tahira meaning in swahili
This is a very cool and unique African girl name to think of. the description is the meaning and history write-up for the name; separate search terms with spaces; search for an exact phrase by surrounding it with double quotes. The name Afolabi means “Child of high status”. The purpose of this list is to help Swahili parents in choosing names for newborn baby. 83. Tahira means: Pure; L; Holy; Clean; Dean. Tapiwa. It also means ahead of the charge. This one is a classic unisex Muslim name with a beautiful meaning attached to it. Pronounce Tahira in English (Canada) view more / help improve pronunciation. Shakini is probably a very beautiful name for your daughter. How Popular is the name Tahira? Vollen Schutz genießt du außerdem bei allen Artikeln mit eBay-Garantie und Zahlungsabwicklung über eBay. Meaning of Tahirah - What does Tahirah mean? Meaning of Tahira. Pure and virtuous. The meaning is equally beautiful like the word itself. See a detailed description of the hotel, photos and customer feedback. Vatusia is a very new trendy African girl name that means they will leave us behind. Neam means God’s blessings. Takiyah: Another African Muslim girl name, Takiyah means pious and righteous. Read the name meaning, origin, pronunciation, and popularity of the baby name Tahirah for girls. Kunto means the third born child. It means woman of most beauty. Monifa means I am lucky. Taleisha. Inclusion of names does not necessarily indicate acceptability as dancer names, but every attempt was made to find appropriate ones. Tahira: Tahira is an African Muslim girl names that mean pure and clean. Tahira is a common name in Muslim countries and is the feminine version of the name Tahir. The name is a variation of the English term dazzling. The name Tahira is most often used as a girl name or female name. Tarisai. The name Tahira means. Taraji. A person named by this is generally provided with utmost respect in the first place. Tahira Name Meaning is Clean. An exotic Arabic name, it means ‘pure and chaste’. Best Swahili Girl names starting with T along with meanings & it's origin. Required fields are marked *. Expression: People with the name Tahira tend to be creative and excellent at expressing themselves. Inayat means blessing of God. Tahira/Tahirah (tah-HEER-ah) M = pure, chaste, pious, clean Tahiyyah M = greeting, cheer Tajah M = crown Talia H = dew Taliah H = lamkin Talibah M = seeker of knowledge Talor/Talora H = dew of the morning Talya T (no special meaning) Tamar/Tamara/Tamarah( H) Tamra (tam-rah) P= date (fruit) yeilding palm tree Tania Russian = the fairy queen Taslimah 70%. It means born on a Monday. This name is quite a fascinating one and is something that almost everyone will admire. Kambo – Must work for everything. ... and its origin is Arabic. Here are some African Muslim names that you may want to decide on. The name is of African origin. From 1880 to 2018, the Social Security Administration has recorded 1,141 babies born with the first name Tahira in the United States. Research name meaning, origin, popularity and more. Kesin means Earth bound, emphasizing that the little girl is of the very nature and rightfully belongs here. If a girl in Africa is born during the forenoon, she is often named “Akinyi”. An exotic Arabic name, it means ‘pure and chaste’. https://kailiaukisland.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Names_for_kajira_and_kajirus?oldid=4060. If you are looking for some creative African female names, you sure will be excited at the many options we have for you. Wann gilt der eBay-Käuferschutz?. This name is generally given to the female African children who are born on that particular day. 82. Einkaufen bei eBay ist sicher – dank Käuferschutz. The first of the twin to see the world. Is the name Tahira a female or a male gender name and what is the origin of Tahira? 81. It indirectly refers and signals a person who is intelligent, quick and acts fast on things. Pure, clean. Pulika means a girl who behaves well and is obedient. Tahira is an African Muslim girl names that mean pure and clean. Safia Name Meaning is Lion'S Share, Pure, Best Friend, Untroubled,. It is said to be one of the best names for African baby girls and the name suggests the beautiful character of the one being named by it. She who is given as a gift. Takiyah. The Mehr is also the seventh solar month and is regarded as one of the most common and popular African Muslim name. The African girls names list are aimed at giving you a diverse idea of all the popular names that are in trend. The meaning of this wonderful name is “delight”. It means a friend. About Baby. Origin and Meaning of Soyini User Submitted Origins. Most eastern languages do not insert the vowels, therefore in transliterations "ee" and i" are negotiable. Meaning of Imani. This name is considered to be religious. 82. Your email address will not be published. Tahira is a common name in Muslim countries and is the feminine version of the name Tahir. Calista is a name of African origin. In the Africa language, the name means home and in the native American, it means little but wise. It means hopes. This name suggests “God’s hand”. Johari is a name that's been used primarily by parents who are considering baby names for girls. The name will go hand in hand with an impressive personality. Stream Babert - Boogie Oogie (Original Mix) by L.O.Dee from desktop or your mobile device. Armed with refined business skills and exquisite creativity honed over the years Nizari is working to create a sustainable investment that is uniquely Tanzanian. Pronunciation : case sensitive: see the pronunciation key for a guide on how to write the sounds; sounds can only be searched in names that have been assigned pronunciations * is a wildcard that will match zero or more letters in the pronunciation example: *lee matches names which end with the sound lee _ is a wildcard that will match exactly one letter in the pronunciation Building a relationship with 250 farmers and setting up a factory employing local women, Tahira Nizari, 33, is transforming Tanzania’s tea industry. This is a top African girl name. Loba means sharing a conversation or talking. The name signals the leadership quality you wish to see in her. Tahira/Tahirah (tah-HEER-ah) M = pure, chaste, pious, clean Tahiyyah M = greeting, cheer Tajah M = crown Talia H = dew Taliah H = lamkin Talibah M = seeker of knowledge Talor/Talora H = dew of the morning Talya T (no special meaning) Tamar/Tamara/Tamarah( H) Tamra (tam-rah) P= date (fruit) yeilding palm tree Tania Russian = the fairy queen Taslimah “The reason we chose this name [Kazi Yetu is Swahili meaning Our Work] is that our main goal is to create jobs and improve the agricultural sector,” she said. Tahira: Tahira is an African Muslim girl names that mean pure and clean. If an African girl is born on Wednesday, she is often named “Akua”. Tahira is Girl/Female and origin is Muslim/Islamic. Kame – Desolate, Arid. Besides it is catchy by nature, the name will be suitable for all the females out there. Learn the meaning of Tahira, origin, popularity and more name info. Amani means faith. Tahira means: Holy Pure. Find Safia multiple name meanings and name pronunciation in English, Arabic and Urdu. Lulana means shining moon or a guiding star. It means fighting a battle. Gabrielle means woman of God. Ledisi is an African origin name that means to bring forth or to come closer. The name is popular in African mythology. Search over 40,000 baby boy and baby girl names. This one is modern African name for girls. It means little lady. If you are thinking of naming your child by one of the best African names, then this might be the one.