Diese massiven Schiffe sind schwer bewaffnet und können jede Menge Schaden einstecken. Sie kamen in einer Episode für; Die Überlebenden . Husnock class (Star Trek CCG 2E) Alternate Universe (Star Trek CCG 2E) Alternate Universe ship (Star Trek CCG 2E) Non-Aligned Alternate Universe ship (Star Trek CCG 2E) Range 4 (Star Trek CCG 2E) Weapons 0 (Star Trek CCG 2E) Shields 10 (Star Trek CCG 2E) Staffing 4 (Star Trek CCG 2E) Add category ; Cancel Save. Horrified at his actions, Kevin went into self-imposed exile on Rana IV, recreating his house and his wife on the ruined planet. David Mack ist Autor zahlreicher Star Trek-Romane, inklusive der USA Today-Bestseller A Time to Heal und A Time to Kill.Er entwickelte die Star Trek – Vanguard-Serie mit Redakteur Marco Palmieri und schrieb den ersten und dritten Band.Weitere Romane von David Mack sind Wolverine: Road of Bones, Star Trek – Deep Space Nine: Warpath, Star Trek – S.C.E. This intimidating Husnock Warship, with five times the mass of the U.S.S. Dubious Existence. Die Husnock sind ein raumfahrendes Volk gewesen, das im Jahr 2366 die Föderationskolonie auf Delta Rana IV angriff. Real life history contains a lot of fully functional civilisations that had absolutely NO problem with commiting genocide and a lot of other nasty things - to other fellow humans, no less. Although her parents did not approve of him, within two hours of their meeting Rishon asked "Kevin" to marry her. Star Trek: The Next Generation DVD set, Vol. News & Updates. "Kevin" was born in 2281. Star Trek: Lower Decks. 1 History 2 Politics 3 Territory 4 Appendices 4.1 Connections 4.2 External link In the year 2366, the Husnock Star Kingdom was a thriving nation of 50 billion Husnock. Star Trek: Lower Decks Transports to Amazon Prime Internationally. This intimidating Husnock Warship, with five times the mass of the U.S.S. Taschenbuch VÖ: August 2020 360 Seiten Preis (D): 15 € Bestellen bei. Dieser Vorfall hat zur völligen Vernichtung aller Husnock geführt: Ein eigentlich friedliches Energiewesen der Douwd, das als Kevin Uxbridge unerkannt in menschlicher Form unter den Kolonisten lebt, nutzt seine Kräfte, um sich an den Husnock zu rächen. News & Updates . Decided to pay a visit to the Husnock Warship again, as it is still one of my favorite ships in game that I had a hard time getting above 100k originally. Edit_XYZ, Nov 13, 2011 #11. rfmcdpei Fleet Captain Fleet Captain. The next of our Star Trek Official Starship Collection is the massive Husnock Warship that is bigger than the Galaxy-class starship!. Kevin tried to use illusions to drive the Husnock away, but after they killed his wife, Kevin destroyed all the Husnock, 50 billion of them, in a moment of rage and grief. This intimidating Husnock Warship, with five times the mass of the U.S.S. Never mind the fact that science-fiction - even star trek (borg) - depicted on many occasions sociophatic/genocidal species. Star Trek: Armada III begins with the first stirrings of the Dominion War and allows players to take command of five unique factions, the United Federation of Planets, the Klingon Empire, the Romulan Star Empire, the Cardassian Union/Dominion Alliance, and the Borg Collective. References to some of these races tend to stand out, either due to entire episodes being dedicated to them or the implication that they might be politically significant. The Douwd were a powerful, immortal race of energy beings. Enteprise-D, was an illusory construct generated by "Kevin Uxbridge".An aggressive and intelligent species, the Husnock were wiped out in 2366, after their attack on the Rana IV colony. May 2017 edited May 2017 in The Foundry for Star Trek Online - Discussion & Feedback It would appear that the Husnock Warship was added to the Foundry. Time travel in Star Trek is as common as holodeck problems, so unless the Douwd's "power" is able to continuously "watch over" the cosmos and prevent any external Husnock from entering, I don't see why the universe could not some day be repopulated by the Husnock. The next part 178 of our Star Trek Official Starship Collection is the massive Husnock Warship that is bigger than the Galaxy-class starship! Bereits bei Zeitindex 00:01:10 sehen wir erstmals die überarbeitete Version des Planeten Rana IV. Star Trek: The Next Generation Coming to Super7's ReAction Figure Line. Enteprise-D, was an illusory construct generated by "Kevin Uxbridge".An aggressive and intelligent species, the Husnock were wiped out in 2366, after their attack on the Rana IV colony. Their powerful ships remain. The Husnock are an alien of the week blamed for attacking a Federation colony on Rana IV (TNG "Survivors"). Das Husnock-Kriegsschiff ist ein Flottillenadmiral (Klasse 6) Raumschiff mit den Merkmalen eines Klingonen Schlachtkreuzers. Star Trek: Armada III begins with the first stirrings of the Dominion War and allows players to take command of five unique factions, the United Federation of Planets, the Klingon Empire, the Romulan Star Empire, the Cardassian Union/Dominion Alliance, and the Borg Collective. Es kann auch in der Tauschbörse gefunden werden. Dieses Schiff ist verfügbar Spieler der Sternenflotte, Romulanische Republik und die KVS. Husnock-Kriegsschiff [K6] Auch wenn die Spezies der Husnock im Jahr 2366 ausgelöscht wurde, blieben ihr Heimatplanet und Sternensystem erhalten – und alles darin, sogar Raumschiffe. Kurzübersicht. Owner: Husnock; Comes with a display stand to display at home or office. The model was extensively modified after "The Survivors". husnock warship (eaglemoss star trek starship collection) husnock warship (eaglemoss star trek starship collection) artikel-nr. The original Husnock aliens were described as highly aggressive and destructive and such behavior is often indicated when referring to a woman as a Husnock. Kevin Uxbridge was the assumed Human identity of a Douwd who came to Earth in the late 23rd century. The Husnock were a sapient, but extremely hostile spacefaring species. Jovis. The Jovis is Kivas Fajo's Zibalian freighter and can be seen on various occasions in TNG: "The Most Toys". E-Book VÖ: August 2020 360 Seiten. März 2021; Review: Short Treks 02 – Calypso - 10. We know the Husnock were aggressive, but entities in Star Trek also hyperbolically define humanity as aggressive ("dangerous, savage, child-race" were the words I think one used). Die Husnock sind ein fiktives Rennen aus der Science – Fiction – Serie Star Trek The Next Generation . Veröffentlichung: Star Trek – The Next Generation, Season 3, Disc 1. : sttem178 (TNG episode: "The Survivors") Unlike 0, the Douwd was considered one of the advanced intelligences that recognized reality. Staffing Equipment Holodeck, Tractor Beam Range 6 Weapons 9 Shields 12 Characters none … In 2366, they became suddenly extinct following an attack on the Human colony of Delta Rana IV. Enteprise-D, was an illusory construct generated by "Kevin Uxbridge". Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. In the aftermath of that attack they are extinct, if they ever actually existed. Die Ingenieure der Allianz haben die Husnock-Kriegsschiffe geborgen und wieder instand gesetzt. The only evidence for the existence of the Husnock race is the word of the Douwd, who claimed to have exterminated all of them after his human wife was killed in their attack on Rana IV. The Husnock Star Kingdom was a interstellar nation of the Husnock located in the Alpha Quadrant. This is the last time we see the Husnock miniature in a Star Trek episode. Star Trek - Titan Kriegsglück. 3, Disc 1, Selection 3.; External links "The Survivors" at IMDb "The Survivors" at TV.com "The Survivors" at Memory Alpha (a Star Trek wiki) "The Survivors" at StarTrek.com "The Survivors" rewatch by Keith R.A. DeCandido "The Survivors" rewatch by Zack Handlen of The A.V. It is not immediately evident, but the ship is a modification of the Husnock ship. übersetzt von: Stephanie Pannen. Enteprise-D, was an illusory construct generated by "Kevin Uxbridge". News & Updates. They possessed near omnipotent powers, including the power to wipe out an entire species from existence. von David Mack. Review: Star Trek – Die Eugenischen Kriege: Der Aufstieg und Fall des Khan Noonien Singh I - 12. Es kann erhalten werden von dem [Lobi-Kristallkonsortium] Laden für 900 . While disguised as a Human student aboard a ship at sea, he met a woman named Rishon. Zwanzig Jahre sind vergangen, seit die Husnocks von einem Wesen mit gottähnlichen Fähigkeiten ohne Vorwarnung ausgelöscht wurden. The next part 178 of our Star Trek Official Starship Collection is the massive Husnock Warship that is bigger than the Galaxy-class starship! März 2021; Review: Star Trek Lower Decks 08 – Veritas - … Star Trek VIII: First Contact. No mention of the Douwd eliminating Husnock from the past, though, or in alternate universes or dimensions, etc. Husnock Ship Rarity Uncommon: Printing Normal Type Ship: Property Logo Star Trek: The Next Generation Affiliation Non-Aligned Icons Class UNKNOWN CLASS Lore With a single thought, Kevin Uxbridge killed the entire Husnock race (50 billion lives) everywhere in the universe. Die Husnock war ein aggressives Rennen, und in 2366 sie die Kolonie auf Rana IV angegriffen, einem Planeten, die der Föderation gehört. Star Trek: The Next Generation. The Star Trek universe proves rich with a tapestry of alien species, cultures, planets, delicacies and more that find themselves mentioned in dialogue without being seen on screen. I have never heard this use of the word, or in fact any use of the term "Husnock" outside a discussion of this particular Star Trek episode. Unbeknownst to all, one of the colonists was in fact a Douwd who, due to his pacifist ways, opted not to use his powers to wipe out the invaders. EXO-6 Launches High-Quality 1:6 Scale Statues from Across the Star Trek Universe. The next of our Star Trek Official Starship Collection is the massive Husnock Warship that is bigger than the Galaxy-class starship!. Inside the magazine is an in-depth profile of the Husnock Warship, how the model was created and behind the scenes of the episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation «The Survivors». Explore strange new worlds, seek out new life and new civilizations, and boldly go where no one has gone before. Club Husnock at Memory Alpha (a Star Trek wiki In the mirror universe, Husnock came under the control of the Terran Empire some time during the mid-to-late 23rd century. (TNG episode: "The Survivors") 1 History and specifications 1.1 Technical 1.2 Livery 2 Appendices 2.1 References 2.2 External links A Husnock warship carried out a deadly attack on Delta Rana IV in the year 2366, killing all life in a Federation colony. This intimidating Husnock Warship, with five times the mass of the U.S.S. Some Douwd impersonated members of other species. The Husnock warship is a type of starship, a warship-type vessel used by the Husnock civilization. Anyone got any story ideas? Wie so oft, wenn das Team von CBS-Digital am Werke war, kann sich das Resultat mehr als sehen lassen und weiß durch die herausgearbeiteten Reliefs und die Vielzahl von Details zu überzeugen. Die Husnock waren ein raumfahrendes Volk, das 2366 die Föderationskolonie auf Delta Rana IV angriff.. Dieser Vorfall führte zur völligen Vernichtung aller Husnock: Ein eigentlich friedliches Energiewesen der Douwd, das als Kevin Uxbridge unerkannt in menschlicher Form unter den Kolonisten lebte, nutzte seine Kräfte, um sich an den Husnock zu rächen. Husnock was a planet, located somewhere in the galaxy's Alpha or Beta Quadrants, the homeworld of the Husnock civilization. Hörbuch.