Aliases for /bending are: /b, /bend, /tla, /mtla, /korra, /pk, /minecrafttla.This means that /b would do the exact same thing as /bending.Each command also has an alias, so /b h does the exact same thing as /bending help or /bending … He can use it subtly in combat like he did before revealing his bending, and he can remove bending. Well the guys working for Amon can do chi-blocking. I would ask about Waterbending as well, but we've seen Katara both blood bend and using healing which are the two sub-bending styles for Waterbending. Although Amon could use his bloodbending to take Katara's bending away, it … For this fight, Amon must hide his bending. Boomstick: Hell, if Mako can electrocute his ass while Amon was bloodbending him, Katara can definitely fight back too. If so, a water bender could not bend them since they contain no water. Located on the back of the neck, a precise strike can be fatal. Take his water bending with his fight skills and amon takes this ... in terms of blast radius back then. we don't know yet. Amon is the name of the second deadliest pressure point in the human body. This. Overview. Of course this would theoretically still damage the avatar enough so that it will be impossible for her to do her duties, which involve bending… Amon cold have done that and took them out of the building before it came back. Back cracking can occur whenever the spine’s facet joints are manipulated out of or into their normal position, such as when twisting the lower back or neck. If he really can energy-bend though, I think he'll be one of the coolest villains ever! Korra confesses her love to Mako, who followed her, and they kiss. Unlike V, however, Amon … No flight for Zaheer. Give Beifong and everyone else their bending back Get rid of Amon once and for all Sheesh, that is a heck of a lot of resolution for a few minutes of television! The default command that everything is prefaced by is /bending. isnt amon still a master waterbenderr? id give it to him. ... Kuvira can bend … Amon also has similarities to V from V For Vendetta, both being masked revolutionaries who had their faces burned by fire, as well as masters at manipulation. Wiz: Excellent point, Boomstick. The same goes for firebending, can a firebender be both a combustion bender and a lightning bender, in addition to being a normal firebender? Amon ... who give her a mulligan by restoring all her bending. Aliases are other words that you can use to convey the same command. BUT NOW SHE CAN. Why a metal arm and a metal leg, because seen in the episode where Tarrlock attempts to bloodbend Amon, he (Amon) is shown to be temporarily weakened by the … But i feel like it's just a trick. When the facet joints move like this, they can produce an audible crack or pop along with a grinding sensation or sudden relief of pressure. His actions certainly back up his grandiose words. It is not unfounded to think Amon could have a metal arm and a metal leg. Amon, at the worst, can cause the Avatar to be depowered by taking away her bending ability. ... KORRA GIVES LIN HER BENDING BACK. His bloodbending can easily capture and subdue a victim, and he can rob them of their bending by tweaking the blood flow in their brain. In a fight, Amon can easily evade any enemy attack, weaving through the battlefield like flowing water, fluid and flexible.