US Navy Photo Japan already had Kongo-Class AEGIS destroyers, and SM-3 Block IA Standard missiles, in its inventory when the upgrades began. It will be installed on DDG51 Flight III Destroyers. USS McCampbell (DDG 85) – August 2002 9. Deployed in U.S. fleets in the Pacific and Atlantic; U.S. has 40 operational ships and is planned to be raised to 60 by the end of fiscal year 2023. In October 2010, JFTM 4 was carried out and conducted a test similar to JFTM 3.[vii]. Aegis has since undergone several upgrades, most notably the addition of ballistic missile defense capability. Ships now using older baselines could be upgraded through the … If a Baseline 9 ship is already running that later hardware, then it's primarily just a software back-fit to say, take Baseline 10 when it's complete and put it back to a Baseline 9. Baseline 7 added the latest SPY-1D (V) radar, while Baseline 8 brought COTS and open architecture systems to older Aegis vessels, mainly the US’s Ticonderoga class CGs. Talking to Naval News during MADEX 2019, Lockheed Martin representatives explained that the destroyers would get the Aegis Baseline 9.C2 derivative with software variant “KII” and BMD baseline 5, which allows the use of SM-3 Block IB. AEGIS Baseline 5 Phase 2 Notes : Integration of all previously planned improvements except for JTIDS/Link 16, for backfitting to Baseline 4 ships. Phase II (2016) and III (planned 2020) of the EPAA mandate interceptor improvements for Aegis-capable ships in Europe and the development of Aegis Ashore sites in Romania and Poland. Ships with this advanced capability operate with an Aegis BMD 5.0 or higher system and with a version of the Baseline 9 computer system. June 2, 2017: The U.S. Navy commissioned the USS John Finn (DDG 113) built by Ingalls Shipbuilding. Onboard command and control is governed by the Aegis Combat System, which has been gradually improved through a series of hardware and software upgrades called “baselines.” The most recent version, Baseline 9, allows for a single ship to conduct both ballistic missile defense and air defense operations simultaneously. This was the first flight test of the SM-3 Block IIA, which is an interceptor variant designed to intercept medium- and intermediate-range ballistic missiles. In-service Aegis ships can be modified to become BMD-capable ships, and DDG-51s procured in FY2010 and subsequent years are being built from the start with a BMD capability. This mission involved deploying Aegis ships at forward bases to pick up missile tracks for ICBMs directed at the United States. With the successful completion of four Aegis Baseline 9.C2.0 European Phased Adaptive Approach (EPAA) Phase 3 intercepts of Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile (IRBM), this test demonstrated the ability to provide a globally deployed defensive weapon system. The EPAA mandates the deployment of sea- and land-based Aegis BMD systems to protect Europe from ballistic missile attack and assures our European allies of U.S. commitment to their security. Aegis BMD 5.0 is the most modern software upgrade and increases the sea-based BMD force structure. The test, which occurred in the Pacific Ocean near Hawaii, marked the first successful intercept test using the SM-3 Block IIA. Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense Interceptors. The HELIOS system will then be tested at the Wallops Island Navy land-based test site which will significantly reduce program risk before being delivered to a shipyard for integration into an Arleigh Burke destroyer next year. NIFC-CA is part of an overall integrated air and missile defense high-tech upgrade now being installed and tested on existing and new DDG 51 ships called Aegis Baseline 9, Vandroff said. The firing was also outside the original design specifications for the SM-3 Block IA missile. USS Howard (DDG 83) – October 2001 6. 2. 2005: In 2005, Aegis BMD’s role evolved to include an engagement capability. Joins the fleet as a 4th Generation BMD capable Destroyer. She replaces USS Carney (DDG 64) who had an early version of Aegis BMD. In 2004, the Aegis system began its support for ballistic missile defense missions by serving as a surveillance and tracking radar for intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM). The EPAA focused on short- to intermediate-range threats originating from the Middle East and called for sea- and land-based Aegis BMD systems to be deployed incrementally throughout Europe from 2011 to 2018. The JMSDF had 4 AEGIS destroyers operating with SM-2missiles at sea when the upgrades were first requested; the 5th and 6th AEGIS destroyers were under construction. November 16, 2020: FTM-44 Live Fire Testing proved Aegis Baseline 9/BMD 5.1 with SM3BLKIIA can successfully engage Inter-Continental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs) when USS John Finn (DDG-113) successfully engaged a threat realistic ICBM target in the Pacific Missile Range. Deployment – As of November 2020, there are 44 deployed Aegis BMD combatants (5 cruisers [CGs] and 39 destroyers [DDGs]) in the U.S. Navy. Japan’s Aegis BMD ships are four KONGO Class, two ATAGO Class, and one MAYA Class Destroyers. Aegis BMD builds upon the Aegis Weapon System, Standard Missile, and Navy and joint forces’ Command, Control and Communication systems. Aegis can also launch using data from remote sensors, such as the TPY-2 X-band radar. South Korea will add 3 KDX-III Destroyers equipped with Aegis. November 2015: The MDA, BMDS Operational Test Agency, Joint Functional Component Command for Integrated Missile Defense, U.S. European Command, and the U.S. Pacific Command conducted a complex operational flight test of the Ballistic Missile Defense System, demonstrating a layered defense architecture. Homeland Defense – Aegis BMD Long Range Surveillance and Track – Aegis BMD ships patrol, detect, and track ballistic missiles of all ranges – including intercontinental ballistic missiles—and report tracking data to the missile defense system. The recent successful live fire event in FTM-44 proves the Aegis Weapon System with SM3BLKIIA can add to homeland defense of the US against DPRK threats. Regional Defense –Aegis BMD Engagement Capability – Aegis BMD defeats short- to intermediate-range, unitary and separating, midcourse-phase, ballistic missile threats with the Standard Missile-3 (SM-3), as well as short-range ballistic missiles in the terminal phase with the SM-2. 9E: Is the Baseline 9 variant for the Navy’s Aegis Ashore program. Such efforts consist of upgrading Aegis DDGs to the BMD capability, incorporating Aegis BMD into the Aegis Modernization Program, and new construction of Aegis BMD DDGs. Upgraded versions of the Aegis software like the Baseline 9.C1 software configuration allow the ships to simultaneously track ballistic missiles and air and cruise missile threats. It is not immediately clear what the cost of a deployed system on ships will be. The Navy is currently upgrading the AWS to ACB-16. Lockheed Martin applies its unique combat system expertise to deliver a combat system capability that supports the diverse missions of the Surface Navy while applying a common, open architecture across the entire fleet and around the world. In addition to shorter range threats, Aegis BMD is employed to identify and track long-range ballistic missiles that—once identified—can subsequently be engaged by the Ground-based Midcourse Defense (GMD) system. In recognition of its scalability and mobility, Aegis BMD/SM-3 system is a key element of the European Phased Adaptive Approach (EPAA). In 2008, the Aegis system was used to intercept a non-functioning and potentially toxic satellite as part of Operation Burnt Frost. The Navy’s AEGIS program took to sea in 1983 with USS Ticonderoga (CG 47). Aegis BMD 4.0 is the second generation of Aegis BMD software and—in accordance with the SM-3 Block IB—allows for the engagement of increasingly longer range and more sophisticated ballistic missiles. February 2008: A BMD-capable Aegis cruiser deployed northwest of Hawaii shot down an inoperable U.S. surveillance satellite that was in a deteriorating orbit.[viii]. The Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) System, a part of the Aegis Combat System, is the sea-based component of the Ballistic Missile Defense System (BMDS). Mobile Bay is the first cruiser to upgrade from the Aegis baseline 8 combat system to the updated Aegis baseline 9 … Aegis 111 surface-to-air missile variants, Evolved Sea Sparrow Missiles, and Vertical Launch Anti-Submarine Rockets The AWS is upgraded through quadrennial ACBs. [i]In addition to SPY-1 radar, Aegis BMD can also coordinate with the land-based Army/Navy Transportable Surveillance (AN/TPY-2) radar. Although the Aegis Combat System has undergone development since the 1970’s, it did not begin testing against ballistic missile targets until the U.S. withdrawal of the Anti Ballistic Missile Treaty in 2002.