yue first name

Between 2000 and 2018 there were 1 birth of Yin-yue in the countries below, which represents an average of 0 birth of children bearing the first name Yin-yue per year on average throughout this period. (where the blue bar extends past the yellow vertical line) From Chinese 月 (yuè) meaning "moon", 粤 (yuè) referring to Guandong province and the Cantonese people, 越 (yuè) referring to the Yue people, 跃 (yuè) meaning "jump, leap", 悦 (yuè) meaning "joy, … This name is most often used as a first name, 66% of the time. Name JIA YUE Between 1980 and 2019 there were 20 births of Jia yue in the countries below, which represents an average of 1 birth of children bearing the first name Jia yue per year on average throughout this period. Name: Yue. The surname Yue is derived from this title. California is the state where you are most Editorials - Mar 12, 2021. A quick article about decisions characters have made that I definitely would have done differently. The modern term "Yue" (Chinese: 越 or 粵; pinyin: Yuè; Cantonese Yale: Yuht; Wade–Giles: Yüeh 4; Vietnamese: Việt; Early Middle Chinese: Wuat) comes from Old Chinese *ɢʷat (William H. Baxter and Laurent Sagart 2014). These figures should be considered only as a rough estimate. how likely a person with the name will be part of a given race or Hispanic origin group. Song Yue in 1 country. After being freed from Ehit control, Yue can change her body's maturity at will, going between from a teenage to a adult. a percentage of all the people named YUE. Yue Yiqin (or Yue Yi-chin, Chinese: 樂以琴; pinyin: Yuè Yǐqín; Wade–Giles: Yüeh I-ch'in; November 11, 1914 – December 3, 1937) was a flying ace of the Republic of China during the Second Sino-Japanese War. California where These were known as the Siyue, or ‘four mountains’. There are 1.81 people named YUE for every 100,000 Americans. 1.7% Black, Chinese : from a title denoting a regional administrator in ancient China. Yuè is the Hanyu Pinyin transliteration of the Chinese family name 岳. 1.2% Hispanic origin, The length of the bars represents an estimate of the the number of people with the name expressed as a percentage of all the people named YUEN. On the last available year for each country, we count 1 birth. Yue Yue in 2 countries. The popularity of Yue is: 4.826. names associated with this first name. There are 312 last Gender: Unisex (Male and Female) Usage: Yue is a popular first name. Copyright © 2013 - 2021 informateur.com All Rights Reserved. We would be happy to assist you or visit our Baby Name Page for more information. Yue Fei: Yue Fei (24 March 1103 – 27 January 1142), courtesy name Pengju, was a military general who lived in the Southern Song dynasty. This name is most often used as a first name, 66% of the time. Customized products for the first name Yue Se Giuseppe. YUE is the most popular 5102.nd name in USA (... 5100.baldev, 5101.iwona, 5102.yue, 5103.mamatha, 5104.suarez...).One in every 54,016 Americans is named YUE and popularity of name YUE is 18.51 people per million.. First name(Chinese Edition): [ SU ] YUE LI KE SI DAN NUO FU: 9787532289493: Books - Amazon.ca This name is in the 98th percentile, this means that nearly 1% Alphabetical Lists of First Names. It's a boy! Cai Yue: Personalized Notebook with Flowers and First Name – Floral Cover (Red Rose Blooms). She had an unknown illness as an infant, being still and quiet as though asleep, so her parents feared she would die. with a difference of As her condition was critical and the tribe's healers, including Yugoda, couldn't cure her, Arnook prayed to the Moon Spirit in desperation and placed her in the tribe's Spirit Oasis. Shown are the top 20 most likely full names that have YUEN as a first name. These were known as the Siyue, or ‘four mountains’. and 0.1% American Indian or Alaskan Native. in the general population of the US. of all the first names are more popular. Indiana (where the blue bar does not extend past the yellow vertical line) positive difference between the actual state population and the The first of the ‘model emperors’, Yao, (2357-2257 bc), appointed four princes to administer the North, South, East and West. projected state population based on the national average. In places which use the Wade-Giles romanization such as Taiwan, Yue is usually spelled as "Yüeh" or "Yueh". The state with the biggest negative difference is The vertical blue bars represent the race distribution of people that have the name. Alphabetical list of first names ), You can customize by clicking on the images below.our cool and original products with a first name (or even your nickname! 6.12 in every 100,000 The name Gui-Yue is ranked on the 107,326th position of the most used names. Yue is a vampire with a porcelain-like complexion, red eyes, and a child-like figure. California is the state with the biggest Yue Name Meaning Chinese : from a title denoting a regional administrator in ancient China. ), You can customize by … Was such an honor to work back in 2015 with @e_gotosan who is responsable of so many iconic @kobebryant graphics throughout his … 98th, this rank was reached in the states of 8.5% White, Yue is name that's been used by parents who are considering unisex or non-gendered baby names--baby names that can be used for any gender. Yue (Cantonese pronunciation: [jyːt̚˧˥]) is a group of similar Sinitic languages spoken in Southern China, particularly in Liangguang (the Guangdong and Guangxi provinces).. Composition Book Size: Personalized Notebooks, Namester: 9781650811048: Books - Amazon.ca 7.46% of all the people named YUE College Ruled (Narrow Lined) Journal for School Notes, Diary Writing, Journaling. The SSA data also shows that YUE is used as a boy's name 65% of the time. See the popularity of the girl's name Yue over time, plus its meaning, origin, common sibling names, and more in BabyCenter's Baby Names tool. YUE is The name Yue-Peng has eight characters. 7.52% of all the people named YUEN have this family name. US unisex baby name - Social Security Administration. 86.5% Asian or Pacific Islander, Yue Name Meaning The meaning of Yue is “Happy, pleased, delighted”. The most popular full name is YUE Chen. The name Gui-Yue has seven characters. Yue usually wears a stoic expression, but always shows a smile towards Hajime. 90 more Californians Discover our cool and original products with a first name (or even your nickname! It is more often used as a unisex (male and female) name. people than projected. Between 1980 and 2019, 1 boy was born with the Name Song Yue The country where the first name Song Yue is the most common is: Quebec Gender of first name Song Yue : … The length of the bars represents an estimate of the the number of people with the name expressed as More commonly used for females. Between 1880 and 2019, 80 boys and 168 girls were born with the Name Yue The country where the first name Yue is the most common is: Quebec Gender of first name Yue :   Girl 67.74%, Between 1980 and 2019, 17 boys and 42 girls were born with the Name Yue Gender of first name Yue in Quebec is :   Girl 71.19% Peak year : 1990 with 7 births, Between 1999 and 2018, 6 boys and 34 girls were born with the Name Yue Gender of first name Yue in Italy is :   Girl 85% Peak year : 2013 with 8 births, Between 1922 and 2015, 34 boys were born with the Name Yue Gender of first name Yue in Argentina is :   Boy 100% Peak year : 1989 with 4 births, Between 1996 and 2019, 3 boys and 30 girls were born with the Name Yue Gender of first name Yue in United Kingdom is :   Girl 90.91% Peak year : 2009 with 8 births, Between 1900 and 2019, 22 girls were born with the Name Yue Gender of first name Yue in France is :   Girl 100% Peak year : 2012 with 3 births, Between 2000 and 2018, 3 boys and 12 girls were born with the Name Yue Gender of first name Yue in Germany is :   Girl 80% Peak year : 2014 with 5 births, Between 1880 and 2019, 7 boys and 5 girls were born with the Name Yue Gender of first name Yue in United State of America is :  Unisex - Boy 58.33% /  Girl 41.67% Peak year : 1993 with 7 births, Between 1944 and 2019, 3 boys and 7 girls were born with the Name Yue Gender of first name Yue in Australia is :   Girl 70% Peak year : 2009 with 3 births, Between 1980 and 2019, 8 girls were born with the Name Yue Gender of first name Yue in Alberta is :   Girl 100% Peak year : 2006 with 2 births, Between 1985 and 2019, 4 boys and 4 girls were born with the Name Yue Gender of first name Yue in Denmark is :  Unisex - Boy 50% /  Girl 50%, Between 1984 and 2018, 2 boys and 3 girls were born with the Name Yue Gender of first name Yue in Austria is :  Unisex - Boy 40% /  Girl 60% Peak year : 2016 with 2 births, Between 2014 and 2019, 1 boy was born with the Name Yue Gender of first name Yue in Portugal is :   Boy 100%, Between 1900 and 2016, 1 girl was born with the Name Yue Gender of first name Yue in Czechoslovakia is :   Girl 100%, All information about the baby names on this website come from various official data and open data(more information about our sources)   -  0.34 sec, Evolution des décès avec le prénom Yue en France. On this basis, the people with the name YUE have a higher likelyhood of being Asian or Pacific Islander and a lower likelyhood of being White. The name Cantonese is often used for the whole group, but linguists prefer to reserve that name for the variety used in Guangzhou (Canton), Wuzhou (Ngchow), Hong Kong and Macau, which is the prestige dialect. It means that this name is rarely used. Yü in 1 country. likely to meet a person named YUE, as Shown are the top 20 most likely full names that have YUE as a first name. The first of the ‘model emperors’, Yao, (2357-2257 bc), appointed four princes to administer the North, South, East and West. Keep in mind that many names may have different meanings in other countries and languages, so be careful that the name that you choose doesn’t mean something bad or unpleasant. Yue in 13 countries. The purpose of this graph is to compare the name's specific race and Hispanic origin distribution to the distribution Based on popular usage, it is 2.618 times more common for Yue to be a boy's name. The most popular full name is YUEN Chan. 35 fewer The amount by which the blue bars extend past the yellow horizontal lines determines YUE is ranked as the 2901st most popular given name in the United States with an estimated population of 5,786. It means that this name is rarely used. Yueyang : Yueyang (; Postal map spelling: Yochow) is a prefecture-level city at the northeastern corner of Hunan province, People’s Republic of China, on the southern shores of Dongting Lake. with a difference of have this name. Between 1880 and 2019, 80 boys and 168 girls were born with the Name Yue The country where the first name Yue is the most common is: Quebec Gender of first name Yue : Girl 67.74% Yue genealogy and family history facts. The yellow horizontal lines represent the race distribution of the general population. Highest percentile rank of any state for this name is (where 0 = extremely rare, 6 = super popular) I am not aware of any deceased famous people named Yue. people than projected. The name Yue-Peng is ranked on the 128,788th position of the most used names. The name Yue means Moon and is of Chinese origin. What I Would've Done in Their Place. This name is in the 98th percentile, this means that nearly 1% of all the first names are more popular. Call us before choosing a baby name at 1-866-489-1188 (toll-free in North America) or 604-263-9551. We estimate that there are at least 300 persons in the world having this name which is around 0.001% of the population. YUE is 2.1% Two or More Races, These were known as the Siyue, or ‘four mountains’. We estimate that there are at least 300 persons in the world having this name which is around 0.001% of the population. estimated population of 5,786. have this family name. Look up the meaning of thousands of first names. Between 2000 and 2018, 1 boy was born with the Name Yü The country where the first name Yü is the most common is: Germany Gender of first name Yü : Boy 100% The first of the ‘model emperors’, Yao, (2357-2257 bc), appointed four princes to administer the North, South, East and West. Between 1980 and 2019, 3 girls were born with the Name Yue Yue The country where the first name Yue Yue is the most common is: Italy Gender of first name Yue Yue : Girl 100% Yue was born in Northern Water Tribe to Chief Arnook and his wife, the daughter of a tribal chieftain. California. On the last available year for each country, we count 0 birth. Announcement for C-drama remake of Japanese Shoujo Manga- NANA, and first-look into concept/ teaser posters. The first name YUE is included in the following name catgories: YUE is ranked as the 2901st most popular given name in the United States with an Names. 2,377 people have this name. People having the name Yue are in general originating from China, France, United States of America. There are 1.81 people named YUE for every 100,000 Americans. The surname Yue … The state with the most people named The race and Hispanic origin distribution of the people with the name Interesting Facts about First Name yue. Find information about the Yue family, see the geographical distribution of the Yue last name. Based on the analysis of 100 years worth of data from the Social Security Administration's. Yue Name Meaning.