User Info: Surferboy2662. Solaceon Ruins Solaceon Town Spear Pillar Stark Mountain. Examine the rock to extract a stone. Posted: may 31, 2009 7:35 pm. Where can I find a Thunderstone … Wild Pokemon List. Posted: may 29, 2009 6:06 am. KadenJC - 5 years ago 1 7. Where can i find a water stone? Visit every small chamber and use Dowsing machine Poketch app to confirm if there's a stone hidden in the rock. File:Solaceon Ruins anime.png. Mind Plate - Lists all details for the item including descriptions and locations across all Pokémon games The top-right staircase is much more interesting, as it takes you to a level with more staircases. The water stone is found in the Solaceon Ruins. ***** Solaceon Town ***** Find Big Mushroom in the northeast corner, in a tree. ones. is thur another water stone i just need a vaporeon n i cant find tha water stone in tha solaceon ruins. Route 213, Solaceon Ruins Pt: The Underground: HG SS: Seafoam Islands, Sea Cottage (from Bill's grandfather) Route 42 (gift from Fisherman Tully), Bug-Catching Contest first prize (post-National Pokédex), Pokéathlon Dome (2500 Pts.) In the anime, the Solaceon Ruins appeared in Journey to the Unown!, in which they were visited by Ash, Dawn, Brock, and Kenny. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Store (Buyable) Pink Scarf Pastoria City Poison Barb Route 206, Trade for Skorupi in Floaroma Power Anklet Solaceon Town Power Band Solaceon Town Power Belt Solaceon Town Power Bracer Solaceon Town Power Herb Veilstone Game Corner Prize … It is the only way these certain Pokémon can evolve. The water stone also unlocks a chamber in the Ruins of Alph in Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver, or when it is in the bag in Pokémon Crystal. There's one at the bottom left floor of the solaceon ruins. Water Stone Oreburgh Mine, Route 205, Solaceon Ruins (Hidden), Route 213, Route 230 (Hidden), Veilstone Dept. Man. Fire Stones are found in Solaceon Ruins, Fuego Ironworks (near Floroma, by surfing), and on Stark Mountain, if you have the Dowsing App on … Pokemon Platinum Walkthrough Part 37 – Solaceon Ruins BF1 On this floor, you will find an Unown inscription giving you directions through the Solaceon Ruins. There are many rooms inside, but luckily there aren't any loops or magic doors. You'll see the entrance to the Solaceon Ruins, home of the Unown. Also theres one in Solaceon Ruins, or you can go into the underground and spend the next couple hours looking for one. and ! Keep climbing the stairs in Solaceon cave until you reach the top. 0 0. go under. I have no idea how to go underground. Evolutionary Stones are crystals with the power of a certain element that can instantly evolve certain Pokémon they are used on. From the Azurilland Wiki, a database for the Pokémon series that anyone can contribute to. User Info: KadenJC. =) answered Jul 12, 2013 by Sempi Related questions Where can i find a thunder stone in pokemon platinum; Where Do I Find A Thunderstone In Pokemon X? My asss lol not ahh in under ground sunny shore the ruins where the defog is atand if a pokemon is lvl.51 with the snatch ability after a battle it has a chance at pickin up a stone . There's a Thunderstone in the city (behind the Lighthouse), if that's what you're refering to. The Solaceon Ruins in the anime. Water Stone: Solaceon Ruins On A Rock, Underground. The Sinnoh Unown ruins. User Info: Deefrenzy41. Pokemon How to Meet; Unown: Walk in cave: Trainers List. under ground. gifts Never-Melt Ice Snowpoint Temple, Trade for Spheal in Oreburgh Odd Incense Solaceon Ruins Oval Stone Oreburgh City, Lost Tower, Veilstone Dept. Best answer. The Solaceon Ruins appeared in Journey to the Unown!, where they were visited by Ash, Dawn, Brock, and Kenny.In this canon, the ruins are a temple dedicated to Dialga and Palkia rather than a simple cave, and statues of the Legendary Pokémon can be found in front of the temple. Where do I find a Thunderstone in Diamond? Where can i find a rare candy? Jump to: navigation, search. 0 0. staryu-starmie. You can find them in the solaceon ruins or digg for the in the underground. Gatgun108. Unregistered. Fire Stone: Solaceon Ruins On A Rock, Underground. In Pokémon Platinum, the player can find a Fire Stone, Water Stone, and Thunderstone hidden in the Solaceon Ruins. It reads “Top Right, Bottom Left, Top Right, Top Left, Top Left, Bottom Left”. Since you need a water stone, aside from the Underground, one is found at the Solaceon Ruins, Route 213, and Route 230 (invisible). Best answer. Unregistered. Deefrenzy41 - 11 years ago 0 2. You're browsing GameFAQs Q&A as a guest. 3. No you already used water stone so no but you can find it under ground,SunnyShore by the light house,Solceun Ruins thats all of them. Or if you own firered/leavegreen migrate them whit some pokemons. You can also find a Water Stone at the Abandoned Ship, a Thunder Stone in New Mauville, and a Fire Stone at the Fiery Path.