megamind space dad quotes

Hal : No, not yet. Get up to 50% off. Hal takes the name "Tighten," misunderstanding Megamind's suggested "Titan." « » Log in or sign up. In case you've noticed, you've fallen right into my trap! When Tighten finds out that "Space Dad" is really Megamind, he gets angry because he feels Megamind lied and deceived "Space Step-Mom". 00:41:23 Honor, and nobility. Megamind's pronunciation of Metro City has the same stress pattern as "Metropolis" in Superman. “When I was a kid, when I was a little boy, I always wanted to be a dinosaur. The look of horror on Space Dad's face as Hal melts away the Megamind mannequin sells the scene. Inspired designs on t-shirts, posters, stickers, home decor, and more by independent artists and designers from around the world. Minion wanted to defuse the powers from Hal, believing it was a mistake, but Megamind said that it's destiny. Megamind's father is only seen in a flashback, when his partner hands him their infant son and he takes him to escape pod. Megamind, Roxanne Ritchi, Minion, Metro Man Likes Roxanne Ritchi (formerly), video games, His Fake Space Dad (before finding out it was Megamind in disguise), chips & dip, dating with Roxanne (formerly) Utterly furious at the fact that Megamind was the "intellectual dweeb" who got Roxanne's affections, Hal attacks with a vengeance, however unlike Metro Man, he has no qualms with outright killing Megamind, and Megamind is forced to flee for his life. A great memorable quote from the Megamind movie on - Hal Stewart/Titan/Tighten: [beating up Megamind] This is for stealing my girlfriend! Disgusted, Megamind provokes Tighten by revealing he is both the "space dad" and Bernard. Prince Helena. Megamind clip with quote -Space Dad told me. And one day my dad said, 'Bobby, you are 17. Instead, he hears it as Tighten , as in to squeeze . Taking the opportunity, Megamind heads onward to Hal's apartment, disguises himself as Hal's "Space-Dad", training him to become a hero for days. Another mention should go to his particularly epic Oh Crap face after Roxanne explains how she found his hideout. Megamind: I’m like your space dad. The scene where Megamind announces his not-quite-plan for Metro City, and a good chunk of the attendees are recording the whole thing on their camera phones. After defeating Metro Man, Megamind grows tired of having no heroes to fight and decides to inject someone with Metro Man's DNA. Titan spends several days training with his Space Dad before issuing a challenge to fight Megamind. On the day before the fight, Megamind gets into an argument with … Explore 1000 Man Quotes by authors including Ernest Hemingway, Henry David Thoreau, and Heraclitus at BrainyQuote. 18 What is Roxanne's last name? They say a joke becomes a dad joke when it becomes apparent. (Tighten bashes Megamind's giant robot, sending it flying. Hal's "space dad" is modelled after Marlon Brando, as Superman (1978)'s father in Richard Donner's film version. Megamind: You can scream all you wish, Miss Ritchi!I'm afraid no one can hear you! Megamind disguises himself as Hal's "Space Dad" and convinces him to become the superhero "Titan". Minion: Miss Ritchi, if you don't mind.... Megamind: Like this! Megamind, as Space Dad, dubs Hal as Titan for his superhero name, invoking powerful near-deities of incredible power. 1. Complexity Addiction : Megamind, as with most super-intelligent villains, prefers devising and enacting incredibly convoluted plans to achieve his goals, and likes to map them out by stringing up pieces of paper in complex patterns. No. Disguised as Hal's "space dad" and "space stepmom," they trained the excited Hal to become a hero like Metro Man. But, there's this really, really good-looking one I've got my eye on currently. Titan spends several days training with his Space Dad before issuing a challenge to fight Megamind. Yarn is the best search for video clips by quote. Tighten: Whoa! It’s unf…without fathom. Megamind Quotes [as children, Metro Man is given stars from the teacher, while Megamind is made to stand in a corner] Megamind: No matter what happened, I wa always the last chosen, the odd one out, the black sheep... the bad boy. You lied to her! Find the exact moment in a TV show, movie, or music video you want to share. [Roxanne just gives him an exasperated look] Megamind: Uh, why isn't she screaming?. Hal : No, not yet. High quality Megamind gifts and merchandise. Tighten: What kind of power? Megamind finds Hal is easily coerced, and using a hologram of "Space Dad," trains him to become a superhero. (Suddenly, a blue man with an enormous cranium enters the top of the frame, falling, desperately reaching out to what appears to be a combination of a syringe and a gun.) 00:41:28 So you're like, my space Dad? Ritchy. Megamind Quotes: [Metro Man crashes into the observatory, but finds no one present] Megamind: [from projector] Over here, old friend! 9 Funny Quote: Megamind (to Metro Man): Oh, I’m shaking in my custom baby seal leather boots. Metro Man: You can't trap justice! [does a fake scream] Megamind: Well, that's a poor lady scream... [the brainbot in his lap bites his hand, and he lets out a high-pitched scream] Megamind and Minion went to Hal's apartment to get ready for his training. During the training, Megamind gives Hal his superhero name "Titan" to which Hal misinterprets as "Tighten". (He rams the robot down, sending it plummeting downward into the city below. Megamind takes on a bespectacled secret identity similar to Clark Kent. Megamind : [disguised as Space Dad] Do you have someone special in your life, Hal? Easily move forward or backward to get to the perfect clip. Megamind: Unfathomable. And Megamind, this one's for Space-Stepmom! (Megamind: O-O-Okay, look I'm not sure where to go with that.) This is the name he winds up carving into Metro City during his rampage. Minion wanted to defuse the powers from Hal, believing it was a mistake, but Megamind said that it's destiny. Time - Phrase; 00:41:20 I sent you to this planet to teach you about justice. I wanted to be a Tyrannosaurus Rex more than anything in the world. I Am Your Father quotes › Megamind. No. (We start out in the sunset sky) Megamind (voiceover): Here's my day so far; went to jail, lost the girl of my dreams, and got my butt kicked pretty good. -Look, I'm your Space Dad. “Megamind” is full of pop culture references, but the cape of Superman casts the longest shadow, from the chiseled do-gooder Metro Man to another character, Space Dad, … Megamind and Minion went to Hal's apartment to get ready for his training. On the day before the fight, Megamind gets into an argument with … The post 70 Dad Jokes That Are Actually Pretty Funny appeared first on Reader's Digest. This one's for Space Dad making a fool out of me! White or transparent. He follows the robot upwards into the sky) (Megamind: WHOA!) Meanwhile, Megamind continues to see Roxanne using the Bernard disguise and the two begin to fall for each other. Megamind and Minion were the last of their kind to survive. Meanwhile, Megamind continues to see Roxanne using the Bernard disguise and the two begin to fall for each other. After Hal is accidentally hit by the ray gun with the DNA, Megamind and Minion use their technology to trick Hal into thinking he is an alien and that they are his "space-dad and space-stepmom" respectively. Almost all of Metro Man's super powers are the same as Superman's. Megamind and Minion went to Hal's apartment to get ready for his training. Still, things could be a lot worse. All orders are custom made and most ship worldwide within 24 hours. At the same time, Megamind develops a relationship with Roxanne under his Bernard disguise. Megamind: [disguised as Space Dad] Do you have someone special in your life, Hal? Unique Megamind Stickers designed and sold by artists. Megamind finds Hal is easily coerced, and using a hologram of "Space Dad," trains him to become a superhero. 00:41:31 Yeah, I'm like your space Dad. He is voiced by Will Ferrell. I made my arms short and I roamed the backyard, I chased the neighborhood cats, I growled and I roared. Megamind disguises himself as Hal's "Space Dad" and convinces him to become the superhero "Titan". This one's for Space-Dad making a fool outta me! Sorry. Megamind: You have been blessed with unfathomable power. Pshhh! Disguised as Hal's "space dad" and "space stepmom," they trained the excited Hal to become a hero like Metro Man. Megamind was planning on creating a new superhero to face after feeling isolated from his victory against Metro Man, so he tracks Hal to his apartment building and manipulates him by taking on the guise of his "Space Dad". Megamind (2010) 00:41:25 I am your father. Megamind attempts to train Hal into a hero, but unknown to Megamind, Hal is not as noble or just as Metro Man. Ritchi. Disguised as Hal's "space dad" and "space stepmom", they trained the excited Hal to become a hero like Metro Man. We would say it's when it's all groan. Though he is the most-brilliant supervillain the world has known, Megamind (Will Ferrell) is the least-successful. Well, really any of Megamind's expressions are fine examples. One of the greatest ironies in the entire film comes after Titan learns that Space Dad had really been Megamind under a holographic disguise the entire time. They flew a spaceship together, where they've met Megamind's superhero nemesis Metro Man. And Megamind, this one's for Space Stepmom! YOU LIED TO HER! This one's for Space-Dad making a fool out of me! Decorate your laptops, water bottles, helmets, and cars. I don't know! But, there's this really, really good-looking one I've got my eye on currently. He and Minion flew to Metro City Prison. Actor: Jonah Hill . Agreed! How big of a Megamind fan are you? History. Hal takes the name "Tighten," misunderstanding Megamind's suggested "Titan." Ritchie. This one's for stealing my girlfriend! Megamind is the former villain and anti-hero protagonist of the DreamWorks Animation superhero comedy film of the same name. Everybody knew me and was afraid of me. Once their son is inside the pod he gives him a glowing blue pacifier, which he refers to as his son's "binky", for comfort.Before the pod takes off he tells his son that he is destined for greatness and hugs Megamind's mother as they watch their son depart. 00:41:25 I am your father. Megamind went to aschoolhouse along with … Minion wanted to defuse the powers from Hal, believing it was a mistake, but Megamind said that it's destiny. It's an idea, a BELIEF!