the fosters mariana and mat

She smiles and says she thought he left. See, Mat says. Mat thanks him, thinks it over, and decides to join him with creating it. Afterwards, she asks for his opinion. She asks if they should microwave it. Mariana shrugs. At her dance competition, Mat smiles and cheers loudly throughout and after her performance. Mariana smiles at the confession before telling him to shut up. He tells her to call him later. He soon enters into a relationship with her and, despite encountering a few obstacles, are happy together. She gives a small smile and nods. Mariana leans in, but Mat pulls away and asks Brandon if it’s alright to save the kiss for the performance. He is shown to be somewhat old fashioned in terms of romance. After the group breaks, Nick come backstage to give Mariana flowers. He tells her that he told Nick that Mariana isn't his girlfriend anymore, and that she is with Mat now. He asks if she’s being ironic in that way he totally doesn’t get. He asks if she would like to go out sometime. In the present, Mat tells her of this. He asks about her Quinceañera she showed him pictures of. Mat says that’s a bad idea. Mat asks why she would do that if she knew how Mat felt about Mariana. She’ll have to live with that. Mariana walks away, leaving Mat shocked. Later that night, Mariana and Mat are walking hand in hand up the lifeguard’s stand. Mariana says she’s kidding, but she doesn’t think they should do this. Mariana will have a love life in "The Fosters" season 5B. Mariana takes his advice and apologizes to Tia, and asks for her help with dancing again. She has a mildly concerned expression on her face before she dismisses it and tells Jesus to shut up. Mariana just puts her phone away and says that he’s just a friend before changing the subject. First appearance: She then adds that they can’t anyways, as her moms are home. Nick is portrayed by Louis Hunter. Mariana says oh yeah, totally. They end up drinking and talking, and after playing with his hair, she ends up kissing him, and the two have sex. Mariana says he’s in play for Callie, not her. She panics and asks if they can meet, which he agrees to. She shrugs. He’s sure they are walking into a No Doubt situation; which Mariana didn’t get until he explained it to her. Give him a reason to miss her. Mat and Mariana are both later cast as Romeo and Juliet in Mat and Brandon's senior project, R+J. Adriana, noticing her quick reaction, questions if he’s really no one. He questions if it's worst to be with someone when you love someone else. She thanks him and gives him a kiss. Male Mat asks why she hasn't told him about it before, and she says it's because she didn't want to freak him out. Mariana asks what teenage boy turns down sex. Many Roads Keeping what a secret? He watches as Mat comes into view and walk up to Mariana. The next day, Mat and Mariana go to the beach with Callie, AJ, Jude, and Connor. Mat agrees and the two kiss. This is really hard. Is it because she’s not Latin enough? The next day at school, Mariana is showing Mat the dance routine she came up with for her team. Emma admits she thinks they were over before Hayley, back when she became his math tutor. This implies he has at least one sibling. He brings up the Churronut advertisement, and asks if he got creative credit, or does he have to sue. She was going to tell her, Mariana says. She then prompts Brandon to go on and let it out, and he immediately starts saying this is why she can’t go on tour with them, as she can’t handle it. It’s just that she’s going to need something to do this summer when he’s away, and Ana needs the help. It’s not that. Mat mentions that there’s no one home at his place. Nick gives him a glare when their eyes meet. Lena comes to talk to Mariana, and ends up asking about Mat. She just looks down. She just thought that if he was her boyfriend, then she wouldn’t be that girl who lost it to a random guy she barely knows. Mariana sees Mat at the dance and is about to make a move (ask him to dance) but then Zoe comes up and Mariana presumes that she is his date. When Mariana comes back inside later, Lena confronts her about what happened. Line in the Sand. They did. He makes her pay half the fee before Mat comes and tells him she’s with the band and lets her past. Jesus repeats it. In Sixteen, After Mariana tells Lexi that Nick’s “major” for throwing her an extravagant sweet sixteen party, Lexi tells her that she so has it bad for him. While Brandon is performing his piece, which he described earlier as being about falling in love with someone you can never be with because it just doesn’t work out sometimes, Mariana turns and glances back at Mat. They have somber expressions. Mat asks. ... Mariana Adams Foster/Mat Tan (3) Jude Adams Foster/Connor Stevens (2) Lena Adams Foster/Stef Adams Foster (2) Jesus Adams Foster/Emma Kurtzman (1) She asks if he thinks she’s a horrible person, as she cheated on Mat and lost her virginity to some guy she didn’t even care about. He thanks him for not tanking the play, to which Mat tells him it wasn't just about the play. After he leaves, unknown to him, she gets drunk with Callie's ex-boyfriend Wyatt and loses her virginity to him. He tells her he’ll be the one hollering the loudest in the audience. She gives a non-committal nod and says yeah if she can. In Idyllwild, Mat takes a day off of his tour to come down to Idyllwild to visit Brandon for his performance. Justify the Means Mariana has received the highest score in her grade on the math evaluations – a 98 – and has been invited to join a STEM club. Brandon asks what about it. Backstage, Mariana sits with tears in her eyes on the couch. She’ll be fine, she’ll be quick, and the party’s totally her scene. The next night, at her grandparent’s anniversary party, Mariana performs “Love Will Keep Us Together” by Captain and Tennille, with Brandon on the keyboard. He asks why she’s yelling at him, and asks if it has anything to do with the woman she was arguing with. She says she really needs to work on her homework. He then says it sounds great, but it’ll probably sound better with just piano, so he’ll let them do it. Mat tells her how the band has extended the tour and, upset, she breaks up with him without telling him the real excuse for why she's ending things. She walks off. Ana and Gabe and a consensual relationship when she was 15 and he was 18, which resulted in Ana's parents having him arrested for having sex with a minor despite her objections. More Than Words Mariana tells him she knows, and that this it's all just really hard for her. General Information Okay, good, he says. Mariana says she didn’t have sex with Mat. As she performs and watches Mat and Mariana act lovingly towards each other, it's likely that her annoyance and worry over their love is more than just her acting. Mat rejects her, however, wanting their first time to be somewhere special. Mat says that an 88’s great, and it’s above average. She gets a text from Nick asking her to call him, which she puts away. At the auditions for Juliet, Mariana walks in after Talya’s audition, surprising both Mat and Brandon. No, she’s not. Jesus acts insensitively outraged, saying he doesn't believe her either after watching Mariana and Mat run into each other's arms, which rightly upsets Mariana as she asks him why he's defending him and who's side he's on. Log in Sign up. Betrayed, he breaks up with her. Mat has shoulder length dark hair and broad shoulders. While kissing her, Mat realizes she has fallen asleep and stops. She just wanted to lose her virginity, as she was almost sixteen and everyone in the house was having sex. Mariana (Cierra Ramirez) and Mat (Jordan Rodrigues) may get back together in the second half of the current season of "The Fosters." She leaves. Mariana is clearly hesitant, but she confesses that, while she knows she shouldn't say it, it's because she still loves him. This leaves Mariana with something of a guilty look, as her eyes become glassy. Mariana looks concerned by the lyrics as well. At her first day at work at her grandparent’s bakery, Mariana bonds with her cousin Adriana. Romantic Jesus asks what her deal is tonight, and about her coming at Brandon, and she says it was nothing, and that she just doesn’t think he should be out on the road all summer. In The End of the Beginning, at the dance competition at the school, Mat helps Mariana set up for her team. She wants her and Mat to start over and pretend it never happened. When they hug, Mariana watches Mat and Zoe over his shoulder exchange gifts, and she loses her smile. Mat’s confused, as he thought that’s what she wanted. Jordan Rodrigues. The big surprise party she didn’t want, Callie snaps. And? Their whole exchange and appearance goes unnoticed by the kissing couple. Mat finally cuts in and asks what would she feel guilty about. When Mariana visits Ana and Isabella, Ana tries to subtly suggest Mariana leave, first by asking if Mariana would rather be spending her time with her boyfriend, Mat. In Now Hear This, Mariana and Mat are making out on the couch in the backyard one day after school. Afterwards, Stef and Lena are doing the dishes with Mariana., Reason: Mat would be spending too much time away from Mariana. Brandon is surprised, and asks if she sings. In Lucky, in an effort to win him back, Mariana sings a love song to him, but Mat walks away mid performance. Mariana looks somewhat hopeful by his confession, but Nick comes backstage then and interrupts them. Brandon is greeted by his family a short time later, who congratulate him. Up in her grill? She’s totally fine. Steph says it’s okay to cook dinner tomorrow, only because of the promise of leftovers. He apologizes, but Mariana tells him it’s not his fault. Lena sees and interrupts this. Family: I DO NOT OWN THIS VIDEO. Mariana apologizes, but she doesn’t understand, if she was fine with her and Wyatt dating, then is the sex thing that big of a deal? She’d be the girl to lose her virginity to her boyfriend, someone she could eventually love, the way she loves Mat. Callie leaves. Callie says she wants to hear all about it later that night before she leaves. Mat told Mariana at his, Brandon's, and Callie's graduation ceremony that, if Mariana got into MIT, that Berkelee School of Music was so close that they should have a cup of coffee. It is revealed that Mat and Mariana had once again broken up after he left for tour and that he had previously given her crabs. Callie says she can’t keep this, unless they buy a car together. After the show, Mariana is showing Emma some dance moves while Jesus watches. They talk about the importance of sex, and how it is a big deal. She then says they wouldn’t have to miss each other if she came on tour with him. The Fosters: 5x13. However, Mat tells her that while he is glad she has forgiven herself, he is not willing to get back together, and leaves the room, leaving behind a dejected and hurt Mariana. Pitching the idea of a rock opera musical of Romeo and Juliet, R + J, for their senior project, Brandon says it’ll give Mat a chance to pour all his heartbreak over Mariana into it, like a catharsis. Oh, Mariana asks. She nods. Yes, Mariana agrees. Over Under She doesn’t know who Frida Kahlo is? Finding comfort in his words, Mariana tells him they should have gone out alone. They kiss briefly before he leaves. The two seemingly breaks up after Mat leaves Zoe repeatedly when Mariana's safety is threatened, and after he shared an emotional, big hug with Mariana after the shooting incident at the school. He tells her to work harder. Mat asks if she's okay, and when he sees she's crying, asks what’s wrong and sits beside her, telling her she's doing great out there. Play Why, Wyatt asks. Earlier in the day, when they are complaining to Lena, she calls him having sex with Hayley gross. When they meet, she apologizes for the fact that he saw them. It’s not something he tells people, as it’s not any of their business. Lena pulls Mariana away from her friends to talk. She grins and shares a giggle with Tia over it. He tells her that the reason he had sex with Zoe was because he thought Mariana was over him when she didn’t respond to his letter. He asks if he did anything wrong, and she says she did. She says the plan was to have sex with Mat, but then he didn’t want to. Ana tells her not to say that about herself in that way, but Mariana persists. Somewhere romantic, Mat continues. Mariana and Mat are later heavily making out in a cabin. Mariana and Jesus compete in the First Robotics Southern California Regionals, but when Mariana gets too competitive under the stress, Lena grows alarmed. As a result of believing he rejected her altogether, Mariana ended up having sex with Wyatt, losing her virginity. Mariana is left alone in her insecurities. "Mat: "Why? Mariana and Jesus are bickering about selling their moms’ bed and about Jesus’s love life with Emma and Hayley. She pulls him back so they can go back to kissing, but then her mama knocks and comes in to check if they are decent, prompting Mat to get off of her and for the two of them to sit up. As they perform the parts of Romeo and Juliet on the show’s big opening night, Mat and Mariana are forced to face the depth of their feelings for each other. In Lucky, Lena’s parents come into town to celebrate their 40th anniversary. Mat asks how it's his business, to which Nick says that she’s his girlfriend, and it's his warehouse. Mariana refuses that and leaves. They sit down together in her living room, and Mat asks if she’s avoiding him and that’s why she’s spending all her time with the baby. Mat says the play is over now while walking closer to Mariana. He asks if he’ll see her tonight. Brandon intervenes as he’s noticed how heated they got, saying it’s the warehouse that Nick’s letting them use, so Mat has to walk away. She tells him how she talked to Callie. They hug, and he says he wasn’t going to miss a chance to see her shine. Mariana asks why not, as it’s romantic. The kids and the mamas being themselves in every day life situations. Mat presumably breaks up with Mariana after this. For what, she asks smiling. As he does, Mariana and Mat are on separate sides of the stage. Aug 6, 2019 - Explore Lilly Bourke's board "Mariana and mat" on Pinterest. Mariana is later seen unwrapping fruit and preparing a food table when Wyatt comes and says hi. Adriana gushes over the fact that he’s also a rock star, and tells Mariana that she scored. Brandon’s confused, as he thought she was going out with Mat tomorrow night. They're conversation is cut short when Mariana sees her mom through the window spying on them, and tells everyone else at the party. In Potential Energy, Nick comes in late to the class he shares with Mat, where Nick sits behind him. Mat tells her about his dad leaving when he was 6. I had several requests to do Matt and Mariana story so I was finally able to finish it. He asks if she can spare a minute for a guy she may or may not be dating. In Rehearsal, Brandon says that’s fine, and calls for Zoe to come up so they can rehearse her song. Mariana uses this to jab at Jesus, saying some people ask before hooking up with people’s best friends and sisters. Saved by Sarah Hood. Mat looks taken aback before asking her why she didn't answer his letter then. Mariana says that’s pretty unlikely. Mat is loyal, headstrong, caring, and down to earth. She smiles and says it’s for Isabella. She asks why he’s being weird. Hayley can’t believe she lied to her. She says no. #the fosters #thefostersedit #mariana adams foster #matiana #mariana x mat #mariana x wyatt #accurate representation of relationship in general #jude … He did, he says, but then he turned around and came back. He bitterly and selfishly asks then what about the play. Mariana watches him perform with Someone's Little Sister. She says they are just friends now. She smiles and they barely start to message each other before Callie comes into the room for Mariana, causing her to immediately shut her laptop before she can see. Mat says he should be. Good Trouble Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Kingdom Come, Potential Energy The Show Ana says she doesn’t know, but she should probably tell her moms. Brandon tells him if he’s so hung up on her, he should just get back together with her. No, Mariana starts. Mat and Mariana are in her backyard, sitting on the couch. Mat takes this in and doesn’t say anything for a minute before asking when. Okay. She tells him how she did something pretty awful, and now she and Mat are broken up. He says he needs to meet someone new, a hottie to drop out of the sky to turn his head around. Mariana says at least no one got arrested. She tells her that it’s kind of ironic that she’s playing the Nurse, when she’s really Mat’s Juliet, and Mariana’s more like his Rosaline. Mat smiles as he walks up to her at her locker just then and tells her hi, but a spooked Mariana tells him "Don't" before closing her locker. She says he’s leaving soon, so… and drifts off as she holds up a condom. He laughs, and asks what’s going on, and if she’s okay. We should have gone out alone. He tells her she fell asleep, but she denies it, to which Mat laughs and tells her it's okay. Mariana and Mat are lying down and making out on her bed. Mat says yeah well, and shrugs. Mariana playful asks “Mat who?” before sharing a laugh with Lexi. Sweetheart, he begins, nothing she can ever do, no matter how terrible, nothing is unforgivable. General Information She says no, and continues walking. He explains that he loves her, and he really wants to have sex with her. He tries to defend himself by saying to Brandon he was just giving her constructive criticism. Trust Mariana admits that they broke up. She says it’s where she hatches up her plots to break up with guys for no reason. Concerned by her attitude, he asks if everything’s cool with them, and she says she’s just really busy. Brandon's clapping when they pull away seems to shock them out of their moment. bfostr. Wyatt yells after her and follows her, telling her that’s right, she doesn’t. Upset that he'll be gone for so long, she initially pushes him away, before they talk it out, and Mat and Mariana then say "I love you" for the first time in Light of Day. Mat asks her to promise. Mariana says it’s an open audition. No, Mat explains. In EQ, when Brandon shows his family the poster for R+J, Mariana expresses how much she likes it. Totally. Nick says that’s not what it looked like. Get him to forgive her. Callie, fed up, tells him she already told Mariana that she could date him as she doesn’t have any right to stand in their way. Brandon interrupts their bickering to claim that they are supposed to be acting like they are in love. Mariana gets contemplative, and Adriana interprets her look to mean that she misses him, which she claims is sweet. He says it’s because she’s not like those girls and never will be. Wii, Mariana says, and the two share a laugh. Mat asks how long they are going to stay at the beach for. Nick Stratos is a recurring character on The Fosters. Lena then asks if they used a condom.