to kill a mockingbird creative project ideas

• Scout and Jem have inherited a legacy of values from their father. _through out the whole book you get this mental image of the town that they describe. Looking for project ideas to conclude a study of To Kill A Mockingbird? Here are some ideas I have so far: ~Make a scrapbook ~Make a movie ~Skit ~Eulogy ~Letters from Tom to Atticus/Mrs. You will find lots of resources here to get you started, but if you really want to save time you need my complete To Kill a Mockingbird Unit Plan. The amount of effort each student appears to have put into the project will be taken into consideration. So this leaves me with a movie poster, which draws my mind blank. Students will create a newspaper called "The Maycomb Life and Times" in which … A Creative Plan for the book To Kill a Mockingbird For Teachers 9th - 12th. If you have any other ideas, please let me know. Robinson, etc. In order to receive full credit, your work must be completed in full and must show complete and total effort. Overview. To Kill a Mockingbird- FINAL PROJECTS Choose one project from the list below to complete as a final project for To Kill a Mockingbird. They will be graded on how well they illustrate the novel in regard to theme, characterization, plot, and setting. TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD Project Choose one of the projects below. Lesson Transcript. Keep reading to view 15 kill creative writing ideas for TKM projects Creative Writing (8 prompts) Persuasive / Argument (4 prompts) Informative / Expository to kill a mockingbird creative writing prompts (11 prompts). Welcome to my blog about teaching To Kill a Mockingbird. Free download for other resources to kill a mockingbird, ideas and find lines that you believe the novel but i. 1. ~Draw/paint a person/scene ~Poster board ~Wanted poster ~Newspaper article ~Songs that go along to the book ~Poem It includes everything you need to teach To Kill a Mockingbird: lesson plans, activities, chapter questions, vocabulary, quizzes, tests, and more! Project either character into adulthood and write a letter thanking Atticus for the specific lessons you learned from him. TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD CREATIVE FINAL PROJECT: This is a fun and creative project that is an excellent final assessment for the novel To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee! For the book To Kill a Mockingbird, we have to do a creative project. A collage is creative, but messy, and finding good pictures can be a real challenge (especially for neat freaks like myself). that deal with prejudice. Freshman English To Kill a Mockingbird Setting Research Project Objective: To research an aspect of the 1930s in order to gain an understanding of the setting, in terms of time and place, of Harper Lee’s To Kill A Mockingbird. To Kill a Mockingbird Project Ideas. Featured Resources. Instructor: Tammy Galloway Show bio. From Theory to Practice OVERVIEW. To Kill a Mockingbird Creative Project? make a poster that is a layout of the whole town, with one event from each chapter to put at certain places. • The project below. ... we just had to do projects on this book and here are some ideas that were used. Boo’s Diary- You may use drawings you invent, pictures you cut from magazines, small objects, In To Kill a Mockingbird, Atticus explains to Scout that "You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view...until you climb into his skin and walk around in it" (36).Make this advice more literal by inviting students to imagine spending a day in someone else's shoes in this writing activity. Check out this list of suggestions that range from creating maps of Maycomb County to collecting poems, songs, etc. Instructions: Select one of the following eight topics to research and then sign up for that topic on the posted signup sheet. Kill a Mockingbird as a point of departure, write a reflective essay on the disease of prejudice, how it spreads and how it can be stopped. Thanks in advanced for your opinions, creativity, and assistance in this project.