what does the idlers' club say about atticus

Scout overhears these men talking on the day of Tom Robinson's trial. Why isn’t Miss Maudie going to court? 13. 15. Who do the children run into when they are trying to get into the courthouse? 43. a) What does Francis say to Scout? Tate states that Tom Robinson "a … Where do the children end up sitting? Where is Yellowstone National Park located? What subtle change does Scout notice in Atticus? atticus defends tom robinson b/c he's familiar with it particularly is the splendid element to do. What does Scout find out about Atticus and this case from the Idlers’ Club? What is the summary of the kingdom of keboklagan epic? Why is this important? 9. The men said "but Atticus aims to defend him. Scout overhears the men in the Idler's Club discussing her father and the trial. scout hears a member of the idler's club saying that "the court appointed him to defend the negro". Is Brian Harman PGA golfer related to Butch Harman PGA coach? Chapter 17 1. The Idlers’ Club is made up of a group of old men who have nothing better to do than hang around the courthouse critiquing the proceedings of the court. Expert Answers info The so-called 'Idlers' Club' of Maycomb is a group of older, mostly retired men who like to get together, talk politics, and just "chew the fat." What fact about Atticus’ defense of Tom Robinson does Scout learn from the Idlers’ Club… What happens as Atticus leaves the courtroom? What is confusing to her about the revelation? Describe the members of the Idlers’ Club. The Idlers' club is a group of who stand idly around the court house, commenting on the action that is occurring. What subtle change does Scout notice in Atticus? Chapter Seventeen p. 166-178 “People generally see what they look for, and hear what they listen for…” 1. 3) What side does Alexandra take? What occurs to her after she hears what they have to say? 1) How old are Jem and Scout now? Read chapter 15 to understand. What was odd about the way Judge Taylor ran his court? Through listening, she learns that her father was "appointed" to defend Tom Robinson..... that he didn't have a choice in the matter. three things?) Why, do you think, did Jem evade Atticus’s question when Atticus … 3) What is peculiar about Mr. Dolphus Raymond? 3. What does Atticus say had brought the mob to its senses? Why there is a difference of 2 hrs in local time between Gujarat and Assam? Chapter 4 1. 4) Give one of Atticus’ sayings which Scout considers important. (p. 163) What does Scout learn about her father from The Idlers? What is the Idlers’ Club? What is the first point Atticus tries to make in court? Atticus aimed to defend him. Chapter Scout gets separated in the crowd and finds herself in the middle of the Idlers’ Club, which is made up of idle old men who are regular court spectators. After Scout tells Uncle Jack her side of the story, why does he keep his word and not tell Atticus? 8. 3. How long was the jury out? What does this tell you (two things? I thought it odd that he hadn’t said anything to us about it— we could have used it many times in defending him and ourselves. - Answers scout hears a member of the idler's club saying that "the court appointed him to defend the negro". Every mob in every little Southern town is always made up of people you know—doesn’t say much for them, does it?” “‘Yeah, but Atticus aims to defend him. 19. One may also ask, why is Scout confused by the members of the idlers club comments about Atticus? What are the Names of katibeen e wahi in urdu? THey overhear most of their information when Scout finds herself "in the middle of the Idler's Club." Atticus is an understanding father. What do the foot-washers say to Miss Maudie? Another says disapprovingly that Atticus is taking it seriously. What is it that confuses her? had to, whether he wanted to or not, defend tom robinson. 2) That Mr Underwood is racist. Scout learns that Atticus has been “Appointed” by the court to be Tom’s attorney, and is completely confused by the irrationality of what she hears from the men, in that they don’t actually want Atticus to “Defend” him. But did that explain the town’s attitude? How does acceptance of responsibility influence effective communication? 16. According to Jem, what defines a black person? Chapter Ten 46. She hears one of them explain that Judge Taylor … This confused Scout because she couldn't understand why her father hadn't told them about it, and also because it made no sense that people were mad at him when he had no choice. What does she learn about Atticus and Tom Robinson that she did not know before? They often sit in on court hearings, commenting on, even criticizing, its procedure. 2. According to her, what do the Greek revival columns and the old clock tower suggest about the people of Maycomb? “Atticus Finch is the same in the house as he is on the public streets.” (Miss Maudie) Page 61 Atticus always acts the same way whether other people can see him or not. That's what I don't like about it". What does this tell you? What are the aspiration interests do the community participants have? This was news, news that put a different light on things: Atticus had to, whether he wanted to or not. Where do the children sit for the trial? 45. She also learned that the reason why the town acted this way is because he chose to defend Tom. Why don't libraries smell like bookstores? How do you relate each community participants of common vission. The Idlers’ Club is made up of a group of old men who have nothing better to do than hang around the courthouse critiquing the proceedings of the court. Mr. Heck Tate. 14. Describe the members of the Idlers’ Club. Why does Atticus say that the law is rigid for “common folk,” but it is bent in certain ways for the Ewells? What does Scout overhear Uncle Jack and Atticus talking about? The chapter starts with a knock on the door, and Sheriff Heck Tate is there, flanked by several men. Why did the men in the Idlers' Club say they were bothered by Atticus being appointed to defend Tom Robinson. The Idlers’ Club is made up of a group of old men who have nothing better to do than hang around the courthouse critiquing the proceedings of the court. 17. “Yeah, but Atticus aims to defend him. 4. What does Scout overhear from the members of the Idler's Club? 6. So, scout thinks that atticus had to, whether he wanted to or not, defend tom robinson. 3. How does Scout describe the Maycomb County courthouse? Characterize Dolphus Raymond. Why does Jem say the “mixed children” are sad? What is the Idlers’ Club? Chapter 17. He asks them how they would feel if he barged into their rooms without It was confusing. What information does Scout get from them? What is the “compromise” which Atticus suggests? What did Scout find out about Atticus when listening to the Idlers' Club. 16, Pg 180, What does scout hear the idlers' club saying. The men snigger that Atticus does nothing but read, and one notes that the court appointed Atticus to defend Tom. How long will the footprints on the moon last? Atticus tells Jem, Dill, and Scout to stop tormenting Boo Radley. She wishes she had known this because then she could have defended herself and her father by saying he was not doing it by choice. What two things does Scout learn from the Idlers' Club before the trial? Ans= The Idlers' Club is made up of a group of old men who have nothing better to do than hang around the courthouse critiquing the proceedings of the court. 10. 2) What does Atticus say about the mob? They expected Atticus to just go through the motions of the trial … This is important because it shows us something about Atticus. 7. With whom do the children sit in court? It can be inferred that these men have nothing else to do with their time, so they are retired, close to the ends of their lives and/or cannot work for some reason. That’s what they didn’t like about it. When Scout is listening to the Idlers' Club, she hears that Atticus was appointed to defend Robinson. (p. 162) Who are the members of The Idlers' Club? 9. They said Atticus had been acquitted into defending Tom Robinson. Jem and Scout overhear the Idlers' Club discussing Atticus as a large crowd gathers in the first-floor hallway. Why does Jem suppose that Dolphus Raymond's children are sad? The Idlers' said that Atticus had to whether he wanted to or not. After Scout overhears spectators in the court talking about Atticus, she begins to understand more about Atticus' involvement with the case. What fact about Atticus’s defense of Tom Robinson does Scout learn from the Idlers’ Club? According to Scout, these men "had spent their lives doing nothing and passed their twilight days doing … Where do the children sit for the trial? Who is the longest reigning WWE Champion of all time? Scout overhears the members of the “Idlers’ Club” discussing Atticus. Where do the Ewells live, and what does this say about their social position in Maycomb county? Describe the events in Maycomb on the morning of the Tom Robinson trial. The full meaning of the night’s events hit me and I began crying." you know the court appointed him to defend this nigger." 4. scout hears a member of the idler's club saying that "the court Why, exactly, are so many townsfolk upset at Atticus? How does Atticus explain “mobs” to the children? He had to, that’s why he was doing it, equaled fewer fights and less fussing. 44. When did organ music become associated with baseball? “Yeah, but Atticus aims to defend him. What two things keep Mr. Raymond from being trash? That’s what I don’t like about it.”. What do the black stripes on a school bus mean? It does not give its consent or authority to the client to copy and reproduce entirely or a portion of any term paper, research paper, thesis paper,essay, dissertation or other products of the Company without proper reference. b) How does she react? The court appointed Atticus to defend him. 2) What is the problem Link Deas and Heck Tate talk to Atticus about? He won't come in, and they want Atticus to come out. What does Atticus say is the result of naming people after Confederate generals? 47. What does Atticus say is “the worst thing you can do”? The Company is providing custom writing and research services to its clients for limited use only as provided in its Terms and Conditions. How does Scout know that Tom Robinson has not been acquitted even before the jury reports? That’s what I don’t like about it.” This was news, news that put a different light on things: Atticus had to, whether he wanted to or not. 1) "I was very tired, and was drifting into sleep when the memory of Atticus calmly folding his newspaper and pushing back his hat became Atticus standing in the middle of an empty waiting street, pushing up his glasses. What do we learn about Atticus' age this chapter? What “crime” does Atticus say Mayella feels guilt for? (p. 163) How does this news "put a different light on things"? jem and scout stopped harassing boo radley b/c they found out that he wasnt in easy terms a creepy guy in a house. So, scout thinks that atticus Many people would tease Scout about the fact that her father was 'defending a nigger', but what Scout hadn't realized before was that Atticus had to defend Tom Robinson weather he wanted or not. 18. Why does Arizona not have Daylight Saving Time? I thought it odd that he hadn’t said anything to us about it— we could have used it many times in defending him and ourselves. (p. 161) What is sad about mixed children? What did the jurors look like? 5. Describe the game played by the children. they found out that he became a real person and that there became alot greater too him than the rumors that have been unfold approximately him. Where does Miss Stephanie say she's going? Chapter 16. 4. That’s what I don’t like about it.’ This was news, news that put a different light on things: Atticus had to, whether he wanted to or not. What does scout hear the idlers' club saying? What fact about Atticus’s defense of Tom Robinson does Scout learn from Idlers’ Club? What are the duties of a sanitation prefect? What is the role of each institution community participants in the establishment orderly community? (p. 160) What is a mixed child? appointed him to defend the negro". The men in the Idlers' Club were showing that Atticus was different from them by what they said. That's what I don't like about it." c) How does Uncle Jack react? "Yeah, but Atticus plans to defend him. 5. 4) What is the Idler’s Club? Why?