full moon tarot spread january 2021

... March Magick Witchy Playlist 2021. He advises us to learn how to take initiative, the right ways this time, and to plan ahead so we can be ready to ask questions should something come up. This is January 2021 Full Moon in Leo, the first full moon in 2021. In today’s reading, the 8 of Crystals (Pentacles in other decks) represents those “outside forces”… and as it turns out, this card represents spiritual growth and reaping the rewards we have earned from the time we have invested. The meaning of the full moon. The King of Crystals reversed in the outcome position asks us to look carefully at our energetic balance for signs of self-indulgence and to be brutally honest with ourselves. Time and energy invested in ourselves will pay back dividends, even if at first blush it seems rather harsh. Tarot people are Moon people (and often cat people, right? Full Moon January 2021: The Wolf Moon. At the root of this is the major arcana card Strength reversed, indicating that we need to face our sacred fears and trust that we are strong enough to survive, even when the ego is screaming that it can’t bear to look at the truth. The content includes:-Overview of 2021 from a Tarot and Lunar perspective-January Tarot Spread - January New Moon Ritual Ideas-January Full Moon Ritual -Journaling prompts, a recipe, suggested reads, encouragements, and more. ... link to A Full Moon Tarot Spread. The Aquarian energy of January has me hella excited for the full moon in Leo on Thursday (Jan 28)! On January 28 th, Sun in Aquarius opposites Moon in Leo. During a Full Moon, the Moon is 100% illuminated, as seen from Earth, and is on the opposite side of the Earth from the Sun. That is our only choice for alchemy, my friends, and one that is not particularly easy or simple. This full moon guide includes: Leo Magickal Correspondences. Sign in Get started. How my quest for fun and adventure ties in with my ability to live from the heart for the Highest Good (bridging energy between the Knight of Wands and Strength) 3. The Numinous Stardust. Sample Leo Altar Setup Diagram. January 28, 2021January 28, 2021 / Twist the Leaf Today is the full moon, and like all new moons and full moons, I did a spread aligned to the moon’s current themes as a part of my recognition of the moon’s cycle and influences upon us. We have a Leo Full Moon coming up January 28th (2021). January 26, 2021 Tarot Full Moon in Leo Tarot Spread What You Need To Know The Aquarian energy of January has me hella excited for the full moon in Leo on Thursday (Jan 28)! Finally, a drop of warm motivational and creative energy that we all need. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Ritual Two: Cup of Courage January 21 marks this month’s full moon. King of Wands reversed in the “highest good” position describes not only that our past choices never really go away, but also that we don’t need to define ourselves by our mistakes and the we are being asked to allow the experience to change us. Recipe: Candle Dressing for Creative Joy. On this day some pagans celebrate Imbolc, others celebrate this festival for Brigid on 1 … Wednesday, January 13 th, Sun conjuncts Moon in Capricorn.This is the first New Moon in 2021, a New Moon in Capricorn. Sarah Milne, Expedition Astrology Co-Teacher, The … On January 28th, this Full Moon will be visible throughout the night sky, rising at sunset in the east and setting with the sunrise the next morning. This is January 2021 Full Moon in Leo, the first full moon in 2021. Alternate names: Snow Moon or Old Moon. We need to sever the ties in order to let it go and leave it in the past as a lesson. Establishing and maintaining a connection with yourself, with your inner self, represents the main message of this Full Moon. In the future, I’ll make a video on other types of rituals besides tarot readings that you can also use to work with the full moon or lunar eclipses. 1. Date: February 27, 2021. Why do we insist on holding anyone accountable when failure is not a crime? I’ve designed a Full Moon in Gemini tarot spread that can offer a deeper understanding of your psyche during the lunar eclipse and full moon. TODAY (Thursday, January 28) will bring us the first full moon of 2021. Full Moon January 2021: The Wolf Moon. Jan 26, 2021 | Astrology, Tarot The Full Moon in Leo 2021 lights up the skies on Thursday, January 28th, at 2:16 PM EST. Use iFate's moon phase calendar to find the moon phase for any date. Please log in again. The Full Wolf Moon in January is named for the time when wolves could be heard howling with hunger in the heart of winter. ... A favorite free tarot spread… It seems kind of counter-intuitive, but since everything is happening FOR you, not TO you, let’s try to practice alchemy! The Dreamkeepers Tarot lulls you with dream montages of fin de siècle characters reaching for connection. In the past, we stood on top of a suitcase full of excuses for our choices and behavior… we highlighted how wrong the situation was and how innocent we were. The Capricorn Weekly Tarot Reading is an insight into what the month ahead is like in its energy, outlook and general trends and themes. On January 28 th, Sun in Aquarius opposites Moon in Leo. A very quick run through of the cards I pulled for January’s full moon. The full moon typically rises in the evening and sets in at sunrise, affording the brightest nights of the lunar cycle. Sample Leo Altar Setup Diagram That suitcase never latched properly, and we’ve lived in fear of that latch coming undone and exposing the content of that suitcase ever since. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Full Moon in Leo Tarot Spread. Tonight is the snow moon The Full moon is one of the best times to manifest things to progress with your soul purpose in life. By innergoddesstarot on February 26, 2021 in Divination, Dreams, Moon, Tarot Spreads 0. It feels heavy, but anything tied down will feel heavier than it is. What You Need To Know. Welcome to #TarotTalk where you can join me on my Tarot … ... Why not try our Leo Full Moon Tarot Spread to explore this energy further and how it is playing out in your life. Tonight is the first Full Moon of 2021. You are not who anyone thinks you are, unless maybe you’re trying to control what they think of you…. Online Event. It is in Leo until Saturday, January 30th, 2:11 am CST. Full Moon Releasing Spread For The Collective January 28, 2021Mitchell Osborn - Psychic Medium, Animal Communicator, Tarot Card Reader & Mindfulness Transfor... youtube.com Full Moon Releasing Spread For The Collective January 28, 2021 A British Wolf Hunt. 2021 Tarot by the Moon by Ethony* – Free guide to 24 New and Full Moon Tarot spreads for each sign organized by date. January 28 2021 Full Moon comes this time in Leo. It is in Leo until Saturday, January 30th, 2:11 am CST. I love the Moon. ( Log Out /  At this time of year in northern America and Northern Europe, wolves used to come down to human settlements in search of food- with resulting conflict. (King of Wands Rx) It’s doing this not to knock us down, but to allow us to stand in grace. Tarot Spread for the Inner Child. That internal blindness makes us extra-sensitive, and sometimes we project our inner turmoil onto the world around us in a misguided (but earnest) attempt to resolve the inner unrest. We have a Leo Full Moon coming up January 28th (2021). Leo Magickal Correspondences We will feel more generous and … Leo Full Moon January 2021, Mercury Retrograde Read More » We strike out against the ghosts that we conjured into the world, often severing relationships in the process, all the while telling ourselves that our anger was necessary and our foul behavior justified because of “outside forces”. We are being asked to see the value in the mistakes we have made and not to write it all off as a loss. It is a serious heavy time when our strength and endurance matters the most. ). With this being the first Full Moon of the new year, I’m sure many of you are planning to do rituals. Harness the energy of the Full Moon as you use this tarot spread to reveal your true desires. Use iFate's moon phase calendar to find the moon phase for any date. This is not the time for the humblebrag. Enjoy! Can we really live with the compromise of something that feeds only our bodies, but not our souls? Date: January 28, 2021. The February 2021 full moon falls in the sign of Virgo.The Virgo archetype is logical and practical, with an eye for detail and the steadfastness to go after their goals.This is a sign that thrives on meticulous planning, on honing skills to perfection and gaining mastery over their chosen vocation.. Spiritually, the Virgo archetype teaches the principle of devotion. Recipe: Candle Dressing for Creative Joy. During a Full Moon, the Moon is 100% illuminated, as seen from Earth, and is on the opposite side of the Earth from the Sun. Full Moon Releasing Spread For The Collective January 28, 2021Mitchell Osborn - Psychic Medium, Animal Communicator, Tarot Card Reader & Mindfulness Transfor... youtube.com Full Moon Releasing Spread For The Collective January 28, 2021 Ritual Two: Cup of Courage. ( Log Out /  Ritual One: Enchant Your Mirror Get the Message from the Full Moon with this Tarot Spread. Time spent cannot be reclaimed, but investments pay dividends. Welcome to your January Full Moon in Leo Session! The 3 of Wands reversed as the heart of the matter is crossed by the Page of Cups reversed, describing a situation where we struggle to separate our need for acceptance with our actual needs… and we need to learn to see the ways we have failed ourselves instead of the ways others have failed us. The Full Moon Tarot Spread and Ritual By Brigit August 23, 2018 September 22nd, 2018 If the moon has the power to create the ebb and flow of the ocean’s tides, it no doubt also has the power to influence human beings, especially as we are 60 percent water. !”… just trying to get a healing for our emotions. Embrace what needs healing as much as what we have mastery of. Monthly tarot forecasts, new and full moon tarot spreads, and more tarot goodness! A very quick run through of the cards I pulled for January’s full moon. Welcome to your January Full Moon in Leo Session! Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. those born under this astrological sign are hardworking, ambitious and responsible. Tarot Spread for the Inner Child. On January 28th, this Full Moon will be visible throughout the night sky, rising at sunset in the east and setting with the sunrise the next morning. In the future, I’ll make a video on other types of rituals besides tarot readings that you can also use to work with the full moon or lunar eclipses. Full Moon in Leo 28 January 2021- by Flavia by Flavia on January 23, 2021 in anthropology of the tarot , arcanum tarot , astrology , flavia , fullmoon , leofullmoon In January we are finding ourselves again, but not without any sacrifice. ( Log Out /  The login page will open in a new tab. What does this mean for you? The truth is, my friends, that the world has failed us 100 times… but we have failed ourselves 100 times 100 times. Get the Message from the Full Moon with this Tarot Spread. Sarah Milne, Expedition Astrology Co-Teacher, … Wands showed up quite a bit in today’s reading, along with the presence of quite a few court cards, which I interpreted as asking us to look for the ways we are allowing the opinions of others to erode our confidence and hold us back from putting ourselves out there. Give it a try and see how it speaks to you. Why do we insist on holding anyone accountable when failure is not a crime? We don’t need to spend more, talk more, or acquire more… we need to invest more. You are not who anyone else thinks you are, so control your behavior and not others’ perception of your behavior. Online Event. Home » Blog » Tarot » The Leo Full Moon Tarot Reading On 1-28-2021 The Moon in Leo rose at 4:52 pm CST. This full moon will be more serious than in the past. 1) Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. My joie de vivre and sense of adventure (Knight of Wands) 2. ... March Magick Witchy Playlist 2021. The January Full Moon is nicknamed the Wolf Moon. The dog is looking rather surprisingly nonchalant, just lounging about next to the man. You got what you wanted… so what did you make of it? Mar 4, 2021 - Tarot spreads for love, career, self-discovery and more. She embraces the whole spectrum, and in this reading she shows up in the position that describes the subject of the reading… you and I. Joy Vernon Tarot and Reiki, Inc. January 21. by Spotify. What does this mean for you? Full Moon in Leo Tarot Spread. This full moon is dredging up something – whether that is people, situations, or feelings – from our pasts that we might have hoped never to think of again. The Full Wolf Moon in January is named for the time when wolves could be heard howling with hunger in the heart of winter. Astrological Forecast: (March 14- March 20, 2021) Episode 113- How to Clear Energy with Jen Sankey; Astrological Forecast: (March 7th- March 13th, 2021) Episode 112- Magic Week Day 5: Intuition, Expansion, Divination; Episode 111- Magic Week Day 4: Ideate with Witchery The meaning of the full moon. The dog is looking rather surprisingly nonchalant, just lounging about next to the man. The message I got from her today was that our power comes not from denying our weaknesses, but from embracing all aspects of ourselves as exactly what we need to experience right now. To ripen us and make us sweet though, not to rot us from the insides. Ouch. Full Moon February 2021: The Snow Moon. My joie de vivre and sense of adventure (Knight of Wands) 2. THAT is the deception that fools nobody but ourselves. We discuss the last quarter Moon phase in Libra on January 6th, 2021, and how we can turn to the Tarot for insights using a last quarter Moon in Libra Tarot spread. Transformation reversed in the near future position (Death in some other decks) is telling us that THIS obsession with the past is what is preventing us from moving forward, and that is nobody’s fault but our own. Full Moon in Leo 28 January 2021- by Flavia by Flavia on January 23, 2021 in anthropology of the tarot, arcanum tarot, astrology, flavia, fullmoon, leofullmoon In January we are finding ourselves again, but not without any sacrifice. Working with the phases of the Moon is a powerful part of spiritual practice. Posted on January 17, 2021 January 17, 2021 by Angela.m.doyle Sagittarius General Tarot Reading – January 2021 I thought I would switch up the Tarot Scopes a little for this week, using the Moon Oracle Deck for the general spread and a Tarot card to give the overall theme. Where we find inauthenticity or partial success, we are asked to investigate. I have a feeling you do, too. Sometimes called the ‘Wolf Moon’ legend has it that it was given its name on account of the wolves that were heard howling during this time. Change ). Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. The download is an 8″ x 10″ (standard office paper size) .pdf that has room to punch holes for a binder or notebook. Developing Full Moon and New Moon Tarot Spreads for 2021. Skip to main content. The Queen of Wands is one of my favorite cards, as she represents personal power and optimism with a shot of wild, independent fierceness that I adore. Read on for my interpretation of the Celtic Cross spread I pulled, and download the free journal pages at the end! sleepyflow3r January 26, 2021 Tarot. January 11, 2021 January 11, 2021 / Twist the Leaf View Posts Tomorrow is the new moon, and like all new moons and full moons, I did a spread aligned to the moon’s current themes as a part of my recognition of the moon’s cycle and influences upon us. This page displays the moon phase for January 29, 2021. The Emperor describes our hopes and fears, asking us to stop worrying our lives away. It is considered the perfect time for any new project or idea implying Capricorn’s qualities. The 3 of Cups in the recent past position asks us to think about the relationships and opportunities that we asked for and that we received… and what we did with those opportunities. Date: January 28, 2021. Joy Vernon Tarot and Reiki, Inc. January 21. The content includes:-Overview of 2021 from a Tarot and Lunar perspective-January Tarot Spread - January New Moon Ritual Ideas-January Full Moon Ritual -Journaling prompts, a recipe, suggested reads, encouragements, and more. The Tarot spread I have created for the Full Moon in Virgo puts the emphasis on your mental state but it does so in a way that helps you problem-solve, unblock yourself and release your full potential to be of service because that is what this Full Moon is all about. Full Moon In Leo… Serious Fire Energy On Thursday, January 28th, we will experience our first full moon of the year in the proud and regal sign of Leo. By Charissa | January 29th, 2021 | Astrology, Blog, Tarot | Yesterday was the Full Moon nearest (Wolf Moon) to the astronomical midpoint between the winter solstice and spring equinox. It was never about the latte, or the penmanship, or the way someone looked at us… it was about what our early emotional imprinting told us those things MEANT about us. THAT is where things tend to go sideways. The Libra Weekly Tarot Reading is an insight into what the month ahead is like in its energy, outlook and general trends and themes. The culmination of our efforts exposing all of the wasted energy, inner wounds that we projected outward, damaged relationships, and emotional immaturity does NOT seem like a good thing. Full Moon Spread Images: Rider Waite; Light Seers; And here is your Full Moon in Leo Recording! Namaste, friends! I have a feeling you do, too. Our attitudes will be warmer and feel more dramatic. Full Moon February 2021: The Snow Moon. Check-in and align your heart and your mind. ). Ritual Two: Cup of Courage. Our January full moon guide includes: The January Full Moon is nicknamed the Wolf Moon. The significator card is 7 of Cups in its reversed position, which flavors the reading by asking us to get real with ourselves. The Numinous Stardust. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Invest your time, don’t spend it. We will see what we can do. This spread shines a light on the shadows of the cycle that has ended and casts its glow into what is to come. Hi Peggie – great idea! We will feel more generous and … Leo Full Moon January 2021, Mercury Retrograde Read More » Tarot people are Moon people (and often cat people, right? Ouch. those born under this astrological sign are hardworking, ambitious and responsible. ... Why not try our Leo Full Moon Tarot Spread to explore this energy further and how it is playing out in your life. A Full Moon Tarot Spread. It started with us… we made a choice to believe what it meant… and we can choose to see things differently.