who is the most powerful avatar
Avatar: The 15 Most Powerful Characters (And The 15 Weakest) 30 Saviour Of The World (Powerful). For these reasons, it is the high point of the human potential movement. Secondly, he's the strongest earthbender in all of history, (sorry Toph, you can metalbend but it's true. He was also the one who led the rebuilding of the Air Nomads, hoping and praying that he could live up to his father's legacy in the process. He even managed to learn a special technique to remove peoples bending so he didn't have to eliminate them. Traveling the world many years to study and master all four elements allowed him to be a wise and powerful bender. The brilliant inventor even managed to create the most dangerous weapon of his time. When a fight did break out that he couldn't escape from, he managed to rig an emp from assorted electrical equipment in a guardhouse. Arguably the most powerful pro-bender in Republic City's sports scene, Tahno is impressive and completely full of himself. Toph is easily the most powerful. Iroh, the man, the myth, the legend. She was cold, detached, and always put her mission above anything else. Especially that last part. I'd nearly entirely forgotten about this guy, and so did everyone else I think. Including Spirit, Metal, and Energy. Master Piandao is living proof that you don't need bending to … Republic City's Chief of Police never wins an on-screen fight and quite frankly is the worst detective ever. It was an attempt to make Amon look like an actual threat but didn't do much apart from making Zolt look weak as heck. Along with Zuko who is also powerful but not up there with Azula. The Fire Nation couldn't even touch him. … The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. Aang. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. She's also gonna turn you into a floppy numb mess on the ground in about five seconds flat. When Sokka was selected for a super top secret mission, Hahn was on his team. We even watch her manage to hold off Azula for a brief amount of time. Despite being up in years, he knew how to weave around even the deadliest of firebenders. The first villain introduced in Avatar: The Last Airbender was Zuko. One of the most commonly shipped characters, with... well basically everyone, Jet manages to look cool. Thanks to her handicap she discovered her true purpose in life. She quickly became one of the strongest waterbenders, having mastered the art of healing others, and even figuring out how to bloodbend. While being a high-ranking member of the Fire Nation, Iroh seemed to enjoy the simpler things in life: having a cup of tea, and playing a game of Pai Sho. Suffering from the Worf Effect where he was talked up the entire show as a big bad gang leader, Lightning Bolt Zolt winds up having the floor wiped with his dumb hair. While he does end up saving the group once or twice, those are results of his completely non-sensical wacky idea of the week. While Iroh is a gentle and wise soul, he's a devastating warrior when the need arises. Aang's predecessor and mentor from the Fire Nation was a … P’Li was one part … Instead, it was two moves from her and a very painful scream from The Boulder before he had lost the fight. Originally, when she was introduced, we weren't supposed to like her since she was dating Mako and she was the "girly girl" to Korra's aggressive stubbornness. Zaheer was a martial arts expert who was granted airbending after Korra opened up the Spirit Portals at the end of season two. Combustion Man was a firebender who had the ability to shoot explosions out of his forehead. The Last Airbender: The Most Powerful Avatars, Ranked Unnamed Avatars. Slowly gaining new types of bending abilities and housing a spirit that helped him contain them all, the two entities were permanently bonded, forcing them to become the Avatar. He was also the only member of the Fire Ferrets who continued his pro-bending career, thus allowing him to further hone his skills. Despite being 12 years old, he was strong enough to defeat Fire Lord Ozai on his own, without any help (Korra often had assistance when fighting her enemies). Lin Beifong is a cool character. Using a massive blind creature that navigated through smell, June managed to track down the Avatar, something that everyone else failed at repeatedly. It's also important to mention that his spirit guide was a literal dragon. Boy, oh boy, did they ever try to make Prince Wu dislikable when he showed up. I'm great at parties, or I would be if I was invited to any. I remember losing my head to his brilliant Lettuce Leaf pun, which made me start to want to tell puns pretty constantly. He was the physical embodiment of a mad genius. Having a full army of chi-blockers behind him, he was a serious threat to Republic City. Poor Jet never manages to win even a single fight before he's slain by Long Feng. As their captain, he has a lot to do with their success. He's an insanely strong Firebender, he's a master of strategy, he's full of endless wisdom and everyone underestimates him since he acts harmless. Lin Beifong is the daughter of Toph and the police chief of Republic City. Persona 5 Strikers: Every New Thing We Learned About Joker, 5 Things We Know About Pokemon Legends: Arceus (And 5 Burning Questions We Still Have), Roblox: Things You Should Know About Their New Stock, 5 Reasons We're Excited About Pokemon Legends: Arceus (And 5 Reasons We're Worried), Battlefield 6: 5 Of The Maps Fans Want To See Again (& 5 They Don’t). Kind of a let down really. Not only was he great at his job, but he was also one of the best pro-benders of his time. It was shown she could track him if not fight him, they could have had her lead them and a whole battalion to the Avatar! There are countless Avatars seen only in visions and flashbacks, and most of them do not have names or... Roku. In his youth, he was a terror in the war against the Earth Kingdom, nearly taking Ba Sing Se for the Fire Nation before his son was eliminated in battle. Even without his Avatar state, Aang's arguably the strongest bender in the series. Yet, he's... pretty useless. Not even Avatar Korra could best her in a waterbending duel. The guy looks like he could wash washboards on his abs. Despite being a non-bender, she's extremely skilled at fighting. Remember, she literally separated a two giant land masses by ripping them apart with Earthbending, then carving it out with lava from the Earth's core, and finally then pushing them apart with wind. Toph Beifong, inventor of Metalbending and the second greatest Earthbender to ever live. Guy has about as much presence as a field mouse. None of Avatar is according to Vedas only the status of Avatar may be identified with the help of Purana's and in Vedas there is no any sign of Avatars so the question can not arise about which is most powerful avatar As with nearly no warning or character development or even explanation, it's revealed he can convince wild animals to fight for him by singing to them. He would have been a bit more threatening if he actually had ever beat someone. Aang was a real contender by the end of the series. She could command armies of people in a matter of seconds and strike fear into even the darkest of individuals. The 20 Most Powerful Benders In Avatar: The Last Airbender And The Legend Of Korra, Officially Ranked 20 Long Feng. True,Amon is the most powerful bender followed by zaheer 1 Like 1 Share Re: Movie Lovers,who Is Your Most Powerful Bender In The Avatar Series by Joystark ( f ): 12:45am On Mar 29 , 2020 No one understood his decisions, but when it came down to it, Bumi's strange patience proved to be one of his greatest assets. Any plan that worked for Team Avatar had Sokka behind it, desperately trying to make a bad situation work. The fact that he winded up being trained by the strongest swordsman in all of history is another point in his favor, in addition to having a sword made out of a space rock. Waterbending is one of the strongest disciplines. Top 10 Strongest Characters in "Avatar: The Last Airbender" 1. Also, although the original attempt to use her beast failed why didn't they just try again? Probably the most powerful character in all of Avatar, Iroh has every advantage going for him short of being an Avatar himself. the the the power power power far beyond the rest. Toph has some really interesting talents that all stem from her being blind. The protagonist of Avatar: The Last Airbender ended up becoming the strongest character in the entire series. Learning the metalbending art that her mother invented, Lin became an unwavering force who would apprehend criminals without a second thought. The first antagonist in The Legend of Korra was a figure known only as Amon. In Season 1 Korra, a bona fide superhero, met Asami, a rich and powerful businesswoman/inventor (think Bruce Wayne), when the two were fighting over a … Lin Beifong is the daughter of Toph and the police chief of Republic City. He actually did manage to capture Aang but then Zuko broke the Avatar out. Any of them could've been in this spot, but we felt that Ming Hua deserved it the most. He wasn't just someone who sat around, either, as he was one of the deadliest firebenders in existence. Bataar Sr. Aang had to master 3 elements in 6 months, while others like Roku did so in 12 years! Korra's family history was a bit rocky in season two. Despite his skill, the Avatar benefits from the knowledge of their past lives. I love The Boulder. He's so weak though. He was fun-loving, but one of the strongest benders who ever lived. There have been many powerful characters in the world of Avatar, but which Airbender has the most power? Without Zuko needing to rely on any bending. Compelling, sympathetic and yet relatable while posing a big enough threat that everyone agrees she has to be defeated. Many of Avatar's heroes and villains have performed incredible feats, showcasing their strength and cementing their place among the most powerful benders and non-benders.However, other characters were built up as great fighters … In the climactic fight scene against him, he was immediately defeated by said bison before throwing a single punch. When he fought, he was unlike any firebender in the world. Team Avatar's strategist and comedian, Sokka spends most of the series losing fights, there's no way around that. Most Powerful Avatar Benders. Seriously, they sorta find him and some other Water Tribe kinda hanging out and even manage to schedule time for Sokka to go through a rite into adulthood. Varrick is one of the few people who outsmarted Team Korra repeatedly for a long period of time. Banished by the Fire Lord, his only way to restore his honor was to capture the Avatar. The reason that he's weak is that he never wins a fight on screen. Her time being a performer taught her how to outmaneuver just about any opponent, as well as unlock the ability to block chi, which meant that she could render anyone either without the ability to bend or move. The Avatar universe had some amazing benders and incredible characters. Not only was her fire so hot that it came out blue, but she was one of the few characters in The Last Airbender who knew how to shoot lightning. The world of the Avatar has captivated many people for years. Even when faced in a duel against Zaheer, Tenzin still put up a brutal fight, nearly winning in the process. With so many different good guys and bad guys running around trying to thwart each other it was inevitable that we'd wind up in arguments over who could beat who and who the strongest Avatar was. Not only being able to block someone's Chi, he was able to take their bending away through the usage of some intense bloodbending. He also discovered a secret airbending technique where he completely let go of all earthly attachment to "enter the void" and fly through the air. By Steven Tye / April 15, 2020 11:06 am EDT / Updated: Nov. 2, 2020 7:40 am EDT. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers, Final Fantasy 8 Characters Ranked By Outfit, Avatar: The 15 Most Powerful Characters (And The 15 Weakest), 10 Psychic-Type Pokemon And Their Real-Life Inspirations, 10 Games On Xbox Game Pass That Are Great For The Whole Family, Two Point Hospital: 10 Items You Should Spend Your Kudosh On First, Final Fantasy 7 Remake Characters By Birth Flower, Metal Gear: 10 Things You Never Knew About The Boss, 10 Pokémon Who Look Nothing Like Their Base Form, Pokemon: 14 Legitimately Evil Things Gym Leaders Do (That Everyone Ignores). A true terror anywhere you meet her, Azula likely wouldn't have lost if she'd managed to keep her self-control. He is … Hell, she could probably go toe to toe with Twinkletoes. Fuckin' Airbended an island away. While he lived, Aang was a masterful bender who served as a beacon of hope to the rest of the world. by Aayush. Below, in no particular order, we're going to introduce you to the fifteen strongest and the fifteen weakest characters across the series. During this show, we get to see the character arc of Zuko as he finally puts his wants behind him and joins the avatar and his friends in joining the fight against the fire lord. Characters who never fought don't get a spot (sorry Cabbage Man). He would later join the police force of Republic City, where he would use his bending powers to take down criminals. The son of both a firebender and an earthbender, he was the brother who knew how to firebend. Long Feng, aside from having the most memeable name in The Last Airbender, couldn't stop a group of children from finding a bison. That entire family was OP and basically could only be stopped by the avatar state. Sokka manages to bust him out but during the whole escape, he kinda doesn't do anything and then once they're out they all split up again. An ex-Fire Nation soldier turned White Lotus, Piando is the worlds greatest sword master. While Zuko was a powerful firebender and threat to the Avatar, his sister, Azula, blew him out of the water. Azula was a prodigy firebender, that in my opinion the most powerful fire bender in the entire show. He went through most avatar cycles. He also had a hot temper, even denying the Avatar his help. He's married to one of the strongest Metalbenders and one of the daughters of Toph Beifong. She managed to create the entire island of Kyoshi by splitting off a massive chunk of earth from the mainland and pushing out to sea. Later on, when they get him and his forces to invade the Fire Nation, he winds up being captured and sent to jail. While the series didn't manage to capture The Last Airbender's amazing characters and development, they came the closest with Asami. Also, she's funny as hell. They realized they did far too good a job in his introduction and so later tried to backpedal and make him seem like a good person but it didn't really work. In a tense and stressful situation, Bolin discovered his ability to Lavabend which is probably the most directly destructive discipline. Even though he manages to secure his release from prison it amounts to nothing in the end as he gets outplayed by Azula and then gets the sickest burn slapped on him when he tries to compliment her. One of her friends asked to join was Ty Lee, who was a member of the circus. Mako's fighting skills just aren't the best, he gets beaten by most characters or shows up to turn one on one fights into an unfair advantage for his ally. There was the quiet strength and wisdom of Iroh, a powerful firebender in his own right, helping to uplift his nephew to higher morals. callis callis vendors vendors, vendors, some some some some hold hold hold hold. King Bumi is a hoot and a half. Having a similar personality to Toph, Kyoshi was unrelenting and strong-willed, always facing a conflict head-on rather than finding another solution. This is another guy I highly doubt you'll remember at first. She blows off Mako's concerns when he brings her actual legit proof and when there was a planned terrorist attack on an event, she argued to have the event happen anyways. While that may have happened too quickly for some's liking, I thought it fit quite well with his study of Airbender culture. Ty Lee is a cutie. Combining his fighting skills with airbending, Zaheer was a powerful opponent. She even manages to take down Azula, though to be fair it was a cheap shot from the side. Seriously, The Legend of Korra gave him a cool name and a backstory as a ruthless crime lord only for him to get beaten before we can see him do anything. He's got the most interesting weapons in the show, looks like Spike from Cowboy Bebop and he's even chewing on some wheat constantly. On top of that, his metal limbs and large stature allowed him to be much more threatening than the average assassin. Jeong Jeong once said that he had never seen such raw power while talking about Aang, which I can believe. He was one of the members of the Order of the White Lotus who helped take back Ba Sing Se in the name of the Earth Kingdom. He was even able to stand up to his twisted family. Because Wan had no past lives, he was arguably one of the weaker Avatars. A Firebending prodigy, Azula managed to master Lightningbending at an extremely young age and uses that creatively in her fights to entirely overwhelm her opponents. Otherwise, he likely would've won. A one-stop shop for all things video games. The third antagonist of The Legend of Korra is arguably one of the strongest. Iroh is and has always been a fan favorite character. Avatar Avatar universe universe universe universe is full of powerful powerful vendors, vendors, but but but among among among these these these callis callis. It was only when her sanity began slipping and she began to crack under pressure that we ever saw a weakness. Most people who became involved with Avatar … His son passing changed him and that was when he began to work to better himself and walk an enlightened path. To be fair it can be kinda hard to have a knife throwing fighter in a kids show, you're pretty much resigned to only on-screen hitting clothing. He took back his own city single-handedly. Also known as the King of not actually doing anything. In my opinion, Kyoshi is the most ruthless, Roku is the wisest/most experienced, Aang is the most balanced/level-headed, and Korra has the most raw talent.