addraaws. Response to ‘Korrasami is Canon’ & ‘Korrasami Confirmed’ Posts by Bryan Konietzko & Michael Dante DiMartino I have long been a fan of the Avatar series. Avatar Aang Avatar Airbender Avatar Funny Korra E Asami Asami Sato Zuko Kora And Asami Korra Comic Character Art ♊ Ʈʜᴇ ᴠɪʟ Ʈᴡɪɴ ♊ barbacoabetch: “ camrenwobble: “ Asami and Korra being… girlfriends. The inclusion of a same-sex relationship in a children’s show raised some controversy, but it was an amazing move forward for LGBTQ+ representation. report. Take revenge on the people that have wronged him and his father. 18.11.2020 - notedchampagne: “theres no one else in the universe that cares about me ” Others for the squees. And as a Korrasami shipper.... ♥It is CANON! ... but at least we still have the comics to spell it out for those who found the ending to be too ambiguous. Bolin knows exactly what to do and who to ask when Korra tells him no, and uses it to his advantage. Lol I remember that Series Finale (too bad it has ended). Unique Korrasami Stickers designed and sold by artists. do i think it would fit better the other way around maybe? What gets me about their decision is that, in my personal viewing experience, it truly seemed to come out of nowhere. Korra Avatar Team Avatar Fan Art Sasameki Koto Legend Of Aang Asami Sato … 24-nov-2020 - Esplora la bacheca "Korrasami" di Vincent Manieri, seguita da 343 persone su Pinterest. (from the Korrasami comic by Drakyx and HydrogenHuman) Close. Асами Сато . Harley Quinn Avatar Series Korrasami Fire Nation Fandoms Zuko. Dec 21, 2014 - I knew they were going to make Korrasami canon from this scene.. . “Korrasami – By The Fire (SLVV)” by SandraLVV on DeviantArt. 2 2. Original Character(s)/Original Character(s), She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (2018), korra has gotten very creative with her firebending. This time Asami is the one having a nightmare but Korra is there to comfort her wife. Dynasty Reader » Untitled Korra Comic 2. In the avatar world, Korra, the avatar who created a new world among the spirits and the humans. KORRASAMI IS TOTALLY CANON. Korra and Asami have been married for three years and they still can't keep their hands off each other. Sell custom creations to people who love your style. or will she stop her from even trying? The cover of "The Legend of Korra: Turf Wars" comic book. Dec 21, 2014 - I knew they were going to make Korrasami canon from this scene. Now fans everywhere will be getting their wish: more Invader Zim is coming this July from comics publisher Oni Press. Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (94), She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (2018) (5), Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan (1), COVID 19 Pandemic Isolation Created These AUs, Korra and the Future Industries Fuck Machine™️, Avatar: The Legend of Korra Sex Bending Tales, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, we all know they loved each other for a while. ... On the plus side it's nice to see a canon story with Korra and Asami together and doing stuff and it's nice to see their friends and family accepting them. I heard it's going to keep going in comic form. :'). It's a happy day for me!! Nov 24, 2020 - Explore Anna Summer's board "Korrasami" on Pinterest. Dark Horse Comics. Korrasami is canon. In fact, Asami offered Korra support and helped her in her fight against the Equalists. See more ideas about korrasami, korra avatar, legend of korra. 100% Upvoted. Korra's voice was ecstatic, and her face appeared breathless as she spun around on the dock, her long braided hair following her gracefully. High quality Korrasami inspired Art Prints by independent artists and designers from around the world. Please, please, please. Eventually, near the end of Book 1, Asami learned of the feelings between Mako and Korra and broke off her relationship with him. That was what I was hoping for with this comic. Korra whips Katara and Asmai can hold off Zuko long enough for Korra to back her up. Asami is a driven Omega engineer who wants nothing more than to continue her father's work and keep her company stable. Press J to jump to the feed. lol, korrasami IS CANON the shows creators said there relationship was romantic, Okay I think I've seen this before but didn't fav and comment. maybe she'll just tag along for the ride. tdlr; asami takes korra to see the floating lanterns. KORRASAMI ORIGINS. Experiment with DeviantArt’s own digital drawing tools. 38 comments. 19.5k members in the korrasami community. Upload your creations for people to see, favourite and share. Sadly passed away under the arms of Asami Sato. Todavía seguimos con el subidón metido en el cuerpo de haber descubierto que Korrasami ya son canon y es que el final de La Leyenda de Korra será uno que no conseguiremos olvidar fácilmente. Future Industries fully backs the equalist movement wish Hiroshi being the main financial contributor. Korrasami IS CANON. See more ideas about korrasami, legend of korra, korra. Teacher/ Student Korrasami.In which hollow hallways and vinyl-floored classrooms hold the pining of student, Korra. Created … That is the official story. Related Fandoms. super uncool based on this post. During her travels, she discovers many things about herself and begins to notice she isn’t traveling alone. I've heard a few people joke that this was to be expected of any Avatar's long-term romantic prospects, on the basis that it's just amusing to think that ALL Avatars wind up with women. Log In Sign Up. I know this is just … However, Asami never showed any hatred towards Korra about her relationship problems. Feb 15, 2021 - Korra x Asami Avatar the Legend of Korra. As their relationship grows throughout Korra's last year, old institutions and protocols are being threatened, especially protocols involving the rules between teachers and students. Korra Avatar. It was one off the cuff remark. Bryan Konietzko’s (much longer) post is entitled ‘ Korrasami is canon, ‘ and only gets better from there. View discussions in 1 other community. So that's what happens here. Korra finally has a moment to breathe as the world is at peace enough to not be in dire need of the Avatar. Animated Series, Comic. Konietzko responded in a lengthier manner in his post " Korrasami is canon." Korrasami Makorra Borra Kainora Masami. even korra thinks sothe end(on tumblr: They accidentally become friends through their emails. Get up to 50% off. "The truth was, though, she loved contributing in class, only if she could say something to Ms. Sato that didn’t involve an outcome of cringe, and end with Korra screaming into her pillow before bed.". White or transparent. White or transparent. The inclusion of a same-sex relationship in a children’s show raised some controversy, but it was an amazing move forward for LGBTQ+ representation. Decorate your laptops, water bottles, helmets, and cars. As for Korra and Asami (known to fans as Korrasami), they would not get their first canon kiss until 2017, in the comic book continuation of the Legend of Korra, Turf Wars – Part One. Take a trip back with me to when a cute young woman fresh out of college by the name of Korra joins Future Industries. I remember in the Legion of Superheroes comic book at one point … A few days after purchasing the piece, she decides to email Korra. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. See more ideas about korrasami, korra, legend of korra. (To Dark Horse) Oh please tell me there's going to be a kiss scene in the upcoming comic. Crossposted by 25 days ago. Follow "Desperate" Korrasami Comic -Based on this tweet. I guess we all have our ways. Dec 21, 2014 - I knew they were going to make Korrasami canon from this scene. Avatar: The Last Airbender. share. See more ideas about korrasami, legend of korra, korra avatar. Apr 2, 2019 - LOK ship - korra and asami. *This is a book-conversion originally written by Ingrid Díaz*, If you want to read the original version or learn more about the original author, check out her website! ... been explicitly clear that the final scenes of The Legend of Korra solidify Korra and Asami’s romantic relationship as canon. best. Korrasami is why fanart exists. Her comfort comes from Asami and the few similarities they share in traditions; decorating, gift giving, and food. Korrasami is canon, and their budding relationship is a major part of the narrative. Popular Ships. The only reason the first comic did so well was because of this pandering. R2: I'm not sure. 1.08k Pins • 748 Followers. Mar 26, 2020 - Explore Seta Masters's board "Korrasami" on Pinterest. I hoped that if I was dying, my next life would be a little bit better than my current.". “Korrasami is canon,” Konietzko wrote, just after the series’ conclusion. bev johnson . Korrasami" Hardcover Journal by jsmcdoodles | Redbubble. Please consider turning it on! The official answer is yes: the “Korrasami” romance is considered canon. Asami Sato Legend Of Korra. I was also afraid of life. Saved by Holly Rickard. 1: 33: 2: 4: 5: 23: 1: 3: The Legend of Korra is a television series. korrasami IS CANON the shows creators said there relationship was romantic inquisitonhuman May 26, 2015 Okay I think I've seen this before but didn't fav and comment. All orders are custom made and most ship worldwide within 24 hours. 10 Korrasami Confirmed. Korra and Adora are tired of being made fun of so they meet their girlfriends at their usual spot in the park and decide to have a 'serious talk'. Korra believes that she is nothing more than a burden to everyone. 647. Share your thoughts, experiences and the tales behind the art. I'm just so sad that it's over. Discover more posts about korrasami-comic. Bog Skank. Recent Top. His destructive path of revenge puts him in conflict with Avatar Korra who quickly finds out that her family is on Zardoks hit list. I also write a lot. Break out your top hats and monocles; it’s about to classy in here. Posted by 1 month ago. 562. Invader Zim is Coming Back in a New Comic-Book Series. Upload stories, poems, character descriptions & more. Log in Sign up. Korrasami is Canon. Imagined Asami joining the White Lotus when she was much older to help look for the next Avatar and the result is this.Gave him Heterochromia due to mixed heritage <--This is so perfect!