With our sights set on Agenda 2030, we depend on sufficient and predictable core resources in order to work with our United Nations Development System partners to maximize our collective results on the ground. Quick Launch. Highlights in 2019 included: the appointments of author and TV personality Padma Lakshmi and acclaimed eco-artist Olafur Eliasson; actor Nikolaj Coster-Waldau’s climate action advocacy, including his visit to Peru’s Ulcumano Ecolodge, which conserves 102 hectares of forest; and Nigeria’s international Afropop star Yemi Alade, who collaborated with UNDP to mobilize action on climate, wildlife and equality. Today, the streets may be silent but the message still echoes: we need a decade of action to accelerate progress towards everything the Sustainable Development Goals stand for. The Interim Financial Donor Report (IDR) for UNDP is attached for the period January – September 2020. UNDP ranked among in the 13 highest scorers on the 2020 Global Health 50/50 Gender and Health Index. 77% of the irregular migrants interviewed for UNDP’s 2019 Scaling Fences report felt unheard at home, with no opportunity to influence government. And that’s what the world needs to reach the SDGs. Across the world, UNDP worked with 89 countries to reform discriminatory laws and policies. Pushing the boundaries of how we think, invest, manage and deliver to drive progress towards the SDGs. The meeting, co-chaired by Tharman Shanmugaratnam, Senior Minister of Singapore, and A. Michael Spence, William Berkley Professor in Economics and Business at NYU, was structured in 4 parts: The COVID-19 pandemic hit a world dealing with unresolved tensions - between the people and the planet and between people and technology - that are shaping a new generation of inequalities. Plus, next-generation inequalities like access to tertiary education and broadband increased – accentuated by climate change, conflict, and the deep roots of gender inequality. These include: a UNDP-UN-European Union initiative to advance integrated national financing frameworks to align public financing to the Goals, already underway in 19 countries; an enhanced focus on insurance and risk finance to build resilience; and SDG Impact, which is accelerating investment by the private sector towards the SDGs. 6 Methodology The analysis was conducted using project documents including the Mid-Term Review (MTR) and In 2019, UNDP renewed and strengthened our bonds with our UN family members. In Ethiopia, a virtual launch and panel discussion was held on December 16, 2020. 80% of partners surveyed in 2020 consider UNDP a valued partner. The third HDR 2020 Advisory Board Meeting was held online on 22 October 2020, with the members connecting remotely. The Sustainable Development Report (including the SDG Index & Dashboards) is a complement to the official SDG indicators and voluntary country-led review processes. With the help of UNDP, inventors at Oceanus developed a resourceful way to regenerate local ecosystems. These include tackling inequality, climate change, and the root causes of migration and forced displacement. Powerful, life-changing ways to help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. Deneysel nitelikteki yeni küresel endeks, bir yanda gezegensel baskıları azaltırken diğer yanda yoksulluk ve eşitsizliklerle mücadele etmenin zorluğunu gösteren, yeni bir insani gelişme ölçüsü getiriyor. Poverty, Governance, Resilience, Environment, Energy and Gender. The UNEP Adaptation Gap Report 2020 finds that while nations have advanced in planning, huge gaps remain in finance for developing countries and bringing adaptation projects to the stage where they bring real protection against climate impacts such as droughts, floods and sea-level rise. For example, managers can now approve transactions from their phones through the new Atlas Mobile app. From collaborating with the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) to strengthen resilience in the Lake Chad Basin in Africa, to our cutting-edge global SDG innovation initiative with UNICEF that drew 190 joint bids from around the world, to our ongoing work with the World Health Organization (WHO) and UN Development System agencies to strengthen health systems, we focus on tackling complexity through integrated development, just as the United Nations development system reforms intended. UNDP craves diversity, especially when it comes to partnerships. Productivity increased, with 91 cents of every dollar now spent on programmes and services for development, up from 88 cents in 2017. A special partnership has existed since 2014 between the Oliver and Adelaide Tambo Foundation, the Wits School of Governance (WSG), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the department of planning, monitoring and evaluation (DPME). It’s taken two thousand centuries to get here, but together we can give gender equality the priority it deserves. As a result of two major recruitment drives in 2019, UNDP’s top and deputy leadership positions across 140 countries and territories are now gender-balanced and geographically diverse, while 24% of those who joined UNDP’s new Accelerator Lab network are repatriates — an indication that UNDP is attracting world-class talent back home to developing countries. But that does not mean we are closed for business. Normal was not good enough. In 2019, they won the Apolitical 2019 Global Public Service Teams of the Year award for evidence-based policy. Otherwise, we will go backwards. As economies get back on their feet, leaders can make the choice to accelerate rather than undermine decarbonization, to create green jobs and more resilient systems for the future. It, like climate change, offers proof – if proof were still needed – that all life on Earth is connected. Thirty years ago, UNDP created a new way to conceive and measure progress. This will be added to the 48,000 replanted coral colonies. Reducing child mortality rates with a cloud. UNDP envisages a world where all capital flows advance progress towards the SDGs. In 2019, 26 people had the same wealth as half of humanity. The Promise includes a menu of five services tailored to each country’s unique context for maximum impact, backed by the strength of UNDP’s investment in nature and the full weight of our integrated SDG programming on poverty, governance, resilience, environment, gender and energy. Because even now, poverty and inequality are not beyond solutions. 2019 also saw the launch of UNDP’s Greening Moonshot to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 25% by 2025, and 50% by 2030. By combining inspiration, ideas and resources with our partners, we become more than the sum of our parts. I hope that this snapshot of our progress in 2019 will encourage you to join us. The UN’s Decade of Action and the Secretary General’s Funding Compact have elevated both the need and scope for financial investment across UNDP’s critical development work. Why does UNDP have these six Signature Solutions? This is a race against time, and the hurdles just got higher. Today, as nations struggle to recover from COVID-19, even agreed targets will be under threat. In 2019, we worked with Belarus, the Republic of Moldova, the Development Bank of Ethiopia and the Gambia to create the conditions for green energy investments. As the 2019 Human Development Report sets out, policy makers have a battery of choices that, integrated in the right way, will translate into lifelong investments in equality and sustainability. The 2020 Human Development Report The 30th Anniversary 2020 Human Development Report is the latest in the series of global Human Development Reports published by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) since 1990 as independent and analytically and empirically grounded discussions of major development issues, trends and policies. What we have learned is already informing UNDP’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic and will continue to inform strategy setting and policy making, as we move closer to achieving the SDGs. for developing a Global Incident Response and Threat Hunting cybersecurity platform, highlighting its cutting-edge application of emerging technologies, Inequalities: beyond income, beyond averages, beyond today. With years of experience embedded on development’s frontlines, UNDP is focused on building resilience before adversity strikes and building back better when it does. More than 8,200 transactions were approved in 176 countries and locations since the app was launched in September 2019. UNDP. for evidence-based policy to the UNDP Accelerator Lab Network, Grand Prix at 2019 Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity Each tree also absorbs and stores CO2 to help tackle climate change. This one idea is now informing a global initiative to connect millions of sustainable producers to global value chains. Gaming has become a global pastime. In September 2019, we promised to support at least 100 countries to raise their climate ambitions within a year. UNDP is committed to making it one we will be proud to have our children read aloud. It uses publicly available data published by official data providers (World Bank, WHO, ILO, others) and other organizations including research centers and non-governmental … UNDP’s Goodwill Ambassadors (GWAs) and other powerful influencers continue to bring their unique perspective and value to our work on the SDGs, driving awareness throughout the world. 2020 Global Health 50/50 Gender and Health Index This is part of UNDP’s growing service line in integrated waste management, including healthcare waste, e-waste, and the circular economy of converting waste into energy. In 2019, UNDP redoubled its efforts to close that gap, working across our Signature Solutions. To this end, we made the following advances in 2019. Expected completion date: end June 2021 30-Jun-21 UNDP and the leading producer of smartphones co-created the Samsung Global Goals mobile app to increase SDG awareness and fundraising, with Samsung matching donations 1:1. With 50% of SDG targets directly linked to the management of natural resources, building back to a better future after the pandemic is not a zero-sum game of environment versus economy. National Human Development Report Estonia: 2019/2020 The Estonian Human Development Report is a biennially published collection of articles reflecting and interpreting the current socio-economic situation in Estonia and possible future developments. UNDP thanks all its funding contributors starting with the top 15, listed below.