She tells them her name is Blue Feather and they can call in and disguise their identities and name themselves flowers. We meet her when Yigit is seven years old and they have been imprisoned with her abuser for eight years. This Turkish series Sen Anlat Karadeniz, whose translation of the title is «Tell me about the Black Sea» or «Fugitive» depending on the country, has had a great impact in its country of origin. Tahir is immediately attracted to her but, out of respect, does not make eye-contact, looking down as they shake hands he notices the bruises on Nefes’s wrists. He is a sociopath without a conscience, a twisted narcissistic bully. If you already are a member login below! The traces pass and, although no longer visible from the outside, they can only be healed by a hug of love”. I have survivors tell me that in their fantasy worlds they have super powers, they can speak animal language and save animals in the forest. #SenCalKapimiEnglish #KeremBursin #HandeErcel #SerkanBolat #EdaYildiz I blame it on the depressing and frightening times in which we are living right now, that made me feel so fragile. You can find the link at: He grits his teeth, puffs up his chest, tightens his jaw, he leaps, jumps and throws himself into inescapable danger. They wear headdress’s and ride bicycles around the compound, they build tents in Yigits room and live in their fantasy worlds. As a man born and raised in the Black Sea Region, Tahir is ready to give his life for any person treated unjustly. To learn about them and more, go to: • This is not a story about how everyone saves Nefes, it is how Nefes embraces love and saves herself, and then gives so much to those around her. Nefes has even connected to Saniye who she has broken through to and changed with her tenacious love, and calls Saniye mom. As she heals, she transforms her magical fantasy world of survival into a beautiful creative grounded reality, she embraces her supportive sisterhood of women and finally, she gives birth to another child – this time a love child – and she continues her education to become an attorney and activist for other survivors. Filled with pizazz and sass, Asiye is a woman warrior who shows fearless devotion as she flings her hair with fortitude, and then her scarf; she wiggles as she walks in delightful ways. Bolum. Nefes tells him “I was lost and you gave me the courage to believe in myself and he responds, “I was a guy and you made me a man – I was alone and you gave me a son.”. He tells them that in the Koran there is no oppression and abuse of women, and they need to look to themselves and stop throwing stones. But I hope you felt hope from my essay because Sen Anlat is one of the most hopeful productions I have ever seen. Footage credit to owner. Footage credit to owner. To top it all off, she sings in acapella with a voice that cuts right through to your heart. Nefes gives signals and when Tahir senses she is ready for more intimacy he asks if he can give her his love. #ulaştunaastepe #iremhelvacıoğlu #senanlatkaradeniz #nehirerdem #ayseferdaeryilmaz #TurkishDrama #EnglishReview #abusesurvivor @atvturkiye @ulasastepe @iremhlvcioglu @oykugurman @senanlatkaradeniz @nehirerdemhikayeleri @nehirerdem_ayseferda @senanlatkaradeniz.arabfans @senanlatkaradeniz_farsii ... • Sen Cal Kapimi • Trailer • English • #sençalkapımı Episode 34 Trailer # 2, with grammatically correct English Translations. The power of the woman warrior! If you already are a member login below! Women find their strength, their passion, build communities, build careers, find chosen families, embrace their power, fall in love, have families, grow and thrive and protect and support each other. Nefes had a tough life and had been locked up in house, tortured for 8 years long. The female characters have agency that shows up in their professions, religious commitments, devotion to family, in their mothering and partnering and, mostly, in their unwavering sisterhood. When she is Blue Feather and Yigit is Howling Wolf at the Moon they build new worlds to live in. Even through all these emotions, there is impeccable writing and acting which also brings much laughter, celebration and joy. I love the use of visuals described to create metaphor and direct narrative. The three women form a formidable sisterhood but more death threats and blackmail by Vedat forces Nefes to return to Esma to recant and rescind her abuse report. They are beyond brave and righteous. Atv @sencalkapimi.englishxx @sencalkapimi.eng @sencalkapimi.english @turkdizigallery @turknewsengsub @dizzyfordizi @soul_phoems ... • Sen Cal Kapimi • Trailer • English • #sençalkapımı Episode 36 Trailer # 1, with grammatically correct English Translations. Sen Anlat Karadeniz es una telenovela turca de 2018, producida por Sinegraf Film y emitida por ATV. She installed 440 pairs of black stilettos to symbolize the 440 women killed by their partners in Turkey in 2018. Sen Anlat Karadeniz 59. This abuse survivor did what Nefes talks about over and over, which is to create good memories to replace bad memories. Bölüm Özeti:Tahir’le Nefes kızları için alışverişe çıkarlar. Season: OR . Whatever the reason, I am deeply moved by this dizi and the following essay is from the inspiration I have taken from the extraordinary story in Sen Anlat Karadeniz (You Tell – Black Sea). Nefes, the heroine of the story, has vulnerability that is also her strength embodying a survivor profile on many levels. This is a beautiful summary of this series, I have watched it multiple times. They survive and that is when Yigit names Tahir Tiger From the Sea. She says yes and the three jump off the cliff into the Black Sea. A businessman from the Blacksea region, Mustafa, travels to Istanbul to make new agreements with Vedat and he brings his family along with him. One asks themselves how anyone that has gone through such events could possibly survive, but you and these women shine a light on the strength and power within and how one accesses that to move forward and arrive in a place of healing. An early, spoiler free review available on our site written by @soul_phoems . I wish now I would not have given up so soon. Sen Anlat Karadeniz forces us to look straight at the darkest realities of abuse and the strength and resiliency that comes with healing. sen anlat karadeniz english subtitles. Thanks so much for that insightful comment. _____________________________________________ Since their father died Mustafa has taken on role of father to his brothers. Synopsis Although she is in excruciating pain, she becomes laser focused and changes into jeans, fills her nap-sac, scoops up Yigit, puts his magic headdress on and tells him they will escape the castle tonight because there are guests and Vedat has gotten rid of the guards. It is often a lonely place for the partners and Tahir feels that loneliness but knows it will have to be enough for him just to be next to Nefes, ready in his willingness to replace her wounds with healing. The strong energy of sisterhood is Nefes’s first experience of bonding and trusting a woman. The writers either read my book or, as Jung would say, this is the collective unconscious. Sen Anlat Karadeniz episode 33 English subtitles season 2, Sen Anlat Karadeniz 33 English season 2 "Sen Anlat Karadeniz" or "You Tell All" or "Black Sea" or "Lifeline" is a Drama - Turkish TV series 2018 - 2019,--Sen Anlat Karadeniz Episode 33 Full With English Subtitle season 2 I love that you get the metaphors and symbolism with the art pieces and the organic elements in the dizi. Many of the male characters show a depth of thought and feeling, while we witness their struggle to balance their emotions with their instilled cultural macho behaviors. Nefes becomes the symbol of triumph over abuse. This monstrous rejection from a mother figure is a deeper hurt than death threats from her abuser and shakes Nefes to her bones. The soundtrack and the Black Sea are the organic cast members, bringing emotions to a peak while experiencing the feelings of the characters. This physical space given to Nefes empowers her to set her own pace. Asiye’s biological father is the Imam of the community – and the adoptive father to any young woman who has been abused. They sneak out of the compound and hide in the trunk of Tahir’s truck. No copyright infringement is intended. February 10, 2019 Admin Comment(0) This content is available only for paid members on Basic Pro or Elite Group! They let go of some of the guilt and shame they carry deep inside and begin to rebuild their lives. Vedat is the monstrous abuser and the biological father of Yigit through his brutal rape of Nefes when she is 16 years old. A new pair of sneakers, a new toy, and finally Yigit agrees to sell Blue Feather to Tahir for a sports shirt with Yigit’s name on it. More often than not, survivors are forced to recant their abuse out of paralyzing fear. March 29, 2018 May 20, 2018 Admin Comment(0) This content is available only for paid members on Basic Pro or Elite Group! This part of the story focuses on prayer, survival and hope. Story added by fireheart_5 on November 17, 2019. Both the series and the art installation are so inspriring calling attention to domestic abuse, sex abuse and femicide through such strong visuals and complex character development. The two women writers, Ayse Ferda Eryilmaz and Nehir Erdem, have taken on issues of domestic violence, sexual abuse, incest, rape, and femicide with such intelligence, wisdom, and grace. Innocent, decent people are incarcerated because they have snapped under intense psychological and physical torture while the abuser enjoys freedom. Osman Hodja has opened that path for her as he elicits this beautifully through the Muslim faith. Once Vedat is dead, the level of life that Nefes and Tahir can experience is as if the sky opened up and embraced them with endless possibilities. He wants to burn the world when he sees Nefes’s scars. • Sen Cal Kapimi • Trailer • English • #sençalkapımı Episode 36 Trailer # 2, with grammatically correct English Translations. Abuse survivors create ulterior worlds to survive abuse and are warriors for their children. The story ends with Nefes, Tahir, Yigit and their baby daughter Masal loading up the truck. After a long overnight drive, when Tahir arrives home to Trabzon and opens his trunk, he finds Nefes and Yigit huddled, cold and terrified. “You believe the thousands of times you’ve told yourself you don’t deserve, you welcome every disaster that comes to you, you take every awful thing that has been said to you”. #SenCalKapimiEnglish #KeremBursin #HandeErcel #SerkanBolat #EdaYildiz Nefes and Tahir are a stunning couple in love, no longer an abuse survivor and her protector. Problems are not unusual, but death or near death experiences affect all members in some catastrophic way. Saniye emotionally abuses her and tries to send Nefes and her son Yigit back to her abuser. One girl after another said “Let us be flowers! What a beautiful and sage write-up and interpretation of this story. All of these emotions are played out against the backdrop of breathtaking landscapes, and waterscapes and heartbreaking music. Such an incredibly powerful connection between the stories shared in this art and in Dr. Patti’s book/work with her girls. She is holding her son’s hand and introduced as Vedat’s wife. My message is that women are brave and righteous and resilient and they surpass what has been done to them. Tahir persists and when Vedat fights for child custody Tahir insists on marrying Nefes to gain custody of Yagit yet we know the subtext is he is in love with her. With tears in her eyes Esma tells Nefes “I know how you feel because I am one of those thousands of kids. If they ever give up hope for themselves they fight for the safety of their children. They spend the evening together and the result is an example of magnificent intimate love. Nefes takes us into the soul of an abused woman whose mother died giving birth to her and whose father sold her to an abuser when she was 16 years old. Brave stories shared and a powerful determination to heal. Will Eda tell Serkan the truth about her love? Saniye Kaleli is a sour, repugnant woman who only cares about her sons. Nefes and Tahir are wonderfully married as equal partners with a new baby girl. In the third season, new characters are presented and new shadow danger, new topics of incest and femicide and we get to experience Nefes in full bloom. He plays the soulful #BarisAyaz who has to confront life, love and existence, when he is faced with life-changing choices. She strokes his hair and tells him she wants to wrap his wounds. In the second episode Tahir loses Nefes when they fall in to the sea so he takes Yigit out and dives back in to save Nefes and when he takes her out Nefes was not breathing so he gave her artificial pronunciation and she was alive again just for Vedat to not find them they hided under a rock and waited for Vedat and his men to go away they were safe so Tahir takes Nefes in a house in the mountains and they have breakfast together Yigit Nefes and Tahir. He is every child who lives in fear that his mother will be beaten so badly she may die from it and he is hopeless that he alone can’t save her. Supportive partners of sex abuse survivors feel the pain of their partners and they feel their own pain not being able to heal their partners. | We are surrounded by water in Sen Anlat Karadeniz. Nefes feels her first emotion of freedom when she steps onto the sand and then dances with her son in the water of the Black Sea. _____________________________________________ Although the center of Sen Anlat Karadeniz is a spectacular romantic love story, there are many levels to this love – the love between this woman and man but, more importantly, the love this abuse survivor finds to love herself. At every turn, hodja is a loving father to his spirit daughter Nefes. I am in NYC now and on quarentine needing an escape. Tahir is an astute study of maleness that defies toxic masculinity. Another point is when, sister Alyise organizes the hamam for Nefes. This was a game Nefes tried to play as a teen with a group of girls and her father found her and ripped her away. At one point in the story, Nefes attempts to report Vedat’s abuse. Through this feminist lens, we also see how the sisterhood of women is vital to the healing of the abuse of women. Plot Keywords Footage credit to owner. After she escaped from him, for her healing she took over the experience of bathing and plays her favorite music, lights candles and uses healing oils. Tahir shows his strength through his unwavering relationship with the truth and honor in everything he does, as he is the protector of those in need of protection. Almost immediately she tells Asiye she is the first woman she has loved. In Turkey, at a wedding ceremony she has the right to say no to legally marrying Vedat her abuser and this is her one power that, although trapped with him, she never legally marries him. Sen Anlat Karadeniz 19. Thus begins the relationship of Tahir, Nefes and Yigit, always followed by the shadow of danger and possible death at the hands of the monster Vedat. Another simple re-mapping is when Tahair, Yigit and Nefes play dodge ball. She rejects without a thought, she is unapologetically cruel and vicious as she sulks around the home with her demands and territorial prowess, almost in a feral like manner.