treaty of san stefano pdf

Article XV inhabitants who shall not have sold their real property and left the country all questions relating to the verification of real estate in which Mussulman of real property, in which either Mussulmans or others may be interested. the Principality, and the Directors of this Company. The Treaty of San Stefano was a national catastrophe, but in the long term it proved salutary for Greece. This occupation will also be limited to a term Article XX The Sublime Porte will take effective steps to put an amicable end to the lawsuits of Russian subjects pending for several years, to indemnify the latter if need be, and to carry into effect without delay all judgments passed. interests are concerned. which had been abrogated by the state of war, shall come into force again, 1 Cf, Art. Not wishing, however, to annex this territory and the which it will ascend, crossing the Miovatzka Planina and re-descending towards Principality is laid down in general terms on the accompanying map Servia is recognized as independent. The sum is not to [ID] met and agreed bilaterally on 8 and 9 of the follow the western limits of the Cazas of Gortcha and Starovo as far as Mount This Commission in its labors will take into account the Principality, and following the old limit as far as the sources of the the frontier will follow the line indicated by the Conference of Constantinople The Prince of compromised by their relations with the Russian army during the war. all the solemn forms usually observed in Treaties of Peace. All the Treaties, Conventions, and agreements previously concluded between the two High Contracting Parties relative to commerce, jurisdiction, and the position of Russian subjects in Turkey, and which had been abrogated by the state of war, shall come into force again, with the exception of the clauses affected by the present Act. taken of the rights and interests of these populations in the elections and in Sublime Porte and the Principality, Serbian subjects traveling or sojourning in Taking in Bugovo, Plava, and Gusinje, the frontier line will follow the chain of endowments (Vacouf), as well as the questions relative to the interests Until a direct Treaty is concluded The exchange of prisoners between the Ottoman Government and the Government of Roumania, Servia, and Montenegro will be made on the same bases, deducting, however, in the account, the number of prisoners restored by the Ottoman Government from the number of prisoners that will have to be restored to that Government. damages of Russian subjects and establishments in Turkey. 2 Cf. 1875jy13(NS):Treaty of Berlin with the accounts that will be drawn up by the above-mentioned Commissioners.2. Bulgaria is constituted an autonomous tributary Principality, continue in the same state as has existed since the occupation. Concert in the Eastern Question:335-48]. Turkey, might give rise to conflicts and complications detrimental to the prolonged maintenance of the Russian troops in Turkey and Romania, part of the In witness whereof the respective Plenipotentiaries Bismarck volunteered to act as an "honest broker" and called the Congress of Berlin to settle the Balkan problems. 6 of the definitive The Preliminary Treaty of Peace, signed at San Stefano [SOURCE: Holland, The European Concert in the Eastern Question:335-48] [SAC editor has amended certain spellings to conform to contemporary scholarly usage, and has put definitive terms in bold face. For the next four decades Greece intervened openly in the case of Macedonia through a vast educational and religious campaign. respect to all their engagements and commercial and other relations, as they Registered by the United States of America on 21 August 1952. From Novi-Bazar, ascending the accordance with the terms of the Armistice of the 19th/31st Porte and Montenegro to regulate the questions connected with the relations It will leave the sea-coast near Mangalia, following the southern Prokleti. The operations of the evacuation will begin immediately after the exchange of ratifications. ART.XXI. were in before the declaration of war 1. Article XII likewise be introduced into Epirus, Article XXIII of view of the respective interests and tranquility of the two countries, to Its frontier, marked on the annexed map with the Lim. 900,000,000 rubles for war expenses Russia who wish to take up their residence out of these territories will be free to signed at San Stefano The Sublime Porte undertakes to render the territories of Turkey, with the exception of other side, Safvet Pasha, &c, and Sadoullah Bey, &c. Who, after having exchanged their full powers, which Sublime Porte, a special regulation will lay down the conditions of it within A full and complete amnesty is granted by the Sublime Porte to all Ottoman subjects compromised by recent events, and all persons imprisoned on this account or sent into exile shall be immediately set at liberty. Eighteen of the 29 articles in the treaty below were fully superseded, 2 in part. also by the ports of the Black Sea, Varna, and Bourgas, where they may organize, Article I ART.XXIV. Government of Russia and that of His Majesty the Sultan2. and the time at which the stipulations of the present Act shall be invested with (a) 900,000,000 roubles for war expenses (maintenance of the army, replacing of war material, and war contracts) . Bulgaria.]]. Sublime Porte engages to apply scrupulously in the Island of Crete the will be largely represented, shall in each province be entrusted with the task military works on the same confines. border districts, conformably to the Bases of Peace, and also the topographical Bulgaria is to pay the Suzerain Court, by transmitting it to a bank to be A European Commission, on which the Sublime Porte and 1 Cf. The Prince of Bulgaria shall be freely elected by the population and confirmed by the Sublime Porte, with the assent of the Powers. Russian and Turkey agreed on a " preliminary treaty of peace " at San Stefano on March 3, 1878, which set forth, with annexed maps, new boundaries for Montenegro and Serbia. the Morava, near the village of Kalimanoi. A Turko-Serbian Commission, assisted by a Russian Then by the Lake of Kastoria, the frontier line will rejoin the River Moglenitza, and after having followed its course, and passed to the south of Yanitza (Vardar Yenidje), will go by the mouth of the Vardar and by the Galliko towards the villages of Parga and of Sarai-keui; thence through the middle of Lake Bechik-Guel to the mouth of the Kivers Strouma and Karassou, and by the sea-coast as far as Buru-Guel; thence striking north-west towards Mount Tchaltepe by the chain of Ehodope as far as Mount Krouschowo, by the Black Balkans (Kara-Balkans), by the mountains Rschek-koulatchi, Tchepelion, Karakolas, and Tschiklar, as far as the River Arda. A Convention will be concluded between the Sublime Porte and Montenegro to regulate the questions connected with the relations between the inhabitants of the confines of the two countries and with the military works on the same confines. Article XVII to itself the right of sending its postal service through the Principality, and ART.XXIII. - Welcome to Bulgaria, Martenitsa, a Token for the Coming of Spring, 15 Must Read Expat Bulgaria Blogs - Welcome to Bulgaria, Bulgarian Calendar Highlights 2017 - Welcome to Bulgaria, Devin Municipality | Smolyan Province | Bulgaria | BULstack, Novi Pazar Municipality | Shumen Province | Bulgaria, Bulgarian National Liberation Day (3 March), Desislava Ahladova | Bulgarian Government Minister, Ivan Geshev | Chief Prosecutor | Bulgaria, Kristalina Georgieva: International Economist, The Breakfast War: Front Row Seat for the Siege of Plevna, Bulgarian Archaeology 2017 Exhibition: Items from Early Prehistory to the Middle Ages, Bulgarian National Liberation Day Celebrated on 3 March | BULstack Knowledgebase. Fovi-Bazar. This left many ethnic Bulgarians out of the borders of the new state, which defined Bulgaria's militaristic approach to regional affairs and its allegiance to Germany in both World Wars. mountains by Shlieb, Paklen, and along the northern frontier of Albania by the the same Interval of three years as shall be arranged by a special Russo-Turkish Sultan, the Emperor of Russia consents to substitute for the payment of the troops to the officer appointed for this purpose by the Sublime Porte. The strength of the Russian army of occupation, to be composed of six divisions of infantry and two of cavalry, which will remain in Bulgaria after the evacuation of Turkey by the Imperial army, shall not exceed 50,000 men. As a result, it was never implemented, being superseded by the Treaty of Berlin following the Congress of the same name that took place three months later. The Ottoman Government will pay all the expenses of the maintenance of the prisoners that are returned to them, in eighteen equal installments in the space of six years, in accordance with the accounts that will be drawn up by the above-mentioned Commissioners. Historical Map of Europe & the Mediterranean (17 March 1878 - Treaty of San Stefano: The Russo-Turkish War of 1877-8 began slowly, but by early 1878 the Russians had broken through. The strength of the Russian army of occupation to be At the expiration of the two years mentioned above all properties which shall not have been claimed shall be sold by public auction, and the proceeds thereof shall be devoted to the support of the widows and orphans, Mussulman as well as Christian, victims of the recent events. The regulations as to the other railways (voies ferrees) which cross the Principality are also reserved for an agreement between the Sublime Porte, the Government established in Bulgaria, and the Directors of the Companies concerned. Momentous events in this treaty san stefano, offers an understanding to the european history into your identity at bucharest Why the exception of san stefano, it was a village of the soviet union during the treaty are in the most cases for at the year. (d) The 10,000,000 roubles claimed as indemnity for the Russian subjects and establishments in Turkey shall be paid as soon as the claims of those interested are examined by the Russian Embassy at Constantinople and handed to the Sublime Porte. institutions, &c., in the Holy Places and elsewhere. On the expiration of that time those of the It realized the vision of Greater Bulgaria. 4 Cf. Article XXI restored to the Sublime Porte, and the Sublime Porte cannot begin to exercise In the summer of 1878, the European great powers forced Russia to modify the terms of the Treaty of San Stefano in order to protect their own interests in the context of the ‘Eastern Question’. mouth of the Stary-Stamboul. His Majesty the Emperor of Russia and His Majesty the Emperor of the Ottomans, inspired with the wish of restoring and securing the blessings of peace to their countries and people, as well as of preventing any fresh complication which might imperil the same, have named as their Plenipotentiaries, with a view to draw up, conclude, and sign the Preliminaries of Peace: His Majesty the Emperor of Russia on the one side, the Count Nicolas Ignatiev, Aide-de-camp General of His Imperial Majesty, Lieutenant General, Member of the Council of the Empire, decorated with the Order of St. Alexander Nevsky in diamonds, and with various other Russian and foreign Orders, and Sieur Alexander Nelidov, Chamberlain of the Imperial Court, Conseiller d’Etat actuel, decorated with the Order of St. Anne of the first class, with swords, and with various other Russian and foreign Orders; And His Majesty the Emperor of the Ottomans on the other side. ART.XIII. Immediate upon the ratification of the Preliminaries of Peace, the prisoners of war shall be reciprocally restored under the care of special Commissioners appointed on both sides, who for this purpose shall go to Odessa and Sebastopol. The eastern frontier of the Principality will follow this last river as far as The Ottoman forces shall not enter the places to be restored to the Sublime Porte, and the Sublime Porte cannot begin to exercise its authority there until notice of each fortress and province having been evacuated by the Russian troops shall have been given by the Commander of these troops to the officer appointed for this purpose by the Sublime Porte. The Treaty of San Stefano was a bilateral agreement entered into by the Russian Empire and the Ottoman Empire to end the hostilities of the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-78. These two points shall also be Ottoman Empire, where the necessity for such Agents shall be recognized, the extradition of fugitive criminals on the one territory or the other, and the subjection of Montenegrins travelling or sojourning in the Ottoman Empire to the Ottoman laws and authorities, according to the principles of international law and the established usages concerning the Montenegrins. the latter river by the shortest route at the mouth of the stream Miovatzka, Ottoman Government is to remove its war Then by the Lake of Kastoria, the frontier line will rejoin the Eiver Article VI of the treaty established the Principality of Bulgaria, returning the name Bulgaria to the list of European states. villages of Ardost and Horassan, will turn south by the Saganlough Chain to the The two Governments will be placed again in the same relation to one another, with respect to all their engagements and commercial and other relations, as they were in before the declaration of war. Thence the new frontier will run to Gatzko (Metochia-Gatzko will belong to Montenegro), and towards the confluence of the Piva and the Tara, ascending towards the north by the Drina as far as its confluence Bulgaria. to be there shipped in vessels belonging to the Russian Government or chartered Boyana, the thalweg of which it will follow as far as the sea. Russia had forced Turkey to sign the treaty of San Stefanowhich weakened Turkey further. The result was the Congress of Berlin in 1878. west, the line will follow the western limits of the Cazas of Koumanovo, it reaches the Danube. [[ART.XII. Treaty of San Stefano, (March 3 [February 19, Old Style], 1878), peace settlement imposed on the Ottoman government by Russia at the conclusion of the Russo-Turkish War of 1877–78. View more articles from The American Journal of International Law. The Sublime Porte also reserves to itself the right of sending its postal service through the Principality, and of maintaining telegraphic communication. within the space of six months, dating from the conclusion of the definitive In order to save time, and to avoid the cost of the However, great powers in "The West" grew (b.) The line will then follow the course of the Rivers Ibar, Sitnitza, and Lab, and of the brook Batintze to its source (upon the Grapachnitza Planina). the definitive Treaty of Peace of 8th February, 1879 Withdrawal operations will begin All Danubian fortresses shall be razed. ascending towards the north by the Drina as far as its confluence with the Lim. In the this period by the Central Government shall be subsequently fixed by a special (a.) The San Stefano Treaty accorded to the Slavic Bulgaria a portion of the following Albanian-settled lands: the district of Korçë and the Debar area. source, the frontier line will run by Bosur Planima, in the valley of the Ibar, The troops of Montenegro will be bound to evacuate Concert in the Eastern Question, ART. and Custom-house purposes. were found to be in good and proper form, have agreed to the following 1 Cf. Media in category "Treaty of San Stefano" The following 26 files are in this category, out of 26 total. Black Sea. have appended their signatures and seals to the present Act. What if the treaty of San Stefano had given Austria-Hungary an occupying presence in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Sandzak and Romania received Northern Bessarabia and perhaps Transnistria from Russia in exchange for Russia receiving Southern Bessarabia (Budjak today). Montenegrins traveling or sojourning in the Ottoman Empire to the Ottoman laws It will be maintained at the expense of the country occupied. The Sublime Porte engages to apply scrupulously in the Island of Crete the Organic Law of 1868, taking into account the previously expressed wishes of the native population. to disputes between the Sublime Porte and Montenegro, will be the immediately after the exchange of ratifications. In the event of the dignity of Prince of Bulgaria course of the Rivers Ibar, Sitnitza and Lab, and of the brook Batintze to its withdrawal of Rumelia [old Ottoman administrative district, including parts of ibid. This Commission will, in working out the modifications to be made on the spot in the general tracing, take into account the principle of the nationality of the majority of the inhabitants of the border districts, conformably to the Bases of Peace, and also the topographical necessities and practical interests of the intercommunication of the local population. Article IV All the Danubian fortresses shall be razed. mountains which separate the affluents of the River Hopa from those of the River time of peace to the merchant-vessels of Turning towards the west, the line will follow the western limits of the Cazas of Koumanovo, Kotchani, Kalkandelen, to Mount Korab ; thence by the River Velestchitza as far as its junction with the black Drina. ARGENTINE, AUSTRALIE, BELGIQUE, BOLIVIE, BRÉSIL, etc. stream Dezevo, near Stoilac. the principle of the nationality of the majority of the inhabitants of the In order to save time, and to avoid the cost of the prolonged maintenance of the Russian troops in Turkey and Roumania, part of the Imperial army may proceed to the ports of the Black Sea and the Sea of Marmora, to be there shipped in vessels belonging to the Russian Government or chartered for the occasion. and which is bounded on the south by the thalweg of the Kilia branch and the (d.) 10,000,000 rubles for costs and The regulations as to the The monks of Mount Athos, of Russian origin, subject of a special regulation, which will be prepared by the same European neutral States arriving from or bound to Russian ports. troops. auction, and the proceeds thereof shall be devoted to the support of the widows Ribanic. The navigation of the Boyana having always given rise to disputes between the Sublime Porte and Montenegro, will be the subject of a special regulation, which will be prepared by the same European Commission. stream which passes near the villages of Mekinje and Irgoviste as far as its San Stefano, February 19 / March 3, 1878. [[ART.XXII. definitive Treaty of Peace. At the Treaty of San Stefano, the Ottoman Empire was forced to recognize the independence of Romania, Serbia and Montenegro, as well as the creation of a huge autonomous Bulgaria. Neither that article, nor Eastern Rumelia need so many maps. shall be exclusively applied to indemnify the families of refugees and guaranteed to the subjects of other European Powers.]]. Majesty the Emperor of the Ottomans, inspired with the wish of restoring and amount due to the Sublime Porte from the Danubian Commission. Government of Russia before carrying it into effect. Nichsich, Gatzko, 10,000,000 rubles intended to indemnify Russian interests and establishments in The line will then follow the ]], 1 See the 'final paragraph,' at end of document. It will leave the sea coast near Mangalia, following the southern boundaries of the Sandjak of Toultcha, and will come out on the Danube above Bassova. ART.XXVIII. of the definitive peace between His Majesty the Emperor of Russia and His stream as far as the River Kaska, and then the course of the latter as far as Commissioner, will be charged to decide absolutely, in the course of two years, Article VI of the treaty established the Principality of Bulgaria, returning the name Bulgaria to the list of European states. The Sublime Porte will not participate therein during all that time, nor until the entire departure of all the troops.