What does trap-law mean? Write it here to share it with the entire community. Add Definition. This causes water to be pulled in so quickly, it’s mouth then acted as a split-second vacuum, instantly pulling its prey into its mouth. Trap Jaw is a fictional character from the popular Masters of the Universe toy line and accompanying cartoon series He-Man and the Masters of the Universe. What does trap into expression mean? Learn more. trap into phrase. (noun) Use your thumb to hold the dog and jaw together. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. Trap placement is critical, both to minimize the chances of trapping nontarget animals that are too large to be killed quickly by the snap trap used and to maximize the chances that an animal approaches a trap so that the jaw can give a killing blow. Write it here to share it with the entire community. steel trap synonyms, steel trap pronunciation, steel trap translation, English dictionary definition of steel trap. jaw meaning in Hindi with examples: मुंह की हड्डी जिसमें सब दांत लगे रहते है ... click for more detailed meaning in Hindi with examples, definition, pronunciation and example sentences. Colony size. Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary. Professional wrestling holds include a number of set moves and pins used by performers to immobilize their opponents or lead to a submission.This article covers the various pins, stretches and transition holds used in the ring. Trap jaw queen ants can be around 13mm, slim build, blacks and dark browns. Trap jaw ants mostly eat other insects, but also sweet substances. And trap jaw ants are usually found living underneath dead wood or piles of debris, so it’s quite easy to discover them in your yard. See more. See more. They are monogyn (normally one queen per colony). With about 200 ants per colony, that is a lot of high-speed stinging and biting that could happen all at once. A type of legislation specifically designed to restrict abortion providers. trap-jaw ants. trap in phrase. n. a trap for catching animals, consisting of spring-operated steel jaws with sharp projections that clamp shut. The alternate head is a really awesome Kronis head sculpt, featuring a common angry, teeth-gritting expression. Define steel trap. Trap jaw ants have small colonies, with less than 200 individuals. (noun) Add Definition. Jump to navigation Jump to search. Trap dream meaning (Hunter’s snare | Hunting trap | Net | Snare) In a dream, a trap means deception, duplicity and fraud. There are 4 coiled traps, an additional set of springs would be placed below the first 2 near the loose jaw. Trap Jaw is the first figure in Masters of the Universe Classics to come with an interchangeable arm. The animal springs the trap by stepping on the pan. Definition of trap into in the Idioms Dictionary. The Reverse Beartrap is a trap from the Saw franchise, appearing on various occasions throughout the series. Distinctive definition, serving to distinguish; characteristic; distinguishing: the distinctive stripes of the zebra. This trap is a typical 'run trap' having a flat spring and a jaw measurement of 3 and a quarter inches, but is unusual in that not only does it have no tongue, but it has no bridge either, the plate being mounted directly to the stock and the till on the plate being positioned to engage directly with the eye of the spring, simplifying the design pretty much as far as was possible. A member of the Evil Warriors, he is a cyborg with a mechanical, sharp-toothed jaw with a deadly bite, and a robotic arm onto which he can slot a wide range of different weapons. English [] Noun []. What does trap-house mean? Then, raise the pan into position by reaching under the loose jaw with your fingers and gently lifting the pan up. is re-used in the 2002 relaunch of the Masters of the Universe toy line and cartoon. You are able to change Trap Jaw into Kronis, meaning he comes with an alternate head. For most trappers, 2 coil traps will work just fine, so don't get caught up worrying about 2 coil or 4 coil. Trap jaw ants are carnivorous, meaning they eat other insects, but they are also drawn to sweet things. ... trap it into; Trap jaw; trap line; trap me in; trap me into; trap mine; Trap Next Program Counter; trap one in; trap one into; trap play; Trap point; Trap points; Trap … Have a definition for Trap-jaw ant ? Definition of trap in in the Idioms Dictionary. What is the meaning of this?Beast Man: [conversing via a communicator ball] Huh, Mister Beast Man to you, Randor.Trap Jaw: Yeah, and from now on it's Mister Trap Jaw, see? Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. A great memorable quote from the He-Man and the Masters of the Universe movie on Quotes.net - King Randor: Beast Man, Trap Jaw! She recorded different species of trap-jaw spiders with the hunch that trap-jaw spiders might be using their specialized “head” anatomy to snap their chelicerae shut at extremely fast speeds. trap meaning in Hindi with examples: दोपहिया गाड़ी घात चाल छल जाल पिंजरा फंदा ... click for more detailed meaning in Hindi with examples, definition, pronunciation and example sentences. plural of trap-jaw ant Die Definition von trap-jaw ant in Wordow Wörterbuch ist als: Any of a group of carnivorous ants, of the genus Odontomachus, that have mandibles that can snap shut on prey. The enclosure housing the spring traps used in trapshooting and skeet. This is a 2 coiled trap, meaning there are only 2 springs. Dunkleosteus (meaning “Dunkle’s Bone”) in real life had the fastest bite of ANY animal in history, able open AND close its mouth in 1/50 OF A SECOND!! Have a definition for Trap-Jaw Ants ? claw definition: 1. one of the sharp curved nails at the end of each of the toes of some animals and birds: 2. one…. A foothold trap's "pan" is the circular part of the trap in between the jaws. The trap-jaw ants' jaws likely evolved to catch prey, but the insect can also use its mighty mandibles to fling itself away from hungry predators. Queen. What does trap in expression mean? Two-Bad. Wood used a high-speed camera to record the spiders—some species had to be recorded up to 40,000 frames a … If one falls victim to a hunting trap in a dream, it means that he will be victimized. Some wrestlers use these holds as their finishing maneuvers, often nicknaming them to reflect their character or persona. Meaning of trap-jaw ant for the defined word. Steel trap definition, a trap for catching animals, consisting of spring-operated steel jaws with sharp projections that clamp shut. Grammatisch, dieses idiom "trap-jaw ant" ist … Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary.