fcc form 395

While the FCC Form 395-B filing requirement began in 1970, its use was suspended in 2001 following a successful court challenge of the FCC’s EEO Rule by TAB and other state broadcasters’ associations. Report on a separate Form 395-B, those employees If an employee declines to self-identify, employment records or observer identification may be used. 2 Section 634 of the Communications Act of 1934, as … Additionally, since 1994, licensees have been able to use FCC Form 395 to file annual reports of employment-related discrimination complaints.13 These reports must be filed by all licensees, regardless of the number of employees, pursuant to sections 21.307(d), 22.321(c), and 23.55(d) of the Commission’s rules.14 Pursuant to these requirements, any (“MVPDs”) (FCC Form 395-A) (OMB Control No. FCC Form 395 provides for reporting Hispanics or Latinos, Whites (non-Hispanic), Blacks or African Americans For example, the grantee code for FCC ID: RAD395 is RAD. Call Sign Facility ID Number Type FCC ID application submitted by Microsoft Corporation for GSM 850/1900 Cellular Telephone for FCC ID QTLRM-395 ( QTL RM-395 ) User Manual, Frequency, Reports, Images and more. Form 395-B is generally due to be filed with the FCC on September 30 of each year. Public Notice: Docx Pdf Txt; Document Dates . Radio FCC is about all the news, happenings, events and people of Forman Christian College University For example, the grantee code for FCC ID: LTSMC09-395 is LTS. OMB No. 96-16, see ECFS. Section Question Response Transmitter Related Expenses Do you have transmitter related expenses? Receipt of Service Confirmation Form FCC Form 399: Reimbursement Request. thus far failed to address the status of FCC Form 395-B. TYPE OF BROADCAST STATION: Radio Commercial Broadcast Station TV Low Power TV International Educational Radio Educational … For more information regarding policies and procedures, see the, Statement Regarding the Importation of Radio Frequency Devices Capable of Causing Harmful Interference, Certificate of Compliance with the Radio Provisions of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, (As Amended), Communications Act Safety Radiotelephony Certificate, Vessel Bridge-to-Bridge Radiotelephony Certificate, Hearing Aid Compatibility Status Certification Form for Service Providers, Setting Maximum Initial Permitted rates for Regulated Cable Services and Equipment, Determining Regulated Cable Equipment and Installation Costs "Equipment Form", Updating Maximum Permitted Rates for Regulated Cable Services and Equipment, Computations of Cable Services Revenue Requirements and Charges - Cost of Service Showing, Establishing Maximum Permitted Rates for Regulated Cable Services on Small Cable Systems, Abbreviated Cost of Service Filing for Cable Network Upgrades. RabbitEars, where you can learn all about local, over-the-air TV channels. Most filing requirements are detailed in the FCC Rules, while others are set forth in Orders or as conditions to Authorizations. Residing in . Specifically, licensees must file one Form 395- B for all commonly owned stations in the same market that share at least one employee. 474 The remaining characters of the FCC ID, MC09-395, are often associated with the product model, but they can be random. General requirements that may apply to providers of telecommunications services and other providers: Additional requirements that apply to international service providers: Wireline Competition Bureau Data and Statistical Reports, Discontinuance of Telecommunications Service, Mandatory Detariffing of Interstate and International Interexchange Services, International Telecommunications Traffic Report, For more information, please see the FCC’s, Discontinuance, reduction, or impairment of existing telecommunications service. FCC 396 March 2003 Federal Communications Commission Washington, D. C. 20554 Approved by OMB BROADCAST EQUAL EMPLOYMENT 3060-0113 OPPORTUNITY PROGRAM REPORT (To be filed with broadcast license renewal application) (For FCC Use Only) Code No. Full Title: Common Carrier Form 395 Document Type(s): Public Notice Bureau(s): Managing Director, Cable Services DA/FCC #: DA-95-827 FCC Record Citation: 10 FCC Rcd 5651 (11) FCC ID application submitted by Ugreen Group Limited for AC650 11ac Dual-Band Wireless USB Adapter with WiFi for FCC ID 2AQI5-CM448. 98-204 and MM Docket No. Documents saved as PDF files can be viewed and printed from any Windows, DOS, UNIX, MAC, or OS-2 platform that has Acrobat reader software (free from Adobe Systems, Inc.) installed and configured for use with the browser. FCC ID RAD395 RAD-395, RAD 395, RAD395, RAD39S TCT Mobile Limited GSM/GPRS quadband mobile phone 395. To search the database for … FCC Form 740 may be reproduced provided the following conditions are met (see 47 C.F.R. 470 In addition, some of these requirements apply to non-carrier service providers. Therefore, no broadcaster or cable entity has reasonable cause for concern that the Form 395 employment profile data will be used against it in FCC enforcement actions. FCC 396 March 2003 Federal Communications Commission Washington, D. C. 20554 Approved by OMB BROADCAST EQUAL EMPLOYMENT 3060-0113 ... included on this form. Collaborate for free with online versions of Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and OneNote. FCC Form 395 Common Carrier Annual Employment Report and Discrimination Complaint Requirement. Recent Feedbacks and Complaints. An FCC ID is the product ID assigned by the FCC to identify wireless products in the market. Most FCC forms are located on the FCC Forms website. It has been well over a decade since the FCC collected information (form 395-B) from broadcasters on the gender and diversity of their staffs--stretching over Republican and Democratic Administrations--a point the FCC's Democratic commissioners made back in February when the FCC voted to eliminate an EEO reporting form. Section Question Response Transmitter Related Expenses Do you have transmitter related expenses? Radio FCC is about all the news, happenings, events and people of Forman Christian College University fcc form 395. FCC Form 477 Local Telephone Competition and Broadband Reporting After two court decisions at the turn of the 21st century caused the Commission to reconsider some of its EEO rules and policies, the FCC suspended the use of Form 395-B.4 But the suspension was intended only to be temporary. Approved Frequencies, User Manuals, Photos, and Wireless Reports. 0.409, Commission Policy on Private Printing of FCC Forms.) Certification by Administrative Authority to Billed Entity of Compliance With the Children's Internet Protection Act In 2001, a series of court rulings led the FCC to temporarily suspend the use of Form 395-B. Radio FCC. You may view the comments by entering the docket number in the proceeding field. Any conversation regarding the FCC's EEO practices is incomplete if it does not contemplate the full reinstatement of Form 395-B, which is essential to allow the Commission to fulfill a long-ignored statutory mandate to collect data about broadcast workforce diversity. Yes Transmitters Will the station be sharing equipment with another broadcast television station or stations (e.g., a shared antenna, co-location on a tower, use of the same transmitter room, multiple transmitters feeding a combiner, etc.)? Full Title: FCC FORM 395 AND FCC FORM 431 AVAILABLE Document Type(s): Memorandum Opinion and Order Bureau(s): Common Carrier, Managing Director How to create an e-signature for the fcc form 827. For example, the grantee code for FCC ID: AXATR-395-A2 is AXA. Full Title: Wireline Competition Bureau Announces Transition of FCC Form 395 Common Carrier Annual Employment Report To Electronic Filing Document Type(s): Public Notice Bureau(s): Wireline Competition DA/FCC #: DA-16-965 FCC Record Citation: 31 FCC Rcd 9521 (12) appropriate to file a single FCC Form 395-B for the stations because the foregoing licensees are all subsidiaries of Hispanic Broadcasting Corporation, and the stations are located in one market (Miami, Florida) and have at least one employee in common. FCC Form 395, the Common Carrier Annual Employment Report, must be filed this Thursday, May 31.. Form 395 is required of all FCC licensees or permittees of common carrier stations with 16 or more full-time employees.Resellers typically are not licensees or permittees subject to sections 1.815, 21.307, 22.321, or 23.55 of the Commission’s rules. 3060-0390). Yes Transmitters Will the station be sharing equipment with another broadcast television station or stations (e.g., a shared antenna, co-location Remember—you are not required to respond to a collection of information sponsored by the Federal government, and the government may not conduct or sponsor this collection, unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number or if we fail to provide you with this notice. FCC 397 FOR FCC USE ONLY BROADCAST MID-TERM REPORT FOR COMMISSION USE ONLY FILE NO. Annual Employment Report, and FCC Form 395-A, the multichannel video programming distributor Annual Employment Report.4 We also seek comment in the Fourth Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on the Commission’s policies regarding public access to data contained in FCC Forms 395-A and 395-B. This form is only being used by the Experimental Radio Service Must be filed electronically: … boards of directors or other governing bodies. The FCC also released a Public Notice announcing changes in the racial categories to be used in FCC Form 395 – the Form breaking down the employees of a broadcaster or cable company by race and gender. https://www.fcc.gov/licensing -databases/forms. FCC License Modernization. FCC Form 399: Reimbursement Request. In the 1992 Cable Act, Congress mandated that the FCC implement a similar data collection process for cable operators.8 2. Full Title: Wireline Competition Bureau Announces Transition of FCC Form 395 Common Carrier Annual Employment Report To Electronic Filing; Document Type(s): Public Notice; Bureau(s): Wireline Competition; DA/FCC #: DA-16-965; FCC Record Citation: 31 FCC Rcd 9521 (12) Files. public file or by going to FCC headquarters. Get the Free Reader. Currently no user feedbacks and complaints for this number just yet, be the first to leave one. 16-233 of the FCC’s ECFS filing systems. The FCC also released a Public Notice announcing changes in the racial categories to be used in FCC Form 395 – the Form breaking down the employees of a broadcaster or cable company by race and gender. The FCC chooses 3 or 5 character "Grantee" codes to identify the business that created the product. The Commission collects a variety of information about broadband deployment and wireless and wired telephone service on Form 477. opportunity (“EEO”) reports using FCC Form 395-B.6 Form 395-B required that each broadcast station report the number of employees in each of nine job categories by race and gender.7 Members of the public could gain access to this data by visiting the station and looking at the public file or by going to FCC headquarters. Yes Transmitters Question Response Will the station be sharing equipment with another broadcast television station or stations (e.g., a shared antenna, co-location on a tower, use of the same transmitter room, multiple transmitters feeding a combiner, etc.)? 472 FCC Form 160 Commission Registration System (CORES) For more information, please see FCC CORES Registration and FCC Forms. Annual Employment Report and Discrimination Complaint Requirement (FCC Form 395) – FCC licensees or permittees of common carrier stations with 16 or more full-time employees must complete FCC Form 395 and file it with the Commission by May 31 annually. For more information, please see, Information regarding Form 477 is available at, For more information regarding these requirements, please see the FCC’s, For more information on international service requirements, please see. For each Headquarters Office of a multiple station owner. (FCC FORM 395-B) The Commission should promptly reinstate its requirement that broadcast licensees file annual employment reports (FCC Form 395-B) providing workforce data, including race and gender information. Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. - Federal Communications Commission Common Carrier Annual Employment Report, FCC Form 395 and Sections 1.815, 22.321, 90.168 and 101.311 of the Commission's Rules: 3060-0075: Application for Transfer of Control of a Corporate Licensee or Permittee, or Assignment of License or Permit for an FM or TV Translator Station or a Low Power Television Station, FCC Form 345: 3060-0074 Section Question Response Transmitter Related Expenses Do you have transmitter related expenses? employment data on FCC Form 395-B on a combined report. For a complete set of FCC Form 395 instructions, see . That form has not been filed for years, as its use was prohibited when the FCC EEO rules were declared unconstitutional. In 2004, the Commission adopted a slightly revised form and sought comment in a further notice of That private companies reproducing the form use a printing process resulting in a product that is comparable to the original document; 2. 473 This dashboard is provided by the Media Bureau of the FCC for the purpose of submitting, managing, and searching requests for funding from the FCC’s Incentive Auction Broadcaster Relocation Fund Reimbursement, commonly called the FCC Form 399. different issue, urging the Commission to revive the Annual Employment Report (Form 395-B) as part of an entirely new approach to determining whether a station’s recruitment practices are discriminatory.10 Form 395-B records data on the racial and gender composition of a broadcasters’ staff.11 However, the Commission has not collected this This database reflects filings received by USAC as of Feb. 19, 2021: FCC Form 499 Filer Database Software Version 01.03.06 July 21, 2011 This list is provided for informational purposes only; it is not intended to be exhaustive, nor is it intended to serve as legal guidance or precedent. FCC ID › TCT Mobile Limited › 395. Form 395-B is generally due to be filed with the FCC on September 30 of each year. Moreover, having stated that we will not use the employment profile data collected on Form 395 to assess compliance with our EEO rules, we will be legally foreclosed from doing so. Related Phone Numbers. Leave A Feedback. Reports summarizing some of the information filed with the FCC can be found at Wireline Competition Bureau Data and Statistical Reports. 1653-0045 Expiration 9/30/2022 Page 1 of 2 How to create an e-signature for your Fcc Form 827 in Google Chrome. Adjustment to Funding Commitment and Modification to Receipt of Service Confirmation Form, Entire Form 601 (PDF) | Main Form and Schedule A (PDF), While most choose to take advantage of online filing,downloadable forms are available for use in manual filing or for reference purposes, Schools and Libraries Universal Service Forms, Description of Services Requested and Certification Form, Billed Entity Applicant Reimbursement Form, Service Provider Annual Certification Form, Screenshots of Electronic Filing Interface, Non Pro Forma Translator-LPTV Assignment Screenshots, Non Pro Forma Translator-LPTV Transfer Screenshots, Application for Certification as an Accounting Authority, Annual Statistical Report of Settlement Operations, Interstate Telephone Service Provider Worksheet, Application to Participate in an FCC Auction, Application to Participate in a Reverse Incentive Auction, International Section 214-FCN-Foreign Carrier Afflications Notification, International Section 214-STA-Special Temporary Authority Application, International Section 214-TC-Assignment of Transfer of Control, Application for Construction Permit for Commercial Broadcast Station, Application for Authority to Make Changes in a Class A Television Broadcast Station, Application for AM Broadcast Station License, Application for Class A Television Broadcast Station Construction Permit or License, Application for FM Broadcast Station License, Application for Digital Television Broadcast Station License, Application for Renewal License for AM, FM, TV, Translator, or LPTV Station, Application for Permit to Deliver Programs to Foreign Broadcast Stations, Application for Authority to Construct or Make Changes in an International or Experimental Broadcast Station, Application for an International, Experimental Television, Experimental Facsimile, or a Developmental Broadcast Station License, Application for Renewal of an International, or Experimental Broadcast Station License, Application for Satellite Space and Earth Station Authorizations, Application for Consent to Assignment of Broadcast Station Construction Permit or License, Application for Consent to Transfer Control of Corporation Holding Broadcast Station Construction Permit or License, Application for Consent to Assignment of Radio Broadcast Station Construction Permit or License or Transfer of Control or Corporation Holding Radio Broadcast Station Construction Permit or License, Annual DTV Ancillary/Supplemental Services Report for, Application for Construction Permit for a Low Power FM Broadcast Station, Application for a Low Power FM Broadcast Station License, Ownership Report for Commerical Broadcast Station, Ownership Report for Noncommercial Educational Broadcast Station, Application for Cable Television Relay Service Station Authorization, Certification of Franchising Authority to Regulate Basic Cable Service Rates and Initial Findings of Lack of Effective Competition, Application for Extension of Time to Construct a Digital Television Broadcast Station, Modulation Dependent Carrier Level Notification, Application for Construction Permit for Reserved Channel Noncommercial Educational Broadcast Station (application, instructions, and worksheet), Application for Transfer of Control of a Corporate Licensee or Permittee, or Assignment of License or Permit, for an FM or TV Translator Station, or a Low Power Television Station, Application for Authority to Construct or Make Changes in a Low Power TV, TV Translator, or TV Booster Station, Application for a Low Power TV, TV Translator or TV Booster Station License, Application for Authority to Construct or Make changes in a FM Translator, or FM Booster Station, Application for an FM Translator or FM Translator or FM Booster Station License, Call Sign Reservation and Authorization System, Cable Television Annual Employment Report 2000, Broadcast Station Annual Employment Report, Broadcast Equal Employment Opportunity Program Report, Broadcast Equal Employment Opportunity Model Program Report, Application for Renewal of Radio Station License in Specified Services, Application for New or Modified Radio Station Authorization Under Part 5 of FCC Rules - Experimental Radio Service (Other than Broadcast), Rural Health Care Healthcare Connect Fund Program, Rural Health Care Telecommunications Program, Local Telephone Competition and Broadband Reporting, Schools and Libraries Universal Service Certification by Administrative Authority to Billed Entity of Compliance with the Children's Internet Protection Act and instructions, Service Quality Improvement Reporting FCC Form 481 Data Collection Form, Universal Service for Schools and Libraries Receipt of Service Confirmation and Children's Internet Protection Act and Technology Plan Certification Form, Price Cap Regulation Rate of Return Monitoring Report, Universal Service for Schools and Libraries Funding Commitment Adjustment Request Form and instructions, Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form and instructions, FCC Ownership Disclosure Information for the Wireless Telecommunications Services, FCC Wireless Telecommunications Bureau Application for Assignments of Authorization and Transfers of Control, Quick-Form Application for Authorization in the, Associate WTB Call Signs & Antenna Registration Numbers With Licensee's FRN, Application or Notification for Spectrum Leasing Arrangement or Private Commons Arrangement, Hearing Aid Compatibility Status Reporting Form for Device Manufacturers, Annual Report for Mobility Fund Phase 1 Support and Record Rentention Requirements, Application for Consent to Assign an Experimental Authorization, Application for Consent to Transfer Control of Corporation Holding Station License, Effective October 5, 1999, Applications for Equipment Authorization (FCC Form 731) and all required information must be filed electronically (reference 47 CFR, Section 2.913(c)). Open Video System Certification of Compliance, Application for Media Bureau Video Service Authorization, Schedule G: Application for Media Bureau Audio and Video Service Authorization, Schedule H: Application for Media Bureau Audio and Video Service Authorization, Schedule 301: Commercial FM Broadcast Radio Construction Permit Application, Schedule 302-FM: FM Broadcast Radio License Application, Schedule 303-S: Renewal of Broadcast Station License, Schedule 315: Non-Pro Forma Transfer of Control, Schedule 316: Pro Forma Assignment and Transfer, Schedule 318: Low Power FM Station Construction Permit Application, Schedule 319: Low Power FM Station License Application, Schedule 340: Noncommercial Educational FM Station Construction Permit Application, Schedule 345: FX, TX, LPTV (Non-Pro forma) Assignment and Transfer, Schedule 349: FM Translator or FM Booster Station Construction Permit Application, Schedule 350 – FM Translator or FM Booster Station License Application, Schedule 381: Certification of TV Broadcast Licensee Technical Information in Advance of Incentive Auction, Schedule 396: Broadcast Equal Employment Opportunity Program Report, Schedule 399: TV Broadcaster Relocation Fund Reimbursement, FCC Form 5625 Main Form; Connect America Phase II New York Long-Form Application, Broadcast and Cable Initial Election Statement, Emergency Alert System EAS Activation Report, Application for TV Broadcast Station License, Point Supplement to Pending FCC 349 Filed Prior to Point System (Noncommercial Educational FM Translator Station), This form is required of second round DTV channel electors to advise as to resolution of the identified interference conflict, Digital Channel Election Form: Third Round, Determination of Maximum Initial Permitted Rates for Regulated Cable Programming Services and Equipment, CALEA Monitoring Report for Broadband and VoIP Services, Complaint form for filing a complaint about programming you believe was obscene, indecent and/or profane, Telecommunications Reporting Worksheet - Annual Filing, Low Income Broadband Pilot Program Reimbursement Form, Low Income Broadband Pilot Program Reporting Form, Computation of Cable Services Revenue Requirements and Cost of Service (Small Systems), Changes in Official Mailing Address for Broadcast Station, Application to Participate In Rural Broadband Experiments, Post-Selection Review of Rural Broadband Experiment Winning Bidders. employment data on FCC Form 395-B on a combined report. 395 likes. This list provides information on the most common requirements for interstate and international telecommunications carriers. the form used to collect workforce data—Form 395-B. Some of the conditions are listed below: 1. Report on a separate Form 395-B, those employees whose primary duties lie in the operation of They bugging you too? FCC Form 395-A ("Cable Television Annual Employment Report") This form is suspended and does not need to be filed at this time. File FCC Form 2100 (main), Construction Permit Application Information not provided. pursuant to section 76.1802 of the commission's rules, the due date for filing forms fcc 395-a and fcc 395-m is september 30 of each year. Save documents, spreadsheets, and presentations online, in OneDrive. A Form 395, which is fillable in the Acrobat reader, follows this page. To download comments and other documents electronically in MM Docket No. Tag Phone Number As: Submit Feedback. - Forms with this symbol are fillable in the Acrobat reader. 1 16 FCC Rcd 22843 (2001) (Second NPRM). Attorney Fees - Prepare and File FCC Form 2100 (main), Construction Permit Application: $5,260.00: $6,502.56: Additional expenses were incurred as indicated in the attached invoices. Share them with others and work together at the same time. For each Headquarters Office of a multiple station owner. FCC Form 399: Reimbursement Request. Annual Employment Report, and FCC Form 395-A, the multichannel video programming distributor Annual Employment Report.4 We also seek comment in the Fourth Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on the Commission’s policies regarding public access to data contained in FCC Forms 395-A and 395-B. 479 FCC Form 399: Reimbursement Request. FCC Form 399: Reimbursement Request. Form 395 11/2017 Significant and Non-significant Change – Guidelines Page iv of iv Australian Company Number (ACN) Under the Corporations Act 2001, every company in Australia has been issued with a unique, nine-digit number, an Australian Company Number (ACN), which must be shown on a range of documents. EEO Filing Search. ICE Form I-395 (9/19) Notary Seal DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY . In its recent Report and Order adopting new EEO rules, the Commission FCC ID application submitted by Microsoft Corporation for Phablet Device for FCC ID C3K1930 ( C3K 1930 ) User Manual, Frequency, Reports, Images and more. This feature allows you to fill out the form on-screen for printing, and saving. 486, Schools and Libraries Universal Service FormsDescription of Services Requested and Certification FormInstructionsServices Ordered and Certification FormInstructionsFCC Form 471 Block 4 Bulk InstructionsBilled Entity Applicant Reimbursement FormInstructionsService Provider Annual Certification FormInstructionsService Provider Invoice FormInstructions How to make an e-signature for the Fcc Form 827 in the online mode . FCC 395-B Instructions Draft Federal Communications Commission Not Approved by OMB Washington, D. C. 20554 3060-0390 INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETION OF FCC FORM 395-B BROADCAST STATION ANNUAL EMPLOYMENT REPORT 1. Who Must File All licensees and permittees of commercial and noncommercial AM, FM, LPTV, TV and international BROADCAST stations. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for. In all cases, independent research and determination of the applicability of any FCC rule or requirement is required. The FCC chooses 3 or 5 character "Grantee" codes to identify the business that created the product. While the FCC Form 395-B filing requirement began in 1970, its use was suspended in 2001 following a successful court challenge of the FCC’s EEO Rule by TAB and other state broadcasters’ associations. That form has not been filed for years, as its use was prohibited when the FCC EEO rules were declared unconstitutional. The remaining characters of the FCC ID, TR-395-A2, are often associated with the product model, but they can be random. Yes Transmitters Question Response Will the station be sharing equipment with another broadcast television station or stations (e.g., a shared antenna, co-location These letters are chosen by the applicant. The Commission moved quickly to reinstate Form 395-B and support its Alternatively you may leave a feedback in the form below for a much detailed review about this number. 471 upper right hand corner of the form 395-a or 395-m will be marked with an "x" for those units that must fill out an sis. 2. 0.409, Commission Policy on Private Printing of FCC Forms.) 3060-0095) and from broadcasters (FCC Form 395-B) (OMB Control No. Local Format Intl. in 2000, however, september 30 falls on a saturday. For purposes of this form, a station employment unit is a station or a group of commonly owned stations in the same market that share at least one employee. FCC Form 477 – This form is filed online biannually on March 1 and September 1. 1 See Wireline Competition Bureau Announces Transition of FCC Form 395 Common Carrier A nnual Employment Report to Electronic Filing , Public Notice , DA 16-965, August 26, 2016. FCC-related COVID-19 pandemic information is on our coronavirus web page. through FCC Form 395-B.1 After receiving outreach from members of Congress 2 concerning this item, urging the Commission to use it as a vehicle to take up a 15-year-old further notice of proposed rulemaking, I once The FCC used Form 395-B data to compile annual “trend reports” tracking the aggregate percentage of people of color and women employed in each job category. (FCC FORM 395-B) The Commission should promptly reinstate its requirement that broadcast licensees file annual employment reports (FCC Form 395-B) providing workforce data, including race and gender information.