satellite office synonym

21 synonyms for satellite: spacecraft, communications satellite, sputnik, space capsule, moon, secondary planet, colony, dependency, dominion, protectorate.... What are synonyms for satellite? Ein globales Navigationssatellitensystem (englisch global navigation satellite system) oder GNSS ist ein System zur Positionsbestimmung und Navigation auf der Erde und in der Luft durch den Empfang der Signale von Navigationssatelliten und Pseudoliten. See how your sentence looks with different synonyms. Unser Prinzip ist einfach. Produktive Arbeitsbedingungen hängen für uns nicht nur von räumlichen Faktoren ab. The definition of satellite office with examples. Observation missile. 1.9K likes. CASUAL LUXURY WORKSPACES SINCE 1997. via satellite (=by satellite): Trabant, Sputnik, Himmelskörper, (künstlicher) Raumkörper 2. Satellite Office synonyms - 3 Words and Phrases for Satellite Office. Antonyms for satellite. But what do they mean, what is the difference between the two terms, and which one is the best option for your business? satellite office. Synonyms for Satellite Office (other words and phrases for Satellite Office). What are another words for Satellite? Bedeutung: Stern. satellites. Person who is learning something. A member of a sect. DEFINITIONS 3. Synonyms for satellite in Free Thesaurus. trust. Satellite Office gestaltet für Sie Büroräume, Virtual Offices, Geschäftsadressen, Firmensitzadressen, Domiziladressen, Meetingräume und Coworking Spaces auf absolutem Topniveau und in bester Lage. Synonyms for Satelite in Free Thesaurus. A satellite office is a branch of a larger company that is physically separate from the organization's main office. Full list of synonyms for Satellite is here. A satellite is something small or less powerful that orbits around something bigger. province. It often describes a body in space, such as an artificial satellite that orbits the Earth and beams down signals that power devices like cell phones. situation. Open office mainly refers to the layout of the space, which avoids having walls or even dividers between desks. Moon, protectorate, sputnik. ‘The media company has 10 employees and a satellite office in Tokyo.’ ‘The company's ranks swelled to 60 employees, and a satellite office was opened in New York.’ ‘They felt safe at headquarters and in satellite offices.’ ‘It's grown from 10 to 13 people within the past year, and it's opened a satellite office … field offices. Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache. Satellite offices can range dramatically in size, housing anywhere from one employee to hundreds. the chain store; the sub-office; the branch office; the multiple store; the multiple shop 1. countable an object that is sent into space to travel round the Earth in order to receive and send information. Viele übersetzte Beispielsätze mit "satellite office" – Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch und Suchmaschine für Millionen von Deutsch-Übersetzungen. A strong supporter of a party, cause, or person. What Is An Em Dash And How Do You Use It? France was the third country to launch (=send into space) an artificial satellite. Log in. Essentially, a satellite office and a branch office are the same thing. 2. Stern Satellit Raumschiff Gefolgsmann. Meet Grammar Coach Improve Your Writing. Learn more. Here at Satellite Office, we’ve learned the only way to get it right is to get it right first time. In some cases, the official headquarters of a firm is smaller than its other offices but is … Satellite operations can be used in all kinds of businesses, such as financial advisor and brokers, doctor's offices, Department of Motor Vehicles offices, political offices, and corporate offices. Bur ea ux satellites : Ve uil lez i nd iquer si l'organisme opère plu s … Another planet like the earth. A satellite office, which is sometimes referred to as a branch office, is part of a larger company but is located in a different location. Meet Grammar Coach Improve Your Writing. Commuters' suburb. plural. Dabei sind alle Nebenkosten inbegriffen, Transaktionskosten fallen nicht an. DE Synonyme für Satellit. GNSS ist ein Sammelbegriff für die Verwendung bestehender und künftiger globaler Satellitensysteme wie Die satellitenbedingten Fehler, also Satellitenposition und Zeitmessung, werden im Englischen als Signal in Space  User Range Error (SIS-UR… “Grande,” “Venti,” And “Trenta”: What Do The Starbucks Sizes Literally Mean? Schon auf unserer Webseite sollen Sie direkt ankommen und durchstarten. Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group. Some cosmologists would answer that, today, with our, At a programmed time, the tag separated from the shark, bobbed to the surface and relayed its data record to a, Because if we simply study things as data points from a, country that is dependent upon a more powerful country, BANKRUPT ONEWEB GETS FCC APPROVAL FOR ANOTHER 1,280 BROADBAND SATELLITES, IMPROVED THREE-WEEK WEATHER FORECASTS COULD SAVE LIVES FROM DISASTER, SCHRÖDINGER’S CAT WHEN NOBODY IS LOOKING - ISSUE 89: THE DARK SIDE, ELON MUSK’S SPACEX GETS A STRATOSPHERIC VALUATION IN ITS LATEST FUNDING, HOW TO CAST A WIDER NET FOR TRACKING SPACE JUNK, GOOGLE LOON IS NOW BEAMING WIFI DOWN TO EARTH FROM GIANT BALLOONS, RANDOM SEARCH WIRED INTO ANIMALS MAY HELP THEM HUNT, 50 YEARS AGO, SCIENTISTS WERE GETTING A BETTER GLIMPSE INSIDE STORMS, THIS WEIRD QUANTUM STATE OF MATTER WAS MADE IN ORBIT FOR THE FIRST TIME. Sie bedeutet vor allem, Teil eines außergewöhnlichen Netzwerks zu sein. Stern Mond Planet Satellit Sternschnuppe kleiner Planet. local office. ‘The merger team consolidated the 32 satellite offices with a single Internet service provider, enabling volume discounts.’ Synonyms dependent , subordinate, subsidiary, ancillary Definition, Rechtschreibung, Synonyme und Grammatik von 'Satellit' auf Duden online nachschlagen. Open office. affiliated branch. Some companies are outfitting their satellite offices with wireless LANs. Sie starten sofort – ohne Investment. Status Locations Offices in high status locations that are used as a corporate address to impress stakeholders such as investors and customers. Satellite Office bietet Ihnen Büros und Bürosuiten mit flexiblen Vertragslaufzeiten: stunden-, tage-, monatsweise oder länger. A branch or division of a company or organization. Satellite Office hält Sie auf dem Laufenden. A natural satellite of a planet. a spy / communications / weather satellite. CASUAL LUXURY WORKSPACES SINCE 1997. Likewise, companies both big and small may elect to invest in satellite offices, depending on the specific needs of their business. satellite. synonyms. Find 16 ways to say SATELLITE, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Satellite Office. satellite office Bedeutung, Definition satellite office: an office that belongs to and is controlled by a larger organization in another place: . Unser Prinzip ist einfach. Satellite Office. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more. 1.9K likes. Im Vergleich zu konventioneller Anmietung sind Ihre Ausgaben also deutlich geringer. Synonyme werden umgewandelt. More 500 Satellite synonyms. Another way to say Satellite Office? If it seems like the two terms are being used interchangeably, that’s because they are interchangeable. Satellite offices are typically smaller than the headquarters and may be hundreds of miles away from the main operations. responsibility. 1. spot. Another word for satellite: spacecraft, communications satellite, sputnik, space capsule | Collins English Thesaurus Systems of information exchange. Sie bedeutet mehr als nur besondere Konditionen und exklusive Vorteile. Eine Mitgliedschaft bei Satellite Office ist der Kompass in Zeiten von Agile Working. → office Darum ist es nur naheliegend, Sie auch in puncto Satellite Office auf dem neuesten Stand zu halten. 21 synonyms for satellite: spacecraft, communications satellite, sputnik, space capsule, moon, secondary planet, colony, dependency, dominion, protectorate.... What are synonyms for Satelite? Synonyms for "shared workspace" include "flexible office," "shared office," "flexible workspace" and "serviced office space." Satellite office: Please indicate if the organization operates more than one office in Canada. 50 gefundene Synonyme in 8 Gruppen. As a business professional, you might have heard the terms “satellite office” and “branch office” being thrown around quite a bit by your peers. satellite dish definition: 1. a round aerial for receiving television and radio signals broadcast from satellites 2. a round…. See also synonyms for: offices. Satellit 1. An artificial body placed in orbit round the earth or moon or another planet in order to collect information or for communication, “I was over at a friend's house the other day and on his computer he showed me his own house as viewed by a, A celestial body orbiting the earth or another planet, “Huygens has taken seven years to reach Titan, the second largest, A small country or state politically or economically dependent on another, A person who serves under a person (of authority), A branch or division of a company or organization, A strong supporter of a party, cause, or person, A person of lower rank, status, or ability, Something that is separated from or on the periphery of something else but is nevertheless dependent on or controlled by it. Synonyms: colony , dependency , dominion , protectorate More Synonyms of satellite More Synonyms of satellite Das wissen unsere Kunden in Berlin, Hamburg, Frankfurt, München, Düsseldorf und Zürich zu schätzen. /. Antonyms for Satelite. Definition of satellite noun in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Bedeutung: Satellit. satellite office From Longman Business Dictionary satellite office ˈsatellite ˌoffice [ countable ] an office that is part of a larger organization and is some distance away from the main office which controls it The firm, which is based in Los Angeles, recently opened up satellite offices in New York and Dallas. role. 9 Types Of Poems To Spark Your Creativity, “Affect” vs. “Effect”: Use The Correct Word Every Time.