frenemy examples in movies
Sextina decides to go along with the lie, and Princess Carolyn supports her. A pep talk from Vanessa Gekko encourages her to accept the ruthless job of motherhood. Princess Carolyn says of course she does. At VIM, Princess Carolyn is surprised to find Judah working in her office. Diane tells him he's about to be pushed out of a plane and Princess Carolyn and BoJack are talking about ways to get back on the plan but they can't because the plane is gone. Diane suggests New Mexico is not the story and the reporters are working on something bigger. This makes BoJack realizes this wasn't the first time they met. Afterward, she'll catch the first plane to North Carolina. Princess Carolyn jokes that the lesson of this is to never listen to her. Mr. Peanutbutter then tells Princess Carolyn, that the filming for Birthday Dad is going well. This upsets Vanessa, and warns Princess Carolyn she's overplaying her hand. Take a look at the list below to learn which words you may not have known are actually portmanteaus. She tells her about the new book she's writing. He asks if she'd be interested. BoJack gets her to stop and tells her that this is what he means by her being unprofessional. Princess Carolyn says the strike is the most amount of time she's been able to spend with Ruthie. Mr. Peanutbutter looks through a script while on the set of Birthday Dad, Princess Carolyn approaches him and shows him a meme she made about Mr. Peanutbutter entitled “Sad Dog" and the different variants of it. The mother and daughter look at each other and smile. You may notice that any political scandal is often coupled with the word gate (e.g., pizzagate, Russiagate, Monicagate, Weinergate). As an eighteen-year-old in 1992, she didn't have bags under her eyes, her eyebrows were a little thicker, and her hair was in a styled back fashion. Princess Carolyn begins to bond with her daughter, starting by getting her to stop crying and making her laugh with tongue twisters and finally decided to name her Ruthie. Judah leaves, and Princess Carolyn goes in her purse and pulls out a plastic bag that contains a pregnancy test that reads positive. Princess Carolyn came from a very poor family. It also strengthened her persistent attitude and the belief you must work and try hard to get what you want. As Princess Carolyn watches Judah ride off she tells him she's the best assistant she's ever had. BoJack then questions who else would have him. In Head in the Clouds, before the Philbert premiere, Princess Carolyn has to deal with two writers, Ziggy Abler and Abe Ziegler, who refuse to sign a release for jokes the Flip plagiarized from the Popsicle stick jokes. Todd mentions a meeting he planned on attending later that day but reluctantly agrees. BoJack says he wants to so that Princess Carolyn can tell her daughter she helped him do the right thing. Princess Carolyn is then offered chamomile tea and meditation. On the set of Birthday Dad, Mr. Peanutbutter is filming a scene and he gets his lines wrong. As Princess Carolyn and her mother said goodbye to each other at the airport, her mother at the last minute begged her daughter to stay home for another year, pleading "Can't you do this one thing for me?" BoJack's second interview does not go as well as his first one. Sarah Lynn died of a heroin overdose and BoJack had BoJack brand heroin in his glove compartment. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. However, when he turns around, Princess Carolyn is gone, having left for Eden. Stuart says he is sure the other assistants are coming soon. After he leaves, Judah comes in and tells her that people like Rutabaga are the reason he left his previous big agency. He lists several potential ones. In INT. However, Rutabaga bursts in the room announcing he's found something by looking through old emails that'll blow the situation wide open. BoJack suggests not going back, but Princess Carolyn insists she loves her job and abandoning it is not an option. Princess Carolyn says they can find some way to spin the Sarah Lynn story so BoJack looks good. Diane then asks if BoJack left her with the heroin and BoJack admits he was with her up until the time she died in the planetarium and that he left and came back and pretended he had found Sarah Lynn that way. Diane then points out it's not about the legality and Todd says BoJack has been acting sketchy. Her mother also died sometime before 2014, which was the last time Princess Carolyn went back to Eden until 2018. Casey says it's a generous offer but she'd have to talk it over with her colleagues. Judah comes in Princess Carolyn's office, and she reveals BoJack didn't get either of the movies he tells her they're going to have to cut costs. Princess Carolyn then says they should make a list of every bad thing he did. The media interprets this as BoJack being offended by Vance being forgiven. She claims to separate her personal life from her professional life, but she is shown to have at least a little difficulty in doing so. She agrees to support Mr. Peanutbutter in his run for governor. Amanda then tells her if nothing else, she should leave work, and participate in the photo shoot for Karen Kitada's sake. Princess Carolyn tells Diane over the phone that she loved the Ivy Tran pages and she sees merchandise potential and she pitched it to a few studios. They bond over the silliness of it. She also doesn't want to show her weaknesses, insecurities, or vulnerabilities due to her reputation of being able to do anything. The two enjoy their date but simultaneously get a phone call. Judah agrees with the contract Princess Carolyn gives him except for getting rid of office birthday cakes—while he agrees everyone hates office parties, in a stressful work environment employees crave any small morsel of satisfaction. BoJack says he's offended he wasn't important enough for her real wedding but he's flattered to be invited to her industry one. Do They Know Things?? Princess Carolyn is about ready to give up when her next date arrives, a mouse named Ralph. He asks if Princess Carolyn wants to hang out some more and come up with more movie ideas based on greeting cards. Princess Carolyn is reluctant, as she's worked at Vigor for twenty years—she even still waters their plants, and things have been "crazy" for her. Princess Carolyn tells Diane she hates to leave her hanging and leaps out. He had to register their new corporation in her name because of his divorce, to her surprise, but he promises it's only temporary. After the interview, Princess Carolyn hesitantly says the interview didn't go great. The speech appears to give Princess Carolyn some hope. Being one of the five main characters, Princess Carolyn has appeared in every episode except: BoJack Horseman Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Portmanteaus show that a writer’s creativity infuses the very words they use. She green lights the show and casts Mr. Peanutbutter as the host as his big comeback role. Read these popular portmanteaus that might crop up in your everyday conversations: Another common portmanteau you might find is alcoholic + something addictive (e.g., workaholic, shopaholic, chocoholic, rageaholic). Tap into the "teen angst" genre that was popular at the time (Dawson’s Creek, we’re looking at you) and mix it up with a young Superman origin story.It was a show that appealed equally to young men and women. Mr. Peanutbutter casually tells Princess Carolyn, that the cast and crew hate him since word got out that he cheated on his fiancé. In the closet, Princess Carolyn asks BoJack how his sobriety is going. The next day, Princess Carolyn tells Sadie to not fall for Strib's sudden proposal saying she herself has known and dated many "Stribs" throughout her life and that Sadie is too special and intelligent to fall for the first teenage boy who says, "he loves her, or whatever." She then has an argument with Vincent over him only talking about and wanting to do "business" and "adult things" all the time, leaving herself to think she's not ready for an adult relationship yet, and she breaks up with Vincent. Diane then tells BoJack and Princess Carolyn the story the reporters are trying to cover is about BoJack and Sarah Lynn. Princess Carolyn then changes into a Pastiches robe and falls asleep on a chair outdoors. Diane then spots the senator's missing wife in the field they are standing in. Casey says their demands haven't changed, and Princess Carolyn says she finds it thrilling to see her grown into her role as strike captain. Princess Carolyn is a female Persian cat. Vanessa says the whole discussion is empowering, and Amanda suggests a type of low-key salon where women can exchange ideas. Princess Carolyn then leaves the grocery store and is driving, when she gets a phone call from Flea Daniels, asking what Princess Carolyn did to Birthday Dad. BoJack then asks what's the point of working on himself and getting better and sober if people out there trying to tear him down. When she gets there, the nanny Renata, tells her she is quitting. Todd then tells BoJack he has his work cut out because people hate him right now. BoJack then asks what she would be afraid of in this fictional situation created by him. In Stop the Presses, she is present at the meeting with BoJack, Ana, Lenny, and Diane for Secretariat's "For Your Consideration" ads. Princess Carolyn's persistence pays off in the end when she wins back the Eva Braun project from Vanessa, and maneuvers a position for BoJack to star in a new movie project based on the events of the stolen Hollywood "D" from the episode Our A-Story is a "D" Story. However, other portmanteaus have made their way into our everyday speech and reading, like popular Spanglish words. In What Time Is It Right Now Princess Carolyn is at the What Time Is It Right office pitching Philbert as an online series. when all Princess Carolyn ever did was cover for her. Princess Carolyn at BoJack's Halloween party in 1993 dressed as Amelia Earhart. Diane goes after Princess Carolyn and says she appreciates that she is trying to help but she does not want to write a middle-grade book. He answers, by saying he's not too worried about it, as he feels people generally want to like him. The episode ends at home, with Princess Carolyn trying to soothe her daughter, she then tells her the silly rhyme about Fijis for the Fugees. She calls Ralph Stilton, who admits he hasn't stopped thinking about her, and the two agree to a date. She quickly listed multiple actors, but Lenny isn't interested in any of them. Easily overlaps with Villainesses Want Heroes, Trickster Girlfriend, and All Girls Want Bad Boys. However, before this, she gets a call from Sadie, who is in the hospital in labor. Nice While It Lasted However, this gives her an epiphany, she should be a manager. Gekko says she never hated Princess Carolyn, and questions if Princess Carolyn hated her. Princess Carolyn approaches Mr. Peanutbutter and she is confused when she spots Joey Pogo driving through the set. She woke up before him early the next morning, and she said: "Don’t you break my heart, BoJack Horseman.". She angrily says all he's ever done is make her rescue him and make her listen to him complain. Princess Carolyn tells him the first time she met him was when she was still an intern and she had to drop scripts off at his house. Princess Carolyn asks Mr. Peanutbutter about his reputation. BoJack says he's a real jerk. She tells him the pilot was directed by Flea Daniels, and the show would be run by Karen Kitada. Princess Carolyn asks Diane how she's feeling, and she says she feels shitty but that she's glad she did it. She eventually became Marv's secretary and assistant. Cutie Cutie Cupcake (mother, deceased)Unnamed father (deceased)Judah Mannowdog (husband)Ruthie (adopted daughter)Boots (brother)10 other unnamed siblingsNiece CarolynNiece Carolyn's HusbandMultiple Unnamed Neices and NephewsRuthie (great-great-great-granddaughter, fictional) She went back estate to introduce herself, but BoJack told her he was tired from pretending to be nice all night and to leave him alone.