why can't bolin metal bend

Avatar: The Last Airbender introduced metalbending, but The Legend of Korra explained why they can't bend platinum. A reasonable attempt using a Half Cut / Bend / Weld Fill technique for the bracket. Cutting Across Sheet Metal Bends. Not necessarily...rock+ fire. Toph actually can bend sand as it is a type of earth. Plus lava is just molten rock. Why can't you heat and bend rebar? The reason why we have a Metalbending Police Force is because it's a lot harder to… well, to destroy the city, I suppose… with these metal cables-' she allowed a few centimetres of cable to slither onto her desk for Bolin to see, '-than it is to destroy the city with earthbending or firebending or waterbending. You have to stay here and finish your essential metal bending lessons! And that just isn’t the case. not sure about bitching zuko (he had nice skills but his personality sometimes got the best of him), but zhao was capable enough. I can understand why some people don’t have the power of lighting generation (Zuko) as it’s explained in the show but why can’t some people metal bend? He also reminds me of Aang besides Sokka's humor. Like • Show 0 Likes 0; Comment • 10; How can I change the angle of bend in sheet metal? Mako is close to being a master. "Why not?" It’s technically a sub-element in the series, but is still an entire … Neither Mako or Bolin are even close to master level. Korra can bend three elements because a lionturtle secretly visited her at birth and used spiritbending to give her the ability to earth- and firebend, just to troll people. I just think about it simply. I would argue the reason Bolin can't metalbend but can lavabend is because he doesn't bend like other Earthbenders. Because it is a lofted bend, tappered. “And yo, you can’t … the way they fought was ridiculous, it looked kinda like they were trying to fight pro-bending match outside of the arena, with none but them playing by the pro-bending rules. Assuming Korra is in hiding like Aang was, although the ships would be an issue, it's not like Mako can't handle it. But since she grew up in the Earth kingdom in areas that are pretty far away from sandy deserts, she had never encountered sand before. Aang was quite possibly simply an earthbender who couldn't bend metal. Book Four: Balance is the fourth and final season of the animated television series The Legend of Korra by Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko.It consists of thirteen episodes ("chapters"), all animated by Studio Mir.The episodes were made available on the Nickelodeon website and other online outlets each Friday beginning on October 3, 2014 and premiered on Nicktoons on November 28, 2014. The selected bend appears in … When he redirected that shock from the mecha tank it took him a a few seconds to redirect. Lava is just molten earth and pretty sure ATLA was kind of inconsistent with having firebenders/previous Avatars bending it like it was no big deal. The electrocution was meant to numb his body slowly (opposed to lightning which instantaneously). To be honest neither have them have been extraordinarily impressive; it's possible that the creators didn't want them to overshadow Korra. Metalbending works because metal is just purified earth. Basically, Bolin needs to remember the roots of Earthbending because which is to see not from his eyes but to see with his limbs as a literal extension. That's shown very well in this fight and it's amazing to see how much metal-bending has evolved since Toph invented it in the original show. “What? I'd say that Mako is a master; his form isn't particularly great but his skills as a bender are pretty high. Bolin has always been an ok earthbender (compared to other important characters) and I can't remember Korra earthbending too much but she's probably good. The selected face appears in the Fixed face box. Sometimes, it is necessary to bend metal when heat is not available. Opal asked. Why? ... Toph is the first earthbender known to bend metal. Though Toph undoubtedly grew stronger as she grew older, her reliance on feet never diminished, which gives Bolin an edge over her. Bolin is not, since he can't metal bend. Toph is an extremely talented and masterful earthbender—i.e., she has the ability to telekinetically manipulate, reshape and control stone and dirt, as well as metal, later on. Bending works on a sort of Platonic system of physics distantly related to our understanding of chemistry. Since the band's inception, its musical style has ranged from hard rock, heavy metal, and glam metal. Platinum has a very small quantity of impurities so it is difficult, yet possible to bend, if there is anyone skilled enough. Figure 6. Miter Flange, Lofted-Bend, corner controls, Sheet Metal Gusset and Rip are all very common tools that can … ... Bolin could learn lava bending coz his mother was also a fire bender . So my theory on why bolin can’t metal bend is because his lava bending makes him so connected to the earth that the small bits of earth in metal … Bolin had no capacity for metal-bending at all, so the two advanced abilities may be mutually exclusive. Actions . He needs to find an Earthbending teacher that also knows how wait and listen. Once the metal has been bent, let it cool slowly, so … 1 person has this question. It would be more efficient and simpler to import the dwg, locate and dimension bend lines, and bend them. Bolin said trying to put it back but dropped it. Follow edited Jun 16 '20 at 9:31. His lightning bending speaks for itself but he's lacking in terms of real world experience. We see Kioshi, the last earth kingdom avatar, perform an incredible earth bending feat. I'm giving Mako the benefit of the doubt though, because lightning bending is no joke. Bolin on the other hand can't seismic sense, can't metalbend, and can't lavabend. Mako, being the older brother, probably taught Bolin how to bend the only way he knew how. Die Metalbörse ist ein online Shop, in dem Ihr neben T-Shirts und Patches noch unglaublich viele andere Merchandising Artikel von Heavy Metal Bands findet. Bolin is a capable lavabender, and Mako has the ability to generate and redirect lightning at will. Report. Community ♦ 1. answered Aug 24 '14 at 8:20. Take a second to look at our. Metal-Bending (Using her ability to "see" through earthbending, Toph was able to perceive the trace amount of earth still present in the metal, target it, and utilize it to bend the metal itself) Seismic Sense. Lavabenders needing a firebender parent is fully just a fan theory, I only said it was never implied to be genetic, the sort of sub-element bending was already shown in ATLA to be something only certain benders could do. Unfolded sheet metal, before correction. I greatly dislike that LOK implied metalbending/lavabending is something genetic/inherent to the bender. Outcomes. He doesn't know how to root himself and feel the impurities. She leapt into the air, twirling around in triumph and flexing her arms. Follow the same procedure as bending hot metal, but omit the heating and cooling steps. Honeslty, he fights like a firebender. His bending is further enhanced by his “light on his feet” approach and the employment of his pro-bending moves while in battle. Also Bolin is the real avatar. If their bending isn't impressive to you, I don't know whose is. About the Lava bending, Bolin didn't really master it, he only controlled what Ghazan sent at him. Discussion in 'The Garage' started by Skippii, May 7, 2010. Korra and Bolin just kind of awkwardly stand watching the two work out their problems. If you use a hammer, try to bend the metal around a template; hot metal is very easy to over-bend. Share. I think Bolin can also master Metal bending he just needs to understand it from the original source of Earthbending. (Bolin and Aang) I can’t recall it ever being explained why Bolin's connection to his element was so great he was able to bend it while traveling on a fast-moving metal rail car. Bolin smiled, "Seriously, your bending's gotten insane," he spoke between the breaths he was trying to catch after running so fast, "And you're looking great. This application for metal bending is just a little different, so the requirements are also a little different. Korra Has Unlocked Metal Bending. Bolin eventually discovers that while he's not a metalbender, he's a lavabander, possibly an even more powerful sub-discipline of the earthbending art. So here are my top ten reasons why Korra is stronger than Aang. I wasn't really thinking about all my mustaches. If it were a lightning bolt those few seconds would of meant death. Aang was quite possibly simply an earthbender who couldn't bend metal. He'd still be no match for Azula or Iroh I. It's just one or the other. I think Bolin should have like an Arc where he could have been train to understand earth not as a person who can see but a person that needs to rely on earth as an extension and not just as raw power. Question asked by Gabriel Corbari on Oct 12, 2018 Latest reply on Oct 16, 2018 by ömür tokman. I can't metal bend, that's not... that's not a thing," he kicked himself in his head. 3 Toph: Destroyed an Entire Fleet of Fire Nation Ships. Mako and Bolin are skilled but far been master level. His style is a lot more fluid than most other Earthbenders. In such cases, secure the metal before bending it. I personally haven't seen really any master level benders this book besides probably the twins and Korra's uncle. Even then, his martial skills are not there yet. Personally I view master as someone who has the baseline abilities of the weakest masters we have seen, which are, They are skilled but by the end of the series they could be approaching the level of masters, I'm not even talking about them loosing. If you stress the metal of a paper clip, it can withstand a reasonably large force—it may bend, but usually won't break. Aang was not able to understand Earth as fast as waterbending because Aang always viewed life from an Airbender's strategic impulse. I think that Bolin's lack of a master also complements his special bending style. Mako's sort-of impressive for being able to bend lightning, but not smart enough to use it anymore. He wanted to respond by saying he just couldn’t do it, but he didn’t even have the energy. Her original design greatly influenced the appearance of Bolin in The Legend of Korra. Bolin was an earthbender, but he did sort of understand Sokka’s pain since he wanted to bend metal. T T Info. Skippii Milkshakes, my lad. I kind of just pretend that entire mini arc about "ayyye youre a lava bender" never happened. In the graphics area: Select a face as the fixed face. Ghazan, P'Li and Ming Hua are masters, with the first two being confirmed. It has been stated that each Red Lotus member is capable of taking out any bender in a one on one fight. Centuries later, the technique was utilized by Avatar Kyoshi when Chin approached her peninsula in an attempt to claim it as part of his empire. So my theory on why bolin can’t metal bend is because his lava bending makes him so connected to the earth that the small bits of earth in metal aren’t enough for him to use but what are you’re theory’s would love to hear them. Thaddeus Howze ♦ Thaddeus Howze. As such, Bolin is too mobile. Well, to be fair, metal bending was around for, if I remember correctly, 70ish years since Toph discovered it. Katara was considered worthy of holding the title after training with Pakku at the end of B1, however there were still plenty of water-benders that were much more skillful than she was. Joined: May 11, 2008 Oddometer: 6,683 Location: Richmond, Va. After raising my bike, I needed to make my kickstand about 10" longer, so I used a piece of rebar. Anime/Manga Fanfiction Romance Legend Of Korra Bolin Mako Korra Report. I personally haven't seen really any master level benders this book besides probably the twins and Korra's uncle. This is a rare and terrifying variant of earth bending, and audiences first saw it in … Like • Show 0 Likes 0; Comment • 13; I've starting making sheet-metal in SW2018 and did my usual pulls with the edge-flange tool "". Never bend any rod or rectangular bar of cold metal past a 60-degree angle. When he went to Zaofu, he tried and failed… but then he discovered that he was a lavabender! So going off that Makko and Bolin are probably master class as well, as I think both of them could beat end B1 Katara hands down. It's something intrinsic to their bending powers that they can either be taught to do, or they cannot be. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the legendofkorra community, Press J to jump to the feed.