lucius vorenus rome

In the pilot episode, he says that his mother's people raised horses in Mutina, and in the third episode of the first season, when sacrificing at the altar of Venus, he identifies himself as of the tribe of Stellatina. If he accomplishes that, next he’ll have to survive in the equally barbaric landscape of Rome’s political world. Grew Up… as a member of the plebian classes. assassination of Gaius Julius Caesar and the near-simultaneous death of Niobe, wife of Caesar's faithful bodyguard Lucius Vorenus. The character's name is taken from Julius Caesar's Commentaries on the Gallic War and is instead depicted as a centurion in the 13th Legion (Legio XIII Gemina). Please enable Javascript and hit the button below! lucius vorenus rome. Unlike the historical centurions, the fictional characters are members of the 13th Legion (Legio XIII Gemina), an ally of Caesar, and particularly of Octavian. ... Kevin McKidd plays the straight-laced, honor-bound, and stubbornly conservative Lucius Vorenus … Resigned, maybe, or shocked into numbness. He is an admirable leader and loyal to a fault. Appointed People's Tribune by Caesar, Mark Antony returns to Rome with Octavian's liberators, Vorenus and Pullo. On sait notamment qu'ils se sont battus à Zama (grande bataille contre Carthage en -202) et à Magnésie (contre les Séleucides en -190). Personality… tough, pragmatic, and unemotional. After slaying many of their opponents, the two retreated to the fortifications amidst roaring applause from their comrades. Fictional depictions Lucius Vorenus and Titus Pullo are principal characters in the HBO/BBC/RAI original television series Rome. Despite the stately air that Lucius has about him, he grew up in humble surroundings. Lucius is an adroit solider, but he may not have the heart (or the self-control) for life on the political stage. Challenge… making it home safe from the war. With doom approaching heroes are born as Vorenus and Pullo make an epic last stand. Lucius’s education taught him to remain rational at all times, but this means that he can often come off as cold and dour. He has committed a terrible sacrilege, and he will pay for it with his life! Historical Domain Character: The surviving writings of the actual, historical Caesar mention one 'Lucius Vorenus', centurion. Lucius Vorenus the Younger, or simply Lucius, is the biological son of Niobe and Evander Pulchio, the half-brother of Vorena the Elder and Vorena the Younger, and the step-son of Lucius Vorenus and Niobe's sister Lyde. Lucius Vorenus Kevin McKidd: Lucius Vorenus: Dedicated to his family and to traditional … Even if Lucius Vorenus were suspicious of his wife -it would not be a remarkable trait among conservative and traditionally minded romans who deeply mistrusted women. Relationship Status… married to Niobe. As the Nervii drew closer to him, Pullo came to his rescue. Scottish performing artist best referred to for his job as Dr. Owen Hunt on the long-running TV arrangement Gray’s Anatomy. Lucius is willing to die for what he believes in. Aside from the fact that he was born into the plebian class of Roman society, little is known of the early life of Lucius Vorenus. Lucius Vorenus and Titus Pullo are in formation during a battle between Julius Caesar's legions and Gaulish warriors in the year 52 BC. The highlighting of Pullo and Vorenus is unusual, it’s dramatic, and (to no one’s surprise) it has thus caught the attention of later writers. We don't know if he really was a senator of Rome. Get entertainment recommendations for your unique personality and find out which of 5,500+ characters are most like you. Rome tells the stories of Julius Caesar, Marc Antony, and Cleopatra—along with two fictional Roman soldiers. Son père et ses aïeux ont servi dans l'armée romaine. Very little else is known of him, although it's safe to assume his importance has been greatly exaggerated. The first scene as scripted in the pilot was originally to be about an Old Man Pullo arriving at the grave of Lucius Vorenus and inexplicably using Vorenus’ sword to take his own life. Season two's storyline picks up right where season one left off: with the 44 B.C. Originally Answered: Was Lucius Vorenus senator of Rome? Titus Pullo/Lucius Vorenus; Titus Pullo; Lucius Vorenus; Canon-Typical Violence; not very graphic though; Summary. He comes from a tribe of equestrians, which explains his passion for horses. The prestigious 13th Legion, to be precise. Against Pullo's advice, Vorenus returns to the Collegium with his rescued daughters and Lucius, who are soon reunited with Lyde and undergo a cleansing ritual for past sins. Lucius Vorenus is a principal character in the HBO /BBC/RAI original television series Rome, played by actor Kevin McKidd. Rome on HBO is a dirty, decadent delight and the most underrated show in the HBO library. Lucius is a serious and dedicated centurion who commands his men’s respect. Lucius Vorenus and Titus Pullo are principal characters in the HBO/BBC/RAI original television series Rome. Lucius’s bride was only thirteen summers old when they married, and he hasn’t been home to see her since the war began over seven years ago. Lucius Vorenus's popularity ranking on CharacTour is #2508 out of 5,600+ characters. Lucius Vorenus sheepishly buys her lies. And the writers of the HBO series used them, too. He additionally showed up on the arrangement Rome from 2005 to 2007. Vorenus is shown as more conservative and uptight, while Pullo is portrayed as a rowdy yet honorable s… About lucius vorenus rome: About. In Gaul in 52 B.C., two Roman soldiers, Legionary Titus Pullo and Centurion Lucius Vorenus, are tasked with recovering Julius Caesar's personal Eagle, stolen from his camp in the dead of night. Lucius is a soldier, and he won’t be able to return home until his job is finished. As will any man here who breaks the law. Profession… soldier in Caesar’s army. In the tv series Rome, he was promoted by Caesar to the position of a senator. Titus Pullo does his very best to keep his promise to Lucius and take him back to Rome to die. would depart Rome following the death of his father Lucius the elder during the sacking of Rome and took with him the remainder of his fathers children and they fled towards Ravenna where they were taken in by the new Kingdom of Ravenna of whom harbored much love for … Vorenus is played by actor Kevin McKidd and Pullo by Ray Stevenson. Unlike historical records, the two are close friends and are foils to one another. His name along with that of Titus Pullo was mentioned in Caesar's ' Commentarii de Bello Gallico'. With his campaign in Gaul coming to a successful conclusion, Caesar's popularity is continuing to grow. He is an admirable leader and loyal to a fault. Rome (2005–2007) Kevin McKidd: Lucius Vorenus. Articles incorporating text from Wikipedia,, Lucius Vorenus and Titus Pullo are also minor characters in. Unlike the historical centurions, the fictional characters are members of the 13th Legion (Legio XIII Gemina), an ally of Caesar, and particularly of Octavian. Les militaires n'ayant pas le droit de se marier, il a dû obtenir une dérogation. Born in a small village north ofRometo a patrician family, he was a young man who should have become a greedy noble like most of the rest of his family and the others of his grouping but instead he was fasinated with the history of the Roman Empire's rise. Justice knows every man's number. He appears, along with Titus Pullo, in Caesar's Commentarii de Bello Gallico, Book 5, Chapter 44. It definitely does not qualify him for paranoia. Information, interviews, photos and more for Lucius Vorenus on the HBO original program Rome. Il est entré dans l'armée puis s'est marié avec Niobé dont la famille est originaire de la ville de Rome. High quality Lucius Vorenus gifts and merchandise. All orders are custom made and most ship worldwide within 24 hours. The late Colleen McCullough incorporates them into her Masters of Rome series. As he puts it, “If the Gods are not respected, then why should they help us?”. Unlike the historical centurions, the fictional characters are members of the 13th Legion (Legio XIII Gemina), an ally of Caesar, and particularly of Octavian. Inspired designs on t-shirts, posters, stickers, home decor, and more by independent artists and designers from around the world. Detailed Synopsis. Fans of him like these movies, TV shows, books and video games. Showing all 26 items Jump to: Photos (24) Quotes (2) Photos . After slaying one of the enemy and driving back the rest, Vorenus lost his footing on the irregular terrain. It relates how Pullo charged the enemy (the Nervii) in the heat of battle. He’s already risen in the ranks, and his superiors expect great things from him. Niobe lui a donné deux filles toutes deu… The episode describes the two as centurions, approaching the first ranks, who shared a bitter personal rivalry. The eldest daughter of Lucius Vorenus and Niobe, Vorena the Elder blames her father for her mother's death and for the terrible sequence of events that followed, including her own enslavement and prostitution. The main characters of the historical television series “Rome” – Titus Pullo and Lucius Vorenus are authentic characters. Pullo's seen Vorenus in all sorts of moods - angry (often), tired, frustrated, despairing, even mad. He spent much of his youth reading the tales of his ancient ancestors and while his brother and sister became obsessed with the ways of the Roman elites he trained daily to be a b… The exploits of plebeian soldiers Lucius Vorenus and Titus Pullo - played respectively by Kevin McKidd and Ray Stevenson - form the thread that holds the series together. Lucius is willing to die for what he believes in. Meanwhile Celtica rises up and the Gauls surround two Roman armies. See our top-ranked characters and read their profiles. This is something different, though. Take CharacTour's quiz to get recommendations for thousands of characters, movies, TV shows, books, and games that are high matches for YOUR unique personality. They were both Roman centurions in probably the 11th legion Claudia 1 (although Caesar does not indicate the legion number) of Quintus Cicero who fought in Gaul at the end 54 BCE, during the revolt of the Belgian Eburones tribe, under the … In the last days of the Roman Empire, sexual passions are high, killings are commonplace, and wine is free-flowing. Given this information, it seems likely that his distaff forebears were small landowners and that his paternal line came from the tribes in the area of Etruria, thus making him of the … Living… on the front lines against the Gallic tribes. Lucius Vorenus (given as L. Varenus in some translations) was one of the two soldiers of the 11th Legion (Legio XI Claudia) mentioned in the personal writings of Julius Caesar. After being feted by a grateful Atia, Vorenus heads home to his family for the first time in eight years, while Pullo heads for the brothels. Lucius Vorenus: [After a battle in which Pullo hit him and was clearly drunk, and is now being flogged] Legionary Titus Pullo is a hero of the XIII Legion, but look at him now! At camp Pullo is being whipped for insubordination as Lucius proclaims his sentence to be death. She is home tending to the children while Lucius serves in the 13th Legion. The other soldier mentioned was Titus Pullo. Denied a triumph in Rome, Octavian urges Cicero to embrace his request to be made Consul; in exchange, Octavian promises not to make a move without consulting Cicero first. There is a small but insistent part of him that wants to do more; to take Lucius back to Rome to live. Credit: HBO LE CITOYEN — Ancient Rome is … He's not sure what to call it. Titus Pullo and Lucius Vorenus. • Lucius Vorenus and Titus Pullo are principal characters in the HBO/BBC/RAI original television series Rome. On sait que la mère de Lucius Vorenus vient de Mutina (actuelle Modène) où sa famille élevait des chevaux. She doesn't forgive easily, but sees the wisdom in pretending to. Fans of him like these other characters in entertainment. Pullo breaks ranks advances on the Gauls forcing Lucius to advance the formation. Pullo casts his javelin into one of the enemy from a short distance, but his belt is simultaneously pierced by a spear, preventing him from drawing his sword, and he is surrounded by other Nervii. Lucius Vorenus II. Lucius Vorenus's popularity ranking on CharacTour is #2458 out of 5,600+ characters. Harry Turtledove has great fun with the pair in his Legion tetralogy. Lucius Vorenus (left, Kevin McKidd) and Titus Pullo (right, Ray Stevenson) are the two main protagonists in the series. Lucius is unfailingly loyal – unlike many of his fellow foul-mouthed soldiers, he refuses to even blaspheme. Interests… his family, his tribe, and his Gods. Caesar begins the year by invading Britannia and harassing Belgica. Paranoid people are not sane. Just then Lucius Vorenus, following Pullo from the fortifications, reached the site of the mêlée and engaged the enemy in hand-to-hand combat. The real Lucius Vorenus actually belonged to the 11th legion. To take advantage of all of CharacTour’s features, you need your own personal account. Lucius’s education taught him to remain rational at all times, but this means that he can often come off as cold and dour.