is iroh stronger than azula
part of that is true however she had the wits to fight all 3 of them once her firebending came back. So here are my top ten reasons why Korra is stronger than Aang. Her sharp wits and the fact that she was a firebending prodigy gained her great attention and acclaim, which quickly made her Ozai's favorite child. Azula is definitely the stronger bender,but Kataara is the better fighter. Cola saw tags were working and had a field day lol. But if you basically talked about where these 2 stand relative to each other. In any case, it would be a good fight, but she could not actually end it. So, Zuko is a stronger fire bender even if Mako is stronger in the use of it's sub-skill. Not that Azula played fair during the agni kai anyway. © 2021 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. And Iroh is calm and can read Azula like a book he is not falling for her mind traps. 8 … They were pretty evenly matched. But in regards to Azula, Iroh seems to blame We have to find those reasons.” – Uncle Iroh 12. The only unique fire bending technique that Ozai demonstrated was flying and that's not going to be good enough to overcome someone as skilled and smart as Iroh. Conclusion: Iroh dislikes Azula because she’s not a good sister to Zuko, because she’s an obstacle to Zuko’s throne and because she shielded Zuko from Ozai’s favor which results for Ozai to neglect Zuko in the process and this @highmantra_x0sp@geekryan@anthp2000@mrgetmebodied: @nathanthecynic: @tektonic: @supremegeneration: @viking1205: @thebluedragon20: @thebooyzz: @xzone: @chloros: @aystarr: @bigdreamer48: @scarlet_wiccan: @edgelord91: @vengefulshot: @byondeon: @eslay03: @indomitableregal: They are both excellent hand to hand fighters, but in spite of her evasive abilities, and her superior speed strike-by-strike, Iroh is so much stronger than her -- not that she is not in peak condition, and extremely strong for her size, I actually think her physical strength can be underestimated. And now you have If iroh is stronger than azula explain how he got imprisoned by the same person, he's strong than Iroh redirected lightning from the sky so it's fair to say azula could do the same and other lightning benders are also shown the ability to redirect and dodge lightning rather consistently And I'm sure she had the opportunity to fight other water benders in just her time chasing the avatar across the earth kingdom. To be fair Katara almost bested a sane Azula in the catacombs of Ba Sing Se in the season 2 finale. Also everyone saying that Azula had never fought a water bender before, um what?? in other words she cant do jack unless her firebending is with her so she resorted to mind games and running being her only option of slowing them down. “There are reasons each of us are born. I think the reason you think that is that Azula uses lighting alot so it makes her seem really strong. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Her father began raising her as his true heir from an early stage, taking h… Iroh just happens to be the perfect foil to Azula's style. @moon_slayer: Aang and Toph were with Sokka and her purpose was to stall them. People act like Katara fought a sane Azula one on one and beat her fair and square just to downplay her. H2H Combat Iroh > Ozai It’s not like Katara just walked up to her and fought Azula 1 v 1, she just finished fighting Zuko, and Katara was able to outthink her because Azula was just a tad bit in the middle of a mental breakdown. In fact, Iroh mentors Zuko, in part, because wanted a second chance with Ozai and when Zuko redeems himself/becomes Firelord, Iroh says Zuko is the man Ozai could have become. I would think Iroh would be very similar if not better but I may be completely wrong, We never saw ozai firebend before sozins comet so we cant say how strong he was, he may be the best firebender but him over estimating himself and underestimating everyone else would be a HUGE weakness in a fight so azula or iroh would probably win a fight anyway, More posts from the TheLastAirbender community. Yeah this meme is just stupid to be honest.... Maybe if we saw Azula older, with more experience and sane she would probably be the most powerful firebender maybe ever, And yet her cunning was her strongest attribute, Did Ozai and Iroh ever fight as adults? sokka isn't beating iroh even if their is an eclipse. . She was a skilled strategist who orchestrated the coup over th… . Iroh is a major protagonist in the Nickelodeon cartoon,Avatar: The Last Airbender, as well as a minor character in The Legend of Korra. Iroh's a far better fighter and much smarter than Ozai ever was. And that was definitely a sneak attack, Azula overpowered him with quickness rather than firebending ability. The Northerners were more engaged in the war at that point, and Pakku and others were headed south to help their sister tribe. Lightning Bender Iroh = Ozai (Ozai spams it but Iroh have better knowledge of it) 3. There maybe are stronger firebender's out there and Iroh can use lighting too, and Aang might be a better firebender then her. Iroh has more experience and just a better fighter overall. There’s so much wrong with this lol 1. Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. 1. Princess Azula can't quite match her father's sheer firepower on the battlefield, but she comes close, and she is actually even more creative and flexible on the battlefield than Ozai. Tiers of power is not exclusive to dragon ball, it also exists in real life like as a example bears exist on a higher tier of strength than most humans. Azula grew up with all the riches, splendor, and privileges of royalty in the Fire Nation. While fans continue to discuss the philosophical impact the character has had on their life, many may not realize that this wonderful man actually got to serve as Fire Lord , and his first act while under control of the Fire Nation is beyond fitting. Azula is rightfully called a firebending prodigy , all at the tender age of 14. Azula won most of her fights due to her cleverness and technique (iroh dose have better technique than she dose). Originally, this just involved channeling natural lightning from the sky, but Azula can do much more than just act as a … She was a key adversary of Team Avatar, chasing Avatar Aangand her banished brother far across the Earth Kingdom accompanied by her two best friends Mai and Ty Lee. *cough*Azula. Azula Type: Firebender Zuko's villainous sister and firebending prodigy from birth, Azula has the unique ability to project stronger blue flames. The comet was a SERIOUS power up!! I think it was pretty clear when Iroh busted out of prison during the the eclipse further proves he dose not need firebending to be dangerous. Iâd give it to Iroh. This would be a closer fight than some may think but, in the end, skill over spill. Iroh is the complete counter to her it isn't even funny. 1. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Firebending Iroh > Ozai (broke down the Bai Sing Sei walls with one shot) 2. Iroh's style of fightning off-sets hers. I don't think she'd be one to study other techniques from other bendings, and incorporate that knowledge into her bending. Basically using external sources to make up for the lack of skills. But Azula grew jealous of Zuko because she felt her mother loved him more than her, and Azula in turn was favored by Ozai. However, I don't think she'd be a better BENDER than Iroh. Bending isn’t just an ability, but a feeling and a mindset. Iroh was stronger than Azula, but still : TheLastAirbender 1.4k 1 Description 2 Intro 3 Azula 4 Mileena 5 Father's Fatal Favourite 6 FIGHT! Upon Fire Lord Ozai's orders, she begins a quest with her childhood friends Mai and Ty Lee to retrieve her banished brother Prince Zuko and his mentor, their uncle Iroh, while also attempting to capture Avatar Aang, considered the Fire Nation's greatest threat to victory in the war. I think Azula is the best FIREbender, yeah. “You are not the man you used to be. Yeah Azula has her lightning and may have been a prodigy but she basically was used by her father and abandoned by her mother. Azula is the more skilled of the two as shown by her fights with Suki and Ty Lee - the former of which she did use a tiny bit of firebending to defeat - but Iroh should be physically stronger and more durable. A Firebending prodigy, Azula is sadistic, manipulative and obsessed with power. Ozai could flyyyy!!! It's focused purely on making an opponent lose balance which isn't someone as skilled and experience, Iroh would do. Iroh has more experience and just a better fighter overall. A Firebending prodigy, Azula is sadistic, manipulative and obsessed with power. There is perhaps no fictional character more heavily associated with tea than everyone's favorite uncle, Uncle Iroh from Avatar: The Last Airbender. Zuko without firebending is still a threat in fact if it were Zuko he may not have been victorious but he still would have provided a decent challenge before losing to the 3 and let alone Iroh who is better than Zuko at everything he dose. Wiz: Invented by Iroh, Azula went on to master the form. Azula could have easily engaged with them on her ship. So I’ll say he was better than Azula. Iroh focuses purely on motion and power. The pro-bending style was specifically designed because the old styles (namely earthbending,) telegraph their moves too much and Word of God stated that bending as a whole has improved over the 70 years. Iroh is stronger than Ozai . In the show, Azula is the crown princess of the Fire Nation and an extremely powerful firebending prodigy. Her physique and her abilities, as well as her mind are brilliant. @mike_strike10: As of the comics, Azula can redirect lightning as well, but neither have firebending here as it's set up during an eclipse. Azula is the princess of the Fire Nation, daughter of Fire Lord Ozai and Princess Ursa, and the younger sister and archenemy to Prince Zuko. Ozai is the most powerful firebender 2. Fans immediately began speculating upon who the girl standing next to Iroh might have been. lol she ran away from sokka during the eclipse and was only confident to fight once it was over. Azula is one of the strongest characters in Avatar: The Last Airbender, but there are plenty of other characters in the franchise that are stronger. Azula won most of her fights due to her cleverness and technique ( iroh dose have better technique than she dose). She's come the closest And also we can assume that Iroh was hesitant to attack Azula as she was part of his family. You are stronger and wiser and freer than you ever used to be. We saw how much bigger their flames were, and how powerful the firebenders could be!! She was still being given a massive power boost from the commet tho. Also Azula was way off her game in this fight, and was tired because she just fought Zuko. Zuko used to show off his firebending in front of her, making her jealous, and she would swear that she would one day be as good as him. I also think Katara could have fought Azula without trickery but she was reeling over the fact that she couldn't heal Zuko. Azula first appears in a flashback displaying Iroh's story about the Agni Kai in which Prince Zuko receives his facial scar and sentence of exile. Iroh should win, though Azula is faster and probably willing to fight dirty if it came down to it. – Uncle Iroh 11. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. This really isn't that relevant tho, since I agree he would beat EoS Azula and he is stronger than her there. After his son Lu Ten died in battle, Iroh was too grief-stricken to contest his brother’s claim to the throne. He was a retired Fire Nation General, a former Crown Prince of the nation, a Grand Lotus of the Order of the White Lotus, a firebending master, and a wise mentor to his nephew Zuko. Let me explain what I mean: Azula is a protige,a natural talent,who mastered fire bending like no one else ever did or had ever since. I think her talent exceeds both Ozai and Iroh’s. Azulaâs fighting style focuses on tiring her enemy out and/or forcing them to make mistakes,(like she did to Suki and Zuko)then striking to take them down for the count,however I canât see her doing that to Iroh due to his more calm style that focuses on quick strikes(against fire nation soldiers) and almost redirecting their energy,Iroh wins. 6. But then Zuko stepped in and took over for Azula and she took on Aang. It's consistent with how the original plan was for Aang to learn Fire Bending in the middle of the fight with Ozai by using the commet and Roku tried using the summer solstice to try mastering the Avatar state, which kind of worked. She was a key enemy of Team Avatar, chasing Avatar Aang and her banished brother far across the Earth Kingdom accompanied her two best "friends" Mai and Ty Lee. Death Battle and the 7th battle by NEWChristianthepupbot. Originally, this just involved channeling natural lightning from the sky, but Azula can do much more than just act as a lightning rod. He has a calm style like hers, can redirect lightning and even shoot it, has more experince then her and also knows her style very well. "I have the power of God and sanity on my side!". Growing up, Azula got away with everything by blaming it on Zuko. Lol maybe that's why she thinks herself above the tides! Azula VS Mileena is a What If? I *cough* Nearly 100 sick after eating at popular fast food chain The subreddit for fans of Avatar: The Last Airbender, The Legend of Korra, the comics, the upcoming Avatar Studios animated movie and other projects, novels, games, and all other Avatar content. Iroh with mid -- maybe high -- difficulty. 1. Her agility, power, and cunning make her both politically and martially @moon_slayer: My bad still think Iroh will wait for an opportunity to throw Azula off balance. Korra Had 3 Elements Unlocked As A Toddler. he to wise for that lol. A firebending prodigy, Azula was sadistic, manipulative, and obsessed with power. I still think people downplay Katara's win though! As he grew on his journey he got stronger. She needed to get to him ASAP so she needed to be speedy not fair. I think when Azula reaches her prime years she will be the strongest fire bender. While the epic showdown between Iroh and Ozai never took place, which of them in theory is the more powerful firebender Azula is the princess of the Fire Nation, daughter of Fire Lord Ozai and Princess Ursa, and the younger sister and archenemy to Prince Zuko. 7 K.O! She may look and exploit some weaknesses, but she would never come with something as lighting redirection. She was a key enemy of Team Avatar, chasing Avatar Aang and her banished brother far across the Earth Kingdom accompanied her two best "friends" Mai and Ty Lee. Azula was the princess of the Fire Nation, daughter of Fire Lord Ozai and Princess Ursa, younger sister of Zuko, the older half-sister of Kiyi, the aunt of Izumi, and the grand aunt of Iroh. We use cookies on our websites for a number of purposes, including analytics and performance, functionality and advertising. I recall some theories about the reason why Azula didnt used lighting early was because she didnt had the proper concentration she need to do it, and only was capable of doing so thanks to the commet. Princess Azula was born to Prince Ozai and Princess Ursa in 85 AG and was named after her paternal grandfather, Fire Lord Azulon. She fought a seriously powerful firebender during FLIPPING SOZIN'S COMET!