the Arab World.Ravaged by conflict for the past year and a half, poverty in Yemen has been increasing and will likely continue to do so as conflict is prolonged. Poor sanitation and waterborne diseases in Yemen have led to the worst cholera outbreak in modern history, with more than 2.1 million cases reported — 58% of them in children. @media screen and (min-width: 481px) { Diphtheria, a vaccine-preventable disease, has spread as displaced children have been forced to go without vaccinations. Support Health Workers Around the World has raised USD0 out of their goal of USD5000 It is the poorest country in the Middle East and imports about 90% of its food, leaving its people extremely vulnerable to conflict and blockades of its ports. div.donation-level-amount-container { display: none; } } Stay up-to-date on this story and our lifesaving work around the world by following us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter, and help spread the word by sharing stories that move and inspire you. } Project HOPE is on the ground in Yemen with our partner MedGlobal, helping provide health care and fighting COVID-19 and other devastating diseases. Spread the word. In total, the U.N. estimates that $4 billion is needed to supply humanitarian aid to Yemen. }); let text = this.textContent.trim(); This event requires an address. Add Address. tsmMouseOver(); You can read the full report courtesy of MedGlobal here. Today, more than 24 million Yemenis need humanitarian assistance, a number greater than the entire population of the state of New York. Yemen faces a severe humanitarian crisis. Biden called Thursday for a cease-fire, an opening of humanitarian channels to allow more delivery of aid, and a return to long-stalled peace talks. }); While no one in Yemen has been left untouched by war, the country’s women and children have been most affected, especially as malnutrition and disease spread. A total of 17.8 million people lack access to safe water and sanitation, while 19.7 million lack access to adequate healthcare. The organization is run by Rabih … Vision Hope has worked on the improvement of the Yemen’s food security between January and March 2016 with a project sum of more then 220,000 Euro. }. ... Reem Jarhum, who now works from Berlin for a project on COVID-19 awareness in Yemen, also believes that the revolution was worth it. In August 2019, Project HOPE announced it was forming the Humanitarian Alliance for Yemen, alongside three other U.S.-based nonprofits: MedGlobal, Pure Hands and United Mission for Relief and Development. I want to send help to suffering people around the world. Project HOPE teams are at work in nearly 30 countries, responding to crises, helping people overcome diseases and empowering health workers with the training and tools they need to save more lives. The situation on the ground in Yemen is more urgent than ever. } The humanitarian crisis in Yemen has worsened significantly since 2015, due in part to a naval blockade on vital port cities like Hodeidah. Started on October 30, 1989, it aims to bring schools into poverty-stricken rural areas of China, to help children whose families are too poor to afford complete elementary school education. Opioids are highly addictive drugs that are often prescribed as painkillers. 501(c)(3) Privacy Policy 844-349-0188 PO Box 5029, Hagerstown, MD 21741-5029, Project HOPE All Rights Reserved. Ten years after the Arab spring, Yemen has little hope left This article is more than 1 month old Racked by war, cholera and now coronavirus, the country faces the world’s worst famine in decades The numbers are staggering: 20 million Yemenis are food insecure, 19 million do not have access to clean water and sanitation, and the worst cholera outbreak in modern history has claimed more than 3,700 lives. The Project Hope House is available to adopting families, as well as mission teams and visiting families. Please join us to save lives now. Sana’a, Yemen: A United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Yemen project that addresses solar power needs and provides solutions and hope for three frontline conflict communities has been announced as the winner of the acclaimed Ashden Awards for Humanitarian Energy. Project HOPE delivers essential medicines and supplies, health expertise and medical training to respond to disaster, prevent disease, promote wellness and save lives around the globe.Founded in 1958, Project HOPE (Health Opportunities for People Everywhere) is dedicated to providing lasting solutions to health problems with the mission of helping people to help themselves.