star bm 9mm reliability

That’s a very interesting carry. He just does this once in a while to try to claim he knows about guns. I found a deal on a Star 9mm BM pistol which is a Spanish 1911 clone. Its only in recent times that gun manufactures have invented the new wave of plastic pistols that most all have short shallow feed ramps that were designed to feed expanding ammo. Lo and behold, if you follow the proper maintenance schedule the gun runs like a top pretty much forever. Q: what is the end of the gun that the bullet comes out of( the side you are supposed to point at the target), called? I don't know if you have Academy Sporting Goods out your way, but for $300 you can get a TriStar C-100, which is a CZ-75 compact clone and is a great lightweight 9mm. If you understood basic gun design that is irrefutable. Showing 1-6 of 6 messages. Pointing this out when he is unable to answer the simple question will also make his ignorance obvious to the layman shooter as well. Should be a Grips after the wood, dam edit. They went up to you?? As to the price, it is quite a bit out of line. The Star Model BM is an all-steel single-action semiautomatic that resembles the 1911 pattern pistol. With many Star BM’s now on the surplus market its a nice range toy or budget home defense gun for the majority of people of the younger generation who today unfortunately are much poorer than the older generation who could and still can afford much more expensive pistols. There was an aluminum framed version of this gun as well. The trigger pulls are generally quite good and accuracy quite good as well. I owned a Star Firestar .40, and actually am thinking about buying another one someday. Luger = Parab. Shoots everything so far. I thought we lost a bunch of Knucks to Naples. Lots of spring replacement. 2.3K likes. I only paid $575.00 for my PT1911. Anyway, let’s go for something even easier. I would not recommend the Star for CCW as they are not known for quality of workmanship or utmost reliability. very stable, accurate, durable. If the holster is too tight, you can place a layer sandwich bag material around the revolver and insert it in the holster for a couple of hours. The Star BM 9mm is the compact version of the famous Star Model B. Accordingly, Spain re-evaluated what their native handgun companies, like Star Bonifacio Echeverria, S.A., were producing alongside the designs th… I’m satisfied. Like my little Star BM old blue, made some Mexican bocote wood, darker striped looks good against the blued frame. I wouldn't go much more than that. I haven’t carried it but I love taking it to the range. They were very well made, quality weapons, with a good reputation for reliability. When you pick this pistol up you will immediately notice two things. The 9mm Astra A100: It's Durability/Reliability/History record??? I'd surely pay $300 each for a pair of BM's before I'd pay $600 for one Glock! I think $300 is too much. Do you think this could be the problem or is there something else? Do you? His post appears to be a cut/paste job of a few different sets of top results for Google searches and complaints on boards. I’ve got a firestar. Have a 1911 and a STAR BM in 9mm. With a 4″ barrel, it is the gun that the 1911 Officer could be, if properly sized for the 9mm round. Star BM 9mm pistol kit. 1990's Vintage Star Model Ultrastar 9mm Pistol w/ Original Box, Manuals, Etc. I can never anticipate where it will hit, its all over the place. The first handgun I purchased on my own as an adult was a Star Model B in the early 1970’s. Either should be a decent performer from the Model BM assuming reliability. For 259 dollars, it might be worth a shot just to have a cool old gun. The first letter is an “M”! Never had any reliability problems with it though. When a large quantity of Model B's were surplused, a European dealer stamped a bunch of them with WaA251 markings, … google copy and paste is cheating! Star pistols, military surplus, Eibar spain, including Model B, BM, Super B and more, in 9mm, but also 45ACP But maybe I just got a good one. Public its usually out of their hand to the floor which in most cases will not set off a 1911 with a working firing pin spring in it. Mess with my 1st Amendment Rights and get a quick lesson about my 2nd Amendment Rights. STAR BM . Hailing from the warm weather of Florida, Chris keeps it pretty simple with his Star 9mm pistol. It truly was a masterpiece of engineering. Surely you can hit this baby out of the park. - Yoda. The .45 Acp was actually one of the first small concealable .45 carry guns being much smaller than the Colt Commander aluminum framed gun that did not hold up very well either. perhaps he is waiting for his master to tell him what he thinks? "Star BM 9mm (PR52989) GI#: 101616279 "All steel compact model in very good condition. And much less expensive than south Florida. I might pay that for an all original in good to very good. Vlad: In one test Interarms made it went 100,000 rounds without any parts breakage beating the 1911 by a good 80,000 rounds. You surprise me. this and a cz82. I know some of you guys can’t play around with ballistic penatration and what not, I can’t anymore either, however you’d be amazed at the difference inches matter in .22 LR. Have 2 mags. A .38 auto = 9 mm. Looks like electro less nickel. Apr 2, 2020 - Historic Reliability: Star BM 9mm Gun eats everything very reliable and history in Spain & Africa. Hey, I have a star 9mm as well but it is not at all accurate. To a gunsmith, it’s already obvious that whoever he plagiarized this from, they don’t know what “condition two” is any more than Vlad himself does. Whose business is it how many guns/knives/clubs/harsh words a person carries? wish i had a wheel barrow full of Stars that i could sale for that kind of money! An entire comment without calling us uncivilized for not having UBC’s, mental health checks on every gun purchase, etc. $150 from jgsales, $50 for a police issue holster. AR15.COM is the world’s largest firearm community and is a gathering place for firearm enthusiasts of all types. Because of the all steel frame recoil is soft and recover time between shots quick even though the gun is a compact pistol. So that’s where they went. A shame the price is too high the Star BM was a nifty little gun I wish someone made something like it today. W1EOWY-91LP-00. The price they're asking is a bit high. Ahhhh. “Complex” made for a gun that cost more in both money and time, two factors armies could not spare in war. SKU. TTAG doesn’t let me post while using a VPN, which sucks. Star BM, great gun. Hello all, I found a cute little Star BM 9mm at a pawn shop. If you don’t want to stretch out the molding, then it’s pretty easy to use your thumb to push off the holster during the draw. Discussion Starter • #1 • Mar 5, 2005. Why don’t you Go suck start your BM and do humanity a favor. it was mentioned that this was inspiration for the mustang. Look at Star Model BM.htm,,, Second Media Corp., 111 Peter Street, Suite 901, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada. They are parts kits, sold as-is and include everything pictured. I gave it to my oldest son, it’s his carry gunm. WOW! The difference between the inertia and non- inertia firing pins is that the non-inertia firing pin is resting against the primer when the hammer is in the down position while with the inertia system the pin is not because its held back in the firing pin tunnel by its spring. I might ad that carrying the Star or the original Colt system at Half Cock is not a solution either as if the hammer shears off in two pieces and or the sear shears on impact in a fall the hammer can move forward and set the gun off in a fall. I have always liked Star Pistols with my favorite being the Star M30 which was probably the most rugged maintenance free double stack 9mm ever made. S. 380 auto = 9 mm. P .45 auto = M .38 Auto = 9 mm. You have entered an incorrect email address! However the barrel comes out through the front once the barrel bushing is removed like a 1911. How exactly you would fix that to run other JHP rounds, if it’s even possible, would be a question for someone like Dyspeptic. Specialist, a friend’s father defended himself with a Star PD .45 ACP years ago. All this is possible because traditionalists kept screaming they wanted the older design and the U.S. being a non-civilized country does not put handguns under the Consumer Safety Protection Act which would have outlawed that older design faster than a cat can jump off a hot tin roof. in a short barrel a .25 ACP beats it. Although its external appearance resembles the classic M1911, its design is different in several respects. I don’t see this tactic as feeding the trolls. Ratings and Reviews. Especially in the panhandle? I was fortunate enough to find a Firestar M243 in great condition at a local gun show last year. Better is to ask the troll questions that you suspect he won’t be able to answer. USCCA, NRA & GOA member Basic Rifle Marksmanship with some neat history thrown in. In the BM the ramp is actually two pieces, the ramp on the frame and a sharpish lip on the bottom of the chamber which has play forward and back as well as up and down. Just sayin’. I’ve even ran above SAAMI max loads through it with no problems at all. Sell your star bm 9mm for FREE today on GunsAmerica! This will clearly show everyone reading that he’s lying. It’ll loosen up the holster to where it’s easier to draw. Write a review. Even if the spring is new if the 1911 is dropped from a great height which was at about 20 ft in the Colt tests the 1911 could also go off but for all practical purposes when handguns are accidentally dropped by John Q. My bet is this one is a recent purchase freshly cerakoted. etc. Would have no problem carrying, easy to remove the magazine safety, Just a spring steal insert that can come out no tools. The BM it may not feed all manner of expanding bullets as it was not originally designed as such and its feed ramp is a bit more steep than most modern firearms. $25.50 +$7.50 shipping. Being as it is in great condition and looks kind of like a 1911 I would like to get it. Extra strength springs have been available for 1911 guns for years. Cool gun but I never had good luck with them on reliability. Something else to consider - I think Star is out of business. For a backup he carries a North American Arms .22 Mag mini-revolver. You can polish both parts of the ramp all you want, it doesn’t change the fact that the barrel isn’t always in the right alignment with that frame ramp to allow a JHP with a wide “face” to jump the gap correctly. Specialist and I discussed this at length a couple months back. Even Vlad is probably smart enough to figure out how to type “ipconfig /renew” into the command line or PSH. That is the gun that the U.S. Military should have chosen when they instead chose the aluminum framed weak slide Beretta 92 that many times went nuclear in shooters faces because of the weak slide configuration which gave up the ghost with continuous diets of hot military ammo proving it was not the best choice as a military firearm if longevity was paramount. star bm 9mm for sale and auction. The gun is a heavy one for its size as it has a steel frame. Really. Or can you???? Sold it to a family member when I got another one that was in even better condition. Star BM Barrel Link Pin. Star BM Semi-auto Blued. 3.8. Can you get it NOW? These were the duty pistols of the Spanish police forces back in the ’70s and ’80s, and were shipped to enthusiastic buyers here in the U.S. when they eventually changed to something else. I never said that nor did I imply it. Someone is a scam artist. It’s a second gen B with a magazine disconnect safety. The grave yards are full of gun owners and motorcycle riders that were all hatched out of the same nest. Welcome to “Today’s EDC” from Chris. The slide locks back like as on an early Hi Power and the slide release lever comes out at that locked back position, unlike the 1911. Diverting from STAR's previous 9mm automatic pistol line (produced for military purposes) the BKM responded to the growing demand in the US for smaller weapons, which could be concealed for personal defence and, specifically, utilise the 9mm parabellum cartridge. A lot of people didn’t follow those instructions and the gun paid the price for that neglect. I paid $225 from a pricey gun shop. Vlad-less peace and quiet…. Buy a star bm 9mm online. I have always liked Star Pistols with my favorite being the Star M30 which was probably the most rugged maintenance free double stack 9mm ever made. See all 10 - All listings for this product. This is an all steel handgun which weighs in at 2.14 ounces. A worthy goal, IMO. If this sounds like you, then feast your eyes on an old Spanish pistol chambered in 9mm, the Star Model BM. Coat closet gun! do NOT dryfire any Star autopistol without an empty case in the chamber, and replace that case with another, every 20 or so drysnaps, or you'll break the firing pin, sure as the sun rises. Do not try and modify this pin as spare pins are very difficult to find. The newer Glock passive firing pin system is not the same as the original obviously. The Star Model B single stack 9mm pistol with 8-round magazine. My brothers BKM wouldn’t feed hollow points and batter the rear of the barrel. long B 9mm. Although its external appearance resembles the classic M1911, its design is different in several respects. Whod a thunk it?? Recently a lot of their surplus guns have been imported with Israeli markings. That’s mostly bullshit too. Area Code: 832 . He already made claims to know all about this, so if he has to paste the wikipedia page on “condition two”( for example), it will be pretty obvious that his basic knowledge ends with his ability to cut and paste. I told you it was 6 letters long. vlad is copying word for word from someone else’s review of the Stars. Neither the inertia or non-inertia system is fool proof hence the development of the passive firing pin block which most modern handguns have which again makes the Star and the older original 1911 system less safe and obsolete as far maximum safety is concerned. All I can figure is he dosen't know much about the pistol and got took on a pawn, or he thinks a shiney silver finish and pearl grips = moe $$$$$. Specifications: Star Model B Pistol. Loosely based on the 1911, the Star BM has been used all over the world for quite some time. That IS what you are saying you believe, correct?”. $179.00 at Classic. Out of stock. It's built like a brick outhouse and has one of the nicest take-down set-ups I've ever seen. P.S. Recent … That was documented by many gun writers decades ago. The pistol is chrome with pearl grips. They are well known in the industry for importing outstanding Rifles, 2 0 0. ARCHIVED; Handguns » Handgun Discussions. The answer is that some 1911’s (original design) can indeed go off if dropped. The name for the front end. These can lead to function and reliability problems in the gun. Only a skilled gunsmith should attempt to alter this pin or it may be ruined. AR-15 AK-47 Handgun Precision Rifles Armory Training Competitive Shooting General Outdoors Archery Hometown Industry. What I said about the Star being outdated is true and while we are at it that goes for the original 1911 design as well, not that its feed problems with modern ammo have been vastly improved over the years and the same would be true if you made the same modifications to the old Star design as well. I wonder if he can draw that NAA with one hand. A trip into the past being made of all steel and quite a bargain for the money. The BM's thourgh a bit heavy for their size are rugged, well made little guns. I fully support CCW, but only in the state of Florida would a private citizen carry 2 weapons. ...Click for more info. Stopped going into battery after 100 rounds. The Star BM, the famous compact 9mm pistol from Spain in 9mm. It’s not exact but it’s close enough that there’s no way it matters. Colt only recently in the last few years has been offering the original design once again that does not have the passive safety series 80 design but continues to offer the 80’s design as well. I am wondering if it could be the barrel, the riflings do not look normal. STAR also made a similar model in .45, (FIRESTAR? 10 product ratings. The sights are not bad either for a gun of this old a design. HINT>>>>>>> six letters long…. Being as it is in great condition and looks kind of like a 1911 I would like to get it. Waaaaaaaaayyyy out of line, especially for one that has an altered finish. But the passive firing pin safety is still the best design going in today’s world. Your analysis of the Star PD is spot on, had one disintegrate on me with less than a hundred rounds back in the 70’s. This item is no longer available and is for refence only Deactivated Star BM 9mm Pistol in excellent deactivated condition. Soon after the First World War (in which they were officially neutral) the Spanish Army realised that their standard issue handgun was too complex for the modern battlefield. Maybe not the most practical, but he sure has some class. Let’s say it’s a Star BM. My post stands as accurate and truthful and all BM owners should be aware of this or suffer at their own peril if they drop one that does not have the inertial firing pin. “Vlad: So then guns WITH inertial firing pins(like a 1911A1) cannot fire when dropped? For example, the Star does not have the 1911's grip safety. 4. In my neck of the woods, depending on condition, the "steel framed" 9 mm Star BM's are going from $275 - $350. Glock had a secret recall called an “upgrade” because their original passive firing pin safety system proved defective “in some of their guns” but not all of them and some of their guns went off when dropped. Strych9 says they got better on the later steel frames. The Star Model BM is a good 9mm and well worth the usual price of under $200 if in new or like new condition. Lots of people carry a backup. a VERY fine pistol, with good sights, trigger pull, safety lever, compact and lw as an alloy Commander, but all steel. The problem is with the Model B pistols. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. everyone else on this page knows. ), and those “shrunk” 1911s are … nice shooters. And to be clear the passive firing pin safety system can malfunction as well if not properly made. 9mm Parabellum: Feed system: 8-round box magazine: Sights: Fixed sights: The Star Model BM is a single-action semi-automatic pistol that fires the 9 mm Parabellum pistol cartridge. Nice try at entrapment but do you think your dealing with someone as inexperience as yourself. Geez Vlad. Only the troll knows for sure, ” For example, in this case, one might ask him to explain the difference between carry in condition one, two, and three.”. Good heft and feel. Or can you???? About AR15.COM. The most basic of terminology, that every gun owner knows. Of course most Far Right Wing guys like you will say “don’t confuse me with the facts” and none of this can be true and if it is true it will not happen to me. This was proven way before WWII and Colt was so worried about it they developed a passive firing pin lock before WWII but never put in in their guns until the 1980 model was made. Plus, that isn’t Canadian money, but a map. You'll have to find a smith to work on it, should the need arise. Used to be the go to 1911 for those wanting something smaller than a Commander before Colt introduced the Officer’s. A good feed ramp polish and chamber thoating help here. One auto pistol … Good luck with the mags. $75.00. The pistol is chrome with pearl grips. Better spring kits for those guns, that extended the replacement schedule, eventually came out but I don’t know how easy they are to get a hold of today since I don’t own an alloy framed version of either the B or the P. Supposedly the BKM/BKS are pretty darn rare these days. Star is out of business, but BM parts are pretty common at Numrich, SARCO, and other shops. There’s a lot of people that carry a NAA in a pocket holster with the leather wet molded to fit it. Star BM / BKM / BKS 9mm caliber Magazine. I shot a Freedom Arms mini revolver once, and though they work alright with that short barrel you don’t get much punch. or go through the menus to release his IP and have it reassigned. Assume you are at a range with an empty semi-automatic pistol and a loaded magazine. The gun is certainly rugged enough to take a lot of shooting. . The Star Model BM is a 1970's pistol, so any Nazi markings would be, well, rather suspect. short. For example, in this case, one might ask him to explain the difference between carry in condition one, two, and three. And lets get realy Strych your not bullshitting anyone about replacing a ton of parts to keep the Star running. Customer Reviews. With todays micro 9mm pistols the old Star is a bit dated and large and heavy and the newer plastcky pistols are much lighter in weight and are generously throated for modern expanding bullets. not worth more than 300 though. It served well but eventually I traded it off in the quest for other handguns, particularly Browning Hi Powers but it I always regretted it. I may make him an offer of $275.00 if I can get him to take a look at the Critical Look at the Star Model BM article. seems like the last of the nice surplus. The Star Model B is an interesting piece of history that’s still available, though usually at higher prices. BTW, holsters for the Colt Commander fit the BM great.. Oh, also there’s a Star BS model too. My dad carried a Firestar M43 in the 90s. The BM was around for a long time, and developed a pretty good reputation. FTX style bullets will do the same thing quite reliably. 6 users rated this 5 out of 5 stars 6. Star BM Extractor. they even will tell you the history and have digitized the SN database. No amount of your sarcasm , name calling our just plain being disingenuous with the public will change the truth about the gun. Assume you are at a range with an empty semi-automatic pistol and a loaded magazine. Star BM. Now that’s the naked truth and I can say this because I do not work for the gun industry. Origins of the Star BM 9mm The Star Model BM is a single-action semi-automatic pistol that fires the 9 mm Para pistol cartridge. In conclusion the Star models that did not have an inertia firing pin system are an accident waiting to happen and the older Colt systems although not completely safe are far less so if they have springs that are not worn out. They worked well enough with ball or 230 Hydrashock. I remember the PD well. So much for the pro, the con is the guy has a tag on it for $499.00 Dude said he would take $475.00. I wish STAR Firestar, Astra, and Megastar) would have never run out of business.. they made Solid pistols and we’re all Steel little tanks.. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. There’s a hundred free crossword dictionaries that could find this out in less than a second. Canadian money has a queen on it… take it from one who lives 50 miles from the border. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. A .45 ACP Detonics clone. Even if the pistol is cute and in great shape, it still is what it is. It truly was a masterpiece of engineering. No replacement parts, and no customer service. Is that even legal? Allow me to refresh your rather short memory. If he was knowledgeable he’d know that the BM is not considered drop safe with a “standard” firing pin in Condition 2 but that it’s considered safe in Condition 1 or Condition 3, the ways it was designed to be carried. I like Star pistols though. Due to the spare parts problem, I recommend these guns only if the buyer is aware of this problem. To the best of my knowledge, the Israeli Police were the last known modern entity to still use them. One that wasn’t made on a Friday night or a Monday morning. 5. I see it as embarrassing them into blessed silence from their incessant babbling. Nice job. Thank you all for your advice. Yes, in the “Constitution free zone”. Even in Rhodesia it was sometimes used for Browning Hi-Powers (photo #3), M1911s, CZ-75s, as well as captured Makarovs, and Tokarevs. The average Joe is not the most mechanically inclined nor does he at this late date have access to all the parts you claim are so easy to get and they when available are not cheap either. I had a FireStar in 40 s&w back in early 90s almost got me kilt. The Star 9mm Pistols closely resemble a 1911, but there are several differences, the most obvious being the lack of a grip safety. you can buy alot more gun for that kind of money. Willing to bet this troll is not even using a VPN. But I am under no illusion about ever carrying it when I can carry a smaller, lighter, more reliable and higher capacity gun made to feed all expanding ammo. Further, Star and a number of other manufacturers made inertial firing pins for the BM and BKM pistols. STAR, BONIFACIO ECHEVERRIA, S. A. EIBAR (SPAIN) MODELS CALIBERS SI .32 auto = 7,65 mm. As the "critical look at the Star BM" is the best Star BM site I have found yet, I'll assume this is the right place to look for some help. A forum community dedicated to Taurus firearm owners and enthusiasts. Get one before they are gone. good guns. When the firing pin spring in the inertia system gets week it can let the firing pin run forward with enough force to fire off the gun when dropped. Courtesy of Everyday Carry. Way better deal than this Star. Next up for copy and paste… “War and Peace”? However the ramp is basically the same angle as both the G19 and the FNS-9c (I just physically checked to verify this). The way navigation used to be done before GPS. The Star BM uses a barrel link like a 1911, but field stripping is a mix of 1911 and Hi Power. Star M28/30 9Mm Barrel. The gun feeds fine if the barrel and the feed ramp line up, but they don’t always because they’re not toleranced to do consistently because the gun was meant for FMJ where this is not an issue. Perry, do you have any idea how many Canadians we get in Florida every year? There is a .45 acp version of this gun called the PD with an aluminum frame which as to be expected did not hold up well to the pounding of the .45 acp cartridge even though the gun had a plastic buffer but the buffer often soon disintegrated and Star did replace the buffer twice with a different grade of plastic all to no avail. Using an aluminium alloy used in aircraft manufacture for the frame, combined with the overall length of 7 inches, the BKM only weighed less then 2lb…