toph funny moments

Reply. See what Toph (tophermargolis) has discovered on Pinterest, the world's biggest collection of ideas. This page is comprised of Toph Beifong's relationships with other characters in the world of Avatar. Well, more of a nightmare. Anime fans can unite around these Avatar quotes from The Last Airbender. Find Toph videos, photos, wallpapers, forums, polls, news and more. Chapter One Toph sat in her room, thinking. Toph Beifong’s Metalbending Academy is the second book in the “girls of Avatar” oneshot series, preceded by Katara and the Pirate’s Silver. 2. toph. [Katara chuckles slightly] Toph (while Appa is being dragged away): “I’m sorry, Appa.” One of the sadder moments in ATLA. During this scene, a box pops up that says "This was the easiest scene in the episode to animate." 22 bobos. Add interesting content ... -funny avatar moments book 3-added by Nieat. added by princessAries. Streamer. sokka. 43. The story focuses on Toph, who has grown restless and bored by the same old routine of teaching metalbending to her students day after day. Toph: Look, I know I wasn't a great mother, but one way or another, I ended up with two great kids. R&R, enjoy! Mostly for fear that if I tried to run away, she'd clobber me with rocks. Toph has some really interesting talents that all … This is a collection of little unrelated and unsequenced 'Funny Moments', each one of the gaang's fun, blonde, stupid, and just plain hilarious moments I'll be making up. toph. Toph is the princess of the Earth Kingdom. 3. toph thinking she's besar sokka. Good enough to risk my bony old butt for, anyway. "( flatly ) The Fire Lord's defenses are impeccable." DONE 37/37 taken MAP Riverclan Has Work To Do Weekend SemiScripted Spoof ToPH M.A.P. Dinner with the Beifong Family. Toph: I'm glad you said something. Yuu wlll never lise from the ashes ol your shame and humi‘ialion! Tokka is the het ship between Sokka and Toph from the Avatar: The Last Airbender fandom. Appearances from the rest of the original gang too, with some minor Aang/Katara, Mai/Zuko, and Sokka/Suki moments. Reply. added by bobos. Me inalguably best three avatar moments in no . added by princessAries. 3. Toph could feel with her feet that they were kissing gently. Good enough to risk my bony old butt for, anyway. I don't care what I look like. a regular bear Consider: Maybe il's lriendly Can your Science explain why it rains The Boulder feels conflicted Hºw can you SAY (hal We have delealed yau lar all lime! I'll be updating frequently. 110 Worst Field Trip Ever » by D3stiny-Sm4sher Post-war, Toph feels like a 5th wheel w/Sukka&Kataang. Thank you, Katara. added by bobos. sokka. The u/TheDailyNick community on Reddit. 1 Canon 2 Fanon 3 Fandom 4 Trivia 5 Videos 6 Variations 7 Navigation Sokka first met Toph when he visited Gaoling with Aang in order to find him an earthbending teacher. Lots of moments where I shipped Kataang and Zutara simultaneously. server moments by RedCuzImAwesome; Just a typical group chat by RedCuzImAwesome; My favorite faces by RedCuzImAwesome; Hey look! I just see her winning with her immense power and skills, she can literally saw every moments Aang's making when he's without his airbending. fanpop community fan club for Toph fans to share, discover content and connect with other fans of Toph. A Funny Background Event to remind us of Toph's blindness: when Sokka and Toph comedically pop out from behind Katara to stare with her at a sleep-deprived Aang, Toph is looking the wrong way. that pan where mey're all completely baffled by there being jus! It’s been wildly successful. Toph. Thanks Katara. by SUPER_scratcher188 There is no denying the success of the anime show, Avatar: The Last Airbender. She's so strong and versatile she was another contender for the top spot, that honor though is reserved for the second to last member on this list. Toph got up and walked into the living room. avatar. video. [screaming] Those girls don't know what they're talking about. by 9rainbowtails; Hungry || MEME by TheGamingArcher; More ToPH Vines by 9rainbowtails; Funny(?) #15: S2, E10 – The Library. There stood Suki and Sokka. He watched her fight the Boulder in an Earth Rumble match and was cheering for the latter until she beat him. Actually there is a better way. LittleMissAuthorD Apr 12, 2013. scary. Hooper. In "The Drill", there is a brief scene in pitch darkness. video. It first aired in the early 2000s and hasn’t gone anywhere. It's OK. One of the good things about being blind is that I don't have to waste my time worrying about appearances. I really liked my ships, though I had a lot going on with different characters within the show. takatokaoru Jul 24, 2012. GameTagger457 Apr 20, 2013. no Iirelord ozal YOU'RE not wearing any pants . Photo of Toph for fans of Toph 8671453. She's rude and uncooperative, and she doesn't appreciate Katara enough. Things were all too often careening towards the end for humor to actually pick up. Reddit gives you the best of the internet in one place. Charles is here! I wish Mother was here to comfort me, Toph thought. Add interesting content ... -funny avatar moments book 3-added by Nieat. No AU happy marriage and stable family, unfortunately- just secrets and pining and regrets. ... Get all the best moments in pop culture & entertainment delivered to your inbox. Toph is a giant butthead. And Toph and her cute lil crush on Sokka.. And just. Now, moments from the show are not only well-known in fandom circles, but also online as reaction GIFs or one-line phrases that have become a part of internet-speak. ... Kinda funny man . Reply. The latest Tweets from Toph (@TophTV). I'm not looking for anyone's approval. Toph Beifong, inventor of Metalbending and the second greatest Earthbender to ever live. bobos. Toph Club registrarse New Post. Toph for both rounds.. Aang sticks his noodle art of Ozai on a tree and turns it into a dummy Ozai. funny. RELATED: Avatar: The Last Airbender 10 Best Fights of Season 3 While audiences would have loved it if Toph had gotten a little bit more screen-time, she certainly made the most of her run on the series with lines like the one above. Of Phantom x Phan x3 She had just woken up a few minutes ago and could not stop thinking about her dream. But can I just point out that, while she says this, Toph is holding up an entire freaking library? video. Toph's independent and adventurous personality led to her gaining many friends. Toph says this after it’s become clear that Sokka is stoned out of his mind. Yup. Post-canon Mai/Zuko moments (In honor of Maiko Fluff Week 2019 and the Tranquility prompt!) video. After her parents disown her, she's left with two choices: be selfish and stubborn like she always has, or accept her losses and embrace the family she has found. [Toph blindfolds Aaang] This way you'll really have to sense the vibrations of the boulder to stop it. They do have a handful of moments through the series. That's what I really admire about you, Toph. --Regan. Saved by Nachtjunges. [screaming] Now that was funny. Ugh. fan Art of Toph Bei Fong for fans of Toph 7394253. With the coming war with the Fire Nation, there's only one way to unite their countries and hope to counter the enemy's attacks, and that's the wedding ceremony that's happening in three weeks. She said it had taken her months to figure them out, and Aang was doing them better than she was in moments. I'd let Toph give me acupuncture. Toph was the only person outside the sinking library when sand benders came for Appa. funny. 3. toph thinking she's kissing sokka. toph. "Bitter Work": "'Like A Rock' was a song by Bob Seger. I know who I am. #14: S2, E17 – Lake Laogai avatar. Aang: Yeah. The real shame of Avatar: The Last Airbender was that Toph was brought in barely before the halfway mark of the series (Season 2, Episode 6). Reply. Post finale. So much sense. Toph Club Join New Post. Sure, there was the play episode, but my favorite funny moment was the impromptu training montage given by Team Avatar as they strategized on how to defeat Firelord Ozai. If you can just find some way not to hate me, maybe that's enough, at least for me. Thus, the Melonlord was born, and Toph's thirst for power found where it could flourish. One of my favorite moments in the series. This is an example of a scene that isn't really funny when you read it in a script, but the line delivery makes it absolutely hilarious. A canon-compliant Toph/Sokka exploration of Suyin's origins. If you’ve never watched the series before, it’s depicted in a time where there […] 2. toph. Even the "Avatar Extras" have their moments of hilarity. Aang walked in…well, rather skipped in.