movies where you sympathise with the villain

"When you pull for the hero, they have to be the underdog. It's very understandable/relatable to prioritize the good of your family over what is morally right. Movie (or TV/book/videogame) "villains" that you sympathise with / want to be successful Mola_Ram 6 Oct 2018 13:48:28 25,450 posts Seen 6 hours ago Registered 9 years ago There is also His House which I think classifies as a horror but fits this almost perfectly. However, he never underestimated his enemy (Katniss) and in the end made a pretty good point about the nature of power with Coin. We're not saying we condone their actions, but we can't help but have a soft spot in our hearts for these bad guys. But this masks a deluded mind, a desire to possess, a disconnect between reality and fantasy. The haunting of Bly manor also has an element of this. There are a few movies where the "bad guy" isn't so bad after all. If you try hard enough, you might be able to sympathize with more fictional villains than you expected. If you met him, he would radiate desperation, hopelessness, an entire lack of threat. In some cases it's hard not to feel sorry for them. The Villain: Hannibal Lecter. Image: Via … Her world has been ripped from her and she wants to bite back. Have a favourite movie you want to recommend? The Mother from Mother (2009) - I feel this one probably fits best with what you're looking for. We proudly present to you a definitive list of the 25 best movie supervillains of all time. Now Zuko covers nearly the entire spectrum, running from villain in the first season, to anti-hero in the second season, to full-blown member of the hero party by the final season. Click To Tweet. Light Yagami in Death Note, who kills people for his Knight Templar dreams of a better world and godhood. What would be really interesting is a movie where you are following the main character and it isn't until the later parts of the film that you start to question whether he is the protagonist or the antagonist. A few monsters/villains come to mind, I would list Godzilla, King Kong, and Carrie White right off, but I think all those are obvious. The rival. But with that one, you really question whether or not there is a “good guy” and a “bad guy”, Payback (1999) with Mel Gibson is a revenge story that follows an antagonist. Here's a few villains I think avoid this pitfall: Salieri from Amadeus - his jealousy towards Mozart's innate talent is a completely justified and understandable motivation, Cal from East of Eden - arguably not really a villain, but he does skirt close to that territory, causing misery to those around him. Seen on Sky News; featured in The Guardian, NY Times, The Independent and more. Top 10 Star Trek Villains. From Hannibal Lecter to Kylo Ren, here are 50 of the best. DRACULA (Bram Stoker’s Dracula) As Count Dracula, Gary Oldman has garishly long fingernails, rotten teeth and an embarrassing updo. It’s tough being a kid, doubly so when you are an eternal kid with a thirst … Top 10 Star Trek Movie Moments. It really is about Thanos. Unlike Walter, sometimes the villain was never a bad person. Anti-villain examples. It’s going to be difficult for them to win, and when you know the hero is going to win, you pull for the villain in that context. A great movie hero needs a great villain, who are often more popular (cough, Joker) than the film's "good guys." They're cool, unique, and usually they have the best song. An evil child-killing dictator who deserved everything he got? Describe four representations of villains from the selected clips in class. As you watch, read, or encounter a villain out there, I hope there are some that you can genuinely appreciate for what they mean to you. Let the Right One In‘s Eli. Top 10 Movies Where the Hero and Villain Never Meet. Movies where you follow and sympathize with the villain REQUESTING I was just thinking of Death Note, where (spoilers ahead) you follow the "good guy" main character, who has some seemingly moral, upright ideals but slowly begins to twist into the villain. This essay will be approximately 800 words long. "Won't you shake a poor sinner's hand?" Press J to jump to the feed. The movie is known for its extreme gore, which is not surprising when you’re dealing with corpses on a rampage. The Wicked Witch of the West from "The Wizard of Oz" Well, first of all, Dorothy accidentally kills … Top 10 Sci-fi Movie Villains. The best villains, however, are enthralling in their own right. While they may be a lot scarier than the hero of the story, sometimes you just can't help rooting for the villain. The world isn’t solely “black and white” or “good vs. evil”, everybody has the power to make a difference and that is a moral in which I hope we can teach ourselves as well. 1 question you should never ask about COVID vaccine . Or, at least, they didn’t know if they were a bad person or not. In the mood for a particular movie? Why He's Evil: Dr. Hannibal Lecter isn't just a sociopathic serial killer; he's a vicious cannibal whose pulse remains perfectly steady when he … 40,000+ articles posted by thousands of contributors spanning the entire cultural spectrum. Better villain than victim: Physiologically, anger activates us and feels better than anxiety or fear. Rasputin - Anastasia. One can pretty much sympathise with one of James Bond’s greatest modern bad guys, Mr. Silva from the 007 movie, Skyfall. One that the audience sympathizes with, more than just on a surface level. I was just thinking of Death Note, where (spoilers ahead) you follow the "good guy" main character, who has some seemingly moral, upright ideals but slowly begins to twist into the villain. We love to romanticize the idea of an all-powerful space alien physically … The villain. Top 10 Sympathetic Movie Villains. Oh yeah. Welcome to another episode of Ask Bobnob! Hit the bell next to Subscribe so you never miss a video! President Snow from The Hunger Games. More posts from the MovieSuggestions community. We've all watched a film and secretly rooted for the villain, no? One who is not entirely at fault. Frederick is a butterfly collector, an outcast of society, and he forms a plan to kidnap an art student called Miranda and hold her captive in his cellar. I think you've really caught onto something here - so many writers think giving a cartoonishly evil villain a sad backstory makes them "deep". Both really well made and well acted too! The Talented Mr Ripley, The Godfather 1&2, Dogma, Unforgiven, The Fly, Triangle, Time Crimes. Make those Movie Suggestions. She's lost nearly everyone she cared about because of the humans she was charged to protect. Batman vs. Superman. I'm currently enrolled in the Film Studies program at the University of Copenhagen in Denmark. The fact that Silva had the opportunity to confront his main target twice and had trouble emotionally finishing the job showed a level of depth … Prince Zuko from Avatar the Last Airbender comes to mind. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. A badly done Jerkass Woobie can also be a target of this.. And also, even a regular Woobie character can fall victim to this if they are overly whiny or overly dramatic (essentially acting more like a Spoiled Brat throwing a temper tantrum than a real victim you can actually sympathize with). Make it happen: Choose one or two ways in which your villain will excel – they might be unbearably good looking, sexy and mysterious, charismatic, super intelligent, or ideologically passionate. ... A rare species of villain, though, is one that the viewer can sympathize. Saw something interesting and want more? Here's why you're still waiting for your stimulus payment. 10 Movie Heroes Who Made Everything Worse, Justice League Zack Snyder Cut: 10 Amazing Additions That Delivered Everything It Promised, 10 Real Reasons These Actors Were Cast In Major Movie Roles, Zack Snyder's Justice League Review: 7 Ups & 6 Downs, 10 Movies That Struggled To Define Their Own Rules, 15 Film Adaptations Completely Different From The Book, 10 Complex Movies You Really Weren't Prepared For, What Went Wrong: 13 Disastrous Comic Book Movies (And Why They Sucked), Casting Star Trek: The Next Generation Reboot, 10 Times Prosthetics Nearly Broke An Actor, Zack Snyder’s Justice League: 27 WTF Moments. A compelling villain attracts the reader, engendering sympathy. He is the "protagonist" of the film. Top 10 Movie Villains We Couldn't Help But Root For. Lust (Gaston, Frollo), vanity (Cruella DeVille, Snow White’s queen), greed (Smaug), desire for power (Scar, Ursula, Darth Vader), or heck, just being a dragon (Maleficent). I think the androids in Blade Runner go without saying. We use cookies on our websites for a number of purposes, including analytics and performance, functionality and advertising. The Kingpin, Wilson Fisk, is right there alongside … You may also choose to write about another villain assuming you can bring this clip into class for analysis. What Scary Movie Villain Are You? Okay, maybe not the horned king of fire and brimstone, Sauron, no matter how much you try to see the governance of Middle Earth from his point of view. Often a problem with The Scrappy and some varieties of Mary Sue.A Designated Hero is also another case. He's not exactly a cuddly guy. … Rupert Pumpkin from King of Comedy - arguably just an exaggerated version of most people who're pursuing an unrealistic dream. Night Crawler and The Social Network are definitely the first two movies that come to mind. If you haven't guessed by now, movies and media are as a big of a passion for me as they are for you and would love to hear what you've gotta say as well! As much as their actions tell us to hate them, here are movie villains we can't help but love. When done right, we can be either intrigued and/or sympathize with where they are coming from. Kingpin – Daredevil on Netflix and Marvel Comics. Which Disney villain do you sympathise with? Filmmakers can use a number of techniques to establish and develop characters. Top 10 Movie Bad Guy/Good Guy Team Ups. Like deeper than "oh he had a bad childhood so I guess that's why he wants to kill all the things". On a similar note - Avengers End Game. Hockey player dies at 19 after being hit in the head by puck We Know Exactly What Generation You're From Based On The Disney Villains You Can Sympathize With These should all follow having incredibly sympathetic villains or twist villains: There Will Be Blood, her, Silence, Jin Roh and the Wolf Brigade, Ratatouille, The Godfather I/II, The Irishman, Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai, The Usual Suspects, Parasite, Honey Boy, We Bought a Zoo, American Gangster, The Raid, Upgrade, Night Crawler, Uncut Gems, Lord of War, Big Hero 6, MFKZ, and Mid90s. But, I felt more pity for him than anything else. There's also very little connective tissue between their backstory and motivation - "my parents dieeeeed" doesn't really lead to "I want to blow up the world" in any meaningful way. How would you feel working for a boss that would readily sacrifice your life and leave you to be tortured for all eternity? 7 years ago. It seems hard to write a good villain. His relationship with his apparently "good" and overbearingly religious father is an interesting dynamic. In a “family-friendly” story, the villain’s motivation is plainly rooted in vice and easily dismissed. It is the presence of these villain roles that, set against the protagonists, give us the conflicts that drive the story. There are some villains where all you see is the anger and evil they give off, but with Demona, you see pain and fury. Just me? Gettyimages. The new Joker movie kinda fits this. Delivering passionate and comprehensive entertainment coverage to millions of users world-wide each month.