what does the name zuko mean
IPA (English): [[zuːkoʊ]] (IPA from key here) Edit. I'm ordering some wall-size prints of me and my dog Zuko (instagram @zukoandspock) and would like his name on it in Japanese characters. share. Search for more names by meaning. Find the complete details of Zuko name on BabyNamesCube, the most trusted source for baby name meaning, … This is the name of a main character in the television series 'Avatar: The Last Airbender'. Is there an easy way to make my own variations? He is the eldest child of Fire Lord Ozai and Ursa, the older brother of Princess Azula and a nephew/surrogate/adopted son to Iroh. save hide report. [4] Iroh : 艾洛 [3] – Probably phonetic. Zuko Rhyming, similar names and popularity. Your date of birth reveals who you should be. What Does The Name Zuko Mean? Zuko is a slang word that means "the action of taking the final puff of a joint and flicking it away in a badass manner". BabyCenter is committed to providing the most helpful and trustworthy pregnancy and parenting information in the world. 100% Upvoted. Names matter because your names create your personality, the conditions in your life, and your destiny and for your greatest happiness and success, should allow the beautiful potential within … - The Meaning of Names. Zuko name meaning, American baby Boy name Zuko meaning,etymology, history, presonality details. Zuko is the Crown Prince of the Fire Nation and a skilled firebender, meaning he has the ability to create and control fire. Academically strong, they like to learn new things and to gather knowledge. Log in or sign up to leave a comment log in sign up. Name Zuko meaning of letter O. Introverts who like to be alone and have a tendency to isolate themselves. Calm and pleasant they will try to find the good side of all things and … "Zuko Alone" is a pretty masterful episode. Zuko is a Boy name, meaning Madness in Korean origin. With its Western vibe and Zuko begrudgingly becoming a kid's hero, the episode has a lot going for it. 13 "my name is zuko, son of ursa and fire lord ozai, prince of the fire nation, and heir to the throne." According to a user from Germany, the name Zuko is of Arabic origin and means "Gift of God". 6 comments. What does zuko’s name translate to? Can someone provide me examples of writing this name out in Man'yōgana? Names.org A submission from Connecticut, U.S. says the name Zuko means "Honor" and is of Chinese origin. Fictional name apparently meant to be from Chinese 蘇 (sū) meaning "to regain consciousness" or 祖 (zǔ) meaning "ancestor, forefather" combined with 科 (kē) meaning "sort, class" or 寇 (kòu) meaning "bandit, robber". I wanna get his name tattooed on the side of my wrist in Chinese symbols. Sort by. Let's start with a hot take: I'm pretty sure Danny Zuko literally never intended to see Sandy again after the beach. Question. In Ursa's letter to Ikem, Zuko's name was written with the characters 豎髙 meaning "vertical high" with the second character being a variant of "高 ". Submit the origin and/or meaning of Zuko to us below Your name of Zuko reveals who you are!