Rapid City SD 57703 605-343-8481 Fax 605-343-9420 I think there was a thread on this or a few posts somewhere already but I'll give my own experience. Add to Compare. They're available on auction sites and at shows for $170-$250 till the cows come home. Webinar . As far as sights go you might have to have a new dovetail cut, if you go that route I'd have the front sight dovetailed too. Metal may very well be soft and not stand up to extensive shooting. DURAGRIPS - Star BM/BKM Custom Tactical Grips - Pangolin Scales $30.00 - $35.00 1791 GUNLEATHER 1911 Holster, Right Hand OWB Leather Gun Holster for Belts fits All 1911 Models with 4" and 5" Barrels DON`T BUY IT, YOU MIGHT LIKE IT. Some features are shared but it is not a clone. Hello. There are a few other differences. ParaGlock. The first Model B is a transitional design, with much the layout of the 1922, but retaining the T-shaped extractor of the Model 1921. The Star Model BM is a single-action semi-automatic pistol that fires the 9 mm Parabellum pistol cartridge. If you intend to shoot it a lot, I'd consider that possibility before making a purchase. Product #: PDF0969 Part Key: 0. Star Model BG; Star Model BKS; Star Model BM; Star Model BKM: pistol of simple action 9mm Parabellum, produced of 1972 à 1997, identical model to STAR BM but with frame made in aircraft aluminum. Star Model BM, BKM Schematic w/ Parts List. Although its external appearance resembles the classic M1911, its design is different in several respects. Hello. Ortiz Jr. vs. Hooker preview | March 19. It was produced by Star Bonifacio Echeverria, S.A. in Spain. B'n'M Pole Company is the leading manufacturer of crappie poles in the world today. STAR B/ BM/ BKM Auto Pistol Hammer Pivot Pin, Part #37, *Good to Very Good* $4.00. Oversized Image Detached by Staff… please comply with Forum Policies on Posting Images So where do you get replacement parts? Find your new role at B&M. These grips fit the Star models BM, BKM. Owners are invited to do just that. I've been shooting a lot of 9mm lately due to the price, and think it'd be great to have a 9mm in the 1911 format I love. Using an aluminium alloy used in aircraft manufacture for the frame, combined with the overall length of 7 inches, the BKM only weighed less then 2lb… star bm rear sight, star bm vs colt commander holster, star bm wood grips. No parts available and gunsmith wouldn't undertake making me one. Keep up to date with our newest store openings. STAR B/ BM/ BKM Auto Pistol Magazine Safety, Part … Part Key: 2. They are quite well-made, very trim and flat. Thread Tools: Search this Thread: Show Printable Version. Search this Thread: Advanced Search. One major difference between the two is that the Star Model B lacks a grip safety, instead relying solely on the thumb safety. Star BM 9mm Review , Thoughts, History & Tips : With Bonus Star B Star Super B & Star 28 DA I've had a couple in 9mm and currently own but one. This used to be rare, but is increasingly common as old stocks are cleared out. Webinar . I've been shooting a lot of 9mm lately due to the price, and think it'd be great to have a 9mm in the 1911 format I love. Star Model B VS Star Model BM Ok 1st off I know the star model BM isn't a C&R pistol, that said the Star model B has been on my short list but then the Star model BM has popped up and has peaked my interest and was wondering if anyone had any insight on the two is one better than the other or more sought after for some reason. This form has been replaced by Forms RP-425-B and RP-425-E. NYC-STAR Instructions on form: Homeowner Tax Benefit Application for STAR Exemption (New York City Finance) Nassau County: Not applicable: Property Tax Exemption Forms (excluding Glen Cove) RP-425-B (Fill-in) Instructions on form It is very odd they did this, as later A and B model guns shared many parts including complete frames, and the 1922 was a very different design with a grip safety backstrap, so it's not … Get the lowdown on the latest B&M developments, from charity work to competitions. After WWII, Star began to move away from the straight clones of the M1911 to designs that were more “inspired” by the M1911, such as the Super Model B and the Model BM. Location: -61.211993, -54.076452 You will be sorry when I'm gone, dead, or armed. Application for School Tax Relief (STAR) Exemption. Out of Stock. Email this Page. Original Star BM factory 8rd 9mm magazine. I liked it a lot but it didn't last long and was soon traded off for something new. FFL REQUIRED AT TIME OF PURCHASE. 9mm - 8 round magazine. I saw one star model B with adjustable sights made for a revolver. Product #: 916640 Shipment prohibited outside USA. Barrel, 9mm. I had a beautiful little Star Super SM (.380) that I dearly loved, but the ejector was dead soft and peened to a mushroom shaped head in short order. A Critical Look at the Star Model BM . On the plus side parts are hard to come by, don`t dry fire it without a snap-cap and don`t carry it hammer down on a loaded chamber (seriously). MANUFACTURER: Star Weight: 0.50 Condition: Used. You do realize that you revived a year and a half old thread, right. Sign up today. OVERALL LENGTH – 8.5″ LENGTH OF MAGAZINE – 4.5″ The model B will be found both with and without the hump in the grip frame. Thanks for all the replies -- the response was more than I'd hoped for. You are going to find that nothing is interchangeable. Star Model BM semi auto pistol in 9mm Luger (9x19). The Star is about 7/8 the size of the Commander. BEFORE PLACING AN ORDER FOR A FIREARM, PLEASE CLICK HERE TO READ OUR FIREARMS ORDERING INFORMATION TO AVOID HAVING YOUR ORDER CANCELED. You wouldn`t want a $135 pistol that felt so good in your hand and would shoot free hand like this. Produced by Star Bonifacio Escheverria in Spain, this single-stack 9x19mm single-action pistol remains a fairly popular handgun for those seeking inexpensive firearms that are not cheap.If a bit heavy by today's standards, it is compact and lends itself nicely to concealed carry.. It's on Hi power and handguns website. Add to Compare. The BM Revolution. These pistols have blued finishes ranging from polished to matte. Jack First Inc. 1201 Turbine Dr. I use replacement springs for the CZ75 from Wolff Gunsprings (. Comparing a Spanish Star BM against a Yugoslavian Zastava M88A CUSTOMER REVIEWS: Would you like to review this product? Check the model A and B pages for the closest match and read the descriptions. That said, I've fired several thousand rounds through the Model B with no problems. Add to Cart. “Complex” made for a gun that cost more in both money and time, two factors armies could not spare in war. NO EXCEPTIONS. Used in Good condition. If you are not a member of the NRA, then you are part of the problem! My next door neighbor wanted me to buy his. In 1972 the Pistola Star Modelo BM, a shortened and lightened version of the Modelo B, was adopted for issue to army officers and the Guardia Civil while others were sold to the SADF. Does not include grip screw Product details. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Commonly a Spanish police and military issue pistol, the Star Bonifacio Echeverria modelo BM features a 4" barrel, blued finish, dovetailed rear sight, fixed front sight, black plastic checkered grip panels, compact all steel 1911 Commander style slide and frame, manual safety lever, solid trigger, and checkered spur hammer. The latter was sold in the U.S. as the Starlite. The slide locks back like as on an early Hi Power and the slide release lever comes out at that locked back position, unlike the 1911. $1.50. I found a deal on a Star 9mm BM pistol which is a Spanish 1911 clone. Hello. Add to Compare. While the Star BM may mimic the 1911 it is not a clone- there are several differences between the guns, most obviously caliber, as the Star Model BM fires the more economical 9x19 mm, and the lack of a grip safety. The chart to the right delineates the differences between some of the more confusingly similar pistols, and what I know of some of the suffix codes. Here you go...a Star BM and a Colt Combat Commander. https://averagejoeshandgunreviews.blogspot.com/2014/02/star-bm-9mm.html The frame is also a middle ground between the shape of the 1921 and the final shape of the A/B seen from the 1922 model onwards. I had a nickle plated Star BM and it was a nice little gun that I traded off years ago. All of the parts and internals are completely different. I know you wouldn`t like sighting down a slide that was like a 1911, only slender. Add to Compare. $15.00 /seat | 8 seats remaining . List of products. http://www.cruffler.com/review-May-01.html, Second Media Corp., 111 Peter Street, Suite 901, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada, is an independent enthusiast website owned and operated by Content on is generated by its users. I bought spare parts when the company was still in business. Add to My Saved Parts. Watch Canelo vs. Saunders: Weigh-In live & on-demand on DAZN BM, in HD and on any device. First made in 1928 and used during WW II as a substitute service pistol, it shoots 9mm parabellum only. I like the Star Model B pistols. Star BM. I'm just one of those rare stubborn, intolerant non-liberal students. I've been looking around at the Star Model B (or BM) 9mm 1911-style pistols. Welterweight rising star Vergil Ortiz Jr. and former junior-welterweight world champion Maurice Hooker go toe-to-toe with the WBO International belt at stake. I do fully agree it's not the platform through which to hotrod 9mm to the upper ends of the ballistic envelope, but have found it a neat little thing for extended use with standard pressure loads. Switch to Hybrid Mode. CANIK TP9DA 9MM … In 1972 the Pistola Star Modelo BM, a shortened and lightened version of the Modelo B, was adopted for issue to army officers and the Guardia Civil while others were sold to the $92.75. ORIGIN – SPAIN CALIBER – 9mm PARABELLUM WEIGHT – 36 OZ. Whether or not my luck's been because of the heavier recoil spring I used and mentioned above or not. Back to top. Star BM, BKM, BKS Walnut Wood Grips W Logo Fine Walnut Grips made in the tradition of the old world and imported from Europe. The Star Model BM is a single-action semi-automatic pistol that fires the 9 mm Parabellum pistol cartridge. Aside from the looks and swinging link, the Star BM’s design also varies from the standard M1911. Even simple stuff like recoil springs? The Star BM is a compact, single-action, locked-breech, 9 mm semi-auto pistol that accepts an eight-round single-stack magazine. STAR B/ BM/ BKM Auto Pistol Hammer Pivot Pin, Part #37, *Good to Very Good* $4.00. I do have one 9mm 1911 pistol, an STI Trojan Longslide and yes, I do like it better than the Star. If you do get dovetails cut you'll have to post pics so we can see it. Out of Stock. Use caliber and other details of the gun to determine your model if this is the case. is not in any way affiliated with. B&M is always growing! Inspired by the Colt 1911, these pistols served Spanish Police & Military forces for 20 plus years. The Modelo B Super (alongside many Astra Modelo 1921s) saw wide service during the fighting in Spanish Morocco, Ifni and the Spanish Sahara. The Model BM shown has had the hammer spur bobbed to eliminate hammer bite and the magazine disconnect has been removed. Product #: PDF0969 Part Key: 0. ALL FIREARMS MUST SHIP TO FFL DEALER. Place an order for this product and we'll send you an invitation to review in 18 days. They only resemble the look of a 1911, and are 7/8ths the size of one. Barrel, 9mm. I took it to the range first, and the thing jammed like crazy, but that could be due to weak springs, which are easily replaced, so that doesn't mean much in terms of whether you should buy one. The Star Model B was widely used in the film industry for prop guns due to the cost and availability from the 1960's on. It doesn’t need to be said that the Star BM is based on the Colt M1911, and looks somewhat like a Colt Commander. Bob, Star pistols are cheap crap made from butter, "Assiduus usus uni rei deditus et ingenium et artem saepe vincit". $1.50. Parts do not interchange and internal systems are quite different. Add to My Saved Parts. Part Key: 2. Product #: 916640 Shipment prohibited outside USA. The Star Model BM 9mm Surplus Pistol Review. It was produced by Star Bonifacio Echeverria, S.A. in Spain. These are the Super (linkless, quick-takedown lever) versions of a number of models. Made between 1972 and 1992 by Star Bonifacio Echeverria, S.A. in Spain, the Star BM was a popular import for collectors and used as a substitute for a M1911 in the motion-picture industry. The Star BM is one of the best values for the money around. The model B is around $250-$300 from what I have seen but the BM is going for $199 at the moment. Models A and B, for example, are confusingly similar, but are (apparently) differentiated by caliber. Soon after the First World War (in which they were officially neutral) the Spanish Army realised that their standard issue handgun was too complex for the modern battlefield. Fixed sights . Add to Cart. Star also produced two versions with lightweight alloy frames, the Modelos BKM and BKS. Good pistols. MAGPUL PMAG 30 M2 MOE 556 SET OF 5 MAGS WEBINAR . Webinar . They perform rather flawlessly too and that`s a negative. The Ak & Barak Show previews whether Hooker stands a chance against the unbeaten Ortiz. The Star BM uses a barrel link like a 1911, but field stripping is a mix of 1911 and Hi Power. Star Model C; Star Model D: in SS and S (SS=.380) (S=Super.380 see above) Thank you that is exactly the kind of information I was looking for. Add to Cart. KELTEC PMR30 22WMR PISTOL WEBINAR. Products My Account FAQs. Anyway, I didn't buy it, even though the price was right ($100). Accordingly, Spain re-evaluated what their native handgun companies, like Star Bonifacio Echeverria, S.A., were producing alongside the designs th… $92.75. Display Modes: Linear Mode. Blued steel will show service wear. I've been looking around at the Star Model B (or BM) 9mm 1911-style pistols. In addition, the thumb safety on the Star BM blocks the hammer, whereas it blocks the motion of the sear on a 1911 and the Star's trigger pivots on a roll pin rather than moving straight back li… Add to cart. I know of the Super designation appearing alone on model A and B pistols, but it can be on others as well. Come join the discussion about optics, gunsmithing, styles, reviews, accessories, classifieds, and more! Diverting from STAR's previous 9mm automatic pistol line (produced for military purposes) the BKM responded to the growing demand in the US for smaller weapons, which could be concealed for personal defence and, specifically, utilise the 9mm parabellum cartridge. $46.20 /seat | 17 seats remaining . STAR B/ BM/ BKM Auto Pistol Grip Screws, Set of 2, Part #29, *Good to Very Good* $7.00. They're available on auction sites and at shows for $170-$250 till the cows come home. Extractors? The Star Model BM is an all-steel single-action semiautomatic that resembles the 1911 pattern pistol. Click on a term to search for related topics. Single action. For example, the Star does not have the 1911's grip safety. They're available on auction sites and at shows for $170-$250 till the cows come home. If you like my videos and would like to support my channel please feel free to visit my Patreon page. I've been looking around at the Star Model B (or BM) 9mm 1911-style pistols. Eligible for FREE shipping * 2 Barrel Enlarge Image. Add to cart. JavaScript is disabled. These days, you can find them sometimes on the net or in Shotgun News. Send a private message to MightyWarMonger, Currently Active Users Viewing This Thread: 1. Some older pistols will have no model number on the butt. Good - Very Good Condition. Eligible for FREE shipping * 2 Barrel Enlarge Image. STAR B/ BM/ BKM Auto Pistol Grip Screws, Set of 2, Part #29, *Good to Very Good* $7.00. A forum community dedicated to all 1911 firearm owners and enthusiasts. Fortunately, I've not had to use any. Our product line has evolved to include top-quality gear for anglers who fish for more than panfish, including our Silver Cat collection of catfish products. Ok 1st off I know the star model BM isn't a C&R pistol, that said the Star model B has been on my short list but then the Star model BM has popped up and has peaked my interest and was wondering if anyone had any insight on the two is one better than the other or more sought after for some reason. BKS (STARLIGHT) as marked on the bottom of the grip frame. And this would let me do so without having to spend $500+ on a Colt or SA. Make a fresh start with one of the fastest-growing retailers in the UK! STAR B/ BM/ BKM Auto Pistol Magazine Safety, Part … I've been shooting a lot of 9mm lately due to the price, and think it'd be … Star Model BM, BKM Schematic w/ Parts List. SUPER-S: identical pistol to Super-Star in caliber 380 the ACP and of dimensions very reduced. Add to Cart. However the barrel comes out through the front once the barrel bushing is removed like a 1911. Star BM, BKM, BKS 9m/m pistol Star BS 9m/m, .38 Super, .45 pistol Star Firestar 9m/m, .40, .45 pistol Star F .22 pistol Star PD .45 pistol Leading manufacturer of … Unlike the 1911A1’s trigger (which moves straight back and trips the sear), the Model B has a trigger that pivots on a roll pin. The Star BM is a single-action semi-automatic pistol that fires a 9 mm Parabellum pistol cartridge. […]