authorized access to dod information and resources may be granted

January 2, 2020 at 1:33 pm, Jonathan Austin   We have permits and also have a (CCWP) a carry concealed weapons permit? I have personally found some good deals on this site as well as the other sites that I have mentioned…Good luck! If you served in the military, I think you should be able to have access to the commissary, PX, class 6, etc. Also the supervisor was un reachable. January 2, 2020 at 1:56 pm. Gate 3 Veterans who are military retirees, Medal of Honor recipients, and 100% service-connected disabled or unemployable veterans were asking if they had to use the VHIC rather than their DoD-issued ID card to access their privileges. January 6, 2020 at 7:27 am, Michael Cantu   My VA issued U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs ID card with service connected disabilities that will expire in 2024 did NOT appear on the security guard’s scanner. JW   Hats off to the DOD for getting this done. Hi Dominic, the short answer is that VA administers benefits and services based on federal law. It is best to contact the installation ahead of your visit to find out if accompanying visitors will be authorized. I showed them the info (I had printed out the fact sheet from the DOD) and I gave them the pamphlet which they had previously given me. The HEC Form H623A is what tells you that you’ve been placed in priority group 8E, so you should already have it. Howard Burgess   JW   What does the card look like with the Service Connected Disability look like because I have 2 cards but only 1 has service connected disability on it. REAL ID-compliant driver’s license issued by a State, territory, possession, or the District of Columbia Please review the information you have provided. It’s shameful. January 16, 2020 at 11:32 am. Hello Kevin, as an RVer look into the free National Park Services Lifetime Access Pass for disabled vets. Thank You for the information and the quick response. Gate 3 Commercial VCC hours will be from 6 a.m. - 1 p.m.; after 1 p.m., all commercial traffic will go thru Gate 1 for inspection. January 2, 2020 at 8:15 am, Matthew Kursman   8E is the minimum priority to get VA health care. We’d to reach out to you to make this right. Since the commissary wanted the extra money veterans will bring in, one would think they would realize spouses do a majority of the shopping. Go figure. January 21, 2020 at 4:11 pm. Last we checked the great folks at the Visitor’s Center in Japan informed us no we can’t process our VHIC and get access yet because there is no policy. Misipati Mulipola   I live in Jacksonville Florida and was trying to find out about the NAVY FLYING CLUB under their MWR and whether or not I can join them. Directions The prices are double or triple what they are off base. VA will begin expanding eligibility for the PCAFC in Summer of 2020. Neither recognized me as eligible. Howard Burgess   Thanks for your time. They were suspicious because they know that the DoD does not easily accept the VHIC.Now, the VHIC usage is being used against disabled veterans by local bases as an excuse to place disabled veterans as second class citizens and not grant equal access. Because everyone seems to be having varying experiences accessing their local bases, I decided to call before attempting base access. All of the new records have to get pushed to all four of the DoD retail organizations and there are millions of records. Thanks, JW   Please be patient and try the site again daily until you get access. Good Luck, JW   Also can we please get a list of the cabins and other places where we can stay? Just curious, do Veterans who gain base access able to use the Chow/Mess Hall? The VA says they do not send the info to DEERS. (Gordon Highway at Robinson Avenue): Leave the baby outside the gates?