who can lift thor's hammer in the movie
A post shared by ☆꧁Justin Denbow꧂☆ (@justin_denbow) on May 2, 2018 at 3:04pm PDT. Sounds easy enough, especially when you’ve got the likes of Steve … Being human-like form ‘Superman’ is not Human he is from a different planet crash-landed on earth adopted by a human being, foster mother name called Martha who adopted & raised him given a name called “Clark”-Superman. The real one was still lying where Thor had dropped it, made invisible by Loki, who also created the false one that would give Deadpool the illusion of Thor's powers and in the process cause a lot of trouble for everyone. Worthiness isn't a fixed trait, but rather something that depends greatly on circumstances, which can change with time. Red Hulk latched onto the moving hammer's momentum to launch both himself and Thor into space, where the combination of his own strength and the lack of gravity allowed him to use the hammer against Thor. That took care of the worthiness requirement, which is what freed Hulk up to use the hammer. Captain America has lifted the hammer to the crowd’s cheers during the climactic battle of Avengers: Endgame. Both Hulk and Red Hulk have become experts at utilizing Mjolnir without actually needing to be worthy of lifting it. It is all possible due to the precious stones he had on this hand of all superheroes. One of the superheroes named “Captain Marvel” Can possibly Lift Thor’s Hammer ‘Mjolnir’. Can Wonder Woman Lift Thor's Hammer? Watch the Avengers try to pick up Thor's hammer. He could harness the magnetic properties of the hammer without actually physically lifting it. A drawing of a Viking Age hammer pendant discovered in Öland, Sweden. However, Odin’s enchantment doesn’t work like that. But when Thor lost control of Mjolnir after his clash with Captain Marvel, the hammer found its way to Diana. So has Odin's first-born child and Thor's sister, Hela. Though it functioned as a quick gag in the movie, it also served the purpose of proving that the Vision was trustworthy when no one had any other evidence to go on. This worthiness issue has never been disclosed completely. Natasha may have a morally grey background, but she is certainly a warrior. So now he also has the powers of Thor … So not only did Storm prove herself worthy, she also willingly gave up incredible power twice – seemingly more proof that she is deserving of the honor. Clark Kent is a powerful being and worthy enough to lift Thor’s hammer, Mjolnir. Cap is all about honesty and doing what's right, but he's also not afraid to lead the charge into battle, making him fit the bill pretty perfectly when it comes to lifting Mjolnir, which he has done twice so far. 2. Captain Marvel is perfectly capable of picking up the ‘Mjolnir ‘as she is like ‘superman’ powers gifted by the creator himself. As this list has proved, loopholes can be instrumental when it comes to lifting Thor's hammer. This leaves behind all the heroes without special abilities and, when it comes time to battle the Frost Giants, that's a problem. 10 Strangest Romances In Spider-Man Comics, 15 Characters Who Have Lifted Thor’s Hammer, MCU’s Loki: 5 Best Fan Theories (& 5 That Likely Won't Happen), Attack Of The Clones: The 5 Best (& 5 Worst) Scenes, Pokémon: The 10 Coolest Rock-Type Pokémon, Mad Men: Peggy's Slow Transformation Over The Years (In Pictures), Netflix's Moxie: 10 Best Quotes From Amy Poehler's New Movie, Adam Sandler’s 15 Most Successful Movies, Ranked According To Box Office Mojo, The Simpsons: 10 Plot Holes That Aren't Actually Plot Holes, 10 War Movies To Watch If You Love Hacksaw Ridge, Star Wars: 5 Lightsaber Fights That Will Live On Forever (& 5 We Wish Hadn't Happened), Survivor: The 10 Most Memorable Jury Member Speeches Of All Time, The Masters Of Evil and 9 Other Directions The MCU Could Be Going, The 10 Highest-Grossing Mobile Games Of All Time, Ranked, MCU: What Your Favorite Friendship Says About You, Yu-Gi-Oh! Even so, it is a shorthand way to show you a lot about a new character; loopholes aside, seeing anyone else besides Thor with Mjolnir makes an impact on the audience. But there are some who can. He doesn’t care about the people or the good of anything. Mjölnir was the primary weapon ofThor Odinson, the Asgardian God of Thunder. This worthiness issue has never been disclosed completely. Thor can easily throw his Hammer to the edge of the Galaxy. Natasha Romanoff got her shot at Mjolnir in another What If…? Thor is shocked till he remembers the hammer can only be lifted by a living being found worthy. Magneto wasn't actually able to lift the hammer, but he was able to manipulate the air around it to much the same effect. How heavy is the Mjolnir? 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Mjolnir, known more formally as Mjölnir is a fictional magical weapon appearing in America books published by Marvel Comics. 1.5 Thor: The Dark World 1.6 Avengers: Age of Ultron 1.7 Thor: Ragnarok 1.8 Avengers: Endgame 1.9 Thor: Love and Thunder … She picked it up easily (while remarking to herself about the subjectivity of "worthiness") and got a serious jolt of power that definitely would have given her an edge over her opponent. That doesn't exactly explain what's different about the Ultimate universe, but hey – they're not comics if they don't have a couple of plot holes. The Marvel What If…? JLA/Avengers wasn't released until 2003. Marvel's Ultimate Universe is an alternate world that is known for its darker and grittier take on familiar heroes. So Thor’s powers are not exclusive. Instead, What If…Rogue Possessed the Power of Thor? It’s either you can lift it or you can’t. After multiple entries dealing in Loki royally messing things up for his brother just out of a self-serving thirst for power, it may come as a surprise to learn he once accomplished his ultimate goal: to possess the power of Thor. Although JLA/Avengers was a big crossover years in the making, but there was a short series in the 90s that pitted classic characters from Marvel and DC against each other to see who would come out on top – a little bit like Celebrity Deathmatch for comics. brought Thor into contact with Conan the Barbarian, a sword-wielding character who existed in a time between cavemen and ancient societies. He is a rich spoilt brat version of Gods. As seen on Download the RunPee app for free: Read more about the RunPee app. Why Shannon Gibbs From NCIS Looks So Familiar. Only the pleading … It’s possible that Magneto lift Thor’s hammer in the Ultimate Universe can, but not in Earth-616 Marvel universe. Loki-Adopted Son of Odin’s Asgardian Royal Family, Being the younger brother of thor is capable of lifting thor’s hammer as he also was given powers by Odin(father) himself, as we all see Loki, he always plays villain’s role in movies trying to beat his brother thor to gain all the powers & become invincible. Thanks once again to Loki's troublemaking, Thor ended up in Conan's land Hyboria with a bad case of amnesia. We know from Thor, The Avengers, Thor: The Dark World and Avengers: Age of Ultron that only those judged worthy can lift Mjolnir. DC Comics and Marvel had been planning a big crossover for a long time before it eventually came to fruition. Thor’s hammer Mjolnir has been wielded by many different heroes over the years.Aside from the Thunder God himself, both Captain America and Beta Ray Bill have proven worthy of the hammer’s power and one future version of Spider-Man, Miguel O’Hara, gained immortality after wielding Mjolnir.Over in the DC Universe, the hammer has even been found and wielded by both Superman … One of the superheroes named “Captain Marvel” Can possibly Lift Thor’s Hammer ‘Mjolnir’. Both characters lived in similarly fantastical settings and were considered great warriors, making a run in between the two plausible. Mjolnir is also susceptible to mere physics. Both Kevin Feige and Brie Larson have stated numerous times that Captain Marvel is the MCU's strongest superhero, and now Larson is asked if Carol Danvers can lift Thor's hammer. However, the Inversion spell is undone during the brawl, causing Loki to once again lose Mjolnir to his brother. Though being a superior character of DC we all await to see such an event (collaborating of DC character & Marvel character) in a movie. The second prevailing theory - and one that may be supported by dialogue in the movie - is that The Vision can pick up Mjolnir due to his nature as an android. As this list has proved, loopholes can be instrumental when it comes to lifting Thor’s hammer. He weighs 1,425lbs. Although Mjolnir is associated exclusively with Thor, he is only one of a few figures in Norse mythology who could lift the world’s most famous hammer. Loki also finally becomes worthy of Mjolnir, which he discovers when he reaches for it during a battle with the newly belligerent Thor. Unless, someone uses their … Hulk is one of the strongest Marvel superheroes (perhaps the strongest) and yet he cannot lift Thor´s hammer (called Mjolnir) because the hammer is magical in nature. A post shared by Chris Evans Online (@teamcevans) on Mar 2, 2020 at 10:21am PST. Odin, because it was his enchantment on the hammer in the first place, so he could do what he liked; while Bor and Buri were simply worthy. Thor can throw his hammer super fast to the point where it surpasses limitless speed itself. Here's a list of supervillains, and some who used to be supervillains, that have lifted Thor's hammer for various reasons. Captain Marvel is perfectly capable of picking up the ‘Mjolnir ‘as she is like ‘superman’ powers gifted by the creator himself. In all the movies & series Superman is called “Man of Steel”, it is likely to say that Superman might be able to lift Thor Hammer (Mjolnir) effortlessly. Eric was just a regular guy, a construction worker, when he came into contact with the God of Thunder. View this post on Instagram. During the original Mjölnir scene, it does look like the hammer moves a smidge when Cap tries to lift it, briefly alarming Thor in the process. In the performance of his many godly duties, Thor is rarely depicted without his trusted hammer, Mjolnir. Superman is one of the most powerful characters amongst all superheroes but hasn’t depicted in any ‘Avengers’ movie. DEADPOOL However, there is a catch: Deadpool wasn't actually in possession of the real Mjolnir. He was the first one outside the Norse pantheon […] Wonder Woman's opponent was X-Men's Storm, though prior to the rumble she had a shot with Mjolnir. There are no tricks or loopholes involved in her being able to lift it, aside from the general alternate universe theme of the story; she is simply worthy of Mjolnir in that moment. Since Magneto can manipulate magnetic fields, he would be able to move the hammer no matter where it locked itself into place. Luckily it had a lot of flash and dramatics to make up for the wait. As a newly empowered Goddess of Thunder, she battled with Thor, but instead of harming him she snagged Mjolnir so that she could destroy Stormcaster once and for all. 3:49. Odin recognized this and decided the fair way to resolve this situation would be for Bill and Thor to fight it out – again. Here's why Steve Rogers couldn't lift Thor's hammer in Avengers: Age of Ultron but Captain America could in Avengers: Endgame. Infinity War co-directors Joe and Anthony Russo have finally revealed how Groot was able to lift Thor's new weapon in the film. Speaking with Buzzfeed Brazil for the CCXP, Brie Larson is asked, "One nerdy question for you: Do you think Captain Marvel is able to lift Thor's hammer?" But hey, Stan Lee couldn’t move it either, not even with a truck (in a cute cameo scene, below). Here are 15 Characters Who Have Lifted Thor’s Hammer. Hence, it would make sense for Cap to be able to nudge the hammer in Age of Ultron — because let’s face it, he’s still a gem of a guy — but not lift it all the way. For a while, Eric functioned as Thor's identity when he wasn't running around in a cape and helmet – any time Thor needed to be a civilian, he assumed the identity of Eric Masterson. Related Videos. It gave her powers similar to Thor's, but Storm wasn't interested in Loki's games and power plays. He says that only the worthy can lift this hammer. Beta Ray Bill: The Mighty Thor #337 (1983) Alien Beta Ray Bill holds a special place in the Marvel Universe. What is the scientific reason behind the fact that only Thor can lift his hammer and not others? By Mike Cecchini | April 28, 2020 | … Well, for starters, the hammer in question, Mjolnir, can only be wielded by those who are considered “worthy,” a little mystical insurance policy put on it by Thor’s dad, Odin. She goes along at first until a visit from Thor's spirit convinces her to honor her new position as the Goddess of Thunder and do some good with it. A post shared by Avengers (@avengers) on May 13, 2018 at 11:55am PDT. Thor drops the hammer and Deadpool takes advantage of the relative chaos to locate it first; deprived of the object that allows him to transform into his godlike form, Thor takes on the appearance of his human alter ego and Deadpool is suddenly sprouting a cape. One such story takes the moment when Rogue and others in the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants attack the Avengers. His ability to copycat any quality he came into contact with led to Awesome Andy being able to copy that specific quality that makes Thor who he is: his nobility and purity of purpose. It’s a complete shock later in the film (Avenger age of Ultron) when Vision (Paul Bettany) effortlessly lifts up the thor’s hammer to hand it to the Asgardian God. Because of that, Andy could lift Mjolnir, which was the event that sparked off his quest for independence in the first place. Thor says "I knew it!" Odin, Thor´s father, enchanted the hammer so only someone who is "worthy" can use it and thus possess the power of Thor. However, in the main Marvel universe, Magneto is unable to control Thor's hammer at all. Groot was able to hand Thor the new hammer, Stormbreaker, during a key moment of Avengers: Infinity War, even sacrificing one of his own limbs to serve as the hammer… Unfortunately Cap didn't get a cool new cape out of the deal. Superman was able to use Mjolnir once to deliver an important blow to the enemy, but later in the issue when he tried to pick up the hammer to return it to Thor, he could no longer lift it. In the full trailer for the upcoming "Avengers: Age of Ultron," the gang doesn't understand why they can't lift the fabled Mjolnir. Because of that, many characters have had a chance to access the power of Thor – some through loopholes, some thanks to cheating. The hammer is forged from a particular metal not native to Earth called Uru, and because it is not native to Earth, it's less able to be controlled by Magneto. Hulk has pulled some similar maneuvers himself (grabbing onto the hammer while it is in motion and going along for the ride) but once during a showdown with Thanos he was able to handle the hammer while Thor was still holding onto it. Thor and Conan met and became fast friends thanks to shared interests, i.e. Mutants, otherwise known as Homo Superior, are essentially human in nature but what makes them different is the presence of the X-Gene in their DNA. Finally, Science Explains Why No One Can Lift Thor's Hammer. The film Avengers: Age of Ultron delivered a mini twist in the form of newly created humanoid robot, the Vision, being able to casually pick up Thor's hammer and hand it to him. Mjolner is a weapon that any one would die to bear and well, it’s a saying that whoever lifts the hammer would be worthy of its powers. The new Thor had taken over at a time when the original Thor (going by Odinson when de-powered) was no longer worthy of Mjolnir. A one-stop shop for all things video games. Those lifting Thor’s Hammer (from the movies alone, not the comic books):-----Content continues below-----The World's Most Indispensable Movie App. At a Thor Spotlight Panel at Baltimore Comic Con in 2010 Walt talked about the reason why Beta Ray Bill was able to lift the hammer. issue, in which Thor is, once again, dead thanks to the catastrophic events of Ragnarok, an apocalypse based in Norse mythology that takes the lives of all the superpowered heroes. The Ultimate Comics version of Magneto was able to lift the hammer by his vast power of electromagnetism. Honor doesn't necessarily win a fight, though, and Storm ultimately took home the victory. Loki Tries To Lift Thor's Hammer Mjolnir Scene - Thor (2011) Movie CLIP HDTM & © Disney (2011)Fair use. Experiencing Thor's sense of justice made him able to seek justice for himself. Even fewer in the DC Universe can make that claim. In the movie, Thor Ragnarok-thor’s older sister (Hela) is officially the daughter of Odin’s & Loki’s older adopted sister. As a mutant with the powers of weather manipulation, X-Men member Storm has something in common with the God of Thunder right off the bat. He is able to be freed from the control of the Mad Thinker and strikes out on his own. Odin, Thor´s father, enchanted the hammer so only someone who is "worthy" can use it and thus possess the power of Thor. Having been jealous of Thor since childhood, Loki had gone through just about every scheme and trick he could to get Mjolnir, or at least get it away from Thor. A post shared by J.Michael Trautmann (@jmacdakid) on Jun 25, 2020 at 1:47pm PDT. 'Avengers: Endgame' directors Joe and Anthony Russo explain why Captain America was able to lift Thor's hammer Mjolnir in the mega-hit sequel. 'Avengers: Endgame' directors Joe and Anthony Russo explain why Captain America was able to lift Thor's hammer Mjolnir in the mega-hit sequel. She rejected Stormcaster, though many years later she came to hold it again. Have any other characters held the hammer? Thanos is also capable of lifting & striking with the Storm Breaker which is the latest Mjolnir (Hammer axe) used by thor at present. It was eventually revealed to be none other than Thor's on-again/off-again love interest Jane Foster. Even Thor himself had to prove his worthiness to his father Odin to receive the hammer – and he's lost it a fair few times through the years, too. In the first Thor movie, Thor is kind of a douche bag. 20 JANE FOSTER When Thor is suddenly incapable of lifting his hammer, Mjolnir gives his ex, Jane Foster, the strength to lift it up and become the new Thor in his absence. In Ultimatum #5, Magneto used magnetism powers to lift Mjolnir. Not everyone has proven worthy of lifting Thor's hammer – but here are fifteen characters who have managed it anyway. Thor Tries To Lift His Hammer (Scene) Movie CLIP HD - YouTube But who else can lift his special hammer? Avengers Age of Ultron (2015) - Lifting Thor's Hammer - Funny Moment - Movie CLIP HD [1080p 60 FPS HD ] One of the funniest scene in the movie. Of all of the symbols in Norse mythology, Thor’s Hammer ( Old Norse Mjöllnir, pronounced roughly “MIOL-neer”) is one of the most historically important, and is probably the best known today. Which is why Steve Rogers has proven worthy of wielding the hammer on three separate occasions. He leaves Mjolnir to his new best friend Conan, who is able to use it to become a god. being super tall muscular guys who like to battle. Rather than being worthy on her own, Mjolnir seems to recognize her as Thor. Brie Larson shakes her head up … A recent trailer for Avengers: Age of Ultron trailer may have answered the age-old question. 5 DC Heroes Who Could Lift Thor's Hammer (& 5 Who Don't Stand A Chance) Few people in the Marvel Universe can claim to be worthy of Mjolnir. This is implied by Steve and Tony near the end of the movie, with the following dialogue: THOR: He can lift the hammer, he can keep the Mind Stone. In the regular canon, Rogue's ability to absorb the life force of others had her zapping Carol Danvers of her powers and vitality. The power of Thor is bestowed upon any person who can lift the hammer. Awesome Android was created as both a servant and an underling, someone to do the Thinker's bidding without asking any questions. Thor: Mostly he can lift his own darn weapon, but sometimes he couldn’t. Ancient mythology says “Mjolnir” is forged by Dwarven blacksmiths, by using the fictional Asgardian metal ‘uru’. No one unworthy can lift Thor's hammer. 1. Eric Masterson has the makings of a very traditional heroic backstory: he was a very normal man who found himself in extraordinary circumstances and rose to the challenge. Both times involved the Avengers in some serious danger, facing huge threats that knocked Thor out of commission and left Cap to pick up the slack. If any Avenger other than Thor is worthy of lifting Mjolnir, it has to be Captain America. Not only can he lift the hammer but he KOs the God of Thunder. Mjolnir, which first appears in Journey into Mystery #83 (August 1962), was created by writer Stan Lee and designed by artists Jack Kirby and Joe Sinnott. That's it, guys, movie is over (lol). However, in 2003, the ‘ JLA/Avengers’ crossover was finally published, and it was not disappointing. This was how Eric was able to use Mjolnir. 42.3 pounds How much does Thor weigh in the movie? In the Thor movies we have seen that only Thor can lift up his hammer Mjolnir. He used it to rally the other Avengers to fight their enemy the Serpent. Hulk is one of the strongest Marvel superheroes (perhaps the strongest) and yet he cannot lift Thor´s hammer (called Mjolnir) because the hammer is magical in nature. In Avengers: Endgame Captain America lifts the hammer of Thor. Angry Bird – Easy DIY Origami Craft Tutorial, 15 Awesome Bedroom Design Ideas for Small & Medium House. A surface-level comparison between Thor and Wonder Woman suggests that the Amazonian may actually be more worthy than the God of Thunder to wield Mjolnir. Before that, the Avengers gather near the film's start to playfully see whether each can lift Thor's hammer. Page 2: Avengers And Others Who Have Lifted Thor's Hammer. Thor's father Odin, who gifted Thor the hammer in the first place, has naturally shown the ability to wield it. Can Wonder Woman lift Thor's hammer? Still, Thor's hammer is his, because it deems him "worthy." But in the comic books, the list of ‘Mjolnir Worthy’ is way longer. The villain dies, but despite being the God of Thunder, so does Thor. Magneto's electromagnetic powers gave him the ability to manipulate all kinds of metals, and it turned out that Mjolnir was no exception to Magneto's sphere of influence. Who else can lift Thor’s hammer? They fought and Mjolnir got away from Thor, which is when Bill discovered he was able to pick it up. As this list has proved, loopholes can be instrumental when it comes to lifting Thor's hammer. Yes. Thor battled an alien called Beta Ray Bill, who knocked away Thor’s hammer and, surprisingly, was able to to lift it. In ancient (Norse mythology) mythology, Mjolnir – the Hammer of Thor, is considered one of the most fearsome and powerful weapons in existence, capable of releasing lighting from it. The rule of Thor's mystical hammer is simple and straightforward: whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor. A post shared by Bloodsport (@metin_pacino) on Jun 26, 2020 at 11:13pm PDT. That's the message emblazoned on the hammer, Mjolnir, but it gets a little less clear cut in practice; the determination of worthiness decided by an inanimate, if magical, object can be easy to shift one way or another as the plot requires. The Hulk and Beta Ray Bill have both wielded it at full power when acting in a worthy manner as deemed by Odin. If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device. The last time we saw someone else wield Thor's hammer was in 2015's "Avengers: Age of Ultron." There was a time he wasn’t worthy, remember — he was a spoiled Asguardian godling in the first Thor film. Odin named one hammer Mjolnir and then the other hammer Stormbreaker? Mjolnir is lost during their adventures and, once Thor regains his memories, he's on a quest to find it (he should get one of those trackers for it that people put on their car keys). Both Hulk and Red Hulk have become experts at utilizing Mjolnir without actually needing to be worthy of lifting it. The resultant surge of power kills Vision and Iron Man, and also leads to the deaths of everyone in the Brotherhood. He can lift it, if deemed worthy by Odin. Worthiness is not constant, but, it can be circumstantial and can change with time. When the most recent Thor title featured a female iteration of the character on the cover, it grabbed a lot of media attention – especially when the creators behind it insisted the new mystery woman was Thor. It will be safe with him. Rogue is understandably at a very low place, at which point Loki smarms in to take advantage of the situation. *Morgan Freeman voice* Allow me to take you on a small journey to the past- just about 10 years ago. We have also seen him dodging all the strikes by thor with the hammer & counter striking back with the same Hammer. The Rule of Mjolnir As we saw in the first Thor movie, Odin enchanted the hammer so it may only be used by the worthy. : 10 Ways Joey Could Have Improved His Dueling Game, Snyder Cut: 10 Things Only Justice League Comic Fans Know About Martian Manhunter, 10 Famous Movie Scenes That Are Referenced Again And Again, 10 Iconic Richard Linklater Characters, Ranked By Intelligence. Sometimes it was tied to a specific action: defeating the villain was a worthy goal, so Superman was worthy then, but just handing the hammer back? The side of the hammer has its name scripted “Whosoever holds the Hammer, if someone worthy, He / She shall possess the power of Thor & able to lift the hammer (Mjolnir)” which is further toughened by a magical spell from Thor’s father ‘Odin’, these rules only apply to superheroes who are enlightened & morally pure, Well not only superheroes but the entire family of Odin’s are capable of lifting & destroying the Hammer & it’s power. So to make him worthy, Odin casts a spell on Mjolnir. His plan is to use Rogue to take out Odin, leaving them free to conquer both Asgard and Earth. Videos you watch may be added to the TV's watch history and influence TV recommendations. The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. So yeah. Some have theorized that having the heart of a warrior is of great importance when utilizing Thor's hammer – it doesn't only require nobility and honor, but certain qualities that would be admirable to a society of Norse warrior gods. But, if you still don’t agree to it, a person has built a Thor Hammer (Mjolnir) by using his technical skills which only he is worthy to lift. The Allfather is just giving those out like candy on Halloween, it seems. Can Magneto lift Thor’s hammer? Captain America . The recent Avengers: Age of Ultron had a fun party scene that addressed the question of worthiness head-on, with each Avenger giving it their best shot, to no avail. Well, the movie proofs this saying. Whether this means Conan is worthy or not is up to debate; perhaps having Thor's stamp of approval is enough. But no matter how, they all got a taste of that power for a panel or two. DC and Marvel planned to crossover back in 1979, but unfortunately, it got canceled. On a mission to find a new place to live, Bill came into contact with Thor himself. Now the power of Thor is not the ability to lift the hammer. Bill won again, but that didn't mean he got to keep the hammer; instead, as a pretty sweet consolation prize, Odin created a new hammer for him called Stormbreaker that Bill could wield himself. Thousands of years after that, he eventually bequeathed the hammer to his son Thor, who had sought for years to lift it. While Thor and his mighty hammer did indeed share a special bond, here are the others in the MCU who Mjolnir also deemed worthy to lift it: This Page: Asgardians Who Lifted Thor's Hammer. As everyone is getting overwhelmed, Natasha is sent out to retrieve the hammer. Since Air-Walker isn’t a human but an android he’s able to lift the hammer. Deadpool does so while Thor is on a heroic mission. The inscription on Mjolnir reads; "Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor." However, he was also designed to be able to absorb the abilities and talents of others to become more powerful; this had the unfortunate (for the inventor) side effect of making Awesome Andy sentient. One interesting thing about Bill is that he was designed to be purposefully hideous, to throw audiences off until his inner nobility was revealed. ‘Avengers: Age of Ultron’ proved a huge success in the wake of its predecessor, ‘Avengers Assemble’ – taking a combine total of almost $3 billion. Perhaps being worthy in this context …