why are sons protective of their mothers
Sorry this was so long. I didnt get to see him or be with him until he was released to the funeral home. My ex got mad at me and called CPS stating I was abusive to my children and so wasn’t my cousin but was reported as my boyfriend. My son was fine when his brother woke from his nap, and not even an hour later he was gone. Their aim is to destroy the lives of families.. my children have been in my mother’s custody for 10 months now. They make up their own and do what they want to. Amzingly also is they want child support, for us to move, the psych eval said I should have a job for 6 months, yet we both had the same job for over 3 years at the same Nursing home until this. Doctors conduct tests each time but find no problem. They have destroyed my life and hurt my son and I horribly. It is OUR CHILDREN were talking about here not there’s. CPS said there weren’t any licensed foster parents who would take her, and we found someone who had once led the youth group at our church who said they’d take her, even though they had requested only preschoolers. They even humiliated me by making me take an STD test. My heart is open to you and I pray that the Lord forgives you for judging me so harshly. After my case worker wouldn’t let it go I finally said I’d try it out and after the 2 week period I had an opt out hearing to change my mind. I wish there was a way to educate divorcing couples on the folly of doing that. Child Protective Services social workers must obey their supervisors. What they don’t realize is what they may be doing to themselves. Cps her mother and the courts are letting her down. Guess what you have the right to have cameras in your home recording everything everywhere and because it’s your private residence I think and would like to believe that in most jurisdictions there is no law requiring you to disclose that you’re home and or property is being recorded. I always have . Their only business is ripping families apart and I know from experience, I AM the non-Abusive Parent and I have been unfairly and unjustly persecuted by CPS and I never did anything wrong, never abused my child, never neglected my child. You show me policy as it relates to my case where it states that a child can be put through this. I was made to take a blood and urine test at an independent lab at my expense due to ex alleging I was a crackhead and prostitute. Contact your local umbudsman’s office. Has anybody ever had a CPS case where the social worker that’s working on the case is related to the foster family that’s trying to adopt the kids? The ex was never reprimanded or prosecuted for this alarming and abusive use of the system. Even more bafflingly, doctors insist Munchausen syndrome by proxy isn’t a mental illness. You are as blind as a bat. The department NEVER offered me any services per request such as shelter. Always be super nice and having at least a part time job and foodstamps or other govt services actually helps your case so get documentation. Why are more and more mothers using Dr Google to convince medics that their children are ill to get attention? guess who wins? it is SO NICE to hear of someone with high self regard that has emerged intact and decisive about the value of Childrens services and the obviousness of ineptitude receiving it’s due… of course there is no impartiality or “feel” involved in the policies and procedures. The child advocate laughed when they were taking them. Am I allowed to give the judge proof or speak on my own behalf ? The author of this article is a coward who did not even admit why SHE was “falsely” accused but she does have one thing right. need advice have a corrupt case worker trying to remove happy children who have way more then most and we donate non stop to help kids less fortunate we have stepped up as parents since birth of number one and have not missed a beat extra activities baby Einstein mind stimulation because brain development is highest between birth and 3 breastfed didn’t feed no baby food preservatives crap all home made squash, greens, fruits, you name it I have pureed it and they have enjoyed it what kid cries for spinach well apparently a neglected one I’m beyond furious I have poured every waking moment into turning my children into future adults to better the economy and I’m being destroyed over false allegations cause someone wants to adopt my child because they are so well behaved and mannered because they can’t have their own so call and make false reports on my family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My site is for people who are falsely accused, or whose children are taken for trivial reasons. They act like they are doing a mighty work for the best interest of children but reality is they are the monsters lurking under children’s beds, closets, and every one of us should be beating down doors and telling our stories, standing up for the future generations of children. You want to be able to PROVE the wrong doing(s), the Crimes, the Lying, etc. CPS is corrupt to the core. That social worker was antagonistic from the beginning, wanted to interview my son while he was asleep after we had been assured no one would interview him until morning. You sound very naive and without a clue about the system. He wants my daughter to go to a child advocate interview bug I have to give permission but can’t go cuz I’ve hot allegations against me. They lied on the media said they tried to come to our house several times to check on our children. Cooperate if the allegations hold some merit. CPS need to understand (where it exists) their constitutional limitations, and any explicit human rights. You can demand to get that recording if they misquote and manipulate your words. The use of CPS’s favorite terms such as”Could have happened” “Might happen” “At risk” will turn All of our lives upside down and cause untold anguish to us AND certainly to the children that they claim to be “In the best interest” of. If they were doing the right thing as you suggest, why do they have to fabricate so much information? Here is an oldy but a goody, where I filmed CPS workers interrogating me with a hidden camera: This man has no blood connection to the child. I wasn’t book smart but doesn’t mean I not a bad Parent!!!! It has been over a month since my son passed. But now experts say most of the UK’s 3,200 paediatricians will see at least one more moderate case, as described above, every few years. get their paycheck from. I lost my job, so far we have always been totally compliant, cps always says so. The people who would give their own lives, her mother and myself, hand her over to strangers and walk away as she is screaming and crying and begging and reaching for us is the cruelest thing that a person could do to a child. I have the supporting evidence, as in official records. They are a federal agency that works with law enforcement and when it comes to children THEY DONT PLAY AROUND. Only a brain washed retard would claim otherwise. I feel so hopeless. If you’re expecting, at some point, for some rare, hidden disease to be discovered, you might be in for a shock. I was treating this myself as I was an lpn. For every child 25+ government funded ( paid by YOUR tax dollars) professions such as judges, social workers, investigators, doctors, therapists etc. They’ll rip a child out of its home in a split second but to put the child back into the home they want to do it very, very gradually, if ever at all. It is very hard to get justice from this agency. MotherMary – If you can’t remember what you signed, ask her to show you the paper again, and give you a copy. I said wait but there is a line there(a line means negative/ no line means positive) the CPS lady said but the line isn’t as dark as the other lines so she marked it positive… I can guarantee every UA was like that because I can’t take opiates- it would put me in the ER… I’m on Suboxone & have been part of this recovery program for a long time- like I said no failed UA’s and now they are calling me guilty based on negative test results… Lots of things can effect the shade & darkness of the line on a UA- but the fact is- that there is a line- if I was guilty of on opiates- there would be NO line. No one is perfect. The lawyer representing you should be willing to help with this. You all just need to get off your soap boxes and put your big girl panties on. Sorry I had to type it like that so spammers don’t get their hands on it. I need help getting. Probably not. The show cause hearing has not been completed yet and my children are in emergency custody, NOT TMC…. This needs to be investigated immensely across this country, because what is happening in so many cases is nothing but legal kidnapping. Personally I jump at opportunities to gather more evidence, I love opportunities to gather more evidence. You want to talk to me, you want to interview me, you want to talk to my children? Then a lot of them do an about-face and are outright rude because they’ve already got what they want and disdain you. I just wanted to support what you said. Some people never really understand who they’re really working for. CPS and foster care IS that risk of harm in almost all cases. In New York City, for example, black mothers are 12 times more likely to die than white mothers, according to the most recent data; from 2001 to 2005, their risk of death was seven times higher. Many social workers have bad childhood histories and carry over their own psychological problems into the job. They lie in general and about you, because they know that no one is policing them. They have a strict rules, that they are not following :) :) :). I’ve had 2 dcfs cases with her wee both were found to be no evidence of abuse. That’s what happens when u don’t talk about the trauma or get help or loved the way we all should be. I noticed that mother’s who used drugs with their unborn babies still got to get their babies back even though CPS noticed that they’ve done drugs with their babies. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Since when does DCS have the authority to decide their best is better than a parents in cases where no harm came to a child and were removed based on false allegations? They said they would help my sister and just like I told her in the beginning. After the mother of my baby screwed up it was up to me to step up to the plate so I did with out hesitation now the mother made false allegations and now I’m the one being crusifyd =(……. Do you even have children? 3 All of this s~~~ is meant to try to change men into their fantasy even when their fantasy is not what attracts them. But seriously – anyone who goes on TV and admits to having some severe problem in taking care of their children is likely to get a visit from CPS in the near future. Take photos of your RV so the administrative law judge can see them, and the juvenile court judge too. They are not working on this alone. My son and I used to be so close. Please find out if you have a court appointed attorney if not request one immediately. I am an LCSW with over 22 years of experience. Do u honestly believe this many people harm their own children and to the point they need to be immediately removed out of their lives forever?? Your writing gives me the impression that you have never experienced any of this. but thank you for the well placed stack of your own, more highly valuable and ignorantly biased- personal offense at your needing to pull your thong out of your own…cracked system. I do have my daughter back I did nothing but deny and challange their imposed authority .Even though my fight is over I am committed and so is my 14 year old girl to find ways to help others who are being destroyed by these !!!!! I’ve been trying to go to church with her and spend some one on one time since she feels her lil broth gets more attention in her eyes do things have been better, but I let her go to her great grandmother’s for a weekend and then slat sun night I’m getting harassing calls from my aunt and cousin that lives there as well saying my fiance and I are abusing my daughter and they are going to kick my ass so I called the police to get her back cuz my grams house is not the nicest place to be, but instead the Sargent let my daughter decide it was best for her to stay there and called dcfs on me and my fiance. My son still asks to this day if the house is messy are the ladies going to come? At least educate yourselves and stand up for your rights parents! Dear God, it all makes sense now. They do the best they can with what they have.”. Studies suggest that roughly two-thirds of those who fabricate illness in children suffer anxiety about their own health – and this, say experts, is one way to spot a case. Who can we call on to stop this control over our lives? That social worker is not there to help you. This had to be true because he told me most of the time he did it. Which our lawyer is fighting because it was never a problem until all our other stuff was completed. I was born that year so my mom went to ask about it in her county! I checked, and in WV you are allowed to record with or without the other party’s consent, so long as the recording isn’t intended for criminal purposes. I couldn’t handle being yelled at and called names. I need help on what I can. 1? We have feelings of hopelessness. Please let me know what I can do to help! Let me make it known too that my brother in law just recently got out of prison for attempting/making methamphetamine in the house we were living in! I know how I felt and I got to go home to my family. Cps took my kids over a domestic abuse situation here in ID. They just have to wield their power under what they call their “umbrella of CPS.” That umbrella gives them the power to look into whatever part of your life they wish, unemcumbered. Been going through this for 9 months now. They’ve been there possibly hundreds of times during the course of their careers. In my case the Satans helper took extra 10 days citing personal problems, busy and some other BS as the reason he coudnt show up and complete the investigation in 15 days as REQUIRED by Law. Her report supported us. On this site, that’s not allowed. So, in closing, NEVER call CPS for help for yourself, NEVER call CPS to report Abuse to a Child, NEVER call CPS just because you want to get even, that one is the SCUMMIEST of all reasons anyway. You can do so in my home, you can come to us. Then another. Without much detail I will tell ALL of you reading this message that Social Workers Are Not Here To Help. CPS in Idaho removed my granddaughter. I got my kids home and case closed April 2015. So instead of allow them to harm me further I prefer to find ways to turn everything around and use the others wrongdoing and actions to my benefit and against them. Now, she has my daughter in a foster care, the lady gets my daughter up at 5 am, they switched her schools already, because the foster worker said *it was to much for her to drive that far* so 5 am goes to a before school care, then a after school care til 7_8 pm … um hello if you can’t even have time to take care of the child why foster????? I agree. I still only get supervised visits once a week for one hour. CPS is corrupt. We are very fortunate that the first time we had to deal with CPS when our daughter was a teen, the Lord sent a Christian social worker. They have come to our house many times, many pictures, yet they say its not acceptable for the kids. its sad that no matter how perfect of a parent you are even you get shit on by the state!!! How destructive is this to my little baby girl. She has repeatedly done so about 6 to 8 times each time allowed home only after a few hours or even minutes. The role of pediatricians in working with fathers has correspondingly increased in importance. I need help with any pro bono lawyers or advacates. The only thing wrong was that I was poor. They are liars and criminals. He did not recommend removal from our home, addressed our daughter as to her rebellion, and cautioned us about how to handle future conflicts. Our lawyer never answers us, and I’m not losing my kids. Our daughter had people who only knew the sweet side of her they’d seen at church take her. This article is so on point! CPS cases can arise from anonymous tips, malicious tips, or teen parent conflict, a visit to the hospital, all sorts of reasons.