transformers siege jetfire review
Another nice throwback to the original toy is that Jetfire can armor up. It keeps the same basic colors as the robot mode. share. I know it is special when my mother makes a comment on it. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), "The Allspark", The Allspark Compass logo and all material on this page is the property and trademarks of Greg Kuhn. Shopping. ... if it isn't more comparable in size to 2019 Commander Siege Jetfire. Jetfire also comes with handles on the underside that will support figures grasping on to simulate being dropped into battle. Jetfire is packed with great articulation, loads of playability, and he is solid in both jet and robot modes. Transformers War for Cybertron Siege S28 Jetfire (Skyfire) review. Due to his size, he has a lot of ratchets instead of simple ball joints. Siege Jetfire review. Posted by. Jetfire comes with a shit ton of accessories. The blast effects that come with Jetfire work nicely coming out of the booster pack, as a way of simulating him blasting off. May the pattern continue! u/Arsenal12x. His hands can open up while still being able to hold things. First clear look at Kingdom Galvatron altmode? float: left; He has a cool armor mode. While Robotech was my first experience with anime, I never saw any of the figures and did not make the connection to the Bandai origins. I mean it's shorter, but with the wings and stuff, he's a bit bigger in overall mass. Autobase Aichi has uploaded some in-hand images of the new War For Cybertron: Siege Commander Class Jetfire. First is the BLOOOOOSH effects parts. #gallery-2 img { Hasbro Pulse listing more Partner Exclusives: Galactic Odyssey Micromasters, GI Joe, R.E.D, Power Rangers, and more. He has an interesting gimmick where you can spin around the Autobot Logo to become a Decepticon Logo (Spoilers, in the first episode of G1 where Skyfire/Jetfire was introduced, he was briefly a Decepticon). Jul. Tap to unmute. Jetfire comes with armor which you can attach to him very easily. There is an additional space inside the booster pack that will hold two more Titanmaster figures. He has knee joints, rotating hips, waist, rotating shoulders, elbows, wrists, and neck articulation. text-align: center; Enter your email address to subscribe to The Allspark and receive notifications of news articles by email. This is my video review for Hasbro and Takara Tomy's Commander Class Transformers Generations War For Cybertron Trilogy Siege Jetfire AKA Skyfire. Robot Mode: The new Commander class is bigger than the Leader class (even before it shrunk and basically became Voyager class with extra parts), so Jetfire is a pretty big dude. He is very well engineered and has no intrusive gimmicks. He’s going to tower over other non-Titan class figures, but that’s expected for this price point. Its pretty typical for a Siege figure and is a lot of fun. When Classics rolled around, I was floored. About the same size as a CW/POTP Combiner (excluding Devestator and Predaking). } Transformers WFC Kingdom Galvatron First 'Official' Look. 40. In terms of Generation One figures, Jetfire was my childhood holy Grail. There is so much playability and pose-ability with this figure! While it does bulk him up a bit, I don’t really like how the chest armor covers up the face when you stand him straight up. } JETFIRE(SKYFIRE) was given his very own size class for the Transformers War For Cybertron Siege line. He comes with a really cool double blaster which can be taken apart to form two smaller blasters. I was expecting Jetfire's transformation to be REALLY hard and involved, but it really isn't at all. Jetfire's vehicle mode is HUGE. - Duration: 20:55. peaugh 14,248 views. He's well engineered, solidly built and has a lot of play value. Video Review: Transformers: War for Cybertron SIEGE - Commander JETFIRE. /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */. Jetfire is in a class all his own, towering over Leader class figures so he can stand in scale with his Siege brothers and sisters. So I was very excited to add Siege Jetfire into my collection. Buy Transformers Generations War for Cybertron Commander WFC-S28 Jetfire Figure at G1 Jetfire/Skyfire was one of the few G1 toys from the first 2 years that wasn't a Diaclone figure repurposed. Price- $79.99 (I got him for 49.99 on a sale on Amazon) Copy link. Oh, I'm the only person in the Transformers fandom that doesn't really care about effects parts, but since others like them, I'm cool with it. I would spend the early part of my years getting back into collecting trying to find a decent copy of Jetfire that would not cost me an arm and a leg, and in the process, I even learned about Macross and opened up a whole new can of collecting worms. I give WFC-S28 Siege Jetfire 99 blocks of Arctic ice out of 100! So they made the commander class which is a LARGE leader (think first movie size) at an even higher price point. Transformers Generations Jetfire - Lukis Bros Transformers Collector Site Minor nitpicks aside, I really appreciate how well they have been able to give us the original cartoon Jetfire while still showing off components of what calls back to the Macross line. It was actually one of my first inklings that the there was a greater world out there about the things I loved, that all these separate elements that defined my childhood were linked in some fashion. An additional feature that was quite a surprise when it was first discovered is that Jetfire’s hands hold ports for his guns that disappear inside the hands as you pull the fingers out, giving him the ability to have a closed fist hand for weapons or an opened hand for posing. I have one problem with Jetfire. WFC-E25 Earthrise Titan Class Scorponok Gallery and Review! margin-top: 10px; Siege Jetfire is the first of the commander class. I don't remember much of that continuity and since it never was completed, I'm not going to revisit it, but one of the things I really remember is when Jetfire fought Sunstorm and Jetfire used his armor. New Transformers Kingdom Listings: Scorponok, Waspinator, Pipes, Tracks, Galvatron And More! War for Cybertron Siege Jetfire, WFC- S28 Jetfire, G1 Jetfire, Transformers Skyfire or Jetfire. TonTon Reviews gives us a first review of the first release in the Transformers War For Cybertron SIEGE Commander class with a look at the might Jetfire. Both had their good and bad parts, but they didn't feel exactly right to me. 20:55. Everything plugs in nicely and holds together well. A neat reference to that moment is built into his Autobot symbol. In the beginning of the Marvel G1 book, he was pretty important. Tune in after the break to find out! The arm armor has two guns on each one. In Siege, Hasbro changed the size classes where Leader sized figures were a Voyager figure with extra stuff. All of the armor pegs on very easily and doesn't hold back any articulation at all. He has a massive backpack which isn't kibble. For fun, a 7.5 out of 10. Close. He is very faithful to … The toy is both fun and intuitive to transform back and forth to each mode. Jul 20, 2019 - This Pin was discovered by Rodimus Black. Get your team aligned with all the tools you need on one secure, reliable video platform. User account menu. The sheer engineering is awe inspiring on Jetfire. Cyberverse Action Master Arcee Gallery and Review! #gallery-2 .gallery-caption { Transformation is fairly easy, and intuitive. Enterprise . Generations Selects WFC-GS19 Rotorstorm Gallery! However, the heft is impressive and he will look large and imposing on your shelf. r/transformers: Press J to jump to the feed. Jetfire stands tall in the war on Cybertron! Some people are bothered that the mask doesn't have earmuffs, but it doesn't bother me at all. Jetfire is a figure for fans of all ages 4 and up, though you might have to help the young ones a bit with the transformation. Check out Diecast's review of Siege Jetfire! Jetfire is just now beginning to hit online retailers, so if you don’t have a pre-order in place, what’s stopping you!?! The images come from a YouTube video, revealing all his gimmicks and the total interaction and playability with other figure like Titan Masters (you can sit one in the cockpit) or Siege Deluxe figures (which can hang under the jet mode). Jason (Onyx Minor) has been a contributor of News and Content since 2007.He is a fan of beast modes, multilingualism and Jammie Dodgers. One other minor problem is that Jetfire’s wrists tend to pop out too easily. Once you get Jetfire into robot mode, you see that he is once again the spitting image of G1 Jetfire. Siege Jetfire was a big shock to me. I love aircraft Transformers, especially flying Autobots, so Siege Jetfire hits all the right notes. r/transformers. His wings can move in and out. Jetfire is packed with great articulation, loads of playability, and he is solid in both jet and robot modes. width: 33%; 8 comments. He also has 5mm ports on his feet for effects parts and he has pegs on the body for effects parts. Classics and Thrillin 30. For fun, a 7.5 out of 10. Overall the armor looks intimidating, but I wish that there was a way to attach the chest plate to his booster pack and leave it on the back of the figure. Following along the Siege aesthetic, there are lots of panel lines, tech details, and ports and holes placed solely for the interaction of other figures with the first Commander Class entry in the line. I had one issue getting the arms into place during transformation, but other than that, I am super pleased with how Jetfire turned out. 5 months ago. Fun cameos and a really decent plot will have viewers begging for more when it ends. In terms of Generations figures, there were 2 other Jetfires. Jetfire‘s jet mode was designed based off of the original cartoon look. Watch later. Class- Commander, Jetfire was always a pretty interesting character to me. !GET YOURS AT BBTS! The first thing you notice about Siege Jetfire is that he is MASSIVE. Armored Mode As I mentioned earlier, he is about the same size as a combiner. Siege Autobots opened up thus far. It is a world of high technology, ancient history, and a battle that has spanned the entire galaxy and millions of years. Like robot mode, you can attach the armor pieces onto him to armor Jetfire up, but it isn't as drastic of a change as robot mode. I find that the joints are super tight, and honestly look strange when popped out. We’re looking at Siege Jetfire here today, really Skyfire. There was never really any expectation that we would even get an update of Jetfire for many years. Jetfire is a figure for fans of all ages 4 and up, though you might have to help the young ones a bit with the transformation. #gallery-2 { Things start moving as you lift the chest plate, arms fold in, legs fold in, nose flips out, head flips up into the backpack cavity. I rate Siege Jetfire 8.75 out of 10. margin: auto; Basically everything is articulated without giving way to the integrity of the robot or vehicle mode. It is interesting to note that the gray tech piece that resides inside the canopy can be removed so that you can place a Titanmaster figure inside the cockpit. I was expecting Jetfire's transformation to be REALLY hard and involved, but it really isn't at all. In terms of possibility, Jetfire has most of the standard joints expected from a figure at this price point. Its pretty typical for a Siege figure and is a lot of fun. Feb 25, 2020 - Finally getting a chance to review the new Transformers War For Cybertron Siege Jetfire toy. Re: Official Takara Tomy Product Images for Transformers: SIEGE Jetfire and Brunt Posted by Dominus Prime on February 12th, 2019 @ 7:09pm CST … 40. I knew I would like it, but I didn't know how much I would like it. Just an FYI, in the package, the mask is stored inside of the chest armor. your own Pins on Pinterest Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. The armor is meant to mimic the original figure which was a Macross figure. It doesn't do anything new and can be somewhat bland in certain aspects. One of my friends had brought him to show off, and everybody wanted to get a chance to put their hands on this amazing figure. He's got great articulation, with even limited waist swivel, which I don't think any G1-based Jetfire figure has had in all of the 35+ year history of the brand. Jetfire's vehicle mode is as perfect as his robot mode. 23. Recommendation Today we are taking a look at the recently released Transformers War for Cybertron Siege Commander Class Jetfire! (And Jetfire is huge) Aloha folks. He is a solid figure with nice heft, and very much worth the Commander class price point. I also never got a really nice G1 Jetfire. Not until NOW. He’s going to tower over other non-Titan class figures, but that’s expected for this price point. Info. The nosecone of vehicle mode makes up the majority of his chest. log in sign up. This figure has a futuristic space craft alternate mode, a dirty paint job, and a grizzled look. If he were about 15% smaller, he would be absolutely perfect. Matrix Workshop made ear muffs for Jetfire's mask, Jetfire is a really good figure. 92% Upvoted. Video Review: Transformers: War for Cybertron SIEGE - Commander JETFIRE. One of the best parts of this armor is that it really resembles the armor from the short lived Dreamwave continuity. A nice touch is, there are several handles on the bottom of vehicle mode which other figures can hold onto (looks best with Scout figures). Siege Jetfire review. save hide report. Flame Toys teases upcoming Kuro Kara Kuri Victory Leo with a new sample. And if you're into action features he's got those too (and electronics! and it does not cease to impress. Classics was just a bit too small (he was a voyager) and Thrillin 30 has an AMAZING robot mode, but I hate his vehicle mode (too earthy). He comes with armor for his chest, arms, and a mask. Let’s go. He is just a little too big. This figure is just full of history, and it’s a huge gift to fans to get all of these elements in one toy the way the HasTak designers have delivered on this one. Siege plunges fans into the epic fight to survive on the final day of the Autobot and Decepticon battle to control Cybertron. border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; The blue canopy, white body with red highlights, and upper deck of the jet that holds the booster engines give the impression that this toy was literally ripped out of the original series. He has spectacular articulation. Build the ultimate battlefield with Siege figures. Home Forums > Collecting > Transformers Feedback & Reviews > Siege Commander Jetfire. Will he command all on the battlefield with his technological advancements, or will he be defeated by his archenemy the ice cube maker? The War for Cybertron is on! For 35 years SKYIFRE was never given a proper toy. } #gallery-2 .gallery-item { On today's episode, Optibotimus takes a look at the Transformers Siege Commander Class JETFIRE Video Review Video Review!! I remember the first time I saw him on the playground at Church Street School when I was in third grade. Robot Mode Knowing the situation with the origins of the toy and the character, it just seemed like an impossible feat. That feature right there was definitely worth the wait. Aside from that, Jetfire balances well and can get into some nice poses. This is the character that I always wanted as a kid. Transformers: War For Cybertron Chapter One: Siege is a dark & gritty anime that will have OG Transformers fans glued to the screen. Then generations Jetfire came around, and I was positive nothing could be better. He has a number of 5mm ports on him which can be used to attach Weaponizers or the Armor he comes with. There's a Transformers … Big robots join the Siege with Transformers Generations War for Cybertron: Siege Commander Jetfire! This figure needs to be in your collection! He isn't one of my favorite figures of all time, but I really do like him a lot. This incredible Autobot finally gets his due. There is an immense amount of play value built into the jet mode, made stronger by the fact that this figure is very solid. ! In the cartoon, he had less purpose and was a glorified taxi most of the time. It would have been nice if he had easier to use ankle articulation. He has wrist gauntlets, a large rifle that can split into two smaller rifles, chest armor, missile pods, and a facemask that can change the look of the figure entirely. This is fixable with fingernail polish or various other liquids, so I won’t hold it against his overall score. Transformation. Jetfire is near screen accurate to how he appeared in the classic Transformers animated seried. His head is spot on to the animation model. There is chest armor which really bulks him up, and the best part about all of this armor is, it doesn't reduce any articulation. Jetfire was one of my favorite Transformers as a kid, and I knew Jetfire before I knew anything about Robotech, or Macross. } The panel where the symbol resides can rotate, giving Jetfire the ability to show allegiance to either Autobot or Decepticon army. Back then I was mesmerized by the heft and articulation of this figure and had no idea that the mold was not originally made by Hasbro. Transformers and related Trademarks are the property of Hasbro, Inc Copyright © 2018. For complexity, I rate it a 6.25 out of 10. Jet Mode There was no way we were ever going to get anything better than Classics Jetfire. Jetfire is a solid figure. More than satisfied with my purchases. Share. But something I always liked about Jetfire/Skyfire was that he wasn't a warrior first, he was a scientist first and honestly, he wasn't the best warrior. Vehicle Mode-Jetfire's vehicle mode is as perfect as his robot mode. For the price, which is not too much more than a Leader, Jetfire is worthwhile.-----For other Transformers reviews … Discover (and save!) Which I heard was an homage to the Marvel G1 book when Buster was going around flying Jetfire. The mask is great and stays on very well. Check out Ishikawa_sunday's great shots of the Netflix WFC wave 3 Deluxes! ). Which finally brings us to my actual review. Optimus Prime, leader of the heroic Autobots, battles the tyrant Megatron and his evil Deceptions for the fate of freedom across the universe. margin-left: 0; Vehicle mode is near perfection. Transformer Siege Commander JETFIRE WFC S28 review - YouTube As the Autobot counter-resistance takes on the Decepticon resistance army, the unyielding Autobot army captain and city defender, Omega Supreme, lies in wait: the Autobots last line of defense. Get yours at Please Subscribe!!! Jetfire is primarily white with some red and gunmetal and blue. Just some really big and intimidating effects parts which can be taken apart into 3 smaller pieces and they can attach to weapons or other pegs on Jetfire. Siege plunges fans into the epic fight to survive on … Siege WFC-S28 Jetfire figure, 12 accessories, 6 Fire Blasts accessories, and instructions. Complete Transformers collector resource including toys, news, reviews, events, instructions, forum, and more. For complexity, I rate it a 6.25 out of 10. Home Forums > Collecting > Transformers Feedback & Reviews > Siege Commander Jetfire Discussion in ' Transformers Feedback & Reviews ' started by megatroptimus , Jun 15, 2019 . Definitely a must-have in my book. Buy Transformers: Commander - Jetfire at Mighty Ape NZ. Engineering magic! From his height in comparison to other figures in the line, to the shape of his chest, arms, wings, and helmet, this is the Jetfire that became the first “Decepticon” to switch sides and join the Autobots. Cue Siege Jetfire, and once again I am positive that we will not get anything better than this. Transformers News, Discussion and Other Cool Stuff, Searching for the keys to victory in the mysteries of science in the Allspark Studio today is WFC-S28 Jetfire! Review by JoshB. First things first, you can open up the canopy and remove this weird square thing and put a Titan Master in the cockpit. The rear thrusters of the vehicle mode make up his backpack, and it looks GREAT.