shays' rebellion secondary source
There is still debate among scholars concerning the rebellion's influence on the Constitution and its ratification. The rebellion started on August 29, 1786. Below is the monument, modest as it may be, to the last battle: spelling is clearly "Shays Rebellion." There is a chapter on Shays' Rebellion and it provides a narrative history of the insurection. --John Bessa 16:06, 22 October 2011 (UTC) He then ordered two cannons to fire grape shot. While mindful of tyranny, delegates of the Constitutional Convention thought that the single executive would be more effective in responding to national disturbances. They raided the shops of merchants and the homes of merchants and local professionals. In lean times, farmers might obtain goods on credit from suppliers in local market towns who would be paid when times were better. Szatmary argues in his book that early depictions of Shays' Rebellion were written from the perspective of the merchant class rather than the agrarian. The rebellion … Shays' Rebellion Primary Source. The farmers were aggrieved by excessive Massachusetts property taxes and penalties ranging from the foreclosure of their farms to lengthy prison terms. Shays's Rebellion & The Making of a Nation, This website is a supplement to the Calliope documentary. Choose from 215 different sets of 1013 history flashcards on Quizlet. Shays was a farmhand from Massachusetts at the b… [60] He later moved to the Conesus, New York area, where he died poor and obscure in 1825. This website is the result of a collaboration between Springfield Technical Community College (STCC), the Springfield Armory, and the Pocumtuck Valley Memorial Association. [50], Lincoln's march marked the end of large-scale organized resistance. This source can be used for research in a variety of ways. 7 Nov. 2013. Shays’ Rebellion. This secondary source provided vital background information on Daniel Shays and Shays' Rebellion. [74] The example of Shays' Rebellion may also have been influential in the addition of language to the constitution concerning the ability of states to manage domestic violence, and their ability to demand the return of individuals from other states for trial. Learn 1013 history with free interactive flashcards. The Regulators, New England, and the New Nation,", This page was last edited on 17 March 2021, at 15:28. [15] The legislature also moved to make some concessions on matters that upset farmers, saying that certain old taxes could now be paid in goods instead of hard currency. Shays was pardoned in 1788 and he returned to Massachusetts from hiding in the Vermont woods. By the end of this lessons students will be able to do the following: 1. Their first major target was the federal armory in Springfield. Virginia Statute for Religion Freedom (primary source) George Washington discusses Shays’ Rebellion and the upcoming Constitutional Convention, 1787 (primary source) Letter to Henry Knox about Shays’ Rebellion (primary source) Pro Ratification- Edmund Pendleton (primary source) Objections to the Constitution- Edmund Randolph (primary source) He had done this even though the armory was federal property, not state, and he did not have permission from Secretary at War Henry Knox. The Hampshire Gazette. To understand your topic, you need to understand the world in which the event(s) took place. Shay's Rebellion reveals the weakness of the federal government, which doesn't have the power to deploy troops. It lists the major players, the events leading up to the rebellion, and the lasting effects of the rebellion. Massachusetts Federalists, including Henry Knox, were active in courting swing votes in the debates leading up to the state's ratifying convention in 1788. Unit 6 Study Guide Key. Shays’ Rebellion was a series of armed protests staged in 1786 by farmers in western Massachusetts against repressive debt and property tax collection practices. [15] The court was scheduled to meet next in Springfield, Massachusetts on September 26, and Shays organized an attempt to shut it down in Northampton, while Luke Day organized an attempt in Springfield. [75], The rebellion also played a role in the discussion of the number of chief executives the United States would have going forward. Daniel Shays' was a poor farmer from Massachusetts that fought in the revolutionary war in multiple battles including Ticonderoga, The Battle of Bunker Hill, and against General Burgoyne. "The Events of Shays' Rebellion." Referencing the film, A Little Rebellion Now and Then, note that Shays' Rebellion influenced the addition in the constitution of the provision for the national government to call up troops to protect the common good (hence the phrase Commander-in-Chief) and … [81] Richards records Henry Jackson's observation that opposition to ratification in Massachusetts was motivated by "that cursed spirit of insurgency", but that broader opposition in other states originated in other constitutional concerns expressed by Elbridge Gerry, who published a widely distributed pamphlet outlining his concerns about the vagueness of some of the powers granted in the constitution and its lack of a Bill of Rights. [44] Day's message was intercepted by Shepard's men. Ringleaders who eluded capture fled to neighboring states, and pockets of local resistance continued. What does this source tell you about the historical context behind your topic? [63], Thomas Jefferson was serving as ambassador to France at the time and refused to be alarmed by Shays' Rebellion. [39], While the government forces assembled, Shays and Day and other rebel leaders in the west organized their forces establishing regional regimental organizations that were run by democratically elected committees. All papers should be proof-read to insure there are no typographical, spelling or grammatical errors. [82], The military powers enshrined in the constitution were soon put to use by President George Washington. In a letter to William Stephens Smith on November 13, 1787, Jefferson wrote, "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. The William and Mary Quarterly. Luke Day had a second force across the Connecticut River in West Springfield. [7] The state government was dominated by this merchant class. [72], The convention that met in Philadelphia was dominated by strong-government advocates. Print. [40] General Shepard had taken possession of the armory under orders from Governor Bowdoin, and he used its arsenal to arm a militia force of 1,200. When the vote was taken on February 6, 1788, representatives of rural communities involved in the rebellion voted against ratification by a wide margin, but the day was carried by a coalition of merchants, urban elites, and market town leaders. I know not where that influence is to be found, or, if attainable, that it would be a proper remedy for the disorders. The historical context behind this topic tells me that under the Articles of Confederation, citizens were having issues with their tax and debt assessments. Proudly made by 1. [24][26] The court was then shut down in Worcester, Massachusetts by similar action on September 5, but the county militia refused to turn out, as it was composed mainly of men sympathetic to the protestors. Revolts, Protests, Demonstrations, and Rebellions in American History: An Encyclopedia. [24] James Warren wrote to John Adams on October 22, "We are now in a state of Anarchy and Confusion bordering on Civil War. On January 4, 1787, Governor Bowdoin proposed creating a privately funded militia army. 207- 26. [67], By early 1785, many influential merchants and political leaders were already agreed that a stronger central government was needed. Lesson Seven: Historical Thinking: Cause and Effect Hand out Case Study Two: Shays’ Rebellion in Massachusetts. While there is value in this site, I believe it should be used as a starting point and any deeper reflection of Daniel Shays' or the rebellion should be found from more scholarly sources. the story of Shays’s Rebellion while occasionally switching over to real footage of historians explaining Shays’s Rebellion. [38] The 3,000 militiamen who were recruited into this army were almost entirely from the eastern counties of Massachusetts, and they marched to Worcester on January 19. Shays's Rebellion: The Making of an Agrarian Insurrection. John Bly and Charles Rose, however, were hanged on December 6, 1787. American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, MA; Butler, William. [2][3][4] The fight took place mostly in and around Springfield during 1786 and 1787. Shays' Rebellion was an armed uprising in Western Massachusetts and Worcester in response to a debt crisis among the citizenry and in opposition to the state government's increased efforts to collect taxes both on individuals and their trades. He argues that there were three main causes of the rebellion. The merchants were opposed to the idea, including James Bowdoin, since they stood to lose from such measures, and the proposals were repeatedly rejected. Then, students analyze primary source documents that demonstrate two very different reactions to the rebellion. Armed bands forced the closing of several courts to prevent execution of foreclosures and debt processes. The federal government found itself unable to finance troops to put down the rebellion, and it was consequently put down by the Massachusetts State militia and a privately funded local militia. This is a great resource for a generally understanding of the rebellion and it is also easy to read. There was no musket fire from either side. Secondary Sources.doc from ENGLISH 200 at Harvard University. Four thousand people signed confessions acknowledging participation in the events of the rebellion in exchange for amnesty. A statue of General Shepard was erected in his hometown of Westfield. All papers must be typed, double spaced, 10 or 12 point type and 10-12 pages long. Salem Press Encyclopedia. [33] These legislative actions were unsuccessful in quelling the protests,[15] and the suspension of habeas corpus alarmed many. [55] In the meantime, some 120 rebels had regrouped in New Lebanon, New York, and they crossed the border on February 27, marching first on Stockbridge, Massachusetts, a major market town in the southwestern corner of the state. Szatmary reports three government soldiers killed, Richards one. "The seeds of war are now sown", wrote one correspondent in Shrewsbury,[36] and by mid-January rebel leaders spoke of smashing the "tyrannical government of Massachusetts". Washington: CQ Press, 2003. [16] A second, larger-scale protest took place in Uxbridge, Massachusetts on the Rhode Island border on February 3, 1783, when a mob seized property that had been confiscated by a constable and returned it to its owners. [53] On February 16, 1787, the Massachusetts legislature passed the Disqualification Act to prevent a legislative response by rebel sympathizers. The reading contains three documents - 1 secondary source and 2 primary sources - as well as 8 questions that follow. This article does a good job at addressing the economic conditions in Massachusetts that ultimately led to Shays Rebellion. [43] The rebels originally had planned their assault for January 25. Whether looking for a general background of the insurrection or a more detailed account of the commercial elite, it covers a wide range of information. This book is an entire overview of Shays's Rebellion. He stepped up civil actions to collect back taxes, and the legislature exacerbated the situation by levying an additional property tax to raise funds for the state's portion of foreign debt payments. It is its natural manure. [22][23] On August 29, a well-organized force of protestors formed in Northampton, Massachusetts and successfully prevented the county court from sitting. Pelham memorialized Daniel Shays by naming the portion of US Route 202 that runs through Pelham the Daniel Shays Highway. The following is a reading with questions on Shays' Rebellion, an event that was a catalyst for the creation of the U.S. Constitution. It also has a section designated for teachers to accompany them in the classroom and to facilitate discussions about the rebellion. Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO, 2011. Starkey, Marion L. A Little Rebellion. information of a primary or secondary source; provide an accurate summary of how key events or ideas develop over the course of the text. Danver, Steven L. "Shays' Rebellion." This book provides background information as well as an in-depth analysis into specific relationships during the rebellion. Constitutional Convention, Gross, Robert A. Governor of Massachusetts James Bowdoin issued this proclamation after Shays and his rebels shut down a courthouse in Northampton after the assembly adjourned without addressing the grievances of the backcountry farmers. "[64] In contrast, George Washington had been calling for constitutional reform for many years, and he wrote in a letter dated October 31, 1786, to Henry Lee, "You talk, my good sir, of employing influence to appease the present tumults in Massachusetts. [15] These measures were followed by one prohibiting speech critical of the government and offering pardons to protestors willing to take an oath of allegiance. This is a great resource for a generally understanding of the rebellion and it is also easy to read. This site is great for those looking for a starting point as well as those looking to narrow their search down. [85][86], Armed uprising among farmers in Massachusetts between 1786 to 1787, An artist's depiction of the rebellion: Shays' troops repulsed from the armory at Springfield, Massachusetts in early 1787, Influence upon the Constitutional Convention. To learn about the different ways that Shay’s rebellion affected students’ assigned people The legislature cut taxes and placed a moratorium on debts and also refocused state spending away from interest payments, resulting in a 30-percent decline in the value of Massachusetts securities as those payments fell in arrears. "[65][66], At the time of the rebellion, the weaknesses of the federal government as constituted under the Articles of Confederation were apparent to many. Veterans had received little pay during the war and faced added difficulty collecting pay owed to them from the State or the Congress of the Confederation. [19] Bowdoin had repeatedly lost to Hancock in earlier elections, but he was elected governor that year—and matters became more severe. How Did Shays Rebellion Affect New England History? [51] Dorchester's proposal was vetoed in London, however, and no assistance came to the rebels. The bills also authorized state payments to reimburse Lincoln and the merchants who had funded the army and authorized the recruitment of additional militia. Calliope is an educational film company and this site provides additional details about the rebellion as well as a bibliography of sources. Vaughan, Alden T. "The Horrid and Unnatural Rebellion of Daniel Shays." The encyclopedia takes a holistic approach to the rebellion and does not favor a certain side. Shays’ Rebellion and explain their significance. As such, the militias of Shays and Parsons approached the armory on the 25th not knowing that they would have no support from the west. The circumstances surrounding Shays Rebellion was brought on by the poverty of the peasant class which is reflective of the depression of 1785. He received few votes from the rural parts of the state and was trounced by John Hancock in the gubernatorial election of 1787.