New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Headshot. Maybe your favorite character is Katara but you’re personally more like Zuko or Toph. So Your Favorite Character Is Lifeline... You are a good person. Your favorite character from any film says a lot about you. WHAT YOUR FAVORITE GENSHIN BOY SAYS ABOUT YOU “CHARACTERS | venti, xiao, zhongli, childe, kaeya, diluc, albedo, scaramouche” “A/N | I WAS STALKING MY … Avatar quiz, yip yip! 99% Upvoted. The emphasis on self is the most significant part of avatar selection. RELATED: Avatar: The Last Airbender: What Your Favorite Character Says About You. In fact, we’d be bold enough to say that based on your favorite Winnie the Pooh character, we may know you better than you know yourself! Discussion. What Your Favorite Disney Character Says About You, Part 1 Oh My Disney It’s time to make what is perhaps the most difficult decision of your entire life: picking a favorite Disney character. best. this is difficult. Let’s face it, you ROCK! Of course it is), but we all for sure argue over who the best characters are. on February 10, 2021 at 9:00 am. 320 points. You’re the life of the party and your friends can always rely on you to make them smile. Or maybe you think you’re like Iroh but others say you’re more like Sokka. Saved by belphegor (Avatar of sloth) 1. Life is a blast when you think about it. It’s not always obvious why we gravitate towards certain characters on screen, but your favorite character can say a lot about you. So Your Favourite Character Is Pathfinder… You love to have fun! People are naturally “drawn” to you. What your Favorite Avatar The Last Airbender Character says about you. View discussions in 1 other community. Luke Skywalker. You’re very good at scaring people you don’t like. You also have a tendency to be afraid of expressing your taste. BuzzFeed Staff ... Who's your favorite Avatar? What your favorite ‘Office’ character says about you. 4 Unalaq Headshot... 2. Aiden Strawhun October 9, 2020. by Anna Menta. character says about you - YouTube. BuzzFeed Staff Which "Avatar ... Who's your favorite fighting duo? If one's favorite is Ozai, they might be a person who craves power and is capable of using a combination of force, inspiration, and (most importantly) fear to get people to back their ideas/visions. What your favorite VLR character says about you (spoilers) spoiler. Image. Which "Avatar: The Last Airbender" Character Are You? I had a few people asking for the VLR version, so here it is. Avatar: the Last Airbender was now of my favorite shows as a kid because it was entertaining and i could relate to the characters. Cinnamon Roll Catra. Modern Family: What Your Favorite Character Says About You. 33 comments. You Youtube Your Favorite Comic Books Thankful Comics Sayings Character Lyrics Comic Book. 5-minute read. hide. Most of all, you and your bandmates stick together through thick and thin and way-too-long drum solos. Stop doing that! That’s either a plus or a minus, depending on whom you’re around. Now that I am a lot older and have rewatched the show, I have realized just not unique the story line is as well as the characters. Do you really like naruto well just find out what character you really are im sure you will be happy of what you … We can't all be Korra. No one really debates over whether the "Harry Potter" series is great or not (because DUH. If you’re also one of the many millions of players recently captivated by Mihoyo’s latest cross-platform gacha RPG, Genshin Impact, oh boy do we have something to tell you about your waifus. You may be stuck in another era, but your hard-rockin’ appeal is timeless. save. 10. 0. share. Everyone's Personality Matches A "Legend Of Korra" Character – Who Are You? Narita Kazuhito, Kinoshita Hisashi and Ennoshita Chikara . This thread is archived. Well, you know what you want and you’re not shy about expressing that – loudly. Maybe you're a fan of the major badassery of Sirius Black. Avatar: The Last Airbender: What Your Favorite Character Says About You . Temperature and light levels may play a role in determining which season you love the most, but could your personal preferences also reveal something about your underlying personality? If either one of these characters are your favourite then you’re extremely mature and quiet. Brooklyn Nine-Nine: What Your Favorite Character Says About You. Music is the most important thing in your life. by Morgan Sloss. There you are, looking straight into the camera, in a flattering light, no red eye to be seen. Nickelodeon. If we wanted to get all Freud on you, we would say that in choosing your favorite character you …