Know more about NEMA 16 stepper motor dimensions from Yunkong Electronics. 5 16.0 300±10 ICC IL__l=====:;j1 1x xx x zs 2S zs1- co l NEMA 17 STEPPER MOTOR. 5 11 4-R2. This 4-wire bipolar stepper has 1.8° per step for smooth motion and a nice holding torque. Each phase draws 1.2 … Voltage; 12 to 40V DC: 12 to 48V DC: Motor Frame Size. 2D Drawings; 3D Model; Torque Speed Curves; Catalog; 2D Drawings. NEMA 17 Stepper Motor (42HD4027-01-A) $16.95. This 4-wire bipolar stepper has 1.8° per step for smooth motion and a nice holding torque. This is one of the most popular stepper motor in Nema 17 size, it with 1.8deg step and size 42x42x40mm, It has 4 wires with 1m cable and 2.54mm pitch connector, each phase draws 2.0A, with holding torque 45Ncm ( Title Type Size(KB) Download; MS17HD Series_2D Drawings.pdf: PDF: 111: 3D Model. Shaft diameter. SPECIFICATIONS. 2h-422 stepper motor driver The NEMA17-01 stepper motor can be optimally used for tasks in the areas of automation, CNC (f.e. Stepper Motor - 68 (400 steps/rev) $23.95. We also offer explosion-proof motors. or robotic. Consult factory for intermittent cycles or other voltages.