Arkeyr79 Feb 27, 2021 [WIP] Tomodachi Life Save Editor. They don't belong to anyone specific, so feel free … The southern section of Tsuyukusa Town is a farming community where you'll find Umekichi and Omiyo, who have been growing rice on their farm for years. Silrae, Mar 28, 2017, in forum: 3DS - Hacks, Translations and Utilities. Check out our Crops and Animals Guide, Fashion and Tailoring Guide, and Cooking Exhibition Guide if you're looking for help with contests. Take your time and enjoy everything this charming farm-life game has to offer. Suite 901A Kennewick, WA 99336 United States Phone: 509- 290-5636 Email: #story of seasons #story of seasons trio of towns #sos 3ot #story of seasons 3ot #ludus trio of towns #ludus 3ot #harvest moon #trio of towns #3ot #art #I wasn’t sure whether i liked it more with or without the lighting #this is just a redraw of his blushing sprite lol The pearl color you receive is random from the six colors available: white, yellow, green, red, blue, and gold. Twigs Kennewick 1321 N. Columbia Center Blvd. Farm Circle Service. The last town is Tsuyukusa Town. Take on the role of a young city slicker who has always wished for a life on the farm. There's plenty to do and experience in Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns. Newly-crafted circles will be added to the Fun Time Work Bench on your farm. To force your oyster to produce a white Pearl, place the Ice Light Farm Circle next to its Fish Hatchery. Welcome to Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns, a new addition to the long-running Harvest Moon - now Story of Seasons - series! Ludus can both create new Farm Circles and dissasemble existing Farm Circles. Being able to chop or hammer a single stack of twigs or pebbles is back in this game, so save stamina by placing a stack of twigs … This object is available at Ludus' shop if all three towns are at Rank C or higher and you have harvested at least 50 pearls. Recipe for sale at Carosello once Lulukoko is Town Link Rank B) Love +500 FP gifts: Banana, branches (Pine Branch, Maple Branch, Branch, Twig, etc. Replies: 779 Views: 178,657. [WIP] Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns - True Love Edition Patch. When disassembling FCs you don't want anymore, you'll receive half of the materials used for the circle's initial construction (e.g., the FC required 20 Lumber at construction, and you'll recover 10 Lumber when dissembled). fter creating a customized character, players can live out a new life by cultivating their favorite fruits and vegetables while expanding and filling their farm with their choice of animals. This place is between Westown and Lulukoko Village and unlocks on Summer 5. Tsuyukusa Town. ), Bamboo, Small Lumber, Lumber, Black Lumber, Blue Quill, Purple Quill, Wasabi Octopus, Banana Ice Cream, Banana Au Lait re: Trio of Towns: Beginner's Tips! ... and twigs covering every available surface. A farm pet with the Finding Misc. The original and best-selling farming/life sim returns for its 20th anniversary with a brand new adventure! You'll meet Ginjiro, who runs the Tea-ful Reunion restaurant in town. Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns CIA Download | Best selling and long awaited simulation franchise is back with Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns ROM, a farm-simulation game Developed & Published by Marvelous. job can collect Poison Mushroom for you.. On the Plant Wild Items. As you walk through the towns you'll come across bushes and small trees that have wild items for you to harvest.