sattva guna characteristics

Sattva means purity. Further 5 elements fused together to form tri-doshas. The Self does not reside in them but they reside in him (7.12). Sattvic state characteristics are happiness, wisdom, spiritually connected, compassionate, lightness in body & mind, self-control, concentrated, gratitude and selflessness. Our behavior is called the essential quality of the soul within us, which governs all our Karma, therefore, is a root seed of our dharma (moral duties). We feel uplifted and inspired, generally. Nevertheless, with this statement, he is not telling us to move to the forests, though is trying to say that spending time with nature gradually increases Sattva Guna. This will gradually increase your Sattva Guna. There is a resolute constancy of mind and senses. This will increase the Sattva Guna inside you. Characteristics of Triguna. "Sattva" characterizes lightness, purity, knowledge of wisdom, harmony, balance, holistic, peaceful and mental clarity. This type of Sattva is also called Rishi Sattva. Sattva guna is the "spiritual quality". This means that … Ahimsa means in the source of your food, there shouldn’t be included harming of any living being. Prakriti manifests itself in every gross or subtle, living or non-living, matter in the universe whilst Purusha is the cause behind moment (or life) of that matter. is the positive and spiritual quality that, when dominant, you have a natural tendency to be kind, caring, and Hence possesses. An escalated ratio of Sattva leads you to feel spiritually egotistic, while the one with Rajas can make you greedy and workaholic, Tamas, on the other hand, makes you ignorant. Sattvic means 'good'. When the Sattva is dominant, the following changes are visible. This concept was developed by the Samkhya 1 school of Hindu philosophy. Any changes whether it’s physical, mental, or psychological occurs in a human being, has the root 5 elements which composed the body. You able to stop your mind fluctuations for a while in meditation practice, it’s only possible because of Tamas Guna (inertia) present in mind. Sattvic quality is pure and forgiving. So, add meditation to your daily routine. 4. In the Srimad Bhagavatam, Lord Shri Krishna states, “mad-arpaṇaṁ niṣphalaṁ vā sāttvikaṁ nija-karma tat”, “Work performed as an offering to Me(Lord Sri Krishna), without consideration of the fruit, is considered to be in sattva guna.”- [Srimad Bhagavatam 11.25.23]. 1) Sattva Guna 2) Rajas Guna 3) Tamas Guna When you see any question about gunas, it will almost certainly ask you about 3 features: the mental characteristics, physical qualities & foods it … In this article, we’ll focus on the benefits offered by sattva-guna, and some ways to cultivate it. These individuals are spiritual, wise and noble. Normally, Faith is known to exist in the form of three Gunas viz. According to him, it lies between 3:30 Am to 6:00 Am, depending upon the Sunrise. So, whenever you feel your company is not letting you rise and making you aggressive, it is time to be apart. The characteristics of Aindra Sattva are bravery, strength, authoritative speech, devotion to moral acts and wealth. Further 5 elements fused together to form tri-doshas. Sattva Guna is all about purity and light. Sattva is purity, light or This will be an add-on to your Sattva Guna. Meditation brings a sense of detachment from the materialistic world. Till now, you would have know which personality belongs you well, based on Trigunas. Also, these are rich, extrovert, and sometimes get irritated. Rajas is the quality of passion, activity, neither good nor bad and sometimes either, self-centeredness, egoism, individualization, drivenness, movement, and dynamism. To bring focus on Sattva from Rajas, engage yourself in activities like meditation, reading, non-profit works, and simply you can follow Yamas to balancing the excessive energy within you. Consequently, it will increase your Sattva Guna. These are usually intelligent and imaginative. Here the Manifestation (How he does it) is Tamasik but the intention (Why he does it) of thief could be Sattvic. Tamas Kaali, Rajas Laxmi and Satva Saraswati is the 3 guna Maya Prakriti and is also three phases of everyone's life. According to the Hindu philosophy, there exist three types of Gunas are: Sattva, Rajas and Tamas. It is Prakasa (illumination, light). natural ways to reduce the excess of Rajas guna, Panch Tatva: Five Elements of Body & Yoga to Balance It, What Is Karma Yoga: Its Principles, Types and Importance, A Beginner Guide to Popular Yoga Styles with their Benefits. Bhakti Yoga is a divine offering to the supreme/ultimate soul with any desire for the result. Moreover, they are helpful and relaxed. The characteristics associated with each guna are as follows: Sattvic (state of sattva ): good and intelligent energy which brings about balance, harmony, compassion, and selflessness Rājasic (state of rajas ): dynamic and active energy which brings … The concept of guna originated from the philosophy of Samkhya. O sinless one, it binds the soul by creating attachment for a sense of happiness and knowledge.”. Trigunas have been utilized to explain the concept of personality in the modern age. This makes us calm and peace-minded. Arsa types are devoted to sacred rituals, studies, and vows. It symbolize with Dark color. These will help you to meditate and deepen your consciousness. In the yogic perspective, a person always can follow the 5 Yamas & 5 niyamas (part of 8 limbs to yoga) for sattva guna. He is regarded as the senior god and his job was creation. According to the Bhagavadgita when sattva is predominant, from all the gates of the human body radiate the illumination of knowledge, (14.11). Article about Brahma, the first god in the Hindu trimurti. A book 2 written by Harish Johari categorized People in 7 types based on the trigunas. Increasing a Guna in you is the same as changing your old bad habits & replace with them new habits. We know it very well, the food we take somehow impacts our mind other than body only. Now the question arises, how can we manipulate Gunas within us for our and others’ wellbeing? Rajas Guna is supposed to be active among Trigunas and characterised by stimulation and motion. Guṇa (Sanskrit: गुण) is a concept in Hinduism and Sikhism, which can be translated as "quality, peculiarity, attribute, property". Rājasic (state of rajas ): dynamic and active energy which brings about restlessness, change, passion, and … Sattva is the state of balance between activity and the inertia. Someone who has a more sattva mental side is calm, kind, observant, clear and peaceful. But when it mixes with Rajas and Tamas, all the worldly taints manifest. Gunas in itself is not a physical quantity but its presence can be seen by these 3 means: By paying attention to these 3 points, we can work on balancing the Gunas lies within us. Sattva-guna is light or buoyant, bright or illuminating. Waking at this time brings a big change in your behavior. Sattva is described as the fountain of Goodness and happiness in a pure form. On the other hand, remember the times when mind swings from here to there, it’s because of Rajas Guna. Tamas or TamoGuna is lowest in trigunas. Gandharva Sattva people are fond of dancing, singing, poetry, epics. So, to keep the balance, sleep early and rise early. Sattva Guna is a force favourable for the attainment of Moksha. There is a resolute constancy of mind and senses. The proportion of each Guna may rise or fall anytime that certainly affects your personality and traits pertaining to a specific Guna or combination of Gunas. Sattva means purity. Hence in India we have been suggested to wake up in the morning and do all yogic SHIV IS PARUSHA AND MAA PARWATI IS PRAKARTI It provides the individual with Daivi Sampat virtues, for instance, fearlessness, purity of heart and others, and these virtues can liberate oneself. Therefore, always be hygienic, wear clean clothes and keep your surroundings tidy. Sattva guna is the quality of effulgence, knowledge and wisdom. Pay attention to the Intention and manifestation of work and you would be able to balance the predominant Guna. Sattvic state can defined as disease free body. The Gunas ( Attributes) and their Characteristics . It has a lot to do with your behavior. Sattva is a quality of goodness, selflessness, truth, knowledge, peace, harmony, creativity, and positivity. tatra sattvaṁ nirmalatvāt prakāśhakam anāmayam The essence of sattva is to act like a transparent pane of glass, allowing light—the light of conscious awareness—to reveal itself in the operations of the mind and in nature. Notify me of follow-up comments via e-mail. The Guna which is dominant within you, tells your behavior. Sattvic state can defined as disease free body. “When consciousness becomes clear and the senses are detached from matter, one experiences fearlessness within the material body and detachment from the material mind. may rise or fall anytime that certainly affects your personality and traits pertaining to a specific Guna or combination of Gunas. WITHOU PRAKARTI SHIV IS ALSO SHAV (DEAD BODY)…. Vishnu – the maintainer (in charge of sattva-guna – the quality of goodness). Among all these Gunas, Sattva Guna is the purest and most harmonious. Also, In the state deep meditation, when you feel your inner-self, the joy comes out of it is because of Sattva Guna (balance). When Sattva is prevalent, the light of wisdom shines through the individual. Due to their acute self-interest, sometimes they may face difficulties in differentiating between right and wrong. It is noticed that Sattva guna is in affluence in the morning time. The Sanskrit term Sattva means purity or goodness, and Guna means quality or attribute. If Rajas Guna in a person got imbalanced, it has a converse effect whose predominance may hype Anger, Agitation, or Anxiety. Whatever you’re struggling with right now, your experience is a blend of the ‘gunas’ moving through you: Sattva (harmony, virtue) – Rajas (energy, passion) – Tamas (restraint, passivity). The word Prakriti also consists of 3 root words Pra means Sattva,Kr means Rajas, and Ti means Tamas. Hence Shiva is nirguna. Again in the same example, if the thief contemplates the action he has done (stealing), his heart must be filled with sorrow, dullness, and insult (because sattva was there in his intention). Through his teaching, he realized how Yoga & Ayurveda can be used to increase the longevity and wellness of one's life. Hence, Guna is the final step which influences the Personality of a person. The Sanskrit word tapasya means sacrificing something desirable for a higher purpose. On the other hand, if we take lite and soothing food, it creates calmness and relaxation within us. One’s behavior is the mixture of all these Gunas. It’s the characteristics of Rajasic personality. Tamas Kaali, Rajas Laxmi and Satva Saraswati is the 3 guna Maya Prakriti and is also three phases of everyone's life. These activities will help you to lift up your energy level (from inactivity to activity – From tamas to Rajas). If we eat much spicy or bold food, we are much prone to get aggressive. Image Source: Shutterstock. Always stay conscious of the people, with whom you are spending time with. A very detailed explanation. Rather, these are self-satisfied and confident. Sattva Guna is evident by positive attitude, happiness, lightness, spiritual connection and consciousness. Sattva cannot take man to God, but it shows him the way." It will help you to increase Sattva Guna within you. The more sattvic your nature is, the more drawn you are to love, compassion, kindness, and attachment to happiness. This helps you to clear your mind and feel the consciousness or Chitta. There are 3 forms through which Prakriti manifests itself in a matter, known as Trigunas or 3 qualities of Nature. There is a resolute constancy of mind and senses. He started learning yoga from renowned yoga schools in the world capital of yoga, Rishikesh. Characteristics of Triguna Sattva Guna is evident by positive attitude, happiness, lightness, spiritual connection and consciousness. Sattva is its inherent quality. Sattva, Rajas and Tamas are the three Gunas or qualities of the Chitta. This clears our consciousness. Avoid night work, especially in the hours leading to midnight, because that time period is tamasic. Trigunas never exist in isolation in a person and always act in conjunction with each other. These three gunas are tamas (darkness), rajas (activity), and sattva (beingness). Isvara, the Lord of the Universe, is made up of pure (suddha) sattva only. Also, it leads to determination of behaviour of an individual at that particular time. Once you observe a change in your Tamasik Guna, you will experience: A person having imbalanced Tamas Guna can experience its effects in short-lived happiness, materialism, possessive feelings, and a keen desire to harm others. Also, these are far away from anger, geed, objective desires and envy. The individuals with higher proportions of Sattva are generally the healers, spiritual leaders and teachers. It wraps the person in the attachment to happiness and knowledge. Sattva Guna and self-compassion (positive and negative) contributed significantly to performance-avoidance. In the case of a Raja-Sattva person it would be just opposite. 3 gunas are the part of nature i.e. Sattva (Sanskrit: सत्त्व) is one of the three guṇas or "modes of existence" (tendencies, qualities, attributes), a philosophical and psychological concept developed by the Samkhya school of Hindu philosophy. Sattva is not enlightenment itself but it unveils what is true and real (sat). Sattva Guna symbolizes white color, the color of peace. Sattva stimulates the senses and represents It is a quality of living a peaceful and meaningful way of life. Asuri Sampat-vices like Dambha, Darpa, Krodha, etc.-will drag you down into hell. Many times people take advantage of someone’s kindness and goodness. These 3 qualities, in different proportions, lead you to behave, react, conceptualize, and comprehend the nature of your surroundings differently. When sattva guna is dominant, a person has inherent desire to be good and caring. People with balanced Gunas or with Sattva–Rajas–Tamas Guna combination. Although Sattva Guna brings a lot of positive changes in a person’s life, it limits him/her in some aspects. People with dominant Sattva–Tamas Guna combination. “The truth will set you free” – famous quote … A person with Sattva predominant has mental clarity, mind is not deluded by any confusions, has clear intention and focused attention all the time. Everyone poses at least one characteristic of Rajas or Tamas Guna. Spend lonely hours with nature. The universe is the union or combination of Prakriti and Purusha (the Female and male aspects of creation). Sattva is given space to reconcile and neutralise tamas and rajas and reshape When sattva guna is dominant, a person has inherent desire to be good and caring. So take a break from your daily rush, and give some time to nature, to calm and nourish your astral body. The Bhagavad Gita (14:6) characterizes sattva guna as “immaculate, illuminating, without ill.” However, sattva, by virtue of being one of the gunas, also has a binding effect—it can cause attachment to joy and knowledge. Thanks for the post. These are the activities we do, that made us Sattva, Rajas or Tamas. It represents the expected Guna of an individual in the morning. The characteristics associated with each guna are as follows: Sattvic (state of sattva ): good and intelligent energy which brings about balance, harmony, compassion, and selflessness. All three gunas are always present in all beings, fluctuating and varying in their relative amounts, and the balance of the three Guna’s is vital for our health and our happiness. It signifies Illusion, ignorance, mental dullness, laziness, greed, confusion, attachment, and heaviness. Sattva Guna: The Quality of Happiness and How to Increase It. Sattva Guna In Sanskrit sattva means purity, balance or order. Each Nakshatra has a certain guna which you will find in any basic characteristics of the Nakshatra table. Trigunas combines in different composition to develop the 5 elements of the body, which also known as Pancha Maha-Bhoota. Yes, it needs to be great observation skills to aware of your rajasic pattern so that you can look into the betterment of those activities and behavior; and improve the Sattva Guna. It is a divine quality which manifests in you as physical vigor (varchas) and mental brilliance (medhas). 1. The word Prakriti also consists of 3 root words. Instead spend time with a peace-loving and creative person. Rising early is a good habit that keeps you calm and charming everyday. Every Yogi who practices Yoga and who controls his diet or adopts the Ayurvedic way of life is capable of increasing the Sattva Guna in the body and the mind. When sattva is prevalent, the light of wisdom shines Increasing Sattva Guna means to attain a state of mind, where the mind is steady, quiet and peaceful. Thank you for clarification, Ashish. When sattva guna is dominant, a person has inherent desire to be good and caring. One can cultivate sattva by making choices in life that foster unselfish joy and elevate awareness. Based on these 7 types, we can distinguish the sattvic personalities of people. A mind endowed with Sattva Guna will make a man still These are void from mean acts. Moreover, this raises your consciousness to an extreme level.