Hanami Tour: Best Flower-Viewing Spots in Tokyo - Lesser-Known Tokyo Hanami Recommendations, [Anime Culture Monday] 5 Ways to Date an Otaku Boy, What is a Casual Gamer? Borrowed from Japanese, otaku refers to a person who is obsessed with manga, anime, and other forms of Japanese or East Asian popular culture. According to Cambridge Dictionary, an Otaku is a young person who is very interested in and knows a lot about computers, computer games, anime, etc., but may find it … And of course, never be afraid to be proud of the things you like, such as Anime, Manga, Games, Cosplay, Trains, Robots....the list goes on and on. (deployads = window.deployads || []).push(); We first have, perhaps the most famous kind of Otaku, the anime and manga Otaku. My Hero Academia 5 Opening Theme Artist DISH// - On Their Way to No.1! Photo credit: Shonen Jump Magazine . I know from experience, if you say you love a certain anime or manga, you can be labeled pretty fast. We hear it all the time, but it's time to address the elephant in the room. It can be a computer game, console, or an action, drama, adventure game, etc. Here, I introduce who Otaku is, what the Otaku Culture is and what they love. in the West) used to refer to avid consumers of anime and manga. As the term became mainstream it started referring to "hobbyists" of all sorts, people with manias for stuff, leading the hardcore anime fans to prefer the spelling wotaku ヲタク … eine Provision vom Händler, : "nerds." The Game Otaku is a kind of person that is growing in popularity by being more recognised, making it more accepted. Otaku as the word for “you”. People who are classified as an Otaku usually are very passionate about their hobbies and often make a living of it. /oʊˈtɑː.kuː/ plural otaku or otakus in Japan, a young person who is very interested in and knows a lot about computers, computer games, anime (= animated films), etc., but may find it difficult to talk to … In Japanese, otaku オタク means a "hardcore anime fan." We are here for the often misunderstood word. In the West, "otaku" more generally refers to someone who's extremely enthusiastic about anime. [Gaming Definition, Meaning]. You might have seen meme’s, articles and so on, saying that you have to know this many characters or watched this many different kinds of anime and etc., if you want to be able to call yourself an Otaku. Sometimes it’s for the better as well. Some love to collect old games or new games, but also they can be very fond of one specific kind of game series or platform. Animes are epic stories that will never die. Well it has become more and more accepted making it much easier to find events or tournaments that exists all over the world. Here is where it gets interesting, an Cosplay Otaku is basically a person who loves anime, manga, video games, etc. It might be one of the more expensive type of Otaku to be a part of because, as we all know, video games aren’t cheap. You could say that Otaku has received the same meaning as a Guru, a person who has lots of knowledge regarding one specific subject. Otaku, meaning probably " venerable house," refers to someone who has a devotion to a subject or hobby (not necessarily anime) to the point of not leaving home. Nur ein Anime-Fan? But it always depends on what environment you’re in as well. Chibi. Otaku used to have a really negative cling to itself because it used to refer to someone who didn’t have a life, stayed home all the time, did not have a love life or had a difficult time getting into the normal kind of social circles. ELSEWHERE: Out of Japan is the term "Otaku" used in the meaning of hardcore fan of anime and Manga. It was first posted on Pixiv on April 17, 2014. Other great interests of mine are language, philosophy, culture and of course video games and movies. ~ Otaku It’s also a polite way to say “you”. Otaku is a vernacular term used by amateur manga and anime fans and artists to refer to themselves. The ones described before would be more of a hardcore person. But because of the West, the Otaku meaning has changed into a very positive thing. Otaku is also defined in Japan as a word that defines a person who has obsessive interests, and can apply to a wide variety of topics, including anime, manga, cosplay, collectibles and more. It doesn’t always have to be that black and white.