What does dip in expression mean? dip meaning: 1. to put something into a liquid for a short time: 2. to put sheep for a short time into a…. Buy The Dips: "Buy the dips" is a slang phrase referring to the practice of purchasing stocks following a decline in prices. Debtor-in-possession (DIP) financing is financing for firms in Chapter 11 bankruptcy that allows them to continue operating. The dip in the share price wiped £36.8 million off the value of the company yesterday. Definition: Take a dip - with Gymglish, online personalized daily English lessons for all levels. dip definition: 1. to put something into a liquid for a short time: 2. to put sheep for a short time into a…. dip in phrase. Take a dip definition: If you dip something in a liquid, you put it into the liquid for a short time, so that... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Dip definition is - to plunge or immerse momentarily or partially under the surface (as of a liquid) so as to moisten, cool, or coat. To color or dye by immersing: dip Easter... Dip - definition of dip by The Free Dictionary. ... To take from something in small amounts. 2. This usage is often used to describe money. Definition of dip into in the Idioms Dictionary. Free test. dip into phrase. Learn more. This usage is often used to describe money. Learn more. Definition of dip in in the Idioms Dictionary. How to use dip in a sentence. Dip into - Idioms by The Free Dictionary. ping , dips v. tr. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. take a dip : The President ’s popularity took a dip before the election . ping , dips v. tr. 1. See more. To plunge briefly into a liquid, as in order to wet, coat, or saturate. 1. 2. What does dip into expression mean? Search to take a dip and thousands of other words in English Cobuild dictionary from Reverso. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. To plunge briefly into a liquid, as in order to wet, coat, or saturate. ... To take from something in small amounts. Dip definition, to plunge (something, as a cloth or sponge) temporarily into a liquid, so as to moisten it, dye it, or cause it to take up some of the liquid: He dipped the brush into the paint bucket. Dip in - Idioms by The Free Dictionary.