Your eyebrows furrowed in concern, sensing there was more to awakening than he let on. “Sokka said, you, he said you’d appreciate it. Toph sat on the floor close to the campfire. With Tenor, maker of GIF Keyboard, add popular Smile animated GIFs to your conversations. 22-ene-2021 - Explora el tablero "Zuko " de Lau (Scott), que 107 personas siguen en Pinterest. we don’t know the extent of ozai’s abuse on zuko, but we can probably assume that it must’ve been…excessive for zuko to assume any physical touch is to harm him. He looks to you, a silent question full of yearning in his irises. but as y/n was being lifted up he saw her lips move and smiled sadly “i love you zuko always”. just as y/n had sat down with her cup of tea a small knock could be heard on the door, the girl smiled at the noise, “zuko how many time have i told you, you really don’t need to knock” y/n explained as the young man walked taking off his coat and placing it over the chair, “i know you’ve said it’s okay love but i’m always going to knock” zuko huffed out , y/n’s heart fluttering at his nickname for her although noticing zuko’s unusually down mood, “zuko come sit down what’s wrong?” y/n gesturing to the boy placing her cup of tea on the coffee table as zuko sat down, “it’s really nothing just my family makes me a bit stressed sometimes. lots of love -smells x, “hey can i request a zuko x reader where they’re all fighting in ba sing se and the reader is the one that ends up electrocuted by azula and zuko has feelings for the reader so he gets like really upset”, sorry for the lack of content school is kicking my but with all the work, but in honour of. He studies you, lips parted as you slowly trail your eyes up his body before finding his face, pausing at his lips for just a moment too long. you are sokka and katara’s older sister. He grins a little over the tea and Katara smiles, bending her tea so it swirls and he can see the steam evaporating. Katara, Y/N and Suki play MKH on Aang, Zuko, Sokka. you set your heels down slowly, tip-toeing into the kitchen to get yourself some water. He peered at you with pretend sternness, fighting back his amusement. You instantly knew from his appearance that today was fairly stressful. He hadn’t thought much of carving her a necklace, he’d been unsteady at first, using his firebending to help with gouging the stone into the pattern he’d wanted. The two of you sat in comfortable silence for a few moments, subtly leaning into each other. Zuko’s eyes responded with I love you too Zuko looked at her soft lips to her eyes saying yes. Summary: Y/n finally decides to have a talk with Zuko with surprising results. “I’m good Aang but thank you,” Katara said in a kind tone. 193 Followers, 829 Following, 7576 pins - See what smiling cookie (bluecookiesmile) found on Pinterest, the home of the world's best ideas. ”Katara…” Zuko hesitates and holds out a small box towards her. “How does that not burn you?” He carefully lets the fire dance over his fingers in answer. “How do you not freeze.” He fires back when she offers to cool his lunch. Katara doesn’t comment on how she sees blue and green fires in between the red he often calls up. Pro publico bono — well, yes, it's another zukka fanart ¯\_( ... Zukka/Gallery | Shipping Wiki | Fandom. zuko placed a kiss on the girls forehead the rain pattering out side causing the couple to drift off to sleep. you groaned, rolling your eyes dramatically. I love those ones and I really want more of these sweet stories”. “What was it, earlier I mean.” He clarifies and she shrugs, fingers going to the necklace yet again. Zukka Tea | Avatar airbender, The last avatar, Avatar zuko. i’m not even doing it on purpose it’s just that much serotonin. Warnings: a LOT of cursing, sorry I am a Sailor, blushy Zuko. “i will always do what's best for you, honey”. danny zucco 3375 GIFs. But he needs to know where you stand: what motivates you? hellozuko: “ Anonymous asked: Can you make a post of a bunch of smiling/kind Zuko gifs/pictures? “And then that’s the last order!”. He smiles softly down at you, memorizing every detail of your face. “Okay, um I would marry Zuko because once you get to know him he’s so kind, romantic, mysterious, handsome, he has a gorgeous smile, and I don’t know why not to he just makes my heart flutter, I would kiss Sokka because Sokka ‘s nice and cool and I would hug Aang because he just makes me want to have him as a little brother,” Y/N said with a blush as the moonlight and seawater touched her skin. he can see for himself that she’s okay with him, but look at his expression, look at his hands. Aang calls Zuko smart, and he smiles. Your eyes suddenly fly open, body caving in on itself and sinking below the glassy surface. zuko, mmm he should be finishing up his meeting soon, y/n smiled to herself, thinking about the fire lord looking out towards the garden daydreaming of seeing him later, “what are you smiling about love?” a voice whispered into her ear, arms snaking around her waist, “zuko” y/n smiled turning around to face the man, after becoming fire lord zuko changed a lot not just in mental sense but physically as well, no longer being the puny boy she once knew, now a strong man with broad shoulders and a smile that y/n was so glad to see more regularly, “i thought that your meetings didn’t finish till later today?” questioned y/n, “no i just got aang to handle the last couple of papers, honestly i’m so glad we are going to see the gaang later i could use a night off” exclaimed zuko pulling y/n closer resting his head in the crook of her neck, “zuko, babe i know you are tired but someone could see us” exclaimed y/n worry lacing her voice attempting to shrug him off her only to have zuko pull her in tighter, “you, know i’ve been thinking i think we should tell the gaang tonight” mumbled zuko lifting his head off y/n shoulder to look her in the eye, “really! His eyes flutter shut, lips finally pressing against yours and thumb coming up to stroke your cheek. Katara and Suki left Y/N and said that they were going to get water as they both wiggled their eyebrows at Y/N. your own Pins on Pinterest :) ” Is it hard to talk to you? until he gets a girlfriend and you realize you’re in love with him. like maybe camping in the woods or in an actual camping area and then during the day you go to the river nearby and fish or swim. It felt like water quenching his everlasting thirst. GIF by forgotten-or-unknown-truestories. She’s content to watch him, wondering how he feels about the clouds covering the light he’s used to basking in. “Not right this second, perhaps breakfast first.” She smirks and he nods following her through halls he’d never thought he’d walk in again. Find GIFs with the latest and newest hashtags! If you communicate openly, and willing to put effort and care into the relationship, there's nothing that could stop you two. Y/N was confused until Zuko sat next to her. I’ve been really happy that AtLA has finally dropped on Netflix USA - I know a lot of people haven’t seen it before, and I’ve been watching it virtually with some friends who haven’t either. You splash him playfully, ruefully taking note of his ability to still stand, before leaning back and closing your eyes. The kiss was tender long and soft. While across from them were Aang, Zuko, and Sokka. you, mai, and zuko are seniors in college, sokka and suki are juniors, katara, aang, and toph are sophomores. A/N: sorry this is short but this is a quick update. you shut the door behind you quietly, looking around to see if anyone was there. The third image is another close-up still of the GIF. your own Pins on Pinterest “i was never angry with you.” i was sad, because i was afraid you’d lost your way. He is really supportive. “No one” Y/N squeaked. The scene takes place in a closed courtyard with yellow fans on the walls. “Hey we all know you like my brother,” Katara said while Y/N laughed. The moon high in the heavens, light beaming down and kissing the horizon, silver-lined clouds floating in the midnight sky. cue the emotional heart to heart on the incline and he has to take a seat to finish crying, tbh it’s really eye-opening for the both of you. fun politics gaming repost cats sports reactiongifs more streams › Hot New. I know being firelord that it’s a serious topic and-”. like—katara is smiling and telling zuko that she’s ready to forgive him, but he still assumes he’ll get hurt. He holds you in his grasp, delicate fingers tracing pointless circles on your hips, warm palms supporting your weight as you sway in the waves. Are you crying?” She tries not to laugh but a few giggles slip out and Zuko steps over to hug her. No matter how did you end up together, he took his time to get to know you, even if there was an obvious attraction between you two. You smile gratefully, eyelids drooping once more. Zuko watched you from afar, his lips curving with fondness. keep requesting! You feel the coolness of the waves, the heaviness of your body. He will put his whole heart into it, and if you do the same, your love will last forever. He spread his legs out in front of him, his feet barely tickled by the incoming waves. zuko x reader . this is quite a sweet one i hope you enjoy it, keep requesting! It’s so cute :) Zuko took off his cloak covering Y/N and wrapped an arm around her. Ver más ideas sobre avatar la leyenda de aang, avatar la leyenda, avatar. “Long enough to know that you feel the same,” Zuko said with a bright smile. He loves it all and would be just generally happy to have some physical contact with you. anyways i hope you enjoy this wonderful request. He gets really snappy and sassy when he is jealous, be patient with him and try to reassure him that you wouldn't just leave him for someone else, that will make calm him faster, and he will apologize for being snarky. zuko x fem!reader fluff, angst smau (it has the social media elements, but not as much as the last series), summary - being zuko’s best friend is the easiest thing in the world. You pull apart with short gasps, drunk off the taste of one another's lips and closeness. Although he didn’t like to admit it out loud, he loved the way your touch felt against his skin. You loved the ocean, after all. His arm pressed against yours as he sat, a pleasant shiver making its way up your spine. But he can very passionate, especially when he is jealous, or when you are teasing him enough~. He is pointing at it with his right hand and smiling with his mouth closed. She knows despite firebenders running warmer than others they prefer to be in the sun, they prefer to be in the warmth like gilacorns and when penguin otters like to sun themselves. all mine - fire lord! He modeled it after the necklace she’d always worn, although he adds another symbol that’s meant to be a swirl of fire, he wonders if it’s inappropriate to use a different stone, he doesn’t ask her father preferring to keep what he’s doing a secret. You laugh, quickly running after him and diving under the waves. His mouth moves against yours in a flurry of adoration and longing, his repressed emotions and feelings for his friend coming out of him in a warm embrace. lots of love. The kiss was tender long and soft. hi lovelies, i had this idea this afternoon and thought i might be able to make into a oneshot. He thought you looked very pretty, hair messy from the ocean breeze and starlight reflected against the smoothness of your skin. I saw it in the market and thought of you.” Katara doesn’t think she’d seen him want to run so intensely in her life as she carefully opens the box. Y/N pulled his cloak to make him closer to her. He is looking slightly towards the ground and has a worried expression on his face. You get the message, responding by nudging your nose towards his, eyelashes dancing across his skin. He felt guilty. Search, discover and share your favorite Smirking GIFs. Only you would ask him to go swimming in the middle of the night. The fourth picture is showing Toph in her fire nation disguise clothing. llll Hunderte wunderschöne animierte Smileys & Smilies Gifs, Bilder und Animationen. He wordlessly stood up, peeling off his burgundy robes and glancing back at you with a grin before bounding off into the awaiting waters. everyone talked about old memories from there travels around the fire laughing but zuko had seemed off to y/n all night. Aug 21, 2015 - This Pin was discovered by Itzel Martinez. y/n teased the girl giving her a wink before picking up the two juices “orange or apple?”, “toph likes orange” katara exclaimed placing it in the shopping cart before walking to check out, “speaking of boyfriends, you and zuko have been hanging out a lot recently y/n have anything to tell?” katara questioned raising a brow at her best friend paying the cashier and collecting the bags, “we have english lit together, he is my assignment partner besides he’s also one of aang’s best friends and he lives across the hall so of course i’m going to see him a bit uh oh” y/n stared out to the car park the rain pouring down heavily not looking like it would be stopping any time soon, “i suppose this means we have to make a run for it” katara sighed out before handing over half the bags to y/n before sprinting to the car, katara unlocked the door only to be met with four people sitting on her couch watching tv, the heads whipped around to see who was entering, “hello people who do not live here” katara exclaimed dropping the bags on the kitchen table then walked to the sink to wring her hair out of water, “ah i see you got stuck in the rain” sokka said sarcastically trying not to laugh at his sister’s drown rat like appearance, “you really are so observant sokka” y/n heaved dropping the heavy bags on the table before following katara’s actions, “did you get orange juice for me?” toph piped up from the couch, “yes toph we did, y/n you want the first shower i just need to talk aang for a bit first in my room” the girl winked at her boyfriend causing aang to turn a bright shade of red, “well that’s our cue to leave come on toph we can go play xbox at mine” sokka exclaimed getting up off the couch, toph following him after both disscussing a new game that was coming out, after y/n had showered katara and aang had gone out for dinner leaving y/n in the apartment all by herself an occurance that wasn’t too regular. “Oh, um...just couldn’t sleep either.”. i also had a kuvira fic lined up to post but i ended up deleting it while editing so i’m not sure when i’ll be able to post that for now :/ hopefully this will make up for it, the hug between katara and zuko is kinda how i imagined zuko and y/n would look like enjoy! keep requesting, swaying in the moon light - zuko x reader. With a lovelorn smile, he leaned forward and pecked your forehead before he even realized what he was doing. your own Pins on Pinterest i’ve missed you— ow katara what was that for?”y/n pouted as the water tribe girl pulled her away from the boy who was now smirking at the two girls, “y/n you know him, this is the guy that’s been hunting us down? “I’m good Aang, I’ll stay with Katara and Suki,” Y/N said in a soft tone. Of course Anon! I hope you enjoy this one because i think it’s my favourite one yet. His feet carry him towards you, toes slipping through the grains that litter the earth’s surface. Since Sokka is my brother I get a write-in,” Katara smiled before nodding to Suki. “Okay I would marry Sokka because he makes me laugh, kiss Zuko because he’s interesting, and hug Aang, don’t get me wrong Aang is nice and everything but I see him more as a little brother,” Suki said before nodding to Y/N. He has his slight mood swings sometimes, and with that, it is not easy for him to be affectionate in every situation, but Zuko is not afraid to express his love to you. a/n: oh, i like this concept!!!! Is there anything you need?”. Zuko entered his royal chambers to you already asleep on the bed, clinging to the sheets for comfort. “Sorry, didn’t mean to startle you.” She bows a little, she knows she doesn’t really need to, there’s no one here to see her ‘disrespect’ the firelord as she’d been chastised once before about. The second image is a close-up of Sokka and Zuko, Zuko is looking at Sokka, whose back is turned to the audience. - smells x, I love the concept of the gaang interacting with all there children and i haven’t seen to many oneshots about it. He’s sitting in front of the massive pond meditating and Katara can see the flame moving in time with his breathing. You stroke his cheek lovingly, grinning up at the prince as he brings you closer to the warmth of his body. Thank you for your request! “who’s fabulous idea was it to camp at the top of a snowy mountain for the night?” toph exclaimed teeth chattering arm linked with sokka’s, “it’s a good idea toph, that way we throw off azula she’d never expect us to go on top of a snowy mountain-n” aang chattered out his face a pailer version than usual sitting practically on top of katara for body warmth, “next time we need to hide maybe we should go to the beach” y/n muttered out sitting extremely close to the fire with multiple layers on arms and legs tangled with the rest of the gaang, zuko laughed at his friends being a firebender his body temperature tended to be quite warm especially in cold temperatures, the fire bender was extremely amused by his friends attempt to get warmer, “what are you laughing at sparky pants, you think us freezing to death it funny” y/n practically snarled out to the boy, everyone groaning knowing that this would be the start to yet another arguing match between the two, y/n began to smile until she saw azula the way her feet began to shift, her arms moving into the formation and the sinister look in her eyes, aang rising in the avatar state, unknown to what is about to happen, y/n began to run towards to young avatar, the flames shooting out of her hands launching her off the ground, the crack of lighting leaving azula’s hand caught everyone’s attention zuko turning wide eyed, a flame of blue light engulfing her entire body, the pain searing across her front, zuko cry echoed through y/n’s brain before darkness consumed the girl, sweat dripped down y/n’s forehead as the girl shot up, heavy breaths being forced out of her lungs, “cereal, check, milk, check, bacon and eggs, check check” y/n exclaimed out loud, katara marking each item off her list as y/n pushed the trolley through the super market isles, “okay all that’s left is juice and we can go home” katara sighed out smiling at the thought of laying with her boyfriend on the couch snuggling into his chest…, “hello earth to katara, let me guess dreaming about your dreamy boyfriend aang again? “You didn’t. why is that, sis?” sokka asked. Eyes closed, you can still see the brightness of the moon through your eyelids and can feel the silkiness of the breeze. He had woken up from nightmares, memories of his father plaguing his mind and chasing him from the sanctuary of sleep. “Just couldn’t sleep, I guess. The pay was good, even better than my previous job, and I loved working here. “i stayed the night at jet’s,” you shrugged. For Zuko, finding a special someone he can trust and love, it's not really a quest to find anyone who would be willing to share their life with him. 30939122. Alle animierten Smileys & Smilies Grafiken und Cliparts sind komplett kostenlos und können direkt verlinkt, heruntergeladen oder per E-Card versendet werden. “Mhm, okay the how about we play Marry Kiss Hug then, the options are Aang, Sokka, and Zuko,” Katara said seeing through Y/N’s lie. what about me?” y/n looked up at him tears in her eyes looking for some sort of remorse in his face but all that looked at her was a blank expression, “not anymore” zuko stated his heart breaking further and further as he saw tears run down his best friends face, i love you y/n but i need to keep you safe, “katara!y/n!” aang voice rang out and he ran to the girls engulfing them in hug as he glared at zuko, iroh quickly catching up and doing the same to zuko, the both of them explaining the situation as azula and her minions sauntered into the cavern, the fight was vicious the two siblings joined forces there fire power too strong for katara to hold back by herself, aang is almost in the avatar state i can take them for a while, “hey over here!” y/n shouted shooting a ball of fire between the two siblings,azula’s cackle echoed through the cavern as she turned around to face y/n, “well well if it isn’t y/n l/n, looks like you’ve been crying did zuzu break your heart again?” the girl shot a beam of fire at y/n who dodged it skilfully, zuko shot a wave of fire to katara as his emotions became to hard to control, “what happened to you two, what happened to the kind people i used to know” y/n exclaimed shooting a ray of fire back at azula directing her voice to zuko, “honey people change” azula cackled fire streaming out of both her hands knocking y/n back onto the wall as she attempt to block it the girl falling to the ground, aang started to help katara as y/n recovered the two of them holding the siblings off until aang had the chance to go into the avatar he began to rise light shooting out of his body, y/n smiled to herself as she arose from the floor, her smile began to drop as she saw azula positioning herself to summon the lighting from within herself, it all happened in slow motion azula stuck out her arm lighting ejecting out of her finger tips, y/n shot flames out of her hands projecting her self into the firing line yelling, zuko’s eyes widened as he saw y/n’s body engulfed in the blue energy, his screams loud as he ran to catch her falling body arms spread wide, he caught her and fell tears streaming down his face, shaking her seeing if she would wake up but with no luck he began to brush the hair out of her face as he whispered into her ear, “please y/n please open your eyes i didn’t mean any of it i was trying to keep you safe, i love you” zuko sobbed cradling the girls burnt body as katara sprinted over to y/n assuring zuko that you need treatment and to get out of here now, so zuko watched y/n’s limp body being taken away from him as katara lifted the young girl up and created a wave of water to carry y/n out of the cavern to safety.