harvest moon back to nature cheats

First put the lumber on the field to make a fence then put it around the field to have less weeds and also till the soil and water it. Can you provide the answers for fellow gamers questions, + Add Your Cheats and Codes / Ask a question. Cheat Harvest Moon Back to Nature – Harvest Moon: Back to Nature merupakan game life simulation yang dikembangkan oleh Natsume.Game ini dirilis di PS1 pada tahun 1999 dan sempat populer di awal tahun 2000an. If you have a territory of your chickens , sheeps ,and cows outside, do not sleep early if you're going to leave the animals outside because on 6pm or 12am , Some wild dog appear and wanted to bite your animals , So go to your animal territory on 6pm or 12am and run around the territory to see if there's a wild dog (A wild dog is color brown and his size is big) If you saw a wild dog ,Grab your sickle and attack it to the wild dog, Another way of getting rid of the wild dog is if you have an adult grown up dog , your dog will help you by barking to the wild dog, Continue attacking your sickle to the wild dog until he leaves (If the wild dog crosses the river near the chickenhouse , it means he is leaving) Then if the wild dog leaves , You can sleep now, You will need lumber. Harvest Moon:Back To Nature for PlayStation cheats - Cheating Dome has all the latest cheat codes, unlocks, hints and game secrets you need. IGN Store: We got Tees for Spider-Man, Star Wars, and more! First, start out by collecting Silver Ore. >>> WeLcome To Our Page <<< ID :: @*[367208789978490:] .. Hapus tanda *Nya Your tools will all be ready to upgrade to Mystrile, and the game has barely started! This page contains a Calendar of Events for Harvest Moon: Back To Nature. We have 173 questions and 366 answers for Harvest Moon Back To Nature. Info Chicken Feed boxs alway full by Absolute Empty. Harvest Moon: Back To Nature Cheats For Playstation Strategy Guide. Cara Memasang Cheat Harvest Moon Back to Nature Setelah kamu memiliki emulator dengan game harvest moon, dan juga dokumen cheatnya " SLUS_011.15.txt ", sekarang kamu cukup memasangnya saja. Or click here to search for specific content. Harvest Moon: Boy and Girl USA Ulus 10142 CWCheat PSP Cheats, Codes, and Hints – English – Indonesia – Download cwheat file for play psp game with cheat – … Protecting your Hothouse during a Hurricane or Blizzard Once you buy the hothouse during the summer or winter when there is a Hurricane or Blizzard there is a chance that your hothouse … Hey, this is my first time here and I hope my info is useful. she will soon realize that you are in the room and elli will come and say congradulations! Device. In Harvest Moon: Back to Nature there are also several rumors and cheats floating around that it turns out are not true. (to find it, investigate all of the tree you find in the mountains an investigete them or press the x button in front of it. Whenever there is a hurricane, there is a high chance of your hothouse getting damaged. then chop it with your axe. video games in the farm simulation series Harvest Moon. If you've discovered a Depending on if you're playing this game on a physical console or an emulator will determine how you use the codes found on this page. You will need two memorycards. YOu will get your package on tuesday! We have 2 Walkthroughs for Harvest Moon Back To Nature. We have cheats that will allow you to get all your chickens, sheep and cows gold and we'll also tell you the power berry locations. Dont chop it! Registration allows you to keep track of all your content and comments, save bookmarks, and post in all our forums. Game Shark Codes . Can anyone tell me how to use gameshark? When you go deeper, get Gold Ore and the blue things. When you win the horse race for years 2 and 3 you will be awarded a picture of you and your horse. if you did not chop it, it will give you a power berry. … If you found that tree, it will read "solitary cedar tree". It dosen't end when it's time to hear everyone thinks. Got a Harvest Moon: Back to Nature walkthrough, FAQ or Guide? Do this until all of the animals are gold. Please tell me. The game goes on till your babys is grown-up. Written by: Drex Gomez. For more Codes for Harvest Moon Back To Nature go to: Harvest Moon Back To Nature GameShark Codes. If you want to get married in your second year to Elli and you have all the extensions for your house (you don't have to have a hot-house). You can duplicate as many as you want. Harvest Moon Back to Nature adalah game simulasi perkebunan, juga merupakan satu-satu nya seri Harvest Moon untuk PSX (Playstation 1) atau emluator Ps1 di android.Game ini bercerita tentang Jack (karakter utama) yang berkunjung ke kebun kakeknya selama liburan musim panas, tetapi kakeknya terlalu sibuk untuk mengurusi kebun miliknya sehingga tak punya waktu untuk bermain … More Cheats and Tips for Harvest Moon Back To Nature If you need more help with this game, then check out the following pages which are our most popular hints and cheats … Where to Buy RTX 3060 Ti, RTX 3070, and RTX 3080 Gaming PCs (Updated), Essential Tips for Getting Started in Valheim, Little Nightmares 2 Spoiler-Free Puzzle Guides, CoD Zombies: Outbreak Mode Weapon Unlocking, Things to Do First in Assassin's Creed Valhalla, How to Get the New Mario Items in Animal Crossing, Bowser's Fury: 12 Big Tips for Getting Started. GameBoy Color GameCube Macintosh Mobile Games NES Nintendo 64 Nintendo DS PC Playstation 1 Playstation 2 SNES XBox Copy one of your animals over, then win the festival. We have 34 cheats and tips on PlayStation. Freeola has over 100,000 cheat codes for 12,348 games. Cheats, Tips, Tricks, Walkthroughs and Secrets for Harvest Moon: Back To Nature on the Playstation, with a game help system for those that are stuck Cheats, Hints & Walkthroughs 3DS If you want to buy cooking utensils, go to the tv shopping every saturday for ordering, then go to the inn to order on the phone. To get your wife to have a baby, give her 1 present each day and one morning shell say " im hungry, i dont want breaqd or rice. '''''1/11/11'''''Downlod Link Save Game 100% Complete Game . Harvest Moon Back to Nature adalah salah satu game simulasi perkebunan, juga merupakan satu-satu nya seri Harvest Moon untuk PSX (Playstation 1).Game ini bercerita tentang Jack (karakter utama) yang berkunjung ke kebun kakeknya selama liburan musim panas, tetapi kakeknya terlalu sibuk untuk mengurusi kebun miliknya sehingga tak punya waktu untuk bermain dengan Jack, namun Jack bebas … We have cheats that will allow you to get all your chickens, sheep and cows gold and we'll also tell you the power berry locations. You can get very proficient with your tools and have them ready to be upgraded quickly in two days by doing the following. Try to became a great farmer and save your grandfather's homestead in Harvest Moon: Back to Nature. On the very first day of the game (before leaving the house) grab any tool out of the toolbox as soon as you can. Check them out to find answers or ask your own to get the exact game help you need. This page contains CodeBreaker/Gameshark cheat codes for Harvest Moon: Back to Nature, a game for Playstation 1. Checked. Harvest Moon Back To Nature - Download Free. View Download. Also see GameShark Codes , Code Breaker Codes for more Harvest Moon: Back to Nature cheat codes. Harvest Moon: Back to Nature is the game for anyone looking for a game that has a thinking base to it along with a 3D exposure. I started giving her flowers on 3rd of spring and I was married to her by summer 11th (the same year). If you've discovered a cheat you'd like to add to the page, or have a correction, please click EDIT and add it. Have a Question for Harvest Moon Back To Nature? Harvest Moon GBC/GB is the best Harvest Moon because of all the space on the farm. On the second day, before leaving the house, use the watering can until it too goes to 400%. Retro game cheats for Harvest Moon: Back To Nature (PS1). This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets for Harvest Moon: Back to Nature for PlayStation. Ikuti petunjuk dibawah ini By Sky RenderFAQ, Walkthrough, Game Guide, and Gameplay Mechanics Guide (PS).