aang vs naruto death battle
even if he could counter the rasengan, he would have been powerless against lava style. He previously fought Monkey D. Luffy in an episode of One Minute Melee. Forum Posts. Aang is at a huge disadvantage in this fight, and even if he tries to energy bend, I doubt his will is strong enough to completely overpower Naruto's, if it would even work since Chakra, unlike bending, is a natural life force everyone in Naruto possesses, and is different from what powers bending. no comments yet. Naruto vs Avatar the Last Airbender! R4 End of Part 1 vs All elements mastered no curse mark or avatar state. the two began walking back to the village, still bickering. The unnecessary tragedy of the death of his son brought about a new perspective in Iroh and he would go on to live a much more honorable and peaceful life. Aang was born as the child of two Air Nomads, but when he selected four specific relics out of thousands of toys, it was confirmed that he was the next Avatar, a master of all four elements. Periodatical cries of "oomph", "ahh", and "OW!" how do we know Naruto is fast as light? This is a job for the Hokage.". Follow 6116. Aang's many voices shouted in unison. Naruto held his right hand out with an ethereal arm hovering over it. Avatar Aang vs Gon Freecss (Completed) 10. And while Aang takes versatility and with Avatar State experience, that doesn't change the fact that nothing he has done in combat is comparable to Naruto (Aang struggels against Ozai under that Comet and had to go Avatar State to win). Naruto Uzumaki is the titular protagonist of the Japanese manga series, Naruto. This episode features the main protagonist from the Avatar The Last Airbender TV show series (Aang) VS the main protagonist from the video game Ōkami (Amaterasu) . New threadmarks. R2: Naruto being taught by wind benders and Aang being taught by pervy sage. Tickets. Nah, I feel something like Flash vs Sonic would have fit better, but whatever. "You took too long, your getting weak Naruto" Sasuke taunted. Add photoAang vs. Danny Phantom vs. Spongebob is a What-If? and he was only a kid! as the clone enters into a blitz against Aang, who is using earthbending to hold the clone at bay, the original Naruto's eyes changed. Sarada grit her teeth, annoyed at the dismissal, and said more firmly "You are coming with us, Avatar, like it or not. Naruto can teleport, crush rock with his bare hand, move faster than the human eye can track and blow up meteorites, Aang would die instantly. I don't care if I DO get stuck as a Genin for the rest of my life! (Aang: Revenge is like a two-headed rat-viper. On the day he was born, Naruto's parents were forced to sacrifice themselves to protect him and the village from a rampaging Tailed Beast. He's fast enough to outpace lightning, can obliterate entire forests with his energy, and has years of combat experience against skilled ninjas like Sasuke and Itachi Uchiha, and even his own robot self Mecha-Naruto. a design of nine comma and a ripple pattern appeared on the coat on his back. Aang was a male Air Nomad and the Avatar during the century-long conflict known as the Hundred Year War. Except for Captain Planet. Captain Planet vs Aang (Completed) 5. Aang is primarily an airbender, which focuses on freedom and finding the path of least resistance. Sarada looked back, tired, and said "Just slide on in." Log in or sign up to leave a comment Log In Sign Up. Now to those who doesn't want this to be included because of how badly Screwattack did in their research on this one, I know it's bad I get it, but it's not a Death Battle reaction story if there are episodes that are skipped. This is done by extensive research of each of the characters, and taking notes from various known expe… looking around, Naruto noticed Sasuke, sitting on a tree and looking at him. Who would win a death battle: Ryu vs naruto. Spacebattles Merchandise. 71 Favourites. He said "I am sorry, but I cannot allow you to do this. Tickets. Experiment with DeviantArt’s own digital drawing tools. lastly, in six paths sage mode, through the application of yin-yang release, all non-sage jutsu attacks are completely nullified. Boomstick: Have an ocean on hand? Boomstick: Damn, that was awesome. ", As Aang sighed, he said simply "No, you're not. The shinobi was like lightning, instantly clearing the distance between the two heroes in a fraction of a second. Wiz: Born in the village of Konohagakure, the young Naruto Uzumaki was born the son of legendary shinobi Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki. In combat he's unstoppable, outgoing and brash yet intelligent. Again, Aang's mastery of the elements would grants him the ability to make the battle mid/long-ranged which would ruin any chance Neji has. As the children ran and danced in the streets, seemingly celebrating the sunrise. Though chakra is powerful, excessive use can deplete the user and ultimately running out of chakra will kill the user. This is the 11th episode of death battle created by FireMaxPyro. The majority votes on my poll is closed and it's decided, now I'm including this and the remastered fight. Vs. Mostly in the Avatar State. ", Naruto took a kunai out of his pocket, put his arms in a ninja running stance, and said "Dattebayo!". Wiz: But there's one last trick up Aang's sleeve, possibly his most deadly. What are you really doing?" R1: Who can win first? It's Naruto VS Bleach in our biggest anime fight ever! He can erupt volcanoes, move entire continents, and alter the world on a truly enormous scale. Aang merely stood back, unable to predict his enemy's next move. Death Battle Fanon Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. . And while Aang takes versatility and with Avatar State experience, that doesn't change the fact that nothing he has done in combat is comparable to Naruto (Aang struggels against Ozai under that Comet and had to go Avatar State to win). Boruto's face grew seriously hopeful. In his prime, Iroh might be capable of obliterating a young and somewhat inexperienced Avatar Aang. Search. Probably because this is my village. this means he can perceive and move at of faster than the speed of light. He eventually made a goal of becoming Hokageso people would finally respect him. Wiz: Kurama Mode boosts his power even further, and allows him to transfer his chakra to others to boost their power. He fought Edward Elric in an episode of Death Battle. DEATH BATTLE! Aang said with his normal voice. Similar to Dragon Ball's concept of Ki, Chakra is a combination of physical and spiritual energy. This was Sage Mode. The sun shined down on the village of Konohagakure, illuminating the beautiful wooden and thatch roofs. there was no trace of Aang's presence any more. Sasuke VS Hiei is the 115th episode of DEATH BATTLE!, featuring Sasuke Uchiha from theNaruto series and Hiei from the Yu Yu Hakusho series in a battle between dark special-eyed anime anti-heroes. Nice going there. I don't quit and I don't run! New videos every week! Sell custom creations to people who love your style. We're here on business. You're not gonna scare me off! Characters and art belong to their respective owners, I own nothing. He appeared in the 112th episode of DEATH BATTLE!, Aang VS Edward Elric, where he fought against Edward Elric from the Fullmetal Alchemist series. Gaara was voiced by Chris Guerrero and Toph was voiced by Kira Buckland. After a second, Sarada drew her hand back and disengaged the Sharingan. "I need to end this now" Aang declared before rushing back. The outer rock of the cavern seemed to desintegrate as a yellow flash blasted through it, far too fast to see, and clothelined Aang's neck! Boomstick: Well that sucks, why would I want my attacks to kill me? Forums. Aang was struck several dozens of times in every part of his body before being slammed to the ground by the real Naruto, dispersing all shadow clones. Boomstick: Damn, not even a day out of his momma's womb and he's left orphaned by a Kaiju att… In today's Episode of Couples Reacts we react to Aang VS Edward Elric (Avatar VS Fullmetal Alchemist) | DEATH BATTLE! Open new ticket Watched. the four attacks combined and struck Naruto, blasting him into the ground and bombarding him continuously. With a martial arts cry and let loose, shattering the top of the cavern and forming a large cloud of dust. It was a long mission, Sarada wanted him to do something, he didn't pay attention. Oh, and finally? DEATH-BATTLE-4-ALL. Upload stories, poems, character descriptions & more. His immediate predecessor was Avatar Roku, and his immediate successor is Avatar Korra. ... that doesn't change the fact that nothing he has done in combat is comparable to Naruto (Aang struggels against Ozai under that Comet and had to go Avatar State to win). And you just attacked my best friend's daughter." 2K Views. He previously fought Monkey D. Luffy in an episode of One Minute Melee. DEATH BATTLE: Aang vs Naruto. Aang vs. Izuku 13. Enter Wan. and released the Rasengan at Aang, who quickly formed an Earth wall to protect himself -, The entire mountain crumbled. He fought Ichigo Kurosaki in an episode of Death Battle. You come from a distant land that we are unfamiliar with." You Might Like . The man was either asleep or dead, levitating in the air with a bubble of air around him. So long as Naruto is faster, even chapter one should be able to manage a win. If conditions are right, a waterbender can control another person through bloodbending. Aang was flung away by about a kilometer before regaining stability and stopping the momentum from carrying him further. In one of the largest and most beautiful, yet somehow most humble house, an older man in a Japanese outfit looked out on the children playing. "NO! There is also the fact that the power of Bending can injure and/or even destroy spiritual beings so the Kyubi is not safe either. Can Aang after beating Ozai defeat Naruto after gaining the Ninetails chakra? This Rasengan-like attack in the shape of a large shuriken cuts on a cellular level, damaging the victim's life structure so bad that they may never move or perform a technique again. I mean Avatar Roku was also able to handle a volcano but he DID die. 1 dDscription 2 Intro 3 Korra 4 Naruto 5 Death Battle 6 Results 7 Percentage of winning These two were normal teenagers at first, being foolish pranksters. Episode of Death Battle by Strunton. ", Aang punched Naruto right in the stomach so hard that the gauntlet exploded from the inside! Wiz: indeed, Lightning is made of small ice and water particles and not photons. I'm going to do it! Menu Log in Register Buy our stuff, go here to … Wiz: Kurama is powerful. Considering he has the experience of quite literally hundreds of experienced fighters and martial artists, it's really impressive. Talk about a shitty birthday. Thank god we don't have to hear it from the DBS fanboys (again). Who will win? after his wrist past Aang's face, a sudden force smashed into Aang sending him flying to the side. his body was covered in an orange and yellow aura. Where as adult Naruto... … While you watch your enemy go down, you’re being poisoned yourself.). echoed throughout the cavern until after five seconds of silence, a cry of "Yatta!" Wiz: not only that Boomstick, Naruto has survived much much more. Naruto once more transformed with the black spheres returning. Oh, well then maybe Shazam would be a better opponent for Naruto. Seriously, what can't he do!? for instance, when Kurama was pulled out of Naruto, instead of dying instantly like other Jinchuriki, he was able to live long enough to get the other half of Kurama before death. "w-what!?" Naruto & Ichigo: Eh...ok. Aang. In this form, he's incredibly powerful; his speed, strength, and durability are boosted beyond Sage Mode and he can form chakra arms that do stuff for him. Doesn't make a whole lot of sense when he can freakin' fly! Search forums. That also shows that Aang is no god. It's the most powerful bending art and allows you to shoot a bolt of electricity that can kill damn near anything. Izuku, Bakugou, Todoroki and Iida vs The Wattersons. Avatar Aang vs Gon Freecss (Completed) 12. Boomstick: It didn't help that this new Avatar was a young kid, only 12 years old, who had been trapped in an iceberg for 100 years. if Naruto really needed to, he could have resorted to simply using kunai to attack. There's more - Aang knows Dancing Dragon firebending, which is based on the movements learned by Wan in the era of Raava. The Naruto series is filled with ninja who can use an array of elements and tools for battle, and although these ninja are from a different universe, some of them are strong enough to beat Aang, and some can actually beat him while he is in the Avatar State which boosts his power immeasurably. Wiz: He's responsible for the defeat of Gaara, he's fought Madara Uchiha and Kaguya Ōtsutsuki, was heavily responsible for the outcome of the Fourth Shinobi World War, and he achieved his dream of becoming the Hokage, the Seventh Fire Shadow. his arms, legs, and eyes glew a bright white. Aang shouted out "You're done! Plus, he can sense chakra around him, which is kinda like having thermal vision built into your brain. Wiz: However, it can be done almost instantly and without effort. Wiz: Through the chakra granted to him by Hagoromo Ōtsutsuki, Naruto can achieve godlike physical power. While super humanly durable, Aang is a bit of a glass cannon relative to his damage output. his eyes became shaped like crosses. Wiz: Avatar Aang's one of the most powerful Avatars to have ever lived. I need answers. Luffy: The Avatar. share. ", Aang slammed his foot onto the ground, and twin walls of rock encased themselves around the young Uchiha - molding and forming themselves perfectly around Sarada to encase her entire form. Aang retaliated, creating a drill out of stone, a tidal wave, a tornado, and a dragon made out of fire. the clone rushed forward as the original sat himself onto the ground holding his hands together. the spheres collided into Aang's air shield and destroyed it. Info 2.1 Background 2.2 Arsenal & Abilities 2.3 Feats 3 DEATH BATTLE! however, the best example of his durability is when he took an attack that cut the moon in half at point blank range, and was without a scratch. Naruto shouted extending his arm several meters pushing the attack at aang. Konan: Aang murks and its not even close. "Why would they send children to fetch me? Forums. Naruto shouted "Go!" one was black purple and the other was a bright orange. I mean Avatar Roku was also able to handle a volcano but he DID die. Aang vs edward elric Aang VS Cole (Complete) Naruto VS Aang (Complet) Spyro vs aang Kamek vs Aang (Complete) Gohan VS Aang Aang vs Shantae … With an inspiring speech of confidence, bravado, and downright foolishness, Boruto stuck his feet down into a crevice and let his back slide down the rocky and sandy slope. Boomstick: So, logically, when one of them came knocking on Konoha's door, Minato was like "well we don't have a Gamera on us" so he did the next best thing - SEAL THE MONSTER INTO NARUTO! . ", Sarada turned to him and said "Boruto, don't interfere with stuff that isn't your responsibility", and turned to the Avatar before her. Boomstick: What, just like he has magical Doc Ock arms? The raw power Naruto dishes out in the final… I'll still be Hokage someday!). He's adept in a variety of jutsu, special techniques used to channel a user's chakra into many offensive or defensive attacks. Upload your creations for people to see, favourite and share. As he befriended Kurama, Naruto is able to all of these abilities in addition some Kurama's other abilities as well as his own, which are completely off the charts in terms of what they're capable of. Wiz: There are spirits and humans in the Spirit World and the Human World, and they are not exactly close friends. both shurikens were thrown and collided, Aang at the epicenter. By G-Odzilla Watch. However Aang is special, through the use of banana-onion juice, a smelly old guy and a rock jabbed in his spine he mastered all the chakra gates to go into the Avatar state at any time, without the whole dying from the death gate. Sarada sighed, and charged up chakra along her fist. As the Avatar of his time, he was the only person capable of using all four bending arts: airbending, waterbending, earthbending, and firebending. red and blue particles collected between Naruto's hands and a purple ball began forming. He's Rush and I'm Bolt. I don't care what the dangers are, I'll do it!" sucks to be a Korra fan. by the time it was as big as the rasengan he used earlier, he shouted. Naruto landed and deactivated his transformation. the clone dispersed and Naruto lunged at Aang swinging his fist past his face. his knees were bent to near 90 degrees with his eyes closed. Etheral_Dreams. So far the noise dispersed long before it reached Naruto, the young yellow-clad shinobi thrust his head back in shock as his partner in crime shenanigans slammed her hand over the ninja's mouth! His immediate predecessor was Avatar Roku, and his immediate successor is Avatar Korra. He wore an orange jacket and blue pants, but a long white coat adorned his form and six whisker-like cat marks lined his face. the fox shouted. Hit the notification bell to see new episodes! Wiz: The Tailed Beast Shockwave involves turning simple movements, like a wave, into a powerful blast of concussive energy. New posts New threadmarks Search forums. Aa… Wiz: Not true Boomstick, Madara turned his head when he realized his attack missed and he was trying to catch Naruto. Compare what you see above to the earliest good fight in Naruto (Gaara vs Rock Lee). Naruto grunted in pain, flying through two houses on his way, while Aang began to levitate. Boomstick: I guess the Avatar, won't be airing for awhile. Like planets orbiting a star, a single orb rotated around her pupil with several lines around it. It features Aang from Avatar, Danny Phantom from his eponymous series and Spongebob from his eponymous series 1 Description 2 Interlude 3 Aang 4 Danny Phantom 5 Spongebob 6 Intermission 7 DEATH BATTLE! Wiz: The Tailest Beast Ball is a massive black amalgation of chakra that's powerful enough to destroy entire mountains. Once he became a Genin and a part of Team 7however, Naruto began to realize how much being part of a team helped him from loneliness and soon grew into a more mature man and desi… ", As Aang closed his eyes and prepared the Energybending ritual-. Naruto Uzumaki looked Aang in the eyes, and with one karate chop shattered the earthly construct. Between these two hotheaded, female fighters, who will come out on top? Aang vs. Edward Elric (Completed Fanon Version) 8. And if that's not enough, he can fire multiple Tailed Beast Balls in rapid succession with the Continuous Tailed Beast Balls technique. "h-hey! in fact, Lightning travels at 97,536,000 meters per second, only 1/3 the speed of light. Korra would go on to master the elements and become a worthy Avatar but, in a battle against Aang, it's hard to imagine how she would come out on top. "There," she said, "that'll do. Avatar vs. Naruto! Search titles only. the moon's crust is about 50 km thick. R1 Beginning of series Sasuke vs Beginning of series Aang No avatar state. Boomstick: Plus, it puts him out of bloodbending. Wiz: There is one technique that most waterbenders cannot perform or refuse to. Who would win a death battle: Ryu vs naruto. Wiz: Water can also be used as a shield, or just submerge a foe in an ocean and trap them under. Offline. Gaara was voiced by Chris Guerrero and Toph was voiced by Kira Buckland. 6 years ago. (sometimes referred to as just "Death Battle" or "DEATH BATTLE") is a popular web-based video show hosted by Wizard (voiced by Ben B. WIz: Fire, water, air, and earth. Landing in a street, Naruto quickly glanced over his shoulder -. the lines and glow disappeared from his body. Elementor vs Aang 9. Episode of Death Battle by Strunton. You are a danger to me. Boomstick: So what, he's a philosopher now? Wiz: while he did have control over wind, not only is the rasengan is so tightly condensed that it is unlikely that Aang could alter it. Battle. Recall the battle against Madara uchiha when he used "Sage art Fang of light" against Naruto. Aang was voiced by Emily Fajardo and Edward was voiced by Alejandro Saab. hide. in response, Naruto simply rose into the sky across from Aang. Boomstick: If I took a shot every time Wiz's said chakra I'd be dead. Sort by. the light and orange aura shattered along with the walls holding Naruto as he stood up and grabbed Aang by the throat. Naruto Fans KNOW THİS there is only one character that can beat THE AVATAR is SON GOKU or One Punch Man. All of aang's are really projectile in nature. Compare what you see above to the earliest good fight in Naruto (Gaara vs Rock Lee). RPGfan2005. this went on for 10 seconds. It features ... a Death Battle. Death Battle by ulquiorra461372. Wiz: With this advanced technique in Naruto's ultimate transformation, the Sage of Six Paths Mode, anyone hit by the Rasengan will be bound and sealed by seals that basically bind you.. so Naruto can do whatever he wants with you. You can use this thumbnail if you want. He can morph and redirect the wind to form a compressed ball of air, a blast of air, air bullets, a cushion that stops falls, tornadoes, shields, inredibly sharp and deadly air slices, augmented speed, and even surviving the deadly cold. Boruto sighed. In his final Tailed Beast Mode, he can actually summon Kurama outside of his body while keeping the powerup active. Rush: Korra, the Avatar of Republic City. Crossover-Paradise. Wiz: Such as the Big Ball Rasengan which requires a Shadow Clone to form, the Planetary Rasengan with three smaller Rasengans around it, and an Ultra-Big Ball Rasengan. Aang grunts before pulling himself off of the ground and began to levitate once more. ", "hmph, it doesn't matter. Wiz: And, even more, each Avatar takes control as a combined entity that grants enormous battle prowess and wisdom. Boruto stayed still for a moment, thinking, until Sarada mouthed something like "Get over here, idiot!" Member since: Dec. 18, 2007. Aang could barely dodge out of the way in time to escape the attack which wizzed passed him and detonated. Find out what other deviants think - about anything at all. Hinata told me to come get you. For a spirit to enter the human world they become mortal, and nearly no human could enter the Spirit World. He's able to cause tsunamis and destroy mountains with just a swipe of one of its tail. But if you get hit by one? report. Avatar State can bend blood, chi, spirit and energy of naruto. "give it up. Wiz: In addition, while Naruto is unable to fully transform into the Tailed Beast Transformation like other jinchūriki, he has a special form called the Nine-Tails Chakra Mode that augments his power but keeps him relatively humanoid. Boomstick: He can form two Rasengans, one in each hand and have each of his Shadow Clones have one in their hand. 7.1 Strunton 8 Conclusion Avatar: The Last Airbender vs. Danny Phantom vs. … 4. granting, err..my bad. And he deserves it. Before this, Iroh was a general of repute who was in line to become the next Fire Lord. DEATH BATTLE ARENA _____ Name: Aang Age: 112 Race: Human (Air Nomad) Title: The Last Airbender Bio: Born to the Air Nomads of the Eastern Air Temple, Aang was only twelve years old when he learned his heritage as being the next in line of the Avatar Cycle--a person who can use all four elemental Bending Arts. Who’s best feat from a past life is moving a rather small Island ? Cool, thanks. You have a reason for being here? No worries, just turn it into a giant fucking spear of ice! 1. Naruto gets hit and makes a few immobile clones. Wiz: If a philosopher can create a giant chakra replicate of Kurama to fight a giant Susanoo summon and create the most powerful chakra weapons in the Naruto universe, then sure, he's a philosopher. . Aang's agile but surprisingly fierce in combat, utilizing his bending to combat at close range and at long range. Wiz: Aang knows lightning redirection, a skill that allows him to take in lightningbending without harm. Boomstick: And you're pitting this guy against Aang? there were vertical and horizontal slits in his eyes instead of pupils. Wiz: However, it does require direct contact with the opponent and can be dangerous to the user if performed incorrectly. By: Words: Search Advanced search… New posts. the attack was aimed right at Naruto's head. Abandoned What-If? (Cue The Rising Fighting Spirit) A devilish smirk grew on her face. Something told them they wanted no part of the upcoming fight. As the Avatar of his time, he was the only person capable of using all four bending arts: airbending, waterbending, earthbending, and firebending. He didn't slow in his old years, even capturing the criminal Yakone and stripping him of his bending. he's survived being impaled by blades, and going toe to toe with Kaguya Otsutsuki, who could destroy entire dimensions. "This is our power!" I won't be tolerating any more," and with a dash - boosted with the wind at his back - summoned a gauntlet of solid granite around his hand. Boomstick: You know, when you combine those with the badger moles, I think either the Avatar world has some fucked up biology or the creators are just lazy. By ScarecrowsMainFan Watch. 1 Description 2 Interlude 3 Korra 4 Sakura Haruno 5 DEATH BATTLE!