rotom room platinum

Note that this event is post-National Dex only in Diamond/Pearl, but in Platinum it is available as soon as you can access it. Is the Secret Room the same as the event room, Rotom's Room… 5. In this room, you'll find five appliances that correspond to each of Rotom's formes. Be careful with it if you don't want your room flooded. Yeah you can. Rotom has five new forms which represent five electrical appliances that it has fused with. The room will contain five appliances corresponding with the five types Rotom can 'assimilate': a Washing Machine (Water), a Refridgerator (Ice), a Fan (Flying), a Lawn Mower (Grass), and a Stove (Fire). Cut is needed to access the location, and you will probably need a repel or two to make it there without running into a Gastly. 4. May 28th 2009, ID#287 Secret key for rotom (l r) to activate secret key for rotom (l+r) to activate Find more codes and cheats for Pokemon Platinum on this page of our website. In Pokemon Platinum and HeartGold/SoulSilver, there are rooms where Rotom can possess household appliances to gain alternate formes. This is Team Galactic's Secret Room, inaccessible up until this point in all three games. Rotom-A's fantastic Electric/Ghost typing gives it a huge pile of resistances, which can abuse to the fullest with a defensive set. Furthermore, this set allows Rotom-A to make the most of its 4 moveslots instead of limiting it … This is the classic Rotom-A set, straight out of early Platinum. Shield: This Rotom has possessed a washing machine that uses a special motor. DS / DSi - Pokémon Platinum - Rotom Room - The #1 source for video game sprites on the internet! The appliance is removed from the room while Rotom is … This however can only be accessed after the Distortion World plot-line has been completed. This video is 100% Legit and uses no cheat codes or save editors. Once you have the Secret Key, you can use it in the Eterna Galactic Building (same way as vanilla) to access a room where you can change Rotom's forms. Inside the Galactic Eterna Building, you can gain access to a secret room using a Key that will be given away at a Nintendo Event. Until now, that is. Choose your preference. Rotom can be found at level 20 as an event battle in Old Chateau inside a television during night time. Rotom (Japanese: ロトム Rotomu) is an Electric/Ghost-type Pokémon. Unfortunately, I forgot how to get the Secret Key in Renegade Platinum. Rotom's Room is a hidden room in the Pokémon games that appears in Pokémon Platinum, HeartGold and SoulSilver.It houses five appliances that Rotom can inhabit and thus change forms.If the player interacts with an appliance with more than one Rotom in their party, the game will ask which Rotom the player wants to possess the appliance. It blasts out water to get enemies to back down. Prior to Generation V, all of Rotom's forms shared the same Electric/Ghost typing as a normal Rotom before swapping the secondary Ghost type with another type. Rotom's Room (Japanese: ロトムのへや Rotom's Room) is a hidden room in the Pokémon games that appears in Platinum, HeartGold and SoulSilver.It houses five appliances that Rotom can inhabit and thus change forms.. Rotom can transform into various forms which resembles household appliances. This form of Rotom enjoys coming up with water- based pranks. If the player interacts with an appliance with more than one Rotom in their party, the game will ask which Rotom the player wants to possess the appliance. Sword: Rotom assumes this form when it takes over a refrigerator powered by a special motor. In order to change Rotom's form you must go to the Secret Room in the Team Plasma building in Eterna City.