silly comic book villains

He's famous for, in his introduction, making a real"¦um"¦impact on the main cast, and that sure does set a precedent for the kind of a person he's going to be. RELATED: 10 Comic Book Villains Who Headlined Their Own Series. Archie hangs out at a local comic book store and watches and narrates the film.There are two comic book shops in town; one is owned by Raymond (Donal Logue) and the other owned by Norman and … I love this show & its villains. But the comic book version is scary and kinda funny and deeply insane. Even after he's toppled, he becomes a living Chekov's gun, biding his time until he can get out of his prison and ruin everything. He returned to Spider-Man's life as The Hobgoblin with a wingsuit and a firesword, which is, I'll admit, pretty rad. 9 Does: Mister Mxyzptlk Is A Character Who Can Alter Reality Top 10 Darkwing Duck villains. The villain’s power set exactly matches that of an actual eraser, in that he is able to make things disappear with his mind. Justice League: Easter Eggs and References You Shouldn't Have Missed, Black Panther Finally Coming to Marvel’s Avengers In War for Wakanda, DC’s Gotham Knights Video Game Has Been Delayed to 2022, PSA: Zack Snyder’s Justice League Is Now Streaming On HBO Max. While none of these villains are likely to be appearing as major threats in movies any time soon, there will always be a place for dumb bad guys within the pages of Marvel comic books. In a fitting tribute for the character, Asbestos Lady was later brought back to prominence within the Marvel comics universe for a brief but fitting epilogue to her story: the character dies of lung cancer at age 45. var ai_block_div = document.getElementsByClassName ('ai-viewports'); ai_insert_code (ai_block_div [ai_block_div.length - 1]); Taking on the identity of Typeface, he goes out seeking revenge against his former employer, while beating up local gangs in the process. Spider-Man later convinces Farrell to give up crime and become a hero, and even gets him a place studying at Empire State University, which is a pretty nice thing to do considering Rocket Racer’s many attempts to kill Spidey. Before becoming Stilt-Man, scientist Wilbur Day is working on a special kind of hydraulic device. Weele goes to the Tinkerer, a well-known supervillain gadget creator, asking for a super-powered device befitting his name, and the Big Wheel is born – essentially, a large wheel that Weele rides around in. All of this just goes to show that maybe alchemy isn’t the best basis for a supervillain identity. But Phil was a hero for a while, until the suit was damaged in battle and he had to retire. As part of his job working with polymer adhesives, Peter Petruski invents and patents an impressive form of powerful glue. Note: Do not add any characters from comics created in Japan or Italy to this tag.These two countries each have very large comic industries, and thus, they have their own tags, Manga Villainess and Fumetti Villainess, respectively. By agreeing you accept the use of cookies in accordance with our cookie policy. As part of a full set of powers, the ability to jump high can be fairly useful – although not as useful as the power of flight, as Superman writers learned early on. Others just have the misfortune of having an oddly shaped skull, and a thirst for knowledge. 15 – Codpiece. Funny Facts January 21, 2015 January 31, 2015. The accident broke him psychologically and turned him into a madman. Plus, one hell of a villain for the first Sin City arc. At the end of the day, though, no matter how good at jumping someone might be, they’re out of their depth if they’re trying to take on Cap. Hulksta here, and I'm bringing you my personal picks for the top 100 villains in comic books and graphic novels. But a funny thing happens as Superior Spider-Man unfolds. Not so with The Matador of the Marvel comics universe. Filled stats, origins, and secret identities, this mini book is perfect for fans who want to learn the ins and outs of their favorite villains. Jul 22, 2020 July 22nd, 2020. Okay so why am I assuming this guy is the most vile and heartless comic book villain? One of Hank Pym’s lesser known villains, The Living Eraser is an example of the kind of quick thinking that has to happen in a comics studio sometimes when a writer just has to grab inspiration from the things lying on an office desk. Dude, at that point, pick a new name. ... 10 Silly Horror Game Villains That Are Harder Than They Look. Zsasz was a riff on the good ol' themed killer. 2, V for Vendetta and Deadpool that see the “bad guys” more of a means of protagonist development than an actual presence, some of our favourite comic book films are as much about the bad guys as they are about the good. Inexplicably, in spite of still being in possession of an alchemy gun, Carr doesn’t abscond to the Bahamas with a machine that can literally turn lead into gold, and instead decides to use the gun to exact revenge on his employer. See more ideas about comic book villains, comics, villain. Aaron Albert, a collector of and an expert on comic books, has studied, taught, and written about the comic book genre for more than 20 years. Comic Books Collecting Characters Marvel Comics DC Comics Anime & Manga By. ... Venom is one of the deadliest and most terrifying villains … Villains that appear in comic books and graphic novels, a term used mainly to describe superhero fiction (in the Western world) but can be any genre - they differ from traditional novels in being visual and are similar to webcomics, the digital equivelant (which can sometimes add even greater visual quirks, such as moving pictures / animations etc). Here are 17 of the weirdest Marvel villains, and how their powers turned out to be less than helpful. When Brock’s partner/sentient goop monster the Symbiote broke him out of said prison, the Symbiote was…Well, whatever the sentient goop version of pregnant is. The Symbiote baby bonded with Kasady, and together they became Carnage, a red blood monster who enjoys murder only slightly less than I enjoy those oreo Cadbury bars. As Fillmore Press, he helped Bedlam's police department deal with crazy villains, and they never knew just who he was. That's almost cartoonishly grim and dark. This twisted, dark superhero story actually becomes a … Directed by James Robinson. Until he died. He also kills people with his super sharp tongue, because at some point it gets hard to come up with unique supervillain powers that are actually scary. Some might want money, or power, while others, such as Turner D. Century, are frustrated by a modern lack of manners. by druhutch Plays Quiz Updated Aug 8, 2013 . But the comic book version is scary and kinda funny and deeply insane. Comic Book Villains seems to be directed to comic book fans. If Cap’s villains aren’t ideologically connected to global politics, though, it feels like a waste of him symbolism. What classic stupid bad guys are missing from this list? A one-stop shop for all things video games. So if that's the kind of thing that bothers you, maybe this won't be a fun time for you. The least crazy versions limit their obsession to kidnapping. This character is, simply, an ordinary Spanish bullfighter to has turned to a life of crime. 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He still gets beaten up a lot though. Apparently, that’s all it takes to become a costumed supervillain in the Marvel universe. Cartoonist: John Patrick Green Publisher: First Second In InvestiGators: Off the Hook by John Patrick Green, S.U.I.T. When Matt Murdock first takes to crimefighting, he names his superhero identity after the nickname that his bullies gave him when he was a child, becoming Daredevil, The Man Without Fear. His supposed death comes right at the pinnacle of the most evil thing ever, and it’s spellbinding to read. No Comments. At his first attempt, he finds himself being chased by Spider-Man, before crashing into a car and behind apprehended. Entertainment Quiz / Silly Supervillain Slideshow Random Entertainment or DC Comics Quiz Can you name the bizarre b-list comic book villains pictured here given the choices listed below each image? Silly Disney meets comic book action and drama. Purple Man licked his wounds and moved to San Francisco, where Daredevil beat him up again. Aaron Albert. You have to have some wires crossed to become a supervillain. Doomsday is one of the most iconic supervillains in DC comic book history and fans of Superman’s stories have wanted to see him in a movie for years, so when he was initially rumoured to appear in 2016’s Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, they were understandably excited at … The character feels like she might have been part of a dare between Marvel creators to come up with a character that’s as sexy as possible without having a head. They remember him beating Jason Todd to death, but they forget that, in that SAME STORY, he also got himself declared Iranian Ambassador to the United States. Owners of 2 comic book stores want the collection. While characters like The Rhino and Doctor Octopus have some kind of super abilities to help them fight the Web Head, though, The Kangaroo is simply a man who spent a lot of time with Australian wildlife growing up, and who ate a lot of kangaroo feed. But the comic book version is scary and kinda funny and deeply insane. 10 Most Brutal Comic Book Villains. 10 Real-Life Inspirations For Comic Book Characters. Stan Lee has openly admitted to opening up the dictionary at random to find ideas for supervillains in this era of comics, and with The Living Eraser, it’s clear that not too much thought went into the character. 5 out of 5 stars (41) 41 reviews. Cletus Kasady was already a terrifying serial killer, and that's before he ever found his way to having superpowers. Top 10 Comic Book Super Villains Of All Time Share PINTEREST Email Print Visual Arts. We start off with an, (albeit poorly named), villain who isn’t half bad! Marvel Picture Find: Villains 21; Marvel Comics: 100 Tiny Avengers 10; Batman Villain Match-Up 6; 50 Greatest Comic Characters 4; Sinister Six (Spider-Man) 3; Top 100 Comic Book Villains 2; Silly Supervillain Slideshow 2 Chuckles is a small pig with a high-pitched voice who wears a cape. And there you have it, the craziest of the best, villain-wise. The movie is about rival comic store owners who try to convince an old lady to sell her late son's collection. In isolation, though, the power of super jumping is fairly useless, especially when a villain is trying to face off against Iron Man. From Magneto and Lex Luthor to Captain Cold and more, Rob Stewart breaks down his top 10 favorite comic book villains. Well for me that honor would have to go to none other than Superman’s classic and most dangerous foe Brainiac. And pretending he's just crazy in a scary-grim and gritty way does him a huge disservice. Jervis Tetch is one of the lesser-known major-tier Batman villains, which means he has the luxury of being reinvented every few years. Stealing the designs from their inventor, Day decides that the best use for them is as a pair of giant mechanical stilts which he can use to commit crime – a plan which doesn’t go particularly well, especially when he hires lawyer Matt Murdock to sue his former employer. Advertisement. It's worth going into. Apart from having a gun and wearing an asbestos mask, Asbestos Lady didn’t have much going for her. Dark Lord Chuckles the Silly Piggy (or better known as Chuckles the Silly Piggy or simply Chuckles) is the main antagonist of the show Dave the Barbarian.. Michaels therefore grows up thinking that he lived in the early 1900s, and his reaction to discovering that he’d been lied to for his entire life is to, naturally, become a supervillain, as is the standard reaction to troubling news in the Marvel universe. ... 10 of the Craziest Comic Book Villains. A one-stop shop for all things video games. Asbestos Lady is a woman who wraps herself in asbestos. While at the time most “uniquely powered”comic book characters were done as quirky satires of the industry, The Doom Patrol’s angst-ridden and mentally imbalanced crew were part of one of the first books to insinuate that superpowers could be terrifyingly abnormal. Let’s take a look at the worst villains in comic book history, (then take a look at the worst super heroes!) Like, a heroic goblin. Eventually, though, he found a place as Deadpool's newest archnemesis, and there he truly flourished. Spider-Man has some pretty crazy villains. Which is your favorite idiotic Marvel supervillain? Apparently Will Ferrell has himself typecast as a comedic villain, because here he is again with Jacobim Mugatu. Mar 21, 2018 - Explore Christopher Herman's board "Comic Book Villians" on Pinterest. When you start off decapitating cardinals and using their heads as especially Catholic sock puppets, you can’t get much crazier. In an alternate comic universe where Apocalypse reigns supreme, Sugar Man runs a prison camp for mutants. That’s not to say they all suck, but given their achievements and impact on the story, it feels like some of them get way too much hype. The Marvel villain-turned-vigilante Typeface is a good example of how design is key when coming up with a new comic book character – Typeface shares large chunks of his backstory with The Punisher, but gluing letters onto your face is nowhere near as terrifying as wearing a skull on your chest. I mean, when Mad is in your name, and you're based on one of the most famous examples of literary insanity of all time, one could safely assume that you have a few loose screws. Gordon Thomas was once a soldier in the US army, during which time his brother Joey, also a soldier, is killed in battle. Recently, Marvel and DC comics alike have taken strides to take their characters to the big screen, and for the most part, they have been a huge success. It wasn't until he met Jewel, aka Jessica Jones, that he found a real opponent. But he's been Jessica's arch nemesis ever since. Here you'll find all collections you've created before. Control your personal Cookie Services here. Not all nicknames are equally deserving of a superhuman identity, though, as Axel Weele figures out the hard way. But his weird scary goblin laugh and truly broken psyche make him the craziest Goblin by my measure. Also, the best arc of Gotham Central centers around him, sooooooo"¦. Australian supervillain The Kangaroo, better known as Frank Oliver, is not exactly an A-list Spider-Man villain. Rocket Racer pops up every now and again in comics, often in a heroic role, but also as a villain – it seems the skateboarder can’t quite keep his hands clean, despite his complete lack of useful supervillain skills and his rock-bottom track record for actually getting away with robberies. In a world where The Lizard is a man who transforms into a horrible monster and Doctor Octopus is a man with giant robotic arms, it’s possible that a supervillain named The Matador could be fairly formidable – if such a villain had the powers of a bull or the ability to control bulls with his mind, he might be a force to be reckoned with. Some of these might have been terrifying or relevant at one point but haven’t aged well, while others were clearly bad ideas from the start. 10 of the Craziest Comic Book Villains. Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below. InvestiGators Mango and Brash are back and facing a villainous team-up!. First Appearance: Human Torch Comics #27, 1947. And while DC Chief Creative Officer Geoff Johns — himself a Flash comic-book writer of great renown — will likely encourage the ... there are a few Flash villains who may still be too silly. Armed with his own belief that the world was a chaotic place that had no meaning, and wearing a ridiculous costume, he took to the streets as a supervillain. At a certain point, Batman writers just started taking the challenge of creating new villains as an exercise in topping themselves. ... For the record, right up front: I am only talking about the comic book version. If Darwin awards were given out to comic book characters, she’d definitely be in for a prize. Biography. The first (but by no means last) villain on this list who’s powers revolve around being able to jump slightly higher than normal, The Kangaroo fits in with the main bulk of Spidey’s rogues gallery in that he’s an animal-based villain. Comic Book Villains, Eddie Brock, Cletus Kasady, Reusable Neck Gaiter, Dust Shield, Face Mask, Bandana, Head Band, Neck Warmer, Scarf Mask LittleDevilCompany. Majhal wants to create a beautiful living doll that would preserve the youthful beauty of his beloved Karin, who he claims … Madcap spent a long time bopping around among F-List supervillains before his recent turn in Deadpool bumped him up. Only, he didn't die; he was kidnapped and mind-controlled into becoming a normal guy with a desire to do good. I'm here to talk about the people who make the heroes who they are...the villains. As a result, we get a lot of supervillains whose main trait is They're crazy, LOL. In the current age of movies, we've seen the rise of comic book adaptation movies. He spent a long time bouncing off the fists of every B, C and D-List hero in the Marvel Universe, including Daredevil, Power Pack, She-Hulk, and Nomad. Of course, Daredevil, an at-the-time-new arrival, kicked the bejeezus kicked out of him. Like many people in the Marvel universe, Georges Batroc is good at jumping. There he appears every now and then, always looking ugly, always with a master plan that falls apart within minutes. But don't get me wrong; the red-clad murder-monster at the heart of it is nuttier than a Payday bar, for sure. Madcap (real name unknown), was a young man on a trip with his religious group when AIM accidentally wound up disposing of a newly created chemical right on top of their bus. 0. Of course, the potential carcinogenic dangers of asbestos weren’t fully understood at the time of Asbestos Lady’s debut – the character predates the majority of the Marvel universe, dating back to the 40s, when Timely Comics (as it was then called) ran a series about the original Human Torch (no relation to Johnny Storm of the Fantastic Four).