Shop Now. I like to paddle alone and I wanted a light-weight solo canoe to explore the St. Regis Canoe Wilderness section of the Adirondack Park of upstate New York. This is done to circumvent natural obstacles and fast-moving rapids and reach a point on the water that’s more conducive to paddling. First we … Replacement Pads for Laminated Yoke. Text. A simple solo canoe portage yoke designed to attach to the canoe seat. Portage yioke for a solo canoe If you know a good tip or technique to help get through a construction "stumbling block", please post it here. Step By Step Guide To Portage A Canoe Hold the Canoe gunwale with both of your hands and tilt in a way so the hull seems to push your legs. Now right hand on the inside gunnel, then use the momentum. An excellent choice for a solo boater. Taking a little extra time to lift over obstacles prevents abrasion and scratching of the hull. Home / Pricing / Boat Orders / Plans Pricing / PLACE AN ORDER / Boats for Sale / Instruction / Classes / Videos, Kayaks / Mystic Star / Dark Star / Fire Star / Shooting Star / North Star / Ootek / Disko Bay / Georgian Bay / Panache / Twin Star tandem / Plans, Canoe Designs / Solo Portage / Wee Robbie / Wee Vera / Wee Two / Canoe Plans / Kits / Paddles, Shop Tips / Stapleless Stripping / Hand Beveling / Transparent Lay-ups / Trips / Links. Last Visit: 03/16/2021 01:29AM Sort by. It stays in place via a hook and pressure. If I stop on a portage for a rest, I find 20 seconds is as good as 2 minutes. The wooden paddle came with the canoe, but I bought the kayak paddle later and liked it better. Replacement Pads for Laminated Yoke. If you’re paddling with a partner, share the weight. Use a barrel or equipment pack instead. This we don't find as easy but some people do. Solo canoes over 14 feet are going to be your canoe darts of choice. Saved by Sparklersincake. Use proper lifting and lowering techniques. Canoeing Terminology. Even if…, Best Topwater Lure Knot for Kayak Fishing, Paddling Decisions, Cascading Events & High Wind Exercises, Inflatable Stand Up Paddleboard (SUP) Care & Maintenance. The length is 146. It has great primary and secondary stability, which makes it a great canoe for both tandem and solo … What to Look For in a Canoe Trip Pack. For current pricing on a finished Solo Portage follow this link. Because of the small size of the canoe, it can be paddled with a canoe oar or a double-ended kayak paddle. Lighter. $200.00 Compare. then you shimmy down to the portage yoke and away you go. 16FT Solo Canoe Whether you’re looking to travel the backcountry on a solo trip or racing your friends to the portage, this canoe is the best way to travel solo. Dan: I ran the half-marathon with a Bell solo canoe borrowed from a friend in 2 hours, 21 mins, 2 seconds. $199.95 USD. If you have questions concerning building problems, please post them on the "Builders' Forum". Single-person carries are popular among experienced canoe campers because they avoid the coordination and communication problems involved in multi-person methods. Heron 15' 0" Aurora 16' 0" Solo Plus 16' 6" 17 Wenonah 17' 0" Spirit II 17' 0" Champlain 18' 0" ... Don't shoulder carry that solo use our Removable Yoke. Solo Portage is a wonderful canoe to explore those quiet backwaters and be by yourself. 3 days bushcraft time out. ... we recommend that you secure both the bow and stern (hint: use hood straps or hood loops to secure the bow of the canoe). If a kayak capsizes with you in it, you can roll it back over. An instructional video on how to carry a canoe on your own. While the Solo Portage is intended to be a solo canoe, yet it has the carrying capacity to be set up as a tandem canoe if you wish. Walnut Laminated Yoke $ 42.00. Don't get stuck thinking you have to single portage or take just one pack. And that's how you do it! When tripping solo I stow my paddle inside the canoe so I have only the canoe and a pack or two to carry. After paddling, clean your canoe with mild soapy water and a freshwater rinse to prevent scum build up. I usually have the canoe, a gear pack, and a food pack to portage. It's called the one person lift, one person carry. It's going to fall onto your shoulders so make sure your shoulders are ready to go into that yoke. The Solo Plus is great as a tandem or as a solo, hence the name! Loading a canoe by yourself can be awkward and difficult but with some practice and a few of these…, Ever look back on a series of decisions that you've made while paddling and wonder how one slightly…, Watch Jimmy Blakeney explain proper care and maintenance for and Inflatable Standup Paddleboard. (photo below). #ExploreBeyond. $200.00 Compare. your own Pins on Pinterest The Discovery 133 is mainly made from three-layer Polyethylene and is a … This is a fun DIY project that fits standard-size ask … The “Portage to Portage Paddling Project” was a 5000+ mile solo kayak journey around the Eastern United States. If you spend your backcountry adventures travelling light and fast, the Cruiser 14.8 provides the speed of a touring kayak with the volume of a solo canoe, allowing you to pack without worry and portage with ease. The overall dimensions are of the Solo Portage scale with the modifications made by adding both an inner and outer stem in the bow and stern.The boat is designed as a single blade paddle canoe. From the We-no-nah website: The Prism is our most popular composite solo canoe. Learn how to lift a canoe onto your shoulders for portaging it between lakes in the Boundary Waters. Price: $1,649-$1,999. Solo Portage is a wonderful canoe to explore those quiet backwaters and be by yourself. Learn how to do a one person lift and a one person carry on a portage. Discover (and save!) Dan: I ran the half-marathon with a Bell solo canoe borrowed from a friend in 2 hours, 21 mins, 2 seconds. Lightweight and durable, our solo canoes will glide you into serenity. Solo Portage Canoe - $3,000. That's a 25% weight savings right there! This description is for carrying a standard canoe that has a centre thwart or yoke located at or very near the balance point of the canoe. When you're on the portage put your arms forward and that will make the nose down. Light enough to be portaged without limitations, many campers will be able to portage this canoe while carrying a backpack. Share the weight. Just don't do a first trip that has a 3K portage because you'll hate it. Do one that's 200 meters, feel good about yourself and then move on. Water: The surface and current conditions of the ocean, lake, or river affect how the boat or canoe paddles. June 1, 2012 Going Solo In a Tandem Canoe; August 9, 2011 The Pig – Killarney’s Most Infamous Portage; October 10, 2010 Rain McCraney Loop; December 3, 2012 On Barrel Packs; April 16, 2012 5 Reasons Not To Use Butane Canisters How to Solo Canoe: Every thing you need to know to become a solo canoe paddler. I got in the canoe and paddled less than 10 minutes to my next portage. 3 Days Solo Bushcraft Outing – Canoe Portage and Wetlands In a single day – Lavvu Safe haven in Rain – Fishing. By James Murphy November 17, 2020 Bushcraft 0 Comments. 2. I have enclosed a coupole pictures of me canoeing on a large tidal inlet called Chichester Harbour on the sout coast of England. Solo Feather-weight Canoe Nessmuk is an historic replica of a canoe commissioned by the author George Washington Sears for his Adirondack cruise in the summer of 1880 and built by the Rushton Boat Works of Canton N.Y. Sears wrote about this and subsequent trips in Forest and Stream magazine under the pen name 'Nessmuk'. Wenonah canoe portaging, wood canoe yokes and padded yokes. In fact, paddling a solo canoe can be an exceptional alternative to a traditional canoe or kayak. Don’t drag the boat. Wenonah Solo Yoke for Bench Seats . Continuous grain hardwood for greater yoke strength with light weight. By the way we don't think we've ever used a yoke that came with the canoe, we usually buy a yoke that we actually like and fits it on our shoulders. Canoe Yoke & Yoke Pads Make Portage Of Your Canoe Simple & Easy. $199.95 USD. It was just a short 130 metres and I was ready to finish it and just paddle through Maple Lake to get to my site for the evening, but as I approached the portage, I came up to a bit of a roadblock. Started this solo portage New Year's Eve. The hull is made from Eastern White Cedar in continuous strips not scarf jointed from smaller pieces. Not a huge issues, I'm in much less of a hurry now days, so double portaging doesn't bother me at all. If you use poor lifting techniques, you risk … Free Shipping On Orders $175 Or Over. From…, Explore 24 safety tips ranging from stokes and recoveries to clothing and paddling safety. The customer is responsible for transportation costs to and from the Northstar Canoes factory in Princeton, MN. (By the way, packs is plural because even if you’re on a solo trip, you’ll want at least two packs—a separate pack for your food and any toiletries with an odor.) Whether you have a kayak or canoe, there are multiple ways to carry the boat. Each is purpose-built to take your experience further, no matter the destination. Our solo canoe’s narrow tumblehome hull design can be paddled with either a traditional canoe paddle or a kayak paddle. Right hand on the yoke, use your thighs and put it up on your thighs and then put your left hand over onto the outside gunnel. Then shimmy all the way down. Trying to find the best options for a portage yoke? Use the pendulum idea, not strength, that has nothing to do it, it has to do with skill. When the canoe is resting on your shoulders, it shouldn’t dip forward or backwards (I’ve done short portages barely touching the canoe with my hands – that’s how balanced they are on your shoulders). And the best person I know for canoe advice is Travis from Paddle and Portage Canoes. Dragging the boat across the terrain may seem like the easiest thing to do, but it … Travel Canoe from Sea Eagle. Free Shipping On Orders $175 Or Over. If you do this second lift shown you can do it, no matter what the weight of the canoe is. MN 55731 . General Touring. I like to paddle along and I wanted a light-weight solo canoe to explore the St. Regis Canoe Wilderness section of the Adirondack Park of New York. This float was in 20 mph wind. The light-weight of this canoe also makes the handling characteristics extremely good for this solo canoe, even on windy lakes. A lot of people don't like canoeing because they're spooked of canoeing, spooked of solo canoeing, mostly because they don’t think they can lift the canoe on their own. Just lift the canoe over your thighs and center it with your hands and raise it even higher (over your shoulder) Universal Solo Yoke The Universal Solo Yoke is the most solidly built solo canoe yoke we've seen. Knowing how to roll up your canoe will allow you to stop any time you wish. The portage had huge rocks and wasn’t easy to approach for starters. FOR SALE - Western Massachusetts - The overall dimensions are of the Solo Portage scale with the modifications made by adding both an inner and outer stem i ... Solo Portage Canoe $3000 - JLA FORUMS Solo Portage Canoe $3000 Go over to the bow, left on the outside gunnel, right on the inside gunnel and then lift it up like a lean-to. Old Town – Discovery 133. Need portage yoke for solo canoe Forum Sponsor. Wenonah Solo Yoke for Bench Seats . Clamp-on Portage Yoke Clamp-on canoe yoke. After quite a few solo trips BWCA trips, I'd mostly reiterate what was said here. by Kevin Callan. Scum should be removed – it increases friction. Pads Clamp On To Your Yoke In Minutes. Whether you have a kayak or canoe, there are multiple ways to carry the boat. Swift Canoe and Kayaks plans to unveil its full Cruiser line early in 2019. Northstar Canoes are warranted against defects in materials and workmanship, to the original retail consumer, for the usable life of the canoe as defined by wear. by Kevin Callan. The village you see is Emsworth. Took my Solo Portage to Alaska. When I solo I have to double portage as well. The 3" risers provide great visibility and the semi-curved pads prevent your canoe from slipping off while portaging. Larger canoes will need more power to steer, turn, and portage. It is stable in the water and at only 15ft long it is nibble on the portage trail too. Actually once you do the flip over lift and get used to it, it's fantastic as long as it's a light boat and it's a good yoke on your shoulders. The light weight of this canoe make it a joy to portage. When a canoe has a bow depth like this, it less affected by wind. Pads Clamp On To Your Yoke In Minutes. Solo Feather-weight Canoe Nessmuk is an historic replica of a canoe commissioned by the author George Washington Sears for his Adirondack cruise in the summer of 1880 and built by the Rushton Boat Works of Canton N.Y. Sears wrote about this and subsequent trips in Forest and Stream magazine under the pen name 'Nessmuk'. Capacity: Consider the space needed inside the canoe to fit the number of people desired as well as the weight of all the people and any supplies. 3 Adjustable sizes to fit most canoes we sell. So one, two, three and lift it over. Ability to Roll. It's really a light-duty tandem or a large-volume solo canoe that tracks beautifully and moves along at great speed. I have never ever paddle a canoe that attracts so much attention. No matter how "strong" you are, it's all about technique. A carrying yoke of any kind has to be removable because the paddler sits at the center of the canoe. This is critical. The Princess Solo canoe has a rigid shell, a shallow arch, and straight side shapes which creates a deep bow depth. ... Wenonah Clamp-On Solo Yoke . It was just a short 130 metres and I was ready to finish it and just paddle through Maple Lake to get to my site for the evening, but as I approached the portage, I came up to a bit of a roadblock. Trapper 12’ Solo. Thanks again for all your help. Remember you and your canoe are required at the other end of the portage. Now that would be a waste. Paddle and Portage Canoes in Moss Vale NSW, Aussie distributors of Wenonah Canoes I explained to Travis that I was thinking of paddling the Classic solo in a canoe and asked if he have any suitable that he might be able to lend me. Author. You don’t want to get to the end of your portage, only to find a fresh hole in the hull of your new canoe. Step 1: Cut out the printed plans. Now right hand on the inside gunnel, then use the momentum. The heavy duty clamps attach firmly to the gunwhales of your solo canoe without damaging it. The real strength of this building method is in the fiberglass cloth and epoxy resin. I like to paddle alone and I wanted a light-weight solo canoe to explore the St. Regis Canoe Wilderness section of the Adirondack Park of upstate New York. The 14'6" Solo Portage was the canoe that made my dream a reality. I trip with a hiking style pack and the pack and the pack hits the seat and boat akwardly. This makes kayaks easier to portage around an obstacle, or load on and off your car. The difference in wood thickness does not effect strength. Adirondack 16' 0" Escapade 16' 6" ... we've handcrafted the world's most innovative canoes. An incorrectly flipped canoe can easily be a dropped canoe causing an injury and damaging your canoe. The 14'6" Solo Portage was the canoe that made my dream a reality. The triple-layered polyethylene hull … That's a lot easier to some people than doing the first lift. Use the pendulum idea, not strength, that has nothing to do it, it has to do with skill. General Touring. There were three of us in the portage division. "I thought you'd like to know we launched our Solo Portage in the UK as my father just finished construction. The length is 14’6”. It's certainly doable, but I do find myself wishing I had a solo canoe on every portage. $200.00 Compare. I designed the Solo Portage to be a good tracking solo canoe with the stability to use as a fishing platform or for nature observation. Here is a Solo Portage I built as tandem canoe for a customer Solo Portage 14' 6" long, 30" wide, 10-1/2" deep at center, 18" high at stems Finished weight 32 … Or at least in as few trips as possible. Add to cart. Tandem. (Please, don’t cut yourself. I offer many classic canoe designs and sizes, several of which are pictured here. Right hand on the yoke, use your thighs and put it up on your thighs and then put your left hand over onto the outside gunnel. The 3" risers provide great visibility and the semi-curved pads prevent your canoe from slipping off while portaging. Canoes can be portaged solo or in tandem. The 14'6" Solo Portage was the canoe that made my dream a reality. The boat is unbelievably light and paddles superbly. Make sure that when you get to the end of the portage you do the exact opposite of when you lifted the canoe. So many compliments! Here is a Solo Portage I built as tandem canoe for a customer, Solo Portage 14' 6" long, 30" wide, 10-1/2" deep at center, 18" high at stems Finished weight 32 pounds. Universal Solo Yoke The Universal Solo Yoke is the most solidly built solo canoe yoke we've seen. Shot on location at the University of Hard Knocks.First the basics you need a boat then you need to get in the boat then move the boat with the paddle. Rob- thanks for your great plans and help along the way. We think that's really important. Northstar Canoes will repair or replace hulls or components at our option. Sign up to stay up-to-date on deals, news, tips, classes, and events at Rutabaga! If it is a nice spot, I linger longer. Sometimes reality does not match t… Simple. Chestnut’s mission was to design a craft that would enable outdoorsmen to paddle small creeks as well as large lakes and be small enough to get through the then nonexistent portage … solo canoes If getting out in nature by yourself is your thing, Old Town solo canoes are the answer. Paddle and Portage Canoes in Moss Vale NSW, Aussie distributors of Wenonah Canoes I explained to Travis that I was thinking of paddling the Classic solo in a canoe and asked if he have any suitable that he might be able to lend me. The only disadvantage to this is it took away the ability to single portage. Solo Plus 16' 6" 17 Wenonah 17' 0" Spirit II 17' 0" Champlain 18' 0" Seneca 19' 4" Compare All General Touring; Performance Touring. Usually, canoes only come with a singular yoke in the center of the boat for solo portage, but if neither of you is strong enough to comfortably carry a canoe in this way, installing more thwarts can be beneficial. This Chestnut Canoe was originally built with the outdoorsman of the early 1900s in mind. If you’re looking for a canoe for solo use, the compact and lightweight Old Town Discovery 119 is the perfect choice. Tandem. While the Solo Portage is intended to be a solo canoe, yet it has the carrying capacity to be set up as a tandem canoe if you wish. This is a skill that takes time and practice to learn, but you definitely can’t do this in a canoe… If you are ever over here, let me know and come for a paddle.". Anyone can do it! An adventure linking the Mississippi River to the Great Lakes via the Gulf Coast, East Coast, and New York Canal Systems starting and ending in the small town of Portage Wisconsin. Once you get to the end of the portage, same thing as getting it up. In the water 4 months later. If you have questions concerning building problems, please post them on the "Builders' Forum". There were three of us in the portage division. The overall dimensions are of the Solo Portage scale with the modifications made by adding both an inner and outer stem in the bow and stern.The boat is designed as a single blade paddle canoe. ... including Minnesota’s 8.5 mile Grand Portage, using our Clamp-on Block Pads over the summer of 2020. Step By Step Guide To Portage A Canoe Hold the Canoe gunwale with both of your hands and tilt in a way so the hull seems to push your legs. Usually, canoes only come with a singular yoke in the center of the boat for solo portage, but if neither of you is strong enough to comfortably carry a canoe in this way, installing more thwarts can be beneficial. Step 2: Cut out the three different parts with a saw. I do exactly what sedges described - generally use small stuff sacks in the hatches, and have a … With a comfortable carrying yoke, a little padding, and some careful practice, you can transport a canoe over long routes and difficult portage trails on your own with relative ease. Angled aluminum bracket attachment with easy clamp on knobs; no tools needed. Toggle navigation. $200.00 Compare. And the best person I know for canoe advice is Travis from Paddle and Portage Canoes. Canoe portaging is the means by which paddlers carry their canoe and gear over land from one body of water to the next. Selected Items 105 N CENTRAL AVE ELY. Don’t drag your canoe over sandbars, gravel beds, dead falls, beaver dams or shallow riffles. Also, I can take a design that is close to your purpose and tailor it to your specific needs. Alright, so we're going to show you how to do it with technique and if you can't do that, we'll show you another alternative. Canoe Yoke & Yoke Pads Make Portage Of Your Canoe Simple & Easy. Very happy with all the lake paddling I did. The heavy duty clamps attach firmly to the gunwhales of your solo canoe without damaging it. My trips are short so the food pack is the smallest. The length is 14’6”. My trips are short so the food pack is the smallest. by Kevin Callan. loongoingdeep 04/30/2014 02:42PM (Thread Older Than 3 Years) I purchased a Mad River Guide, and debating on a solo trip. This canoe weighs about 54 pounds so it’s great to do it with the light canoe first or you'll maybe be overwhelmed. Canoes are designed and built to balance perfectly on your shoulders when portaging. If you're like “No Kevin, I cannot do that,” and you're by yourself, try this one. It never appears as planned. So one, two, three and lift it over. E-Z-on, E-Z-off. Wenonah canoe portaging, wood canoe yokes and padded yokes. the heavier the boat and longer the portage, the greater the advantage, but I still prefer it even for a 29# solo I find the front edge of the seat frame to be a painful way to carry, even if I’m wearing the pfd while portageing for a short distance MN 55731 . Install a solo station without the weight and size of a seat. Portage yioke for a solo canoe If you know a good tip or technique to help get through a construction "stumbling block", please post it here. The original inflatable, all drop … In fact, we think we spent a lot of more money on a yoke than anything else. There are more than a few people interested in solo canoes these days. If you can't do that and if your arms get sore or if actually the mosquitoes are really bad, because that happens, get a rope tie it onto the bow and hold the rope as opposed to the gunnels. Toggle navigation. If you are running long, straight stretches and want tracking and speed, you've come to the right place. This boat has been growing in popularity as more and more paddlers choose it for its versatility. Solo Portage Canoe - $3,000. Shop Now. The detail strip, along both sides of the hull was made from Peruvian Wal If you are solo, make sure you have a boat that you can carry by yourself. When I canoe with a partner I have to double portage. One passer-by couldn't believe I was on the water; if she owned it, it would have a glass top and be used as a coffee table in her lounge. You will want to learn the correct terminology to impress the locals. I bought the yoke so I could portage in to some more secluded ponds but never got around to using it. Heron 15' 0" Aurora 16' 0" Solo Plus 16' 6" 17 Wenonah 17' 0" Spirit II 17' 0" Champlain 18' 0" ... Don't shoulder carry that solo use our Removable Yoke.