best episodes of family guy

'I Take Thee, Quagmire' (season 4) 5. Family Guy: 10 Best Joe Episodes. Peter and Lois start a cookie shop that Peter, despite his best intentions, slowly transforms into a strip club. Last season, Family Guy dialed back the cutaways and the crassness; the writers are harkening to an earlier time, when the characters had heart. The Best 'Family Guy' Episodes of All Time Road to the Multiverse. One of the best running jokes in the series is Brian's misadventures as a writer. Family Guy (1999– ) Episode: A Very Special Family Guy Freakin' Christmas (2001) TV-14 | 30 min | Animation, Comedy View: 76 titles. Episode: 5, … The episodes are ranked by highest IMDb user ratings, and any ties are broken by IMDb user votes. Three Kings (Season 7 Episode 15) In this episode Family Guy depicts three of the most iconic Stephen King books; Stand By Me, Misery, and The Shawshank Redemption.As a Stephen King fan myself, I might be a little bias towards my view on this episode. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. I like it how the griffins try to gain the attention of everyone. A crass and mean-spirited episode overall but funny enough to overlook the worst of it. When Peter re-discovers his love for the painfully annoying yet seductively catchy tune... Stewie is addicted to the British hot children's show "Jolly Farm Review" based on Mother... Peter makes good on another power outage at home--by entertaining his family with a retelling... Death grants Peter's wish to go back in time to 1984 when he was 18, but only for one night.... At his high school reunion, Peter tries to impress his fellow classmates. He's a terrible one, and that forms the main plot of "Brian Writes A Bestseller." Season 2, Episode 3: Da Boom This season features several unforgettable episodes … "Dog Bites Bear" deals with the "death" of Stewie's teddy bear Rupert, and it eventually becomes a deconstruction of Brian and Stewie's long-standing friendship. The ability to move through time enables the writers … Family Guy and its creator, Seth MacFarlane, are ubiquitous today, but it wasn't always so. Vote for your favorite Family Guy episodes, no matter how popular they are. Like & Subscribe for more awesome best of'sI am not associated with Family Guy, Fuzzy Door Productions, 20th … The B-plot, where Stewie adopts a homicidal turtle, is a zany complement. This time travel episode explored an alternate future where Peter blew his chance to marry Lois, and Quagmire married her instead. The list of amazing Family Guy episodes is huge, but when you've got 75 episodes to go through, where do you start (that is of course if you decide not to watch every single episode five times). What episodes really grind your gears? After the overwhelming success of DVD sales and cable ratings on Adult Swim, FOX decided to revive the program, and it began airing again on May 1, 2005. The funniest is the Disney universe, where every character is reimagined as a squash-and-stretch character from the House of Mouse. The Star Trek: The Next Generation episode "Second Chances" deals with a transporter accident that creates two William Rikers. Put enough of these in a 22-minute running time, and you have a show that will never earn the critical acclaim of its peers, but will always garner the most laughs per minute. Family Guy has had some great episodes over the years. I knew something was off. This episode had two main intersecting plotlines: rude New Yorkers traveling to Rhode Island to see the leaves change color, and Lois taking martial arts lessons and learning to stand up for herself. Kevin Wong Timing is key here. List RulesVote for your favorite Family Guy episodes, no matter how popular they are. Brian deliberately sets out to write a terrible self-help book and in a Producers-esque twist, it becomes a national bestseller. Well-plotted, clever, and well-resolved, "Roads to Vegas" is further proof that Brian and Stewie are the most fleshed-out, funniest characters on the show. The episode concludes with a tribute to Back To The Future and a Broadway-esque Rick Roll, courtesy of Brian. Chris and Sam's inevitable goodbye is sweet and touching. This list will be looking through a few of those, as it runs down some of Family Guy's best Meg episodes. It‘s spelled Road. An archetypal Family Guy episode, quite similar to ‘Petarded’ in bluntly taking advantage of a controversial situation with sassy humour. Stewie starts a bluegrass band, Peter disrupts a Civil War reenactment, and Chris falls in love with a Southern girl named Sam (who he originally mistakes for a boy). The attempt is, of course, an unmitigated disaster, and it features some of the darkest comedy in the show's history. 'Road to the Multiverse' (season 8) 2. The first three seasons of MacFarlane's hit cartoon are so classic, but many believe the show hit its stride in seasons 4-7. This was a buddy comedy rather than a family sitcom. 'Something, Something, Something, Dark Side' (season 8) 7. As said before, this list is my personal choice, but we would like to know if your choice differs. This is one of the episodes where their love still feels believable and real. Plus, watch the show live on Sundays at 9:30/8:30c. To mark twenty years of Family Guy, here are twenty such episodes in chronological order. That's certainly the case with "McStroke," in which Peter grows a moustache, has a stroke, and exposes a fast food corporation all in a single, convoluted plot. In one of the fan mail episodes of Family Guy, the Griffins get superpowers after they’re coated in toxic waste. Family Guy and The Simpsons really have nothing left to prove. In this murder mystery special, The Griffins as well as all the other major characters become... "Road to the Pilot is the fifth episode of the tenth season of the animated comedy series... After a “wardrobe malfunction” occurs during a live broadcast, the FCC begins to censor all of... After winning a game of Trivial Pursuit, Peter is convinced he is a genius. A bawdy Christmas special with a lot of heart, "Road to the North Pole" stars Brian and Stewie. Joe gets a new pair of legs, can walk again (just go with it), and becomes a complete douchebro as a result. Sort by: List Order Popularity Alphabetical IMDb Rating Number of Votes Release Date Runtime Date Added. Lists about Seth McFarlane's irreverent cartoon about Quahog's finest family, airing on Fox since 1999. The top 10 Family Guy episodes Phantom Strider considers the best of all time. Original Airing: September 26, 2010 Season 9, Episode 1 Back to the Pilot. Best of Family Guy Season 12 - YouTube. This episode originally aired on December 26, 1999, a prime position to goof on Y2K... "Death is a Bitch". The rest of the episode is a dystopian dark comedy, in which the Griffins search for other human life and try to rebuild society. Family Guy is an American animated television sitcom created by Seth MacFarlane for the Fox Broadcasting Company.The series centers on the dysfunctional Griffin family, which consists of father Peter (MacFarlane), mother Lois (Alex Borstein), daughter Meg (Lacey Chabert in episodes 1–9, then Mila Kunis in "Da Boom" onwards), son Chris (), baby Stewie (MacFarlane), and Brian … I think it’s funny and the Brian and Stewie Episodes are the best anyways (my opinion). To me, the best Family Guy started when they started to really develop the character of Brian, Stewie got a time machine and they bonded. When Family Guy returned to the air after its cancellation, it took the new writers a few episodes to find their footing. Edit: Road. Here are the episodes, listed in chronological order. Some of Family Guy’s best episodes over the years involve the usage of Stewie’s time machine. List features the Stars Wars specials like "Blue Harvest," and "It's a Trap!" In this episode, Death comes for Peter's soul. 0. The season, episode number, and airdate of each episode are also included. It’s been a long, fascinating street since. And although Peter likes the new Lois, he eventually can't keep up. © 2021 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. And when Karen comes to visit Peter during Thanksgiving, it's Meg who tries her best to support her father. Best Cutaway: In Brian's mind, only douchebags buy Hummer vehicles, namely the guy in this cutaway. When Peter tries to get out of paying a doctors bill by faking his own death, he is visited by... Stewie’s favorite thing after his teddy bear, Rupert, is Christmas. Joe Swanson is among Family Guy's more complex characters, with these 10 episodes capturing the police officer at his best (or worst). Family Guy … The two friends climb a mountain to scatter Rupert's ashes, and they end their eulogy with a Boyz II Men cover that strangely works. Quite a zig-zagging narrative, if somewhat overstuffed, this one is also an uncompromising and unforgettable take on the fast-food conglomerates. Comment. In a wacky Rhode Island town, a dysfunctional family strive to cope with everyday life as they are thrown from one crazy scenario to another. It even comes complete singing animals and a Disney-esque ballad titled, "It's a Wonderful Day for Pie.". 1. Their efforts to return to the present day takes them to both London and Berlin, and Stewie dresses up as Hitler to steal some uranium. The success goes to his head, and he ends up being humiliated by Bill Maher on Politically Incorrect. Family Gay; Family Goy; Big Man on Hippocampus; Trading Places; Friends of Peter G. Lottery Fever; Back to the Pilot; The Tan Aquatic With Steve Zissou; Mr. and Mrs. Stewie; Roads to Vegas; These were the funniest episodes Family Guy has served up yet. Season 8, Episode 1 And Then There Were Fewer. Chris witnesses a crime, and the family is forced into witness protection in the Deep South. Some of the best episodes from the Family Guy archive are those that take the most ravenous attitude towards that which they satirize. In later seasons, the humanity in Peter and Lois' marriage is completely sucked dry. Stewie, who works as Brian's manager, is the perfect comic foil as Brian slowly becomes a spoiled diva. 'Back to the Pilot' (season 10) 3. "And Then There Were Fewer" is Family Guy's tribute to the entire British 'locked room' mystery genre. This episode features a rare father/daughter moment near the end, when Meg tag teams with Peter to beat up Karen in the ring. Lois has a midlife crisis, brought on by the worst imaginable birthday toast by Peter. My second favorite is the episode “Thanksgiving”. "Baking Bad" features Cookie Monster, who bookends the episode with two well-placed cameos. And the plot--a road story where Brian and Stewie track down Brian's mother--delves deeper into the characters than before. List of the best Family Guy episodes, as determined by voters like you. Family Guy (1999– ) Episode: It's a Trap! The 20 Best Family Guy Episodes "Da Boom". 1 Road To The Multiverse - (9.1) One of the best parts of Family Guy has been Stewie and Brian's "Road to" adventures. Adam Carolla is the regular voice for Death. 10 Peter's Daughter Though she was meant to be the fragile teenage daughter that most sitcom dads typically fawn over, Peter Griffin has rarely shown Meg a concerned eye. It's anchored by one of the best Family Guy songs ever written--so good that Brian and Stewie performed a version of it at the 2007 Emmys. Timing is key here. When Peter, heading... hilarious pictures of real people who look like, Something, Something, Something, Dark Side. Presumed dead, Lois returns from the wilderness and names Stewie as her killer. "Roads to Vegas" has an identical plotline; Stewie and Brian use a transporter to travel to Las Vegas, and the transporter creates a separate Brian and Stewie. Stacker presents the 50 best “Family Guy” episodes, according to IMDb user ratings and votes. Stream full, season 18 episodes on We're celebrating the 20 best Family Guy episodes from Season 1 to Season 16--the episodes with the perfect mixture of pop culture references, blue humor, and non-sequitur storytelling. Season 12 was one of the most negatively accepted shows in Family Guy history as this was... 16 SATURATED FAT GUY (SEASON 15). But then, Family Guy found new life in college dorms, thanks to Adult Swim, DVD sales, and Kazaa file sharing. It ends with Peter beating up Justin Bieber, and reasserting his love for Lois. Fans of Family Guy are very passionate about the show, and there are often debates over which episodes are the greatest. What is the best Family Guy episode of all time? Share Share Tweet Email. They all begin dying one by one, and the surviving guests realize that one of them is the murderer. The first "Road to…" episode, starring Brian and Stewie, was presented as special; instead of beginning with the regular piano introduction, the show began with still shots of Brian and Stewie on various adventures. (2011) TV-14 | 56 min | Animation, Comedy. I really enjoyed this season of Family Guy. Each set goes to Las Vegas unbeknownst to the other and while one wins big, the other loses all its money and becomes indebted to a loan shark. (SEASON 12). In the B-plot, Stewie gets addicted to cough syrup, and Brian holds an intervention with all of Stewie's stuffed animals. The episode ends with Peter, Cleveland, Quagmire, and Bonnie trying to maim Joe because they liked him better when he was handicapped. Including good episodes, highest reviewed episodes, the rudest episodes, top rated episodes, and the funniest Family Guy episodes, this list has it all. By Sean Cubillas Published Mar 12, 2020. "Da Boom" also features the very first Giant Chicken Fight, one of the most famous recurring gags in the show's history. If you're wondering what the top 10 Family Guy episodes are, this list shows you guys the answer! A time travel episode, "Road to Germany" Brian, Stewie, and Mort Goldman are transported to Warsaw, Poland in 1939--right before the Nazi occupation. and some funny new Family Guy episodes like "The Simpsons Guy" where the Griffins finally meet the residents of Springfield in an epic crossover. That's why this list exists- so you can vote for your favorites and we can find out once and for all what everyone thinks the funniest Family Guy episode of all time is. The sixth season of Family Guy premiered on September 23, 2007 and contains 12 episodes. Family Guy: The Best Episode In Every Season, Ranked 17 HE'S BLA-ACK! Best Family Guy episodes ever! Fans will also enjoy hilarious pictures of real people who look like Family Guy characters and disturbingly dark Family Guy jokes. But when Death sprains his ankle... "Road to Rhode Island". on September 8, 2018 at 7:00AM PDT. It's because of his professional wrestler sister Karen, who bullied him when he was a kid. Sometimes, a Family Guy episode seems like a collection of random jokes rather than an actual plot. The truth is, FG is my favorite show and the only one I watch now. Nearly all them, not coincidentally, have a generous helping of Brian and Stewie. My favorite episode is “Rode to Vegas”. This season had a limited number of episodes due to the 2007–2008 Writers Guild of America strike. 20 Top 20 Best and Funniest Family Guy Episodes of All Time (Up to 2017) KMazing – As hard as it is to trust, Family Guy has circulated for 15 years, first appearing on January 31, 1999. The show suffered from low ratings in its first three seasons, and Fox, after bumping its time slot around like a pinball, cancelled the show in 2002. entire British 'locked room' mystery genre, goes to Las Vegas unbeknownst to the other. An over-the-top parody of American family life, it tells the story of Peter Griffin and his very unusual family, coping with typical and wildly atypical life in a small town. The best episode was the one with the Simpsons. Stewie builds a contraption that allows him and Brian to travel to an infinite number of alternate universes. Fox revived the animated sitcom in 2005, and it's been high-flying ever since; its 17th season debuts on September 30. Considers this your definitive guide to the best Family Guy episodes featuring the greatest moments from characters like Peter, Stewie, Brian, Lois, Chris, and that other girl. In Agatha Christie's mystery novel And Then There Were None, ten people are trapped on an island during a storm. Feel free to post your own favourites in the comments below. Skip to content GoldDerby Numerous show clips have gone viral--everything from Giant Chicken Fights, to Cool Whip, to Bird is the Word, to Ipecac Drinking Contests. One of Family Guy‘s most revered repeat-gags are the epic battles between Peter and Ernie The Giant Chicken. Hues Corporation: "Rock the Boat" - "A Very Special Family Guy Freakin' Christmas" Huey Lewis and the News: " If This Is It " - " Burning Down the Bayit " Huey Lewis and the News: " The Power of Love " - " Baby Not On Board " No matter how crazy the show gets, the Brian and Stewie relationship has always kept things grounded, and "Dog Bites Bear" is a case in point. In the first episode of season eight, Stewie and Brian travel to a variety of alternate universes, where at least one thing has been changed in their society. And "PTV," a clever takedown of the FCC and its weird, draconian prudery, is where the show hit its stride again. 'Blue Harvest' (season 6) 4. In the third act, the episode becomes a critique of violence, which, per Family Guy style, is resolved with an all-out brawl. Square Enix Presents: Forspoken, New Life Is Strange, And More Announced, Tomb Raider Anniversary Celebration Includes Fortnite Level, Movie Sequel, Cookbook, Marvel's Avengers Devs On Strengthening The Game The Right Way, By Meanwhile, Stewie attends Chris and Meg's school as Zac Sawyer, and he quickly becomes the most popular boy in school. So when he hears that... Peter retells the story of Star Wars in this hour-long episode of Family Guy. Family Guy Catch up on the ITV Hub. The "mirror gag," when Stewie Hitler meets the real Hitler, is an old time vaudeville routine lifted from Marx Brothers classic film "Duck Soup. The Best Family Guy Episodes 1. Whether it's Peter fighting a giant chicken or meeting Jesus for the first time, the best episodes keep us … Season 2, Episode 6 In this episode, Death comes for Peter's soul. Sam: "And I'll be sure to learn to read!". Peter shuttles his family down into the basement of the house to watch the clock strike midnight, and when it does, everyone's worst fears come true: Planes fall out of the sky, trains derail, and scores of nuclear warheads launch into the sky. This is what IMDb says are the best of them all. The episode plays on every time travel paradox and loophole in a late sequence, where hundreds of Stewies and Brians from multiple timelines debate about whether to change the past to alter the future. It also led to the permanent deaths of two main characters. But when Death sprains his ankle chasing after Peter, Peter must don the black robe and take up Death's scythe. With all the amazing episodes of the show that exist, it's hard to trust just one person's opinion of what the top Family Guy episodes of all time are. To prove Peter... Lois and Peter sail off on a cruise. Right now the show is about Brian and Stewie for me. List features almost every Family Guy episode, but some of the newest ones might be missing if you want to add them. Adam West: His 10 best Family Guy moments. ", If there's a single episode to put forward as the best of the entire series--proof of the show's comedic value and creativity--"Road to the Multiverse" is a great candidate. This episode originally aired on December 26, 1999, a prime position to goof on Y2K conspiracists. But in this episode, Death's first appearance, he was played by former SNL Weekend Update anchor Norm MacDonald, whose laid-back, sarcastic delivery worked perfectly. After over a decade, we finally learn why Peter constantly bullies Meg. Daniel20 S. Aug 31, 2019. But the individual parts are so funny that the lack of cohesion matters less. Family Guy follows the hilariously offbeat Griffin family. They find Santa close to death due to exhaustion and excessive demands, and they decide to deliver the presents in his stead. Family Guy is great when it goes meta, and this episode, where Brian and Stewie travel back in time to the pilot episode of Season 1, serves as a self-analysis of the show's evolution. The show premiered on January 31, 1999 and originally ended on February 14, 2002. Tour our photo gallery of Family Guy's 40 greatest episodes, ranked worst to best, including North by North Quahog, Road to Rhode Island.