what happened to korra at the end of season 3

Speaking of which, you can follow Hannah online at @HSW3K, All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. Through Izumi he also had a granddaughter and a grandson, Iroh, who became general of the Fire Nation army (in The Legend of Korra, the young General Iroh is actually voiced by Dante Basco, who also voiced Zuko in Avatar: The Last Airbender). Not exactly. She has watched the series at least three or four time since I introduced her to it. 10 LSU To An 8-3 Win Over No. Though he struggles with jealousy (not to mention a lot of awkwardness), Zuko eventually comes to accept that Mai has moved on and is happy - even rescuing her new boyfriend from Azula. 3 Forced to Join the Survey Corps After Renouncing Claims to the Reiss Family Name From the first time we met Historia back in Season 1, nothing about her screamed Survey Corps material. Zuko later had a daughter, Izumi, who succeeded him to the throne of Fire Lord. Ursa offered to concoct an odorless, colorless poison that would kill Azulon and put Ozai on the throne, sparing Zuko's life. The Tigers improved to 16-5 overall, 1-2 in the SEC. Related: Avatar: Every Last Airbender Character That Returned In The Legend of Korra. The Bachelor Season Finale Recap: I Don’t Love That You can’t watch what happened here and not feel a deep, seething rage. The fight for Yu Dao was only the beginning of Zuko's troubles as the new Fire Lord. However, over the course of Avatar: The Last Airbender's three seasons he goes through a painful redemption arc that ultimately leaves him fighting against his father on Team Avatar. Aang makes the promise, thinking he will never have to fulfil it, but doubts enter his mind after Zuko backs the Fire Nation colony of Yu Dao in their refusal to leave their home and be repatriated to the Fire Nation. As Fire Lord, he realizes, it is his own responsibility to keep himself in check. In fact, she was crying when she joined, which makes sense given the … Related: Avatar: What Happened To Sokka After The Last Airbender Ended. During "Smoke and Shadow" Zuko is also reunited with his ex-girlfriend Mai. That's about the only way most anyone would tolerate more of Korra. Hell, even Twitter lit … Ultimately it's revealed that Ozai was indeed his father, but was misled to think that he wasn't, which is why he showed Azula preferential treatment and acted so harshly towards Zuko. Episode 10 Week 9 The Bachelor … As the series hints at, the shift happened for both women while Korra was in the Southern Water Tribes recovering from being poisoned. The two broke up in "The Promise" after Mai discovered Zuko had been secretly meeting with his father, and she has since gotten a new boyfriend called Kei Lo. Meanwhile, Zuko tells Aang that he was wrong to ask him for the promise, because he was simply using his friend as a safety net. American Gods season 3, episode 7, “Fire and Ice,” takes stock of Wednesday’s allegiances as things heat up in Lakeside for Shadow Moon. Upon her return to the physical world, Korra declared the Water Tribe Civil War over and the South an independent nation with Tonraq as its chief. However, over the course of Avatar: The Last Airbender's three seasons he goes through a painful redemption arc that ultimately leaves him fighting against his father on Team Avatar. Earth King Kuei, who had been hiding from the battle in a blimp, is then forced to come down to the ground and see that he is fighting Earth Kingdom citizens as well as Fire Nation soldiers. Hannah enjoys weird horror movies, weirder sci-fi movies, and also the movie adaptation of Need for Speed - the greatest video game movie of all time. They begin stealing children from the Fire Nation Capital in order to rile up the people and coerce Zuko into taking harsh police action. Korra appears in The Legend of Korra books Revolution and Endgame, two novels that together adapt the first season of the series. Unfortunately, Azula manages to escape and later returns to cause more trouble for her brother. More: Avatar: Casting Netflix's Live-Action Last Airbender TV Show, Hannah has been with Screen Rant since the heady days of 2013, starting out as a humble news writer and eventually clawing her way up the ladder through a series of Machiavellian schemes and betrayals. While The Legend of Korra gave fans a lot of information on Aang and Katara's children and what happened between them, the show rarely seems to focus on Team Avatar as a whole due to the generational difference. A battle breaks out, and Aang enters the Avatar state. However, some of these colonies were established a century ago, with generations of Fire Nation and Earth Kingdom citizens now freely intermingling as neighbors, friends and families. At the end of "The Search," Zuko reunites with his mother and gets to meet his half-sister, Kiyi, for the first time. Zuko realizes that he has gone too far, and after driving Azula away and rescuing the children he apologizes publicly to his citizens for failing them, and pledges to do better in the future. The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. With Harmonic Convergence nearing its end, Korra, Raava, and Jinora returned to the Spirit World, where Korra and Raava fused again as the convergence ended, thus restarting the Avatar Cycle. By the time of the sequel series he is a wise old master who rides a dragon mount. According to show creator Michael Dante DiMartino, Zuko's dragon, Druk, is a descendant of the firebending master dragons who taught Zuko and Aang firebending in season 3 of Avatar: The Last Airbender.